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Macatlang, Francis Emmanuel S.

7104 GART- Module 1-Unit 1- Evaluate

Task 1 in Unit 2, read this article of Isagani Cruz about the art installation of Mideo Cruz
entitled, “Poleteismo”. As you read it, reflect on the following questions:
1. According to the article, what is the difference between art and Art?

 “Art” is something pleasing, it has good effects to the psyche of the people who see
it. It radiates positivity.

 “art” is a piece of art that is just made to creatively, but it does not have the positivity
that “Art” has.
2. What is good art and bad art?

 “Good art” Stimulates the mind, it gives people positive emotions, it makes us think
about the perspective that is used. “Good art in general gives us positivity.

 “Bad art” is beautiful to look at, but it radiates bad energy, it gives us bad thoughts,
and makes us do things that is not meant to be. “Bad art” cannot really be
appreciated rather it makes us loath the content of it.
3. Think of an example of art and Art.

 “Art”: Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” – Because it has cause great minds to
uncover its mystery over the years.

 “art”: Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ, 1987 – It is just “art” because it caused a huge
scandal because many found it blasphemous, it is a crucifix submerged in a glass of
urine. Serrano even received death threats. It has led people to vandalize printed
copies of the piece.

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