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100 MCQ

1. First rank symptoms of schizophrenia was given by

a. Freud

b. Bleular

c. Kraeplin

d. Schneider √√

2. If one of the two parents is suffering from schizophrenia, What is the risk of
schizophrenia in child

a. 1%

b. 5%

c. 10% √√

d. 40%

3. Which of the following is false regarding schizophrenia

a. Ventriculomegaly can be seen in MRI

b. Cortical enlargement common in CT scan √√

c. Dysfunction of the dorsolateral prefrontal circuit leads to Negative symptoms

d. Disinhibition of saccadic eye movements

4. A 32-year-old woman is seen in an outpatient psychiatric clinic for the chief

complaint of a depressed mood for 4 months. During the interview, she gives
very long, complicated explanations and many unnecessary details before finally
answering the original questions. Which of the following psychiatric findings best
describes this style of train of thought?

a. Loose association
b. Circumstantiality √√

c. Neologism

d. Flight of ideas

5. Piaget is best known for which of the following theories?

a. Cognitive development √√

b. Psychosexual development

c. Psychosocial development

d. Interpersonal development

6. 5-year-old boy is brought to the psychiatrist because he has difficulty paying

attention in school. He fidgets and squirms and will not stay seated in class. It is
noted that at home he talks excessively and has difficulty waiting for his turn. His
language and motor skills are appropriate for his age. Which of the following is
the most likely diagnosis?

a. .Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)

b. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) √√

c. Pervasive developmental disorder

d. Separation anxiety disorder

7. The patient in the case above is started on an SSRI. After 1 week of the
medication, no improvement is seen and the dosage is raised to the maximum
recommended level. For how many weeks should this new dosage be maintained
before determining that the drug trial is unsuccessful if there is no improvement

a. 1 to 2 weeks

b. 4 to 5 weeks √√
c. 8 to 9 weeks

d. 12 to 13 weeks

8. 40 year old male has recently started writing books. But the matter in this
book could not be understood by anybody since it contained words which were
never there in any dictionary and the theme was very disjoint. Now days he has
become very shy and self absorbed. When he addresses people, he speaks about
metaphilosophical ideas. What is likely diagnosis

a. Mania

b. Schizophrenia √√

c. A genius writer

d. Delusional disorder

9. A 32-year-old woman is brought to the emergency room by the police after

she was found standing in the middle of a busy highway, naked, commanding
the traffic to stop. In the emergency room she is agitated and restless, with
pressured speech and an affect that alternates between euphoric and irritable.
Her father is contacted and states that this kind of behavior runs in the family.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Delirium

b. Bipolar disorder, manic √√

c. Bipolar disorder, mixed state

d. Cyclothymia

10. All of the following are differential diagnosis of panic disorder except

a. Pheochromocytoma

b. Myocardial infarction
c. Hyerparathyroidism √√

d. Carcinoid syndrome

11. Drug of choice for panic disorder

a. Fluoxetine √√

b. Lithium

c. Diazepam

d. Alprazolam

12. Buspirone is

a. 5-HT1A agonist

b. 5-HT1A partial agonist √√

c. 5-HT1A antagonist

d. 5-HT1A inverse agonist

13. Which of the following drugs is not used in management of anxiety disorders

a. Carbamazepine √√

b. Paroxetine

c. Clonazepam

d. Buspirone

14. Agoraphobia is characterised by all of the following except

a. Visual hallucinations √√

b. Avoidance of situations in which it is difficult to obtain help

c. Presence of panic symptoms

d. Avoidance of being outside home

15. All of the following are projective personality tests except

a. 16- Personality factor test √√

b. Thematic apperception test

c. Sentence completion test

d. Rorachach inkblot test

16. Acrophobia means fear of

a. Closed places

b. Open places

c. Heights √√

d. Lizards

17. Drug of choice for social phobia

a. Fluoxetine √√

b. Low dose clozapine

c. Clonazepam

d. Valproate

18. Which of the following statements differentiates the obsessional idea from

a. The idea is not a conventional belief

b. The idea is held inspite of contrary evidence

c. The idea is regarded as senseless by the patient √√

d. The idea is held on inadequate ground

19. All of the following are defence mechanisms used in OCD except
a. Reaction formation

b. Denial √√

c. Isolation

d. Undoing

20. All are treatment modalities of OCD except

a. Exposure and response prevention

b. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy

c. Clomipramine

d. MAO inhibitors √√

21. All are impulse control disorders except

a. Pyromania

b. Kleptomania

c. Dipsomania √√

d. Trichitillomania

22. Drug of choice for Trichitollomania

a. Fluoxetine √√

b. Low dose clozapine

c. Clonazepam

d. Valproate

23. Ms A, a 27 year old nurse had extracurricular interest in trekking and

painting. She broke up relationship with boyfriend. Two months later she lost
interest in her hobbies and was convinced that she would not be able to work
again. She thought life was not worth living and has consumed 60 tablets of
phenobarbitone to end her life. She would be seen to have markedly decreased
sleep and appetite for last two weeks. She is most likely suffering from

a. Adjustment disorder

b. Acute stress reaction

c. Depressive disorder √√

d. Post traumatic stress disorder

24. Which of the following is not a clinical feature of PTSD?

a. Flashbacks

b. Hyperarousal

c. Illusion √√

d. Emotional numbing

25. False about post-traumatic stress disorder

a. Recall of traumatic events

b. Associated with major traumalike pelvic fracture

c. Treatment is ECT √√

d. Disturbed sleep

26. All are features of somatisation disorder except

a. Frequently changing pain sites

b. Sexual symptoms

c. Parasthesia

d. Professional patients √√

27. La belle indifference, which is true

a. Excessive occupation with minor ailments

b. Characterised by coprolalia

c. Disregard for symptoms despite apparent severity √√

d. Mainly seen in psychotic illness

28. One of the following usually differentiates hysterical symptoms from

hypochondracal symptoms

a. Symptoms do not normally reflect understandable physiological or

pathological mechanisms √√

b. Physical symptoms are prominent which are not explained by organic factors

c. Personality traits are significant

d. Symptoms run a chronic course


29. All are true about Ganser’s syndrome except

a. Approximate answers

b. Apparent clouding of consciousness

c. found in prisoners

d. Delusions common √√

30. 20 year old girl Neelu enjoys wearing male clothes. Wearing male clothes
give her feeling of more confidence and after these episodes she is an absolutely
normal girl. The likely diagnosis is

a. Trans-sexualism

b. Fetihism

c. Dual role transvestism √√

d. Fetihistic Transvestism
31. A young lady presents with history of repeated episodes of overeating in
shot amount of time with lack of control over eating behaviour. She is likely to
suffer from

a. Bulimia nervosa

b. Schizophrenia

c. Anorexia nervosa

d. Binge eating disorders √√

32. Treatment of choice for bulimia nervosa

a. Buspirone

b. Cognitive behaviour therapy √√

c. Fluoxetine

d. Systemic desensitization

33. Kleine-Levin Syndrome: false is

a. Anorexia √√

b. Hypersomnia

c. Hyperphagia

d. Loss of sexual inhibition

34. Drug of choice for nightmare

a. Meprobamate

b. Tricyclic antidepressant √√

c. Diazepam

d. Ropinirole
35. All are features of Type A behaviour proposed by Friedman and Rosenman

a. Time urgency and impatience

b. Hard driving career orientation

c. Ambitiousness

d. Poor job involvement √√

36. All are cluster B disorders of personality except

a. Antisocial

b. Narcissistic

c. Dependent √√

d. Borderline

37. Antisocial personality is seen with

a. Drug abuse √√

b. Paranoid schizophrenia

c. OCD

d. Bipolar disorders

38. Histrionic personality disorder is recognised by

a. Withdrawn behaviour

b. Extrovert with excessive emotionally and attention seeking √√

c. Extrovert with emotional warmthness

d. Obsessive features
39. A 30 year old manic patient was prescribed haloperidol one week back. For
the last two days he has become restless and kept pacing in the room for a day.
On examination he was found to have tremors of hand. He is most likely
suffering from

a. Anhedonia

b. Dystonia

c. Restless leg syndrome

d. Akathasia √√

40. Only atypical antipsychotic available in depot formulation is

a. Olanzapine

b. Risperidone √√

c. Clozapine

d. Arpiprazole

41. Which of the following drugs confers minimum risk of metabolic syndrome

a. Olanzapine

b. Risperidone

c. Clozapine

d. Arpiprazole √√

42. Most common side effect of lithium

a. Polyuria

b. Tremor √√

c. Hypothyroidism

d. Acne vulgaris
43. Drug of choice in an elderly with depression and coronary heart disease is

a. Sertraline √√

b. Dothepin

c. Mianserin

d. Amoxapine

44. Side effects of SSRI except

a. Nausea

b. Diarrhea

c. Headache

d. Rash √√

45. Psychodynamic theory of mental illness is based on:

a. Unconscious internal conflict √√

b. Maladjusted reinforcement

c. Organic neurological problem

d. Focus on teaching patient to restrain absurd thoughts

46. In psychoanalytic terms, obsessive compulsive disorder is fixated at

a. Oedipidal phase

b. Genital phase

c. Oral phase

d. Anal phase √√

47. Which of the following is a mature defence mechanism

a. Projection

b. Reaction formation

c. Anticipation √√

d. Denial

48. All of the following are defence mechanisms of ego except

a. Projection

b. Conversion

c. Reaction formation

d. Transference √√

49. Behaviour therapy to change maladaptive behaviours using response as

reinforcers uses the principle of:

a. Classical conditioning

b. Modeling

c. Social learning

d. Operant conditioning √√

50. Methods of learning in psychiatry are all except

a. Modelling

b. Catharsis √√

c. Exposure

d. Response prevention

51. Allof the following are Cognitive errors except

a. Overgeneralizing
b. Selective abstraction

c. Irresponsibility √√

d. Assuming temporal causality

52. Not involved in autistic disorder is

a. Corpus callosum

b. Frontal lobe √√

c. Temporal lobe

d. Cerebellum

53. A 6 yr old child has history of birth asphyxia does not communicate well has
slow mental and physical growth, does not mix with people, has limited interests
gets widely agitated if disturbed. Diagnosis is

a. Hyperkinetic child

b. Autistic Disorder √√

c. Attention deficit disorder

d. Mixed receptive – expressive language disorder

54. A 14 yr old boy has difficulty in expressing himself in writing and makes
frequent spelling mistakes. He passes his examinations with poor marks. However
his mathematical ability and social adjustment are appropriate for his age. Which
of the following is most likely diagnosis?

a. Mental retardation

b. Specific learning disability √√

c. Lack of interest in studies

d. Examination anxiety
55. ADHD in childhood can lead to all in future except:

a. Schizophrenia √√

b. Alcoholism

c. Intellectual changes

d. Antisocial behavior

56. The treatment of choice in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is :

a. Haloperidol

b. Imipramine

c. Methylphenidate √√

d. Alprazolam

57. IQ of 70-75 denotes

a. Borderline MR √√

b. Moderate MR

c. Severe MR

d. Normal intelligence

58. In a child of IQ 50 which of the following is false

a. Can look after himself independently

b. Can study upto 8thstd √√

c. Can follow simple verbal commands

d. Can handle money

59. Not true about Gille De la Tourette’s disorder

a. Mental retardation √√
b. Coprolalia

c. Tics

d. More common in males

60. 37-year-old woman is admitted to an inpatient treatment program for

withdrawal from heroin. Eighteen hours after her last injection of heroin, she
becomes hypertensive, irritable, and restless. She also has nausea, vomiting, and
diarrhea. Which medication would be best to treat some of the symptoms of
opioid withdrawal?

a. Chlordiazepoxide

b. Haloperidol

c. Paroxetine

d. Clonidine √√

61. A 25-year-old man comes to the psychiatrist with a chief complaint of

depressed mood for 1 month. His mother, to whom he was very close, died 1
month ago, and since that time he has felt sad and been very tearful. He has
difficulty concentrating, has lost 3 lb, and is not sleeping soundly through the
night. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Major depression

b. Dysthymia

c. Adjustment disorder

d. Uncomplicated bereavement √√

62. A 30-year-old man comes to the psychiatrist for the evaluation of a

depressed mood. He states that at least since his mid-20s he has felt depressed.
He notes poor self-esteem and low energy, and feels hopeless about his
situation, though he denies suicidal ideation. He states he does not use drugs or
alcohol, and has no medical problems. His last physical examination by his
physician 1 month ago was entirely normal. Which of the following treatment
options should be tried first?

a. ECT

b. Amoxapine

c. Psychoanalysis

d. Venlafaxine √√

63. Which of the following is a relative contraindication for ECT?

a. Space-occupying lesion in the brain √√

b. Pregnancy

c. Hypertension

d. Seizure disorder

64. A 32-year-old man is being treated for a severe major depression. Which of
the following symptoms, if present, is one of the most accurate indicators of
long-term suicidal risk?

a. Revenge fantasies

b. Presence of rage in the patient

c. Hopelessness √√

d. Presence of guilt

65. A 69-year-old man with a diagnosis of delirium has symptoms of psychosis

which include: frightening auditory and visual hallucinations and paranoid
delusions. Which of the following medications should be chosen first for this
man’s symptoms?

a. Haloperidol √√
b. Quetiapine

c. Diazepam

d. Ziprasidone

66. A 23-year old man impulsively steals a pack of gum at a convenience store.
He has never stolen anything previously, and almost immediately upon exiting
the store with the gum, he begins to feel extremely guilty. Which of the
following concepts introduced by Freud is most likely responsible for this man’s
emotional response to his theft?

a. Id

b. Ego

c. Superego √√

d. Preconscious function

67. The drug of choice for treatment refractory schizophrenia is

a. Clozapine √√

b. Haloperidol

c. Olanzapine

d. Risperidone

68. Which of the following is not a paraphilia

a. Exhibitionism

b. Transsexualism √√

c. Frotteurism

d. fetishism

69. Which of the following medications is recommended for tobacco cessation

a. Venlaflaxine

b. Fluoxetine

c. Bupropion √√

d. Amitryptaline

70. Use of benzodiazepines in pregnancy can lead to

a. neural tube defects

b. cleft lip and palate √√

c. neonatal jaundice

d. reversible goitre

71. Which of the following is not a club drug


b. Nitrazepam √√

c. Ketamine

d. GHB

72. Delusion of the nonexistence of the self or part of the self is

a. Depersonalisation

b. Derealisation

c. Nilhism √√

d. bereavement

73. Which is most prevalent learning disorder

a. reading disorder √√

b. mathematics disorder
c. disorder of Written Expression

d. expressive Language Disorder

74. A 36-year-old woman is diagnosed with a paranoid delusional disorder after

she repeatedly called police to her home, convinced the neighbours were about
to harm her by electrocuting her in her sleep. She is started on olanzapine.
Which of the following side effects is this patient at greater risk for while on this

a. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

b. Insomnia

c. Glucose abnormalities √√

d. Hyponatremia

75. Which of the following hormones is most commonly used in the adjuvant
treatment of depression?

a. Progesterone

b. Cortisol


d. Levothyroxine √√

76. Every 4 or 5 weeks, a usually well-functioning and mild-mannered 35-year-

old woman experiences a few days of irritability, tearfulness, and unexplained
sadness. During these days, she also feels fatigued and bloated and eats large
quantities of sweets. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Cyclothymia

b. Borderline personality disorder

c. Dissociative identity disorder

d. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder √√

77. which of the following features would be indicative of a good prognosis in


a. Young onset

b. Withdrawn behaviour

c. Poor support system

d. Family history of mood disorders √√

78. A 35-year-old woman has lived in a state psychiatric hospital for the past 10
years. She spends most of her day rocking, muttering softly to herself, or looking
at her reflection in a small mirror. She needs help with dressing and showering,
and she often giggles and laughs for no apparent reason. Which of the following
is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Schizophrenia √√

b. Delusional disorder

c. Schizoaffective disorder

d. Schizophreniform disorder

79. 25-year-old man is brought to the physician after complaining about a visual
hallucination of a transparent phantom of his own body. Which of the following
specific syndromes is this patient most likely to be displaying?

a. Capgras syndrome

b. Cotard syndrome

c. Autoscopic psychosis √√

d. Folie á deux
80. A 5-year-old is being evaluated for ADHD. He has a past history of failure to
thrive and he is still at the 15th percentile for weight and height. The evaluator
notices that he has unusually small eyes with short palpebral fissures, as well as a
thin upper lip with a smooth philtrum. Which substance did his mother most
likely abuse during pregnancy?

a. Heroin

b. Nicotine

c. Cannabis

d. Alcohol √√

81. A 6-year-old boy has been diagnosed with ADHD and started on
methylphenidate. Which of the following serious side effects should the child
psychiatris warn the boy’s parents about?

a. Tics √√

b. Cardiac conduction abnormalities

c. Choreiform movements

d. Leukopenia

82. A middle-aged man is chronically preoccupied with his health. For many
years he feared that his irregular bowel functions meant he had cancer. Now he
is very worried about having a serious heart disease, despite his physician’s
assurance that the occasional “extra beats” he detects when he checks his pulse
are completely benign. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

a. Somatization disorder

b. Hypochondriasis √√

c. Delusional disorder

d. Pain disorder
83. A 33-year-old man comes to his physician for an HIV test. The test is positive.
The patient has no signs or symptoms of AIDS. Which of the following
psychiatric diagnoses may develop in as many as 25% of patients informed of a
positive HIV test?

a. Adjustment disorder with anxiety √√


c. Panic disorder

d. Hypochondriasis

84. A 38-year-old married man comes to the psychiatrist because he felt his
“sexuality is out of control.” He notes that he never feels that he has had enough
sex, even though he masturbates 3 to 4 times per day and has sex with his wife
daily. He states he has tried to stop but feels he can not control the behavior. He
feels a lot of guilt about this, especially when he masturbates at his workplace.
Which of the following medications would be most helpful to this man?

a. Benzodiazepines

b. SSRIs √√

c. Antipsychotics

d. Mood stabilizers

85. All of the following are used in management of neuroleptic malignant

syndrome except

a. Atypical antipsychotics √√

b. Dantrolene

c. Amantadin

d. Electroconvulsive therapy
86. A 16 year boy does not attend school because of the fear of being harmed
by the classmates. He thinks that his classmates laugh at and talk about him. He
is even scared of going out to the market. He is most likely suffering from

a. Anxiety neurosis

b. Manic depressive psychosis

c. Adjustment reaction

d. Schizophrenia √√

87. Loosening of association is an example of

a. Formal thought disorder √√

b. Schneider’s first rank symptoms

c. Perseveration

d. Concrete thinking

88. Most common type of schizophrenia

a. Hebephrenic

b. Catatonic

c. Paranoid √√

d. Undiffrentiated

89. Ramu, a 22 year old single unmarried man is suffering from sudden onset of
third person hallucination for past 2 weeks. He is suspicious of his family
members and has decreased sleep and appetite. The diagnosis is

a. Schizophrenia

b. Acute psychosis √√

c. Acute mania
d. Acute delirium

90. Dhat syndrome was discovered in and by

a. Germany/Freud

b. Poland/Cotard

c. India/Dr.Wig √√

d. France/Eineking

91. Agent of choice in ECT-

a. Laudanosine

b. Dexmetedomidine

c. Methohexitone √√

d. Scopolamine

92. Drug precipitating sucidal ideation is –

a. Ziprasidone

b. Ariprazole

c. Guanethidine

d. Reserpine √√

93. Drug of choice for acute mania-

a. Lithium

b. Haloperidol

c. Lorazepam

d. Valproate √√
94. Section 377IPC was last amended in the year-

a. 2001

b. 2010

c. 2009 √√

d. 1999

95. Which is the safest BZD in a patient post-hepatectomy:

a. Oxazepam √√

b. Alprazolam

c. Flunitrazepam

d. Midazolam

96. QTc prolongation is encountered commonly with:-

a. Ziprasidone √√

b. Quitapine

c. Risperidone

d. Alprazolam

97. A patient with past H/O of acute mania and controlled presently on Lithium
developed high grade fever with rigor.Blood for malarial antigen was positive for
P.vivax.During the first 2 days of febrile episode he developed coprolalia,auditory
hallucinations,neologism,behavioural changes,involitional movements.A
psychiatrist was called for consultation.What is his diagnosis:-

a. Acute psychosis √√

b. Delirium

c. Delusional disorder
d. Conversion syndrome

98. Psychosurgery is indicated in:-

a. Intractable seizures √√

b. Dysthymia

c. Cyclothymia

d. Pre-menstual depression

99. A patient comes to psychiatry opd after a sad incidence in his family.All 4
members in his family died in a train accident.He responds to the examiner's
question with a characteristic smile.What is this phenomenon called?

a. Inappropriate affect √√

b. Flat affect

c. Blunted affect

d. patient is presenting with PTSD


100. A 70 yr.old person walks inside a psychiatrist's office with extreme labile
affect and tearfulness.His complaints were that 'somebody dissected out his
kidneys,heart,and all other organs and the world is coming to an end and he's
still alive to tell him this'.What is the diagnosis:-

a. Propf's schizophrenia.

b. Cotard's syndrome √√

c. Van Gogh syndrome.

d. Age-related dementia.

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