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COLÉGIO DELTA Disciplina: Língua Inglesa

Professor (a): Priscila Novaes

Data: / / 2024 Coordenadora: Vanessa Turma: 8° ano

Aluno (a):


1. Sobre o uso de can e can’t em inglês, é correto afirmar que:

a) Em perguntas, pronomes interrogativos ocorrem antes de can.
b) Can é um verbo modal do tipo secundário.
c) Can pode ser empregado para tratar de inabilidades.
d) Can’t pode ser empregado para tratar de habilidades.

2. Em relação ao uso de "can" e "can’t" em inglês, qual das seguintes afirmações

está correta?
a) "Can" é usado para expressar impossibilidade.
b) "Can’t" é usado para expressar habilidade.
c) "Can" é um verbo modal do tipo primário.
d) "Can’t" é usado para expressar permissão.

3.Qual é a afirmação correta sobre o uso de "can" e "can’t" em inglês?

a) "Can" é usado para expressar obrigações.
b) "Can’t" é usado para expressar permissão.
c) "Can" é usado para expressar habilidade.
d) "Can’t" é usado para expressar certezas.

4. Quando se trata do uso de "can" e "can’t" em inglês, qual das seguintes opções
está correta?
a) "Can" é usado para expressar desejos.
b) "Can’t" é usado para expressar capacidades.
c) "Can" é um verbo modal do tipo primário.
d) "Can’t" é usado para expressar permissão.
5. Sobre o emprego de "can" e "can’t" em inglês, qual das seguintes afirmativas
está correta?
a) "Can" é usado para expressar certezas.
b) "Can’t" é usado para expressar obrigações.
c) "Can" é usado para expressar permissão.
d) "Can’t" é usado para expressar inabilidade.

6. Observando a posição do verbo modal CAN nesta frase, isso indica que:
Can you speak French?
a) A frase é uma negativa.
b) A frase é uma afirmativa.
c) A frase é uma interrogativa.
d) A frase é uma interrogativa negativa.
COLÉGIO DELTA Disciplina: Língua Inglesa

Professor (a): Priscila Novaes

Data: / / 2024 Coordenadora: Vanessa Turma: 9° ano

Aluno (a):


This is an excerpt from Martin Luther King Jr.'s biography.

Martin Luther King Jr, was a civil rights activist in the 1950s and 1960s. He led non-
violent protests to fight for the rights of all people including African Americans. He hoped
that America and the world could become a colorblind society where race would not impact
a person's civil rights. He is considered one of the great orators of modern times, and his
speeches still inspire many to this day. In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. helped to organize
the famous "March on Washington Over 250,000 people attended this march in an effort to
show the Importance of civil rights legislation. Some of the issues the march hoped to
accomplish included an end to segregation in public schools, protection from police abuse,
and to get laws passed that would prevent discrimination in employment. It was at this
march where Martin gave his "I Have a Dream"

speech. This speech has become one of the most famous speeches in history. MARTIN, Luther King a
Blography. Disponivel exceso 2020

1.According to Martin's biography, the "colorblind society' he wished for is a place

a) African citizens would be included.
b) people were segregated by their color.
c) schools would prohibit white people.
d) equality among all races would exist.

2. What is the purpose of a movie trailer?

a) To summarize the entire plot of the movie.
b) To give a preview of the movie's main scenes and themes.
c) To provide a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the movie.
d) To showcase the actors' previous works.

3. What is the definition of a "plot twist" in a movie?

a) A sudden change in the story that surprises the audience.
b) The main character's personal development throughout the film.
c) The final scene of the movie where all conflicts are resolved.
d) The opening sequence that sets the stage for the story.

4. This text summarizes the film industry. It is composed by five elements: (1) the
agents, (2) the cinema, (3) the distribution company, (4) the producer, and (5) the

How it works: the film industry

Without this, there's no movie____________________ can come from

anywhere, it could be a book adaptation, the story of someone's life or a genuine
work of creativity. The aims of the writer are twofold, came up with a great script
that they con sell, and have it made.

____________________________is the money person who buys the scripts,

hires the director, actors and crew and organizes the making and selling of the film
The producer is usually employed by a production company.

The role of ___________________ is to get the finished movie into cinemas.

They have the advantage of knowing the budget, actors and have sometimes seen
the whole finished film before investing

Probably the dullest part of the process: _________________________They

choose which distributor's films they want to show, and powerful distributors play
cinemas against each other for maximum film rights.

Between each player I've described, there are _____________________

sales agents, literary agents, talent agents. These guys are the hustlers; they play
people, connect people, match actors with scripts, producers with distributors
How it works: the industry Amped Nov 3, 2020

Which of the following combination of terms, related to the movie industry, fills the
blankets and provides understanding to the text?

a) the agents the cinema- the distribution company the producer-the script
b) the agents the producer - the cinema - the distribution company - the script
c) the script the cinema - the distribution company the agents the producer
d) the script the cinema- the distribution company the producer - the agents
e) E the script the producer- the distribution company the cinema- the agents

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