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PRESENTATION 1: People & earth’s ecosystem

How do humans influence our environment?

How does our environment influence us, humans?

Our environment is the sum of all the conditions surrounding us that influence life.
These conditions include biotic and abiotic The influence of humans is an important part
of the environment as well. In addition, one environment may be strikingly different from

An ecosystem is a particular location on Earth whose interacting components include

living, or biotic, components and nonliving, or abiotic, components.

Ecology is the study of living organisms' relationships with their environment. It deals
with interaction between living organisms with each other and their surroundings

Ecology also provides information about the benefits of ecosystems and how we can
use Earth’s resources in ways that leave the environment healthy for future generations.
It is also studied at various levels, such as organism, population, community, biosphere
and ecosystem.

Levels of Ecosystem Organization

Biosphere. The part of Earth that contains all ecosystems

Ecosystem. Community and its nonliving surroundings
Community. Populations that live together in a defined area
Population. Group of organisms of one type that live in the same area
Organism. Individual living thing
Group of Cells. Tissues, organs, and organ systems
Cells. Smallest functional unit of life
Molecules. Group of atoms, smallest unit of most chemical compounds

Energy flow is the flow of energy through living things within an ecosystem. All living
organisms can be organized into producers and consumers, and those producers and
consumers can further be organized into a food chain. Each of the levels within the food
chain is a trophic level.

The energy flow in the ecosystem is one of the major factors that support the survival of
such a great number of organisms. For almost all organisms on earth, the primary
source of energy is solar energy. For almost all organisms on earth, the primary source
of energy is solar energy.

The chemical energy stored in the food of living organisms is converted into potential
energy by the arrangement of the constituent atoms of food in a particular manner. This
energy flow is based on two important Laws of Thermodynamics

It states that the amount of energy in the universe is constant. It may change from one
form to another, but it can neither be created nor destroyed. Light energy can be neither
created nor destroyed as it passes through the atmosphere. It may, however, be
transformed into another type of energy, such as chemical energy or heat energy. These
forms of energy cannot be transformed into electromagnetic radiation.
It states that non-random energy (mechanical, chemical, radiant energy) cannot be
changed without some degradation into heat energy. The change of energy from one
form to another takes place in such a way that a part of energy assumes waste form
(heat energy). In this way, after transformation the capacity of energy to perform work is
decreased. Thus, energy flows from higher to lower levels.

Living organisms can use energy in two forms: radiant and fixed energy. Radiant energy
is in the form of electromagnetic waves, such as light. Fixed energy is potential
chemical energy bound in various organic substances which can be broken down in
order to release their energy content.

The producers and consumers in the ecosystem can be arranged into several feeding
groups, each known as trophic level (feeding level). In any ecosystem, producers
represent the first trophic level, herbivores present the second trophic level, primary
carnivores represent the third trophic level and top carnivores represent the last level.


Water cycle, also called hydrologic cycle, is a cycle that involves the continuous
circulation of water in the Earth-atmosphere system. Of the many processes involved in
the water cycle, the most important are evaporation, transpiration, condensation,
precipitation, and runoff.

As it moves through living things and through the atmosphere, water is responsible for
metabolic processes within cells, for maintaining the flows of key nutrients through
ecosystems, and for global-scale distribution of heat and energy. Water performs
countless services because of its unusual properties. Water is so important that when
astronomers look for signs of life on distant planets, traces of water are the key
evidence they seek.

Carbon serves a dual purpose for organisms: (1) it is a structural component of organic
molecules, and (2) chemical bonds in carbon compounds provide metabolic energy.
The carbon cycle begins with photosynthetic organisms taking up carbon dioxide (CO2).
This can be called carbon fixation, because carbon is changed from gaseous CO2 to
lessmobile organic molecules. Once a carbon atom is incorporated into organic
compounds, its path to recycling may be very quick or extremely slow.

Carbon cycle is vitally important to life on Earth. Through photosynthesis and

respiration, it is the way the earth produces food and other renewable resources.
Through decomposition, it serves as the earth’s waste disposal system. In addition, the
carbon cycle is important because carbon-containing gasses in the atmosphere affect
the earth climate. Increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has been
responsible for more than half of the climate warming observed in recent decades.

Coal and oil are the compressed, chemically altered remains of plants and
microorganisms that lived millions of years ago. Their carbon atoms (and hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, etc.) are not released until the coal and oil are burned.
Enormous amounts of carbon also are locked up as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the
shells and skeletons of marine organisms, from tiny protozoans to corals.

The nitrogen cycle is the biogeochemical cycle by which nitrogen is converted into
multiple chemical forms as it circulates among atmosphere, terrestrial, and marine
ecosystems. The conversion of nitrogen can be carried out through both biological and
physical processes.
Organisms cannot exist without amino acids, peptides, and proteins, all of which are
organic molecules that contain nitrogen. Nitrogen is therefore an extremely important
nutrient for living things. This is why nitrogen is a primary component of household and
agricultural fertilizers. Nitrogen makes up about 78 percent of the air around us.


Sulfur plays an important role to living organisms for being a component of protein
which is an essential element. Aside from this, it is also used as a determinant of
rainfall, water, and soil’s acidity, as well as it is important because of its ability to
regulate global climate.
Sulfur is mainly present in rocks, soil and water, its cycle is quite complicated because
of the number of oxidation states that the element has. Aside from inorganic processes,
living organisms also have the ability to release sulfur in the environment, like the
bacteria called Sulfur Bacteria. It has the ability to metabolize/oxidize sulfur and its
compounds which are released to its environment, useful to plants, and is important to
the sulfur cycle.

Human activities also contribute to the large amount of released sulfur in the
environment. Activities like generating power through combustion of fossil fuels
accounts for 75-85% of man-made sulfur dioxide emission on a global scale (HSDB
1998). This large 57 emission of sulfur compounds causes problems in large areas such
as acid rains, health problems, infrastructure damages, and even in foods.
PRESENTATION 2: The Biomes: Discovering the Diversity of Ecosystems


An ecosystem can be defined as a group of both living and non-living organisms that
interact with one another in a specific environment.
This intricate system is characterized by interdependence among organisms such as
animals, plants, and microorganisms who rely on each other and their surrounding
conditions for survival.


A biome refers to a vast region on the planet's surface known for its distinctive weather
conditions, flora, and fauna. These regions are differentiated from one another based on
their specific environmental and physical features.
There are various biomes on our planet Earth such as forests, deserts, grasslands,
tundra and aquatic. Each biome has distinctive features that differentiate it from others
like temperature range, rainfall pattern, soil quality and plant life.

BIOME 1: Forest
The forest biome, which covers about 30% of the Earth's land surface, is incredibly vast
and varied. These large areas of land are primarily made up of trees and other woody
The forest biome falls into three main classifications: tropical forests, temperate forests,
and boreal forests.

● Giant Sequoia, Birch Tree, Bear, Snake, Cottontail Rabbit, Hick Yew

BIOME 2: Tundra
The tundra biome, which is predominantly located in Canada, Alaska and Russia's
northernmost regions, is a wide expanse of land with no trees.
It has a cold environment known for its extended winter season and brief summer

● Snow Leopard, Yellow-eyed Penguin, Snowy Owl, Arctic Poppy, Cotton Grass,
Arctic Moss

BIOME 3: Dessert
The desert biome is a dry, arid region that receives less than 10 inches of rainfall per
year. Desert biomes have extreme temperature fluctuations, with hot days and cold
Deserts are found all over the world, from the Sahara in Africa to the Mojave in the
United States to the Gobi in Asia.

● Saguaro Cactus, Bactrian Camel, Pear Cactus, Fox, Tiger Rattlesnake, Foxtail

BIOME 4: Dessert

The aquatic biome is a vast ecosystem that covers approximately 70% of the Earth's
surface. It is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which are
adapted to life in water.
Aquatic biome includes both freshwater and saltwater environments, ranging from rivers
and lakes to oceans and coral reefs.

● Shark, Sea Turtle, Jellyfish, Soft Coral, Hydrocoral, Starfish

BIOME 5: Grassland
The grassland biome, also known as prairies, steppes, or savannas depending on the
region, is a type of ecosystem characterized by vast expanses of grasses and
occasional trees.
Grasslands are typically located in areas with a semi-arid or continental climate.

● Baobab, Barbary Ostrich, Lion, Elephant Grass, Armadillo, Fence Lizard


1. Biomes are home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which
are found nowhere else on Earth. This biodiversity is important for maintaining
the health of ecosystems and for providing important ecosystem services, such
as pollination and nutrient cycling.
2. Biomes play an important role in regulating the Earth's climate, with plants
absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releasing oxygen. This helps
to mitigate the effects of climate change and keep the planet's climate system in
3. Biomes provide important resources for human use, such as food, timber, and
medicinal plants. Many traditional cultures also rely on biomes for cultural and
spiritual practices. Biomes also provide opportunities for recreation and tourism
such as hiking, camping, and wildlife watching.
4. Biomes help to regulate the water cycle by storing and releasing water, which is
important for maintaining freshwater resources and preventing flooding and
drought. Biomes help to maintain soil fertility by cycling nutrients and providing
organic matter.

help us appreciate the relationships among all organisms.

Symbiosis is a term describing any relationship or interaction between two dissimilar

organisms. The specific kind of symbiosis depends on whether either or both organisms
benefit from the relationship.
1. Mutualism

Both species benefit from the relationship.

2. Commensalism

One species benefits, and the other is neither helped nor harmed.

3. Parasitism

One species benefits at the expense of the other.

4. Amensalism

One species is harmed, and the other is unaffected.

5. Competition

Both species are harmed by the interaction.

6. Neutralism

Both species coexist without affecting each other.

7. Predation

Predation involves a predator that hunts, kills, and eats its prey.
PRESENTATION 3: Population Dynamics
● Are you in favor of divorce?
● In today’s time, do you want to have kids?
Population is all the organisms of the same species that live in a particular geographical
● population density - refers to the number of individuals of a species per unit area
or unit volume of a habitat.
● population dispersion - refers to the pattern of dispersal of individuals across an
area of interest
● Demography is the statistical study of a population, such as its density, its
distribution, and its rate of growth. Demography is dependent on mortality
patterns and age distribution.

Population Dispersion Patterns

-Uniform (creosote bush)

-Random (dandelions)

-Clumped (elephants)
- Age
- Gender
- Income
- Education
- Family Life Cycle
- Religion
- Socio-Economic Status


Birth rate is the number of individuals produced per unit time.

• Births and migration into the population increase population size.
Death rate is the number of deaths per unit time.
• Deaths and migrations out of the population decrease the population size.
Survivorship curves show the probability of dying at a given age

Survivorship curves follow predictable patterns:

• Type I - species that invest much energy caring for young have low death rates early in
life. Most individuals survive to reproduce.
• Type II - species have an approximately equal probability of dying at any age.
• Type III - Species that invest little energy raising their young have high death rates
among offspring. Few individuals survive to reproductive age.

Age structure (distribution of age classes) aids in determining if a population is growing,

stable, or declining.

Population and Natural Selection

Thomas Malthus' writing, “An Essay on the Principle of Population” was one of Charles
Darwin's inspiration when he thought of “Natural Selection”. Mathus' essay theorized
that populations grow in geometric progression while food production grows in
arithmetic progression. This meant that populations grow faster than food supply,
eventually leading to food shortage. This led Darwin to think that since the “supply” was
low, but the demand was high, organisms may try to compete for resources, and thus
the early beginnings of Natural Selection.

Opportunistic vs. Equilibrium Species

● Opportunistic species tend to show exponential growth. They are typically small
organisms that reproduce at an early age, have short life spans, and have many
offspring that receive little parental care.
○ Weeds, insects, and many species with type III survivorship curves have
opportunistic life histories.
● Equilibrium species tend to show logistic growth. Their population size is near the
carrying capacity. They typically reach their reproductive age slower than
opportunistic species, have longer lives, and have received extended parental
○ Birds, large mammals, and species with type I or type II survivorship
curves are often equilibrium species

Exponential Growth

The pattern of population growth depends upon two primary factors:

● The biotic potential;
● Resource availability.

Exponential Growth: Limitation

● Carrying capacity - the maximum number of individuals that the habitat can
support indefinitely
● Exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely when resources are limited (and
other factors influencing death and birth rate), then population growth levels off.
These populations follow a logistic, or S-shaped, growth model. As the
population size approaches the carrying capacity, the growth rate slows.

Factors that Regulate Population Size

Density-dependent Factors
● The effects of density-dependent factors increase as the population density rises.
● They result from interactions between organisms. o competing among each other
for space, nutrients, food, or mates o spread of disease is easier with higher
population density and the risk of predation

Density-independent Factors
● Density-independent factors exert effects that are unrelated to population density.
● Natural disasters, such as this fire, might eliminate population in an area without
regard to population density.

The Human Population

The growth of any population, including humans, is determined by the difference
between birth rates and death rates. Much of the current growth in the human
population is due to high birth rates and low death rates in less-developed countries.
The low birth rate in more-developed countries may be attributed to family planning

Variation of Birth and Death rates Worldwide

● Increase in population - countries with more individuals below reproductive age
than are in their reproductive years.
● Decrease in birth rates - tend to decline as economic development progresses
because of family planning programs and opportunities for women outside of the

Population growth depends upon the reproductive characteristics of the population:

● The number of offspring per reproduction
● Frequency of reproduction
● Chances of survival until reproductive age
● Age at which reproduction begins
Will the human population continue to grow exponentially? There are two causes of
● Population size
● Resource consumption
The probability that a species will become extinct depends upon three primary factors:
● Size of Geographic Range
● Degree of Habitat Tolerance
● Size of Local Populations

Conservation biology is a multidisciplinary scientific field that aims to protect and

manage Earth's biodiversity. It combines principles from ecology, biology, genetics, and
other natural sciences to address the conservation of species, habitats, and
ecosystems. Conservation biology often involves collaboration between scientists,
policymakers, conservation organizations, and local communities to achieve its


● Understanding Biodiversity: Studying the variety of life forms on Earth, including
species, genetic, and ecosystem diversity.
● Assessing Threats: Identifying and analyzing the threats to biodiversity, such as
habitat destruction, climate change, pollution, overexploitation, and invasive
● Developing Conservation Strategies: Creating and implementing plans to protect
and restore species and habitats. This includes establishing protected areas,
habitat restoration, captive breeding, and reintroduction programs.
● Sustainable Use of Resources: Promoting the sustainable use of natural
resources to ensure that human activities do not compromise the ability of
ecosystems to maintain biodiversity.
● Education and Advocacy: Raising public awareness about the importance of
biodiversity and advocating for policies that support conservation efforts.


Overexploiting of Organism
Overexploitation of organisms refers to the excessive harvesting or use of a species at
a rate that exceeds its natural ability to replenish itself. This unsustainable practice can
lead to the depletion or extinction of the species.


● Overfishing
● Hunting and Poaching
● Logging and Timber Harvesting
● Wildlife Trade
● Medicinal and Ornamental Plants


● Population Decline
● Ecosystem Imbalance
● Economic and Livelihood Consequences
● Extinction
● Sustainable Harvesting Practices
● Protected Areas
● Monitoring and Enforcement
● Community Involvement
● Public Awareness


Also known as invasive species or non-native species, involves the intentional or
accidental movement of organisms from their native habitats to new environments
where they did not previously exist. This can happen through various human activities
such as trade, travel, agriculture, and aquaculture. Exotic species can become invasive
if they establish, spread, and cause harm to the environment, economy, or human


● Biodiversity Loss
● Habitat Alteration
● Economic Costs
● Human Health
● Ecological Imbalance
● Restoration
● Early Detection and Rapid Response
● Biological, Mechanical and Chemical Control


Alteration and loss of habitat refer to the changes in and destruction of natural
environments that organisms depend on for survival. These processes are often driven
by human activities and can have severe impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem health.
Habitat alteration involves changes in the structure, composition, or function of natural
habitats. These changes can be temporary or permanent and may result from various
human activities:
● Urbanization
● Agriculture
● Deforestation
● Pollution
● Infrastructure Development
● Climate Change

Habitat loss refers to the complete destruction of a habitat, rendering it unable to
support the species that once lived there.

● Land Conversion
● Mining and Quarrying:
● Water Management
● Fire


● Public Awareness
● Climate Action
● Land-Use Planning
● Protected Areas
In parenting, decision-making and conflict resolution involves three things, Prioritizing
Children’s Needs:

1. Prioritizing Children’s Needs: Make choices that support your child’s well-being
and development, and model thoughtful decision-making.
2. Listening and Empathizing: Understand and address each child’s perspective
in conflicts, teaching them empathy and problem-solving skills.
3. Teaching Problem-Solving: Guide children in resolving disputes by discussing
options and outcomes, promoting fairness and open communication.

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