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Second Conditional

To talk about things that are unreal

If + past simple + would + infinitive clauses can be in any


e.g. If I won the lotto, I would buy a big house in Spain

or I would buy a big house in Spain if I won the lotto

If you could live anywhere in where would……………………………?

the world,

If I lost my keys, I would………………………………......

If you didn’t smoke so much, You’d…….………………………………

If he knew her number, He would ………………………………..

What would you do if you met……..…………………..……?

If I spoke Spanish, I’d ……………………………………

I would donate a lot of money if ………………………………………..

If he asked you on a date what would ………………………….?

If I didn’t have a smart phone I would …………………………………

If I were you I would …………………………………

Mukesh Abbasi Conditionals Practice

Mukesh Abbasi Conditionals Practice

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