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De La Salle University

Civil Engineering Department

Soil Testing Laboratory

In- Place Density and Unit Weight Determination: Rubber Balloon Method

Sample No. _________________________ Project No. _______________________

Location ___________________________ Date _____________________________
Description of Soil____________________________________________________________
Tested by___________________________

(1) Initial reading of volume indicator on rubber-balloon apparatus on job site _________ml
(2) Final reading of volume indicator on rubber-balloon apparatus on job site __________ml
(3) Volume of test hole [(2) – (1)] ___________ml
(4) Mass of all moist soil from test hole + pan (or moisture-tight container) _____________g
(5) Mass of pan (or moisture-tight container) ________________g
(6) Mass of all moist soil from test hole [(4) – (5)] _____________g
 ( 6) 
(7) Wet density   ____________g/cm3
 (3) 
(8) Wet unit weight [9.81 x (7)] _________________kN/m 3
(9) Field moisture content determination
(a) Can no. ____________
(b) Mass of moist soil + can ________________g
(c) Mass of dry soil + can __________________g
(d) Mass of can ________________g
(e) Mass of water ______________g
(f) Mass of dry soil ____________g
 ( e) 
(g) Moisture content  x100 ____________%
( f ) 
 (8) 
(h) In-place dry unit weight of soil  x100 _________ kN/m3
 ( g )  100 

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