some common phrasal verbs related to the environment

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some common phrasal verbs related to the environment:

Cut down (on): Reduce the amount of something (e.g., energy consumption, waste).

Example: We need to cut down on our plastic use to protect marine life.

Clean up: To make an area clean and free from dirt, pollution, or waste.

Example: Volunteers gathered to clean up the beach after the storm.

Throw away: Dispose of something, usually in the trash or waste.

Example: Don't throw away that paper; recycle it instead.

Sort out: Organize or separate items into categories, especially for recycling.

Example: Make sure to sort out your plastics from your paper before putting them in the recycling bin.

Use up: To consume or deplete a resource completely.

Example: We have almost used up all the water in the reservoir.

Turn off: Stop the operation or flow of something (e.g., lights, faucets) to save energy or resources.

Example: Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room.

Switch off: Similar to "turn off," especially used for electronic devices or appliances.

Example: It's important to switch off your computer when you're not using it to save electricity.

Give out: Distribute something, often related to informational material or resources.

Example: The organization gave out leaflets on how to reduce household waste.

Cut back (on): Reduce the amount of something, often used for reducing consumption.

Example: We need to cut back on our water usage during the drought.
Throw out: Discard or get rid of something that is no longer wanted or needed.

Example: Don't throw out those old clothes; donate them to a charity.

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