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I hope this letter finds you well.

It's been wonderful having you here in Vietnam during your visit from
Australia! I swung by earlier to catch up, but it seems I missed you. Nevertheless, I wanted to extend a
special invitation to you for an event we have planned this weekend.

This Sunday morning, our class is organizing a beach cleaning initiative along the beautiful shores of
[beach name]. We've been looking forward to this activity as a way to contribute positively to our
community and environment. The plan is to gather at [meeting point] at [time] in the morning.

We would love for you to join us in this endeavor. It's a great opportunity to connect with locals, make a
tangible difference in our environment, and enjoy the stunning scenery of the beach together. Plus, it's
always more enjoyable with friends from afar!

If you're able to join, please let me know so we can make arrangements accordingly. We'll provide all
the necessary cleaning supplies, and there will be plenty of snacks and refreshments to keep us
energized throughout the morning.

I understand you may have other plans during your visit, but if you're free and interested, it would be
fantastic to have you join us. It's a chance to experience a different side of Vietnam and contribute to a
cause we all care about.

Looking forward to your response. If you have any questions or need further details, feel free to reach
out. Otherwise, we hope to see you on Sunday for what promises to be a fulfilling and enjoyable
morning by the sea.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

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