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April 10, 2024

GUILD NAME: The Analyst


One-, Two-way ANOVA and Factorial Designs
Modern statistics was ushered in by the statistician and evolutionary biologist Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher in his
development of the ANOVA or analysis of variance. ANOVA is a powerful statistical tool used in analyzing data from
The ANOVA is a procedure that uses a set of calculations on several variances to test the hypothesis that
several populations have the same mean. The ANOVA is derived from a partitioning of the total variability in the data
into its component parts yielding the following sum of squares identity:


where SST is the total sum of squares, SSTR is the treatment sum of squares (between treatments) and SSE is the
error sum of squares (within treatments). When presenting results of the one-way ANOVA, we usually put them in an
ANOVA table. The ratio, fc, is a value of the random variable F having the F-distribution with v1=a-1 and v2=N-a degrees
of freedom.
Two models are often used to present the null and alternative hypotheses in ANOVA, the means model and
the effects model. We reject the null hypothesis (Ho) at the alpha level of significance when

When the Ho is rejected in the ANOVA test, we still do not know which of the treatment means differ from
each other. To determine which means differ from each other, we have to compare the means by pair. This is called
the pairwise comparison procedures (also called post-hoc tests). Some of the pairwise comparison procedures are the
Bonferroni Test, Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (Tukey’s HSD), Tukey-Kramer Test, Duncan’s Multiple Range
Test (DMRT), Fisher’s LSD, Shcheffe’s Test, and REGWQ (Ryan, Einot, Gabriel and Welsch Q Procedure). Each
of these tests is used based on some underying characteristics of the data.
Also, before using ANOVA, its assumptions must first be satisfied. Some of its assumptions include:
1. The various groups of measurements (treatment levels) are assumed to come from a normal
2. Each observation within a group is randomly selected and independent of all other groups.
3. The variances of each group should be equal.
4. The dependent variable should be measured in at least interval scale.
For two-way ANOVA, the decomposition of its sum of squares are as follows:

Engineering Data Analysis 1

On the other hand, factorial designs are mostly used in experiments involving several factors where it is
necessary to study the joint effects of the predictors on a dependent variable. One of these factorial designs involves
two levels for each factor (ie. low and high values, or two different operators, or two opposite conditions) which we
call 2k factorial design. ANOVA as well as other tests and graphs are used to check the model adequacy of the analysis.
The statistical model for a 2k design would include k main effects, kC2 two-factor interactions, kC3 three-factor
interactions,…, and one k-factor interactions. That is, for a 2k design the complete model would contain 2k-1 effects.
For example, the standard prder for a 24 design is (1), a, b, ab, c, ac, bc, abc, d, ad, bd, abd, cd, acd, bcd, and abcd.
The general approach to analyzing a 2k factorial design includes: 1. estimating factor effects, 2. forming initial
model, 3. performing statistical tests, 4. refining model, 5. analyzing residuals, and 6. interpreting results. For a 2 2, the
model will be
Y = βo + β1X1 + β2X2 + εi
The 23 regression model is easily determined from this.
In this laboratory exercise, you will be able to analyze data using one- and two-way ANOVA and 22
experimental data.
At the end of this laboratory exercise, the student should be able to conduct one and two-way ANOVA using
SPSS/other statistics apps and interpret the results. Specifically, the student must have:
● navigated SPSS/other statistics apps and clicked the correct menu and submenus to conduct one and two
way ANOVA and factorial designed experiments;
● correctly analyzed and interpreted the main and interaction effects of a two-way ANOVA and 22 factorial
● assessed homoscedasticity;
● plotted accurately the group means (estimated marginal means) and interpreted its meaning;
● interpret the results and the p-value accurately; and
● chose the correct pairwise comparison test from among the different tests and interpreted the results
The following materials are needed for this laboratory exercise: (3 pts.)
● IBM SPSS v24
● Calculator

SCORE: _____________

Engineering Data Analysis 2

1. Encode the following data in the SPSS/statistics software/statistics website data editor. Label your data
appropriately. The data represents the response time in milliseconds for three different types of circuits
that could be used for an automatic valve shutoff mechanism. DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ON THE
Table 1. Response time (ms) of three different circuit designs for a valve shutoff mechanism
Circuit Response Time (ms)
A 10 13 11 9 17
B 23 22 24 19 33
C 10 4 9 12 9

Test the hypothesis that the three circuit types have the same response time. Show ANOVA table of your
analysis. Determine the f statistic and the p-value and interpret your results. Use APA format for
SCORE: _____________
Ho: µA = µB = µC (2 pts.)
Ha: At least two of the means are not equal (2 pts.)
Relevant Output from SPSS/statistics software/statistics website (10 pts.)
SCORE: ______________

Engineering Data Analysis 3

Interpret the homoscedasticity of the data: (10 pts.)
Homoscedasticity is observed (p>0.05)
SCORE: ________
f-statistic: 21.349 (2 pts.)
p-value: .000 (2 pts.)
SCORE: _________

Interpretation of the p-value: (5 pts.)

The three-group means are not all equal.
SCORE: _________

Set-up a pairwise comparison test procedure between the three circuits using Bonferroni test. Show
your results here. Interpret your results using the APA format.
Relevant Output from SPSS/statistics software/statistics website (10 pts.)
SCORE: _________

Engineering Data Analysis 4


Interpretation: (5 pts.)
Circuit 2 is significantly different from Circuit 1 and Circuit 3.
SCORE: _________

2. The following data represent the measured shear strength of an adhesive which is thought to be affected
by temperature (°F) and pressure (psi).
Table 2. Shear Strength at Different Temperatures and Pressures
Pressure Temperature (°F)
(psi) 220 240 260
110 8.98 11.32 8.85
9.12 10.86 10.28
10.89 10.96 10.36
120 10.70 11.41 9.43
11.05 11.22 11.12
9.62 10.95 10.51
130 9.95 11.12 10.15
10.95 11.28 9.26
9.86 10.89 9.21

Using two-way ANOVA and SPSS/statistics software/statistics website, test the following hypotheses at
the 0.05 level. Show your results below and interpret your results using APA format.
Ho1: All row effects (pressure) are zero.
Ho2: All column effects (temperature) are zero.
Ho3: All interaction effects are zero.
SCORE: ___________
Ha1: At least one row effect is not zero (2 pts.)
Ha2: At least one column effect is not zero (2 pts.)
Ha3: At least one interaction effect is not zero (2 pts.)

Engineering Data Analysis 5

Relevant Output from SPSS/statistics software/statistics website (10 pts.)
SCORE: ___________

Engineering Data Analysis 6

Interpret the homoscedasticity of the data: (10 pts.)
Homoscedasticity is observed.
SCORE: _____________
f-statistics: F1 = 1.334 , F2 = 8.476 , F3 = .516 (6 pts.)
p-values: P1 = .288 , P2 = .003 , P3 = .725 (6 pts.)
SCORE: ______________

Interpretations: (15 pts.)

Pressure and the interaction effect between pressure and temperature has no significant effect on the
shear strength of the adhesive. Only Temperature has an effect.
SCORE: _____________

Set-up a pairwise comparison test procedure using Tukey’s HSD. Show your results here. Interpret your
results using the APA format.
Relevant Output from SPSS/statistics software/statistics website (10 pts.)
SCORE: _____________

Engineering Data Analysis 7

Interpretations: (5 pts.)
The study suggests that pressure and the interaction effect between pressure and temperature do not have
a significant effect on the shear strength of the adhesive. Only temperature, specifically at 240 degF, was
found to influence the shear strength of the adhesive.
SCORE: _________

3. The following data pertains to the vibration level (Hz) of the surface of the printed circuit board (PCB) as
it is cut which is a major source of dimensional variation in the notches of the PCB. Two factors are
thought to influence vibration and a 22 factorial experiment was set up: bit size (A) with levels 1/16 (-)
and 1/8 (+) in and cutting speed (B) with two levels at 40 (-) and 90 (+) rpm. The following data was
produced in the experiment:

Engineering Data Analysis 8

Table 3. Data for vibration of PCB
Coded Factors Treatment Replicates
A B Combination I II III IV
- - (1) 18.1 19.0 14.8 14.3
+ - a 27.1 24.1 23.3 22.4
- + b 14.8 14.6 16.0 14.1
+ + ab 35.9 44.0 38.2 39.8

Properly type the data in SPSS/statstics software/statistics website. Set-up a 22 factorial analysis using
ANOVA. Print all relevant outputs, graphs and tables.
Relevant Output from SPSS/statistics software/statistics website (10 pts.)
SCORE: ___________

Engineering Data Analysis 9

Interpret the homoscedasticity of the data: (10 pts.)
Levene’s test shows a non - significant p - value (p> 0.05), hence homoscedasticity assumption of the data
was attained.
SCORE: _________
Interpret the output of the plot of the marginal means (5 pts.).
By observing the figure, we can analyze the impact of bit size on the speed at which it operates. Upon
examining the two lines, we notice that while there was a significant increase in task skill score from 40 to 90
rpm for the 1/16 bit size, the bit size had minimal effect on the task skill of the 1/8 size.
SCORE: _________

Engineering Data Analysis 10

Interpret the main and interaction effects (5 pts.).
Looking under the “Sig.” column, we see that the effect of bit size (p=.000) and the cutting speed(p=.000)
are equal.
SCORE: _________
IV. Troubleshooting/Reflection
1. Which menus and submenus did you click to do one-way ANOVA? (2 pts.)
Analyze – Compare Means – One-way ANOVA
Which menus and submenus did you click to do two-way ANOVA? (2 pts.)
Analyze – General Linear Model – Univariate
2. Which pairwise comparison test procedure did you choose in procedure 1?
Bonferroni and Tukey’s HSD
Why? (5 pts.)
The total experiment-wise error rate can be well-controlled with Tukey's HSD, whereas Bonferroni is
often more accurate when there are fewer samples.
3. Which menus and submenus did you click to do a 22 factorial ANOVA? (2 pts.)
Analyze – General Linear Model – Univariate
1. In doing ANOVA, what should be the scale of the data? (2 pts.)
In doing ANOVA test we should have an Ordinal scale of the data and must be precise .
SCORE: _________
2. Cite the importance of the normality of the data in using ANOVA. (5 pts.)
When utilizing ANOVA, the data's normality is crucial for obtaining the P-value, which is used to
calculate the significance of the difference between our treatments. or not sign. according to the
normal distribution.
SCORE: _________
What test procedure can you use to check the normality of your data? (Give just one test) (2 pts.)
One commonly used test procedure to check the normality of our data is the Shapiro-Wilk test.
SCORE: _________
3. What is homoscedasticity? How is this determined in SPSS/statistics software/statistics website? (5 pts.)
Homoscedasticity, in statistics, refers to the assumption that the variability of the residuals remains
constant across all levels of the independent variables. In software like SPSS, homoscedasticity can be
assessed through visual inspection of residual plots, where a consistent spread of points indicates
homoscedasticity. Alternatively, statistical tests such as the Breusch-Pagan or White tests, along with
Levene's test for ANOVA, can be employed to formally test for homoscedasticity, providing researchers
with confidence in the assumption for their analyses.
SCORE: _________

Engineering Data Analysis 11

4. In procedure 3, is the vibration level (Hz) of the surface of the PCB influenced by the bit size (A) and
the cutting speed (B). (2 pts. ) Yes
Why or why not? (5 pts.)
Because of the higher vibration generated by the bit size fluctuation during the PCB's vibration, larger
cuts may ensue. This indicates that the vibrations cause the cutting tool to move more than is ideal,
which results in wider cuts than planned.
SCORE: _________

Which among the predictor variables and their interactions has the greater influence? (2 pts.)
The Attributes has the greater influence in the predictor variables.

SCORE: _________


5 3 1 RATING

Accumulated Points /183

Group Interaction Initiates the Sometimes observe the Allows the group
performance of the group members to members to
laboratory activity. perform the laboratory complete the
activity. laboratory activity.
Discusses with group
members Sometimes discuss with Does not interact
group members with group
Data collection Follows and interprets Follows the procedure Does not follow the
the procedure to and asks questions to procedure and asks
collect data collect data questions to collect
Data Presentation All data can be easily Some data are hardly The data cannot be
understood and understood and understood and /5
interpreted interpreted interpreted

Engineering Data Analysis 12

Engineering Data Analysis 13

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