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Recent Topics at IMO

July 2024

Marine Environment Protection

MEPC 81 (March 2024)

1 Measures to reduce GHG (Green House Gas) emissions

2 Ballast Water Management Convention
3 Addition of NOx and SOx ECA
4 Others

Maritime Safety
MSC 108 (May 2024)

1 Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)

2024/6/11 01
2 Adopted mandatory requirements and Others
3 Introduction to Preliminary Report of MSC 108

Measures to reduce GHG emissions
Actions taken by IMO
2013: EEDI and SEEMP regulations on energy efficiency came into
2018:Adoption of the Initial IMO Strategy on the reduction of GHG
emissions from ships (Initial IMO GHG Strategy)
2019:Data Collection System for fuel oil consumption of ships (IMO
DCS) regulations came into effect
2023: Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon
Intensity Indicator (CII) regulations came into effect
Adoption of 2023 IMO GHG Strategy

Outcome of MEPC 81 (March 2024)

2024/6/11 ➢ Amendments to the IMO DCS Regulations 01

➢ Mid-term Measures for Reduction of GHG Emissions
➢ Life Cycle GHG Intensity of Marine Fuels
Amendments to the IMO DCS Regulations
➢ IMO DCS: requirements for ships to record and report fuel oil consumption (MARPOL Annex VI
Regulation 27)
➢ Collects annual fuel oil consumption data, transport distance etc. from 1 January to 31 December
➢ Data is reported to the IMO within three months after the end of each calendar year
Outcome of MEPC 81 (March 2024)
Adopted the following amendments/additions to the items to be reported for the IMO DCS (Appendix IX)
✓ Total fuel oil consumption per combustion systems (main engines,
auxiliary engines/generators and oil-fired boilers)
✓ Total fuel oil consumption while the ship is not under way
✓ Laden distance travelled (on a voluntary basis)
✓ Transport work (based on the actual cargo carried)
✓ Total amount of on-shore power supplied; and
2024/6/11 01
✓ Category of innovative energy efficiency technologies (if applicable)
Entry into force: 1 August 2025 (invites early application from 1 January 2025)
Amendments to the IMO DCS Regulations
Outcome of MEPC 81 (March 2024)
SEEMP Guidelines were also amended (MEPC.388(81), MEPC.389(81))
✓ Total fuel oil consumption per combustion ✓ Transport work (based on the actual cargo carried)
systems (main engines, auxiliary
engines/generators and oil-fired boilers)



2024/6/11 01

SEEMP: Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan

Mid-term Measures for Reduction of GHG Emissions
➢ The combinations of proposed economic elements and technical elements are being investigated
to finalize Mid-term Measures.
Economic elements proposed (posing levies for fuels)
• feebate: Fees paid against GHG emissions, and ships using zero-emission fuels etc. receive rebates.
• GHG levy: US$150 (increases every five years) paid per tonne of GHG emissions. Revenue funded to
developing countries.
• Green Balance Mechanism: Levies posed for not meeting GFS regulation below. Receive rebates based
on exceedance.
Technical elements proposed (regulating phased reduction of GHG emission intensity)
• GFS (GHG Fuel Standard): Regulates GHG emission intensity throughout the life cycle of the fuel.
• IMSF&F (International Maritime Sustainable Fuel and Fund): Regulates GHG emission intensity from
onboard ships.
Work Plan agreed at MEPC 80 & MEPC 81
2023-2024 • Conduct Comprehensive Impact Assessment (CIA)* to finalize *CIA: Assessment of potential impacts
draft Mid-term Measures towards various countries and
2024/6/11 • ISWG-GHG 17 (23 Sep. 2024) 01
international shipping posed by
• MEPC 82 (30 Sep. 2024)
combinations of respective basket of
Autumn 2025 Approval and adoption of Mid-term Measures (MEPC 83 & Ex. MEPC)
2027 Entry into force of Mid-term Measures
Mid-term Measures for Reduction of GHG Emissions
Outcome of MEPC 81 (March 2024)

Agreed to the “IMO net-zero framework” outlining the proposed amendments to MARPOL Annex VI
➢ The current proposed outline:
✓ New Chapter 5.1: Goal-based marine fuel standard regulating
the phased reduction of the marine fuel’s GHG intensity
(technical elements)
✓ New Chapter 5.2: Economic mechanism(s) to incentivize the
transition to net-zero (economic elements)
➢ Draft amendments will be further developed on the basis of the
agreed “IMO net-zero framework”

The progress of the CIA tasks was reported by the leading organizations (WMU, DNV, UNCTAD, etc.)
2024/6/11 01
➢ Final reports will be expected by around July 2024
➢ Agreed to organize an expert workshop prior to MEPC 82 to facilitate the understanding of
preliminary findings of the CIA
Life Cycle GHG Intensity of Marine Fuels
Growing interest in GHG emissions during the production and distribution of fuels used on board ships.
Well to Wake
Well to Tank Tank to Wake



MEPC 80 in July 2023 adopted “IMO Guidelines on Life Cycle GHG Intensity of Marine Fuels
(LCA Guidelines)”
2024/6/11 01

➢ A general framework for evaluating fuel’s life cycle GHG emission intensity
➢ Discussion continued in the Correspondence Group to refine the contents
Life Cycle GHG Intensity of Marine Fuels

Outcome of MEPC 81 (March 2024)

Adopted the 2024 LCA Guidelines (MEPC.391(81))

• Detailed evaluation method and quantification of parameters for emissions from
biofuel production
• Calculation of GHG emission intensity for electricity used during fuel production
• Evaluation method for the actual GHG emissions onboard ships

→ Established a new Working Group under GESAMP to continue discussions on

technical issues to promote the operationalization of the LCA Guidelines

2024/6/11 01

Ballast Water Management Convention

Electronic Ballast Water Record Book

➢ Regulation B-2 of the BWM Convention
Requires to have onboard a Ballast Water Record Book for recording
ballasting and deballasting operations
➢ Ballast Water Record Book may be an electronic record system etc.,
whereas no specific requirements for an electronic record book under
the convention

Outcome of MEPC 81 (March 2024)

Adopted the amendments to Regulations A-1 and B-2 of the BWM Convention on the use of
electronic record books
• Added the definition of an “electronic record book” under the convention
2024/6/11 01
• Refers to the IMO Guidelines (MEPC.372(80)) for the approval requirements
• Group of entries to be verified by the master
Entry into force: 1 October 2025
BWM in Ships operating in challenging water quality (CWQ)
➢ Issues with CWQ where normal operation of Ballast Water
Management Systems (BWMS) becomes difficult
• Ex.) excessive turbidity preventing UV transmittance, low salinity,
frequent clogging of filters
➢ Needs for IMO guidance providing standards for operations at ports
with CWQ
Outcome of MEPC 81 (March 2024)
Adopted the “Interim Guidance on the Application of the BWM Convention
to Ships Operating in Challenging Water Quality” (MEPC.387(81))
• CWQ triggers for determining when to take measures (alarms that
indicates reduced functionalities such as BWMS flow rate, turbidity/ UV
transmittance etc.)
• Bypass procedures for ballasting operations as a last resort
2024/6/11 01
• Tank decontamination procedures following a bypass

→ The adopted interim guidance will be kept under review

Temporary storage of treated sewage and/or grey water
➢ Discharge of treated sewage and grey water prohibited at certain ports
➢ MEPC 79 (December 2022) endorsed the view that the MARPOL
Convention does not preclude the temporary storage of treated
sewage and grey water in ballast tanks
➢ Needs for IMO guidance establishing unified procedures

Outcome of MEPC 81 (March 2024)

Approved the “Guidance for the Temporary Storage of Treated

Sewage and/or Grey Water in Ballast Water Tanks” (BWM.2/Circ.82)
• Applicable to ships without dedicated tanks with adequate storage
capacity for treated sewage and grey water
• Tank discharging/flushing standards for reusing as a ballast tank
• Standards for implementing relevant procedures in the Ballast Water
Management Plan (BWMP)
2024/6/11 01

• Standards for making an entry in the Ballast Water Record Book

Addition of NOx and SOx ECA
Outcome of MEPC 81 (March 2024) ECA: Emission Control Area
Approved MARPOL amendments to designate Canadian Arctic Waters and Norwegian Sea as ECA
➢ Expecting adoption of the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI at MEPC 82
Limitations at the earliest Canadian Arctic ECA Norwegian Sea ECA
SOx emission limitations •On or after Feb. 2027 •On or after Feb. 2027
(max. 0.10% sulphur
content in fuel oil)
NOx emission limitations •Ships constructed on or •Ships for which the building contract placed on or after 1 Mar. 2026
(application of NOx Tier III after 1 Jan. 2025 •In the absence of a building contract, ships the keel of which is laid
limit) or at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 Sep. 2026
•Ships delivered on or after 1 Mar. 2030

Canadian Arctic ECA Norwegian Sea ECA

2024/6/11 01

Carbon Capture Onboard

Consideration of next step for Carbon Capture Onboard

• Accounting, Storage, Disposal
• Relevant certification schemes
• Captured carbon not be released back into the atmosphere
→ To establish a correspondence group to develop a work plan
on the development of a regulatory framework for the use of
onboard CO2 capture.

Procedures for the loss of containers

Enter into force on 01 Jan. 2026

• Report for danger information is required as per V/31 and V/32
2024/6/11of SOLAS * 01

• Both amendment on
*Official Resolution will be issued soon.
MARPOL (MEPC 384(81))

Marine Environment Protection

MEPC 81 (March 2024)

1 Measures to reduce GHG (Green House Gas) emissions

2 Ballast Water Management Convention
3 Addition of NOx and SOx ECA
4 Others

Maritime Safety
MSC 108 (May 2024)

1 Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)

2024/6/11 01
2 Adopted mandatory requirements and Others
3 Introduction to Preliminary Report of MSC 108

Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)

While automation and unmanned operation of ships are being developed,

international rules relating to these new technologies have not been developed.

MSC conducted Regulatory Scoping Exercise (RSE) to consider how to develop

IMO instruments relating to MASS. Based on the RSE, MSC agreed to develop
a separate MASS instrument (e.g. MASS Code) from existing Convention.

MSC 106 (November 2022) initiated to develop the non-mandatory guidelines.

Outcome of MSC 108 (May 2024) NK Guidelines can be downloaded from

NK Homepage (MyPage Login is necessary).
MSC 108 agreed an updated roadmap to develop instruments for MASS.
2024/6/11 01
.1 finalize non-mandatory MASS Code at MSC 110
.2 develop mandatory MASS Code, targeting its entry into force in 2032.

Emergency towing arrangement
Emergency towing arrangement (ETA) is required only for
tankers of not less than 20,000DWT. Considering the situation
that size of ships other than tankers has increased, the need of
ETA for large ships are recognized.

Outcome of MSC 108 (May 2024)

• MSC 108 adopted the amendments to SOLAS II-1/3-4.

Outlines of amendments to SOLAS II-1/3-4 (applies to new ships constructed on or after 1 January 2028)
Design and construction and prototype testing of ETA for all new ships other than tankers of not less than
20,000 GT are required to be approved in accordance with the guidelines (under development)*.

2024/6/11 01
• Guidelines on ETA on new ships other than tankers will be developed based on Guidelines on ETA for
tankers (Res. MSC.35(63)) with a target completion in 2025.

Adopted mandatory requirements
LSA Code (on or after 1 January 2026)

• In-water performance requirement for lifejackets

Life jackets installed onboard on or after 1 January 2026 shall
have buoyancy and stability to turn an unconscious wearer to
a face-up position where both the nose and mouth are clear
of the water. *
• Requirements to limit the minimum and maximum lowering
speed of fully loaded survival craft and rescue boats.
(reasonable revision for large size ship, and safety under
max. lowering)*
SOLAS chapter II-2 and FSS Code

Enter into force on 01 Jan. 2026 (constructed)

• Fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems are required
2024/6/11 01 for
control stations and cargo control rooms under all fire
protection methods (IC, IIC, and IIIC).*
*Official Resolution will be issued soon.
Approval of unified interpretations
Means of access for inspections(MSC Circ 1572 )

• The means of access, including portable one, should be

annually inspected by ship’s crew or competent inspectors.
Such inspection should be recorded in Part 2 of the Ship
Structural Access Manual.
• Oil Tanker >500GT, Bulk Carrier>20000GT
Record after 01 Jan. 2025
• MSC Circ 1572 rev.1 => rev.2

Code on noise levels on board ships

• To clarify requirements for the calibration of the sound level

meter and its field calibrator.
2024/6/11 • Sound level meters (IEC 61672-3) 01
• Field calibrators (IEC 60942)
• MSC.1/Circ.1509/rev.1
Safety framework to support the reduction of GHG

• To updating the list of new technologies and alternative fuels

were progressed by the related working group, and it was
decided that a correspondence group would continue to be
established and work would proceed.
(Agenda 5 of MSC. 108)
Cyber risk management (MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3/Rev.2)

• Draft amendment to the guidelines were approved that adds

the matters to be considered for incorporating cyber resilient
security features in the ship's equipment and systems on the
latest industry standards.
• IACS UR E26, E27 (newly added reference standard)
2024/6/11 01

Preliminary Report of MSC 108

■ Preliminary Report of IMO MSC 108

Available from:

2024/6/11 01

for your kind attention


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