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Improvement in Food Resources

Roll N.
Quest ions I 6, seleet the hest option nd
write the answer in the space Kiven
1 Cattle husbandry
done for the following purposes
Milk producton DAgricultural work () Meat production
(iv) Egg production
set, and oi b ) . ii) and iv)c) ii) and (V) (d) G) and iv)
2. Find out the wrong statement from the following
a White revolution is meant to
increase in milk production
b Blue revolution is meant to increase in
fish production.
ie) Increase in food production without eompromising with
environmental quality is called as
sustainable agriculture
Sone of the above
3. Which of the following are Indian cattle?
VBos indicus ) Bos domestica. ij) HOs bubalis. iv) Bos vulgaris.
4. Bee pasturage refers to:
(a) the trees where bees make the hives.
brthe flowers available for moial collection by the bees.
c the hives where honeybees live and deposit honey.
d the worker bees in a hive, who collect honev,.
5. Which of the following animal food products contain more fats, more proteins and least (fat) in correct
ta Fish, egg and meat. (b) Meat, milk and egg.
(c) Milk, meat and ish. Egg, meat and fish.
6. Assertion (A) : We get carbohydrates from wheat, rice, maize, millets and sorghum, etc.
Reason (R) :We get energy requirement of our body from carbohydrates.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
fc) A) is true but (R) is incorrect.
(d) (A is incorrect but (R) is correct.
Very Short Type Questions:
7. Name two fungal diseases of wheat crop.
Rusl Smat
8. Name two techniques which help inachieving the sustainability in agriculture.

Science Worksheet-9 97

Answer Iype Questions:
a What are

remove weeds from agricultural
essential to
b Why IS it

becase waleee lu

to infestation than rabi crops?

c Why are kharif crops more susceptible

Mention any two points in support vour.

id) The use of manure is better than the use of fertilizer.

Case stty/Paragraph Hase uentlonst
13 Read the following andanswer the questionst
Table: Nutritional values of animal products
Animal Percent (o Nutrienta
I'roducts Protein Sugar Mineral Water Vitamins
70 A7 20 BI B2 B12 DP

Egx 1200 1300 I00 74 00 B2 D

Meat 21 10 74 20 B2. B12
Fsh 19 00 130 77 20 Niacin, D, A

Present in very small amounts.

Animal husbandary is the scientific management of animal livestock. It includes various aspects such
as feeding. breeding and disease control. Animal-based farming inclüdes cattle, goat, sheep. poultry
and fish farming etc.
(a) Who is the father of Indian white revolution?

(b) Write any two exotic breeds of cow.

(c) Poultry fowl is not susceptible to which of the following pathogen?

(i) Ranikhet. (ii) Cholera.
(iü) Aspergillosis. (iy FoÑt and mouth diease.

(d) Cattle are used for:

I. agricultural work. II. egg production.
III. meat production. IV. milk production.
(i) I. II and III (ii) II, III and IV irI, Il and IV (iv) I, II and IV

(e) Define animal husbandry.

Marks Grade Teacher's Sign. Science Worksheet-9

Chapter-12 Resources
Improvement in Food Sec.
Roll No. given:
in the space
and write the mnanure?
Name option statement about nutrients
select the best correct quantities of
Ouestions 1-6, following is the small
organic matter and
which of the of soil.
1. Find out containslarge quantities holdingcapacity of sandy
a Manure inereasing the water clayey soil. waste
helps in excess of water from the
made of animal excretory
u I: out of environment because it
helps in draining (d) (iii) and (iv).
i) It
excessive use
pollutes the , O and (ii).
v) Its (b) (i) and (ii). different:
(a) i) and
iii). between two species.
varietal cross
means the cross (bvarieties of the same
Intra traits.
species of the same genus. (d) varieties with similar
similar traits.
(c) species with carbohydrate? erám
one is not a source of D c) Sorghum
3. Which (b) Millets
(a) Rice mainly to:
used in sandy soils capacity.
4. Manures are nutrients to crops. (b)_iefease the water holding
(a) provide all essential (d) reduce soil pollution.
(c) avoid water logging.
crop breeding?
Which one of the following is more advantageous for
3. (b) Random breeding.
(a) Inbreeding.
(c) Controlled breeding. (d Artifical breeding.
more economical is the
of crop from sowing to harvesting,
6. Assertion (A) : Shorter the duration
rounds of crop in a year.
Reason (R): Short duration allows farmers to grow multiple
explanation of (A).
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct
(c) (A) is true but (R) is incorrect.
(d) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct.

Very Short Answer Type Questions:

7. What is the criteria for selecting crops for mixed farming?

8. Name two storage pests of foodgrains commonly found in India.

Science Worksheet-9 101

Short Answer Type Questions:
of cattle.
9. teentate btween mileh breeds and draught byeeds

10. Distinguish between:

a' aqua culture and pisicultur,
(b) Inland fishery and marine fishery.
one w
11. Cultivation practices and crop vield are related to environmental condition. Explain.

Long Answer Type Questions:

12. (a) What is Pasturage? How is it related to quality of honey?

(b) Name a bee variety which is commanly used for commercial honey production.

Aps mele
(c) Mention three preventive and control measures used before storage of grains.
Chapter-12 Resources WORKSHEET 12C
Improvement in Food
Roll No.
write the answer in the space
option and
Questions 1-6, select the best
1. Males of honey bee colony are: (d) both (b) and (c)
c) soliders
(l drones U b) workers
2. Find out the correct statements:
means crossing between genetically dissimilar plants.
(i) Hybridizatio as interspecific hybridisation.
is called
(ü) Cross between two varieties into a plant gives genetically modified crop.
desired character
(ii) Introducing genes of
between plants of two species is called as inter varietal hybridisation.
(iv) Cross c) (ü) and (ii) (d) (iii) and (iv)
(g and (ii) (b) (i) and (iv)
3. Which one is an oil yielding plant among the (d) Hibiscus
(c) Cauliflower
(a) Lentil D(b) Sunflower
fertility because
4. Continuous use of fertilisers can destroy soil
(a) organic matter is not replenished.
(b) microbes in the soil are harmed.
Ud)bethFTa) and (b) are correct.
(c) soil becomes hard.
5. Induced breeding is used to increase the production
Ash U (d) poultry birds
(a) cowvs D 6) draught animals
are desirable characters for cereals.
6. Assertion (A) : Tallness and profuse branching
production under different
Reason (R): Crop varieties with wider adaptability will stabilize crop
environment conditions.
of (A).
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation
ation of (A).
Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explan
(c) (A) is true but (R) is incorrect.
(d) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct.

Very Short Type Questions:

7. Give the scientific name for cow and
Bos uol'ey
8. What is the composition of

Science Worksheet-9
of sWmmer ploughing?

Incarcs arealeu
Answer Type Questions:
10. Why
moisture level of food grains should be
checked before their storage?
to che ele
Mee mocstun

11. Describe how genetically modified crops

are produced?
New dNA À tamafened wto plant cells -

12. What are the basis of

classifying manures? Describe any two of them.

Geeen mane
13. Why do farmer_ use bee keeping as an additional income generating

14. (a) What factors does the food requirement of dairy animals depend on?

104 Science Worksheet-9

ol ie
(b CiVe (w0 Nples

Long Answer Type
(a) What is meant by genetically modified

fodder and cereal crops?

(b) What are the desired agronomic characters for

|by most of the tarmers?
technology is
(c) What should be done so that the modern agriculture

a n M Hrugh belonar, Seminauy

Pooucl meeA cleices at eeonomecal

(d) List three measurement practices to be considered while designing a shelter for cattle.

Science Worksheet-9 105

Case study/Paragraph Based Quentions:
16. Read the following passage and answer the questions:
Nutrient supplied by air, water and soil
Source Nutrients

Carbon, oxygen
Water Hydrogen, oxygen
Soil (i) Macronutrients : nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium
and sulphur
Micronutrients: Iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum and

Deficiency of these nutrients affects physiological processes in plants including reproduction, growth
and susceptibility to diseases. to increase the yield, the soil can be enriched by supplying
nutrients in the form of manure and fertilisers.
(a) Nutrients present in air are taken up by plants through.
(i) Roots (ii) Stomata (iiü) Lenticles (iv) Seeds

(b) Limited availability of essential nutrients, whether macronutrients or micronutrients results in:
(i) deficiency symptoms. (i) defoliation.
(üü) abnormal growth. (iv) stunted growth.

(c) All plants need all types of macro and micronutrients:

(i) depending on soil type. (ii) depending of temperature.
(ii) an individually specific quantity. (iv) depending on plant size.

(d) What is a micronutrient?

(e) Write basic difference between fertilisers and manure.

106 Marks Grade Teacher's Sign. Science Worksheet-9

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