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Activity Sheet #: 1

Content: The Ideal Entrepreneur

Content Demonstrates knowledge and skill that will lead to one becoming an ideal
Standard: entrepreneur
Learning Identifies the sellers and the buyers
Duration: 40 minutes (1st of 2 sessions)
Methodology: 1. Lecture
2. Discussion
3. Evaluation
Image Sources: 
 (clipart of barber); can stock photo for cobbler;
GcM: for market

Springboard: (5‐8 minutes)

A. “Tell Us” Game. Teacher shows to the class pictures of a kiosk of Bayad Center, Save More
Supermarket and Goldilocks Store. For each of the picture to be shown, Teacher solicits from the
learners their opinions and ideas about the pictures. This activity intends to generate common
understanding of what these stores offer to the public.
B. “Higher, Lower” Game. Teacher brings 3 grocery items to the class. Each item is passed around
and have the learners guess the correct price.

Lesson (12 mins.)

A. A Buyer and a Seller
Buyer ‐ a person who decides to obtain
products (goods and/or services)
in exchange for his
money or asset

Seller or an a person who decides to obtain
Entrepreneur money or asset in exchange for
his/her products (goods and/or
services); meets and fulfills what
is in demand by the market

B. Definition of Market.
Market ‐ an actual or nominal place
where forces of demand and
supply operate, and where
buyers and sellers interact
(directly or through
intermediaries) to trade goods,

services for money or barter

C. Qualities of an Ideal Entrepreneur

Industrious An entrepreneur is hardworking, persevering. He/She does not easily give up

and Persistent when faced by challenges.
Innovative An entrepreneur is inventive and creative, always making something new for
his/her products to stay in the market.
Honest An entrepreneur is truthful in his/her dealings with the customers and careful
to maintain his/her integrity.
Caring and Helpful An entrepreneur looks after the concern and welfare of the customer and
workers and ready to provide assistance.
Faith in An entrepreneur conducts his/her business fairly and does what is
Goodness and righteous and is inclined to missions for the disadvantaged.
Organized yet An entrepreneur is adaptive to changes in the business environment and yet
Flexible maintains organized and logical mindset.
Confident An entrepreneur has a healthy opinion of his/her skills and abilities that he/she
can communicate, produce and make revenues.
Proactive An entrepreneur is ready and in control of situations that are unfavorable to
the business.
Prudent An entrepreneur is careful in using resources; he/she makes the most of each
resource that he/she has.
Determined An entrepreneur is driven to succeed and to overcome obstacles.
Knowledgeable An entrepreneur is learned in the business environment necessary to run a
business venture.
Driven by An entrepreneur’s mantra is excellence and perfection.
Risk‐taker An entrepreneur takes calculated risks and in so doing, displays confidence.

Strategist An entrepreneur is a careful planner. He/She sees the vision and direction
his business is going ; therefore, methods and contingencies are put in place.

The Social Entrepreneur is involved in business so that he/she can do missions out of the profit.
The Serial Entrepreneur has started one enterprise and ventured into more.
The Lifestyle Entrepreneur makes enterprise out of a hobby, interest or lifestyle.
The Solopreneur sets up and runs his/her own enterprise alone.

Activity Sheet #: 2
Content: The Ideal Entrepreneur
Content Demonstrates
is a good, idea,knowledge and skill that
method, information, will lead
object to onecreated
or service becoming
as aanresult
idealof a
Standard: entrepreneur.
process and serves a need or satisfies a want. It has a combination of tangible
Learning and intangible
Identifies attributes
the sellers (benefits,
and the buyers.features, functions, uses) that a seller offers a
Competency: buyer for purchase. (business dictionary).
Duration: 40 minutes (2nd of two sessions)
Methodology: 1. Lecture
A car Activity
provides services that come with the purchase such as: a) car tint; b)
3. km maintenance and; c) free‐check up for a number of months. Sometimes,
Product ‐ the buyer can demand additional services that are not mentioned in the package
that the seller is willing to accommodate to establish customer satisfaction.
Examples of these extra services may be retrieving an item that fell into the
crevices of the car dashboard or providing free services for the replacement of a
car part.

Teacher asks what was learned from last session and refreshes the topic for about 3‐5mins.

Teacher continues by saying “Now we will define what a product is.” Clearly

A. What is a Product?

A. What is a Good and Service Continuum?

It is a diagram of two endpoints wherein one is purely good and at the other end the service. What goes
on between the two endpoints are the degree of services rendered that come when purchasing a good.
Show the diagram.

Tangible/Non‐service The Goods and Services Continuum Intangible/Service

sugar teaching

denim pants car pool

new car doctor


stirbox coffee t.v. repair

dinner at Ramen Lagi

The continuum shows that as you go from left to right, the products increasingly demand for services.
It starts with the sugar Mr. X bought from the sari‐sari store which provides the least service in the
form of attention. In the middle of the continuum is dinner in a restaurant which provides: both the
ingredients and dinner ware ‐ as good; and the cooking, plating and serving ‐ as services. The
rightmost end of the continuum which is teaching is purely service.

Teacher thinks of different kinds of enterprise/business and asks the class if each is purely goods, purely
services or in between.

Teachers says “Bring the following for our next session: construction paper, tape, paper glue, cartolina,
scissors and marking pen.”

Activity Sheet: #3
Content: The Ideal Entrepreneur
Content Demonstrates knowledge and skill that will lead to one becoming an ideal
Standard: entrepreneur
Learning Produces simple products 1.
Competency: 1.
Make a ball out of paper. Prepare40five
minutes (1 of
questions 3 sessions)
written in paper wrapped alternately within each layer. Ask 12
volunteersMaterials: Scratch
to form a circle. While musicpapers, construction
is being played, get thepapers, tape,
ball passed paperand
around, glue, marking
when musicpen, cartolina,
stops, ask
the volunteer who has the ball in hand to peel one sheet
scissors, music for game of the paper ball. If he/she chances upon the paper with
question, he/she has to answer that question. If the paper is blank, the music continues while the ball is passed
Methodology: 1. Create simple products out of the materials given.
around until all five questions are answered.
2. Activity and Analysis

4. Describe goods and services continuum?

5. What is an entrepreneur?

Group the class by having the learners count off one to four. Ask them to bring out the materials assigned to
them from the last session. For 10 minutes, have each group share the materials and work collaboratively to
create an item found in a store. The group will have to think of an item that will bring in customers or “sell like

For another 5 minutes, have each group present and sell the products they created.



1. What is a buyer?
2. What is a seller?
3. Explain product.

2. Activity 1. ‐ Simulation

Bring the class to a flea market Flea Market or “Tiangge”. Divide the class into two by draw lots – the buyer and
the observer who shall go as a duo. The buyer must buy one or two items that his/her P100 can pay for. The
observer shall have no influence on the buying and shall be a witness that the buyer must not spend beyond P100.
The observer, if possible shall take a picture of the item/s bought. The shopping will take place in 40 minutes. Class
will meet next session.

3. Application.

Ask the members of the class what they learned from the group work and what they did in order to make the
team present a good work. Let them explain these qualities can help them in real‐life situations.

4. Assignment.

Ask the class to list down the “Knowledge and Skills of an Ideal Entrepreneur”.

Activity Sheet: #4
Content: The Ideal Entrepreneur
Content Demonstrates knowledge and skill that will lead to one becoming an ideal
Standard: entrepreneur
Learning Produces simple products
Duration: 40 minutes (2nd of 3 sessions)
Methodology: 1. On‐site visit to “tiangge” and buy one or two item/s.

1. Field Trip

Activity Sheet: #5
Content: The Ideal Entrepreneur
Content Demonstrates knowledge and skill that will lead to one becoming an ideal
Standard: entrepreneur
Learning Produces simple products
Duration: 40 minutes (3rd of 3 sessions)
Reference: (for interpersonal skills)

Methodology: 1. Discussion and Lecture

1. Springboard (10 minutes)

a) Management and The entrepreneur must have skills to manage his/her team through
interpersonal communication skills which shall be evident in:
skills • leadership and motivation
• emotional intelligence
• negotiating skills
• ethics

b) Planning and The entrepreneur must have a knowledge to be concretized in terms of people
Strategy management and knowledge on where and how to establish the business
based on sound planning and organization
The Teacher selects 7 volunteers and have them explain to the class why they chose to buy the particular item
from the “tiangge”.

2. Lecture (30 minutes)

The teacher shall discuss the “Knowledge and Skills of an Ideal Entrepreneur” on the following:

c) Finance The entrepreneur must have funds ready to sustain his enterprise in both
favorable and unfavorable business circumstances.

d) Branding The entrepreneur recognizes that in order for his/her enterprise to stick out
in the market, he/she must be able to create a name and image for his
product so that it will make a distinct impression in the market.

e) Customerfocused The entrepreneur knows what the consumers want to buy, what the
customers want to have in that product. He/She meets this wants and
needs so that he can establish a market or product patronage.

1. Lecture

3. Ass


Activity Sheet: #6
Content: The Ideal Entrepreneur
Content Demonstrates knowledge and skill that will lead to one becoming an ideal
Standard: entrepreneur.
Learning Buys and sells products based on needs.
The Teacher discusses Top 10 Successful Entrepreneurs in the Philippines. Teacher gives highlights the KAVS –
knowledge, attitude, values and40 minutes
skills. (1st lecture,
After the of 2 sessions)
Teachers asks the following questions:
Methodology: 1. Group Reporting
a) What characteristics do they have?
2. Assignment
b) What made them motivated/inspired to be an entrepreneur?
Reference: ‐ Dann & Gaskell 2006. Framework for Enterprise Development & Entrepreneurship
c) Was there somebody who influenced them to be an entrepreneur? If so, in what manner? How?
d) Why do you think they have succeeded being entrepreneurs?
e) In one or two sentences, what lessons have you learned from their stories?

Continue by saying “From your home, bring a product packaging – a box, carton, empty bottle etc. and bring it to

2. Assignment (5 mins)


Activity Sheet: #7
Content: The Ideal Entrepreneur
Content Demonstrates knowledge and skill that will lead to one becoming an ideal
Standard: entrepreneur.
Learning Buys and sells products based on needs.
Duration: 40 minutes (2nd of 2 sessions)
Materials: Toothpaste, bath soap, pancit canton pack, softdrink, tsipppy, 20 other
sachet/selfish‐packed items e.g., shampoo, coffee mix, etc.
Methodology: 1. Springboard
2. Lecture and Discussion

1. Springboard (10 mins)

The Teacher asks the class to gather around a big table where different grocery/home products are strewn.
Then asks the class “Which among these things on the table are commonly seen in your homes?” Try to
probe your learners why they are constantly bought – is it out of need or preference. Probe if advertisements
or influence are factors to the purchase of these products.

2. Lecture (30 mins)

The Teacher discusses the following survey made by Nielsen.

Softdrinks Laundry Products
Cookies Toothpaste
Top Products Filipinos buy Dietetics Powdered Milk
Coffee Mixes Instant Noodles
Toilet Soaps Snack Foods

Teacher continues with the following focus questions. Socratic Method may be best for this discussion.

1. Are there commonalities in the products mentioned? If there is, what could they be?
2. Do you buy the same from the sari‐sari store near you? What brands? Why does you Mom/Dad/Sib
prefer them?
3. Do you agree to their preferences? Why?
4. What do you think made these products click in the market? Explain.

The Teacher may integrate some consumerism safety issues such as appearance of the product, expiration
dates, secure and untampered packaging, etc. He/She can also impart the use of critical thinking or to filter
what is being said in the product advertisement. Example would be a popular margarine brand, making
consumer think it is butter. Another example is an evaporated filled‐milk advertised as supposedly nutritious
wanting to get away with being a full‐cream milk.

Activity Sheet: #8
Content: The Ideal Entrepreneur
Content Demonstrates knowledge and skill that will lead to one becoming an ideal
Standard: entrepreneur.
Learning Sells products based on needs and demands in school and community.
Duration: 40 minutes (1st of 2 sessions)
Methodology: 1. Tasks
2. Evaluation
Reference: ‐ Dann & Gaskell 2006. Framework for Enterprise Development & Entrepreneurship

1. Activity 1 – Simulation

The teacher groups the class into four and each will be given four different tasks to be done inside the classroom.
These tasks are: 1) convincing the Principal to provide additional toilet in school; 2) ways on how to get home
without your money; 3) ten ways of using the bandana and actually using/wearing it home and; 4) ways of ending
the traffic in busy streets.
Have the class vote on whose group is the most convincing.

2. Activity 2 – Brainstoming

The Teacher groups the class into three and gives 30 minutes for the learners to generate ideas regarding the
needs in school (needs assessment). They may go out of the classroom and do survey if needed. There may be a
need for additional snack food in the canteen, school supplies, a handkerchief for the hot weather, cold drink
stand, etc. The respective groups must agree on one item and shall have to put in money for their business
venture in school. They are given two full sessions to sell their products in school. They may stay in one place or
roam around.


As the actual selling starts for the next two sessions, learners should start to put in their monetary contributions
and plan budgeting, branding/packaging and promotion of their prospective business. They should set up their
own tent/kiosk/booth (optional) and uniform etc. using their creativity. Inventory is needed to support the
success of the business. These considerations will have to be reported in the last session of the Entrepreneurial
class. Mind also the intellectual property rights as part of business ethics.

Activity Sheet: #9
Content: The Ideal Entrepreneur
Content Demonstrates knowledge and skill that will lead to one becoming an ideal
whether to allow themSells products
to roam around based
to sellon COPY
First day for Grade 6 learners to sell their items in school. The hands‐on activity depends on the school’s policy
(during and demands
or to stayininschool and community.
one place.

Also, the Teacher must make sure that the following have been prepared for the hands‐on entrepreneurial activity:
Duration: 80 minutes
1. Permission from the
Methodology: 1. Principal’s
Hands‐on Office to undertake the activity, venue for holding it and for posting
advertisement (if there is any) about the activity.

2. Cooperation from superiors, peers, and other students.

1. Activity

Activity Sheet: #10
Content: The Ideal Entrepreneur

Content Demonstrates knowledge and skill that will lead to one becoming an1.ideal
Standard: entrepreneur.
Learning Sells products based on needs and demands in school and community.
a) How
Competency:did the selling go?
b) What went wrong? went right? went well?
Duration: 40 minutes (last session for Entrepreneurship)
c) What are the must, should and could haves?
Methodology: 1. happen?
d) Why did those things Discussion/Evaluation
Were there special or common causes?

2. Application/Reflection

Let learners share to the class their reflections on their experiences. (15 mins)

Analysis ‐ Discussion (25 mins)

Teacher asks the learners the following:

2. Application/Reflection


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