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Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444

DOI 10.1007/s11065-007-9048-4

Neuropsychological Deficits in Childhood

Epilepsy Syndromes
William S. MacAllister & Sarah G. Schaffer

Received: 1 August 2007 / Accepted: 4 October 2007 / Published online: 26 October 2007
# Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2007

Abstract Seizure disorders are relatively common in formal criteria for epilepsy, which requires recurrent
childhood, and the International League Against Epilepsy unprovoked seizures. Accordingly, a large amount of effort
(ILAE) provides a hierarchical classification system to and research has gone into understanding their etiology,
define seizure types. At the final level of classification, associated features, appropriate intervention, and manage-
specific epilepsy syndromes are defined that represent a ment. Children with epilepsy are known to have a range of
complex of signs and symptoms unique to an epilepsy cognitive deficits. An understanding of these deficits is
condition. The present review discusses the issues related to essential to helping each child maximize their academic
several of these epilepsy syndromes in childhood, including potential, as research has shown that school achievement in
those classified as generalized idiopathic epilepsies (e.g., children with epilepsy is often lower than would be
childhood absence epilepsy, juvenile absence epilepsy, predicted based on global measures of cognitive function
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy), focal epilepsies (benign (Farwell et al. 1985).
rolandic epilepsy, occipital epilepsy, temporal lobe epilepsy, Once a diagnosis of epilepsy is established in a child,
frontal lobe epilepsy) and the “epileptic encephalopathies,” syndrome classification is considered such that the best
including Dravet’s Syndrome, West Syndrome, Lennox– clinical management plan can be established. The Interna-
Gastaut Syndrome, Myoclonic Astatic Epilepsy, and tional League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) classification
Landau–Kleffner Syndrome. For each syndrome, the involves a hierarchical system with three tiers. At the first
epidemiology, clinical manifestations, treatments, and neu- level, the seizure type is described as generalized, localiza-
ropsychological findings are discussed. tion related, or undetermined. The second level classifies
seizures according to whether they are idiopathic, symp-
Keywords Epilepsy . Children . Syndromes . tomatic, or cryptogenic. It should be noted that it has been
Neuropsychological proposed that the term cryptogenic be replaced with the
term “probably symptomatic,” to indicate that there is a
presumed underlying structural brain abnormality that has
Introduction not yet been identified. At the final tier of classification, a
specific syndrome is assigned. Specific epilepsy syndromes
Estimates suggest that in the United States, approximately represent a complex of signs and symptoms that define a
5% of children will experience a seizure prior to the age of unique epilepsy condition. Historically, accurate syndrome
20 (Hauser et al. 1996). About 25% of those who classification has been challenging, and prior research
experience a single convulsive episode will go on to meet documents some degree of inter-rater disagreement (Berg
et al. 1999, 2000). In reviewing the available literature on
the neuropsychological deficits in children with epilepsy
W. S. MacAllister (*) : S. G. Schaffer syndromes, it is clear that terms are not used consistently
New York University Comprehensive Epilepsy Center,
403 East 34th Street, 4th floor,
across studies. As a result, it is not always known if
New York, NY 10016, USA different studies on a given syndrome are evaluating
e-mail: exactly the same types of children. Future studies should
428 Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444

seek to use strict classification guidelines and standard absence seizures commonly begin prior to the age of 5 years
terminology. and are nearly always associated with other seizure types,
The aims of the present review are to draw together the such as generalized tonic-clonic seizures, myoclonic, atonic,
relevant research on pediatric seizure syndromes. In doing and tonic seizures. Mental retardation is common.
so we will review the etiology of syndromes, the
prevalence, treatment considerations, and the neuropsycho- Childhood Absence Epilepsy and Juvenile Absence
logical findings. An exhaustive review of all childhood Epilepsy
syndromes would not be possible in the space available.
Our review, therefore, will focus on syndromes that are The term pyknolepsy is often used to describe typical
commonly evaluated by pediatric neuropsychologists and absence seizures (both simple and complex) in children and
have a strong empirical literature on the cognitive findings is synonymous with the syndrome of childhood absence
of such syndromes. Syndromes for which there is a paucity epilepsy. The term “petit mal” was previously used to
of cognitive data available will not be discussed. Specifi- describe absence seizures in school age children, and
cally, the present review will discuss the generalized though this term is not used in the formal classification, it
idiopathic epilepsies (e.g., childhood absence epilepsy, is still used colloquially. Onset is generally between age
juvenile absence epilepsy, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy), three and puberty, and girls are more frequently affected
focal epilepsies (benign rolandic epilepsy [BRE], occipital than boys. The absences in these children occur quite
epilepsy, temporal lobe epilepsy [TLE], frontal lobe epilepsy frequently (several times per day) and tend to occur in
[FLE]), and the “epileptic encephalopathies” (Dravet’s clusters (Wirrell 2003). In contrast to childhood absence
syndrome, West syndrome, Lennox–Gastaut syndrome, epilepsy, juvenile absence epilepsy tends to develop later,
myoclonic astatic epilepsy, and Landau–Kleffner syndrome). typically with puberty. The two conditions can be chal-
lenging to differentiate, and many epidemiological and
neuropsychological studies of absence epilepsies consider
Generalized Idiopathic Epilepsies them together. Thus, the information available that is
specific to this type is somewhat limited. In addition to
The ILAE specifies three syndromes under the classifica- absence seizures, this syndrome is often associated with
tion of generalized idiopathic epilepsies. These include generalized tonic-clonic seizures upon awakening in about
childhood absence seizures, juvenile absence seizures, and 80% of cases (Loiseau et al. 1995). Moreover, myoclonic
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. (There are other idiopathic seizures are present in about 15% of cases, which can also
generalized epilepsies that are less commonly seen, such as make this syndrome difficult to distinguish from juvenile
perioral myoclonia with absences and eyelid myoclonia myoclonic epilepsy (Reutens and Berkovic 1995).
with absences, but these syndromes have not yet been Absence seizures account for between two and 11
included in the ILAE classification and will not be percent of all seizure types across all age ranges, with the
addressed here due to limited information.) Absence highest rates seen in the first 10 years of life (Blume et al.
seizures are further subclassified as typical absence sei- 1973; Cavazzuti 1980; Dalby 1969; Heijbel et al. 1975;
zures, atypical absence seizures, and absence status. Typical Livingston et al. 1965). Juvenile absence epilepsy accounts
absence seizures may be either simple, with impairment of for approximately 11–20% of patients with absence
consciousness as the sole manifestation, or complex, where epilepsy, and males and females are equally affected
one may see mild clonic manifestations, changes in tone, (Wirrell et al. 1996). In short, there are considerably fewer
and automatisms. An earlier study verified that automatisms numbers of patients with juvenile absence epilepsy than
during absences might involve repetitive movements. with childhood absence epilepsy, though it is generally
Moreover, memory for interactions during absences may considered to be a more serious disorder. The presence of
vary from patient to patient and from seizure to seizure; concomitant generalized tonic-clonic seizures is associated
some may be entirely anmestic for events that occur during with a poorer prognosis (Tovia et al. 2006). With respect to
absences, whereas others may have some memory for these the etiology, genetic factors are considered to be most
events (Freemon et al. 1973). In complex typical absence salient. For example, it has been demonstrated that absence
seizures, differentiation from complex partial seizures can seizures and generalized spike and wave discharges are
be difficult and requires EEG corroboration. Atypical both inherited traits (Metrakos and Metrakos 1961). Given
absences are often characterized by a less abrupt onset the fact that bilateral synchronous 3 Hz spike and wave
and cessation, and a longer duration. Moreover, there are activity is a defining feature of absence seizures, deep
often more obvious changes in tone associated with these subcortical structures are implicated in the pathophysiolo-
events (Commission on Classification and Terminology of gy; studies have implicated the thalamocortical circuitry in
the International League Against Epilepsy 1981). Atypical absence seizures (Gloor and Fariello 1988).
Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444 429

Valproic acid, ethosuximide, and clonazepam have all epilepsy syndromes is consistent with the results of later
proven effective in decreasing seizure frequency (Browne work (Nolan et al. 2003). However, the latter study
et al. 1975; Browne 1976, 1978; Bruni et al. 1980; Lund considered children with generalized idiopathic epilepsy
and Trolle 1973; Sherard et al. 1980). Generally speaking, as a group and did not consider childhood absence epilepsy
cognitive side effects are low with ethosuximide and specifically. Thus, direct comparisons between these studies
valproic acid and a recent study suggests that children with are difficult.
absence epilepsy being treated with these medications Likewise, Jambaque et al. (1993) studied a large group
experience improved attention, visual memory, and fine of children with various seizure types. These included 18
motor skills (Siren et al. 2007). Whereas many patients with patients with generalized idiopathic epilepsies, 12 of
childhood absence epilepsy will eventually enter remission, whom had childhood absence epilepsy. As with the results
those with juvenile absence epilepsy will generally require reported above, the group of children with generalized
lifelong treatment. Some suggest remission rates in approx- idiopathic epilepsy performed poorly relative to controls
imately 80% of childhood absence epilepsy cases. Howev- on tasks of visual memory, whereas verbal memory was
er, a number of patients, 44% in one study, with unremitting intact (Jambaque et al. 1993). Again, however, this study
childhood absence epilepsy will develop juvenile myoclon- did not consider children with childhood absence epilepsy
ic epilepsy (Wirrell et al. 1996). alone; the generalized idiopathic epilepsy group also
Despite remission, however, the psychosocial outcome contained three children with juvenile absence epilepsy
in children with childhood absence epilepsy may be poor. and three children with generalized tonic-clonic seizures
One study followed such children into adulthood and on awakening.
compared them to a group of controls with a history of Nolan et al. (2004) studied memory function in children
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. In comparison to the arthritis with mixed seizure syndromes, including childhood ab-
group, those with a history of absence epilepsy were more sence epilepsy, FLE, and TLE. According to the authors,
likely to drop out of high school, have unplanned this was the first prospective study of memory functioning
pregnancies, and abuse substances (Wirrell et al. 1997). in children with epilepsy where cases were strictly
In 2001, a sample of children with childhood absence classified according to the criteria of the ILAE (Nolan et
epilepsy was studied neuropsychologically (Pavone et al. al. 2004). The mean age of onset for the group of 13 with
2001). The sample included six boys and ten girls that childhood absence epilepsy was 5.5 years, and they aver-
ranged in age from 6 to 16 years, with a median age of onset aged 9.5 years at assessment. To assess memory, the children
of 5.3 years. These children were compared to a control were administered five subtests from the Wide Range
group matched for gender and had comparable age and Assessment of Memory and Learning (WRAML), as well
socioeconomic status (Pavone et al. 2001). To assess as the Rey Complex Figure. Though children with absence
cognitive function, patients and controls were administered epilepsy showed the least degree of memory impairment in
the Italian version of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for comparison to the other seizure types, they did show
Children—Revised, as well as the Raven’s Progressive impairment relative to normative data. Specific weaknesses
Matrices, Rey Complex Figure, and the Test of Memory were seen on the finger windows subtest of the WRAML, a
and Learning. The results showed that 81% of the patient test requiring sustained visual attention and working mem-
group had IQ scores in the average range, with three ory, as well as on the Rey Complex Figure, which suggests
patients having scores in the borderline range. Overall, fairly specific visual-spatial skill deficits consistent with
however, patients had lower full scale IQ’s than did the prior research.
matched controls (Pavone et al. 2001). To assess more Another investigation studied children with absence
specific neuropsychological domains, composite indices epilepsy whose onset occurred prior to the age of 3 years
were created by calculating norm-referenced scores for (Chaix et al. 2003). Ten cases were identified, including
each task, and percentile ranks were averaged for each seven girls and three boys: five cases presented with simple
domain. Domains included general cognition, language, absences, and five cases with complex absences (i.e., with
visual spatial skills, and memory. Overall, the patients automatisms or eyelid myoclonia, or myoclonic jerks). The
showed a lower level of general cognition, visual spatial authors concluded that the overall prognosis for children
skills, nonverbal memory, and delayed recall. The authors with early onset absence epilepsy is relatively poor in
concluded that childhood absence epilepsy patients show comparison to what is seen in childhood absence epilepsy
slight, but statistically significant, deficits in global cogni- more generally. However, this investigation suffers from
tive function, visual spatial functions, and visual memory. limitations that make firm conclusions difficult. First and
Verbal skills and verbal memory were less affected (Pavone foremost, the assessment was not standardized across
et al. 2001). The finding that general intellectual function- participants, with different measures used in different cases.
ing is lowered in children with generalized idiopathic Moreover, two cases received no formal testing. Equally
430 Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444

important is that global IQ measures were used, rather than logical tests of executive functions to those obtained by a
tests of specific neuropsychological functions; tests group of TLE patients matched for IQ. Variable perfor-
employed may not have had sufficient sensitivity to detect mances were seen across juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
subtle deficits. patients, with some showing no cognitive difficulties and
others showing significant impairment. Overall, high
Juvenile Myclonic Epilepsy frequencies of impaired performances were seen on tests
of concept-formation/abstract reasoning, speed of cogni-
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, which has also been termed tion, planning, and organization. Significant differences
“impulsive petit mal,” generally begins between ages 12 between patient groups were seen on tests of mental
and 18 and requires lifelong treatment. It is the most flexibility and concept formation (Devinsky et al. 1997).
common primary generalized epilepsy syndrome in adoles- A later study compared the neuropsychological perform-
cence, accounting for between 4 and 10% of all epilepsies. ances of 50 patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy to 50
This syndrome is often associated with myoclonic jerks of age, education, and gender matched controls. This study
the neck, shoulders, and arms (Janz 1985). Most also showed more widespread deficits than earlier work. Patients
experience generalized tonic-clonic seizures, and as many had significantly poorer performances on tests of attention,
as 40% experience absences (Asconape and Penry 1984). inhibition, working memory, processing speed, and mental
Seizures are often brought on by sleep deprivation, stress, flexibility, in addition to deficits in verbal and visual
alcohol, or illicit drug use. Photosensitivity is common in memory, naming, and verbal fluency. Additionally, duration
this syndrome as well, as it occurs in about 30% of patients of epilepsy was associated with greater cognitive impair-
(Wolf and Goosses 1986). The characteristic EEG findings ment, but not for patients with more education (Pascalicchio
in this syndrome include high amplitude generalized et al. 2007).
symmetrical and synchronous 4–6 Hz polyspike-wave com- Trinka et al. (2006) administered the Structured Clinical
plexes. There is a genetic contribution to this syndrome and Interview for DSM-IV Axis I (SCID-I) and the Structured
it has been mapped to chromosome 6p21.3 (Delgado- Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II (SCID-II) to 21
Escueta et al. 1989). males and 22 females with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
Despite the ubiquity of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, the Thirty-five percent had a comorbid Axis I psychiatric
diagnosis is often missed. Several studies documented disorder, most commonly with anxious features, and 23%
unusually long period between initial seizures and correct had comorbid personality disorders. These numbers are
diagnosis, ranging from 8.3 to 15 years across studies slightly higher than community estimates, which show 27%
(Grunewald et al. 1992; Panayiotopoulos et al. 1991; incidence rate for Axis I disorders and 13.4% rate of
Vazquez et al. 1993). Delayed diagnosis has been attributed personality disorders (Trinka et al. 2006). However, the
to factors including a patient’s failure to report myoclonic rates of mood and personality disorders in juvenile
jerks to their physicians, or a physician’s failure to myoclonic epilepsy appear to be lower than that seen in
specifically inquire about myoclonic jerks. other seizure types, such as TLE (Perini et al. 1996).
As with other generalized idiopathic epilepsies of To summarize, of the three generalized idiopathic
childhood, valproic acid, ethosuximide, and clonazepam epilepsy syndromes discussed here, childhood absence
are all used to treat juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (Browne et epilepsy tends to have the most favorable outcome. A fair
al. 1975; Browne 1976, 1978; Bruni et al. 1980; Lund and number of these patients will experience remission after a
Trolle 1973; Sherard et al. 1980), though valproic acid is period of time, but some may go on to experience other
considered a better choice in patients with both absences seizure types. From a cognitive perspective, children with
and generalized tonic-clonic seizures, as seen in this childhood absence epilepsy may have subtle deficits in
syndrome (Benbadis 2005). Lamotrigine and topiramate attention and visual memory skills. Limited information is
have shown some success, but are not yet specifically available regarding the outcomes of juvenile absence
approved for use in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (Beran et epilepsy, but it is generally considered to be a less benign
al. 1998; Cross 2002; Frank et al. 1999). Interestingly, one form of epilepsy. In juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, frontal
study showed greater attention, short-term memory, and deficits may predominate, but there is clear evidence of
processing speed deficits in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy memory and language deficits in these individuals as well.
patients that were treated with topiramate versus valproic
acid (de Araujo Filho et al. 2006).
Several studies have documented the cognitive and Focal Epilepsies
psychological difficulties in this syndrome. For example,
Devinsky et al. (1997) evaluated 15 juvenile myoclonic The focal epilepsies are characterized by seizures in which
epilepsy patients and compared the results of neuropsycho- onset of the initial electrical activation occurs in a specific
Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444 431

(i.e., focal) area of the brain. Based on their etiology, partial studies suggest a more multifactorial inheritance, and more
seizures are distinguished as (1) idiopathic; (2) symptom- recent work has shown that non-inherited factors are more
atic; or (3) cryptogenic (i.e., probably symptomatic). Partial important than once believed (Vadlamudi et al. 2006). The
seizures predominate in these patients. Overall, partial characteristic EEG findings involve high voltage centro-
seizures account for approximately 40–60% of children temporal spikes followed by slow waves. These tend to be
with childhood epilepsy, and complex partial seizures activated by sleep and may shift from side to side. Seizures
appear to be more prevalent in children than simple partial seen in rolandic epilepsy frequently affect the oropharyn-
seizures (Cowan 2002). geal muscles and are often described as brief, simple
Seizure syndromes classified under the heading of focal partial, hemifacial motor seizures, but they may evolve into
idiopathic epilepsies of childhood, also termed the “benign” generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Treatment with antiepi-
focal epilepsies, are among the most common epilepsies in leptic medications is not always warranted because the
children between ages three and 12. The two most seizures tend to be infrequent, typically occur at night, and
commonly recognized and studied focal idiopathic epilep- often spontaneously remit by the mid-teenage years. That
sies are benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (also being said, there are certain circumstances under which
termed Benign Rolandic Epilepsy) and childhood epilepsy treatment is favored, including a young age of onset, a short
with occipital paroxysms. Focal symptomatic (or presum- period of time between the first three seizures, and daytime
ably symptomatic) epilepsy refers to epilepsies in which seizures (Bourgeois 2000). The typical treatment, when
there is a known or suspected underlying lesion, although it warranted, is valproic acid or carbamazepine, although it
should be noted that in many cases no underlying should be noted that carbamazepine may adversely affect
pathology is ever identified. TLE and FLE are the primary verbal memory in children treated for BRE (Seidel and
syndromes included under the classification of symptomatic Mitchell 1999). Levitiracetam has also been approved for
or probably symptomatic epilepsy. Little information is use in children with BRE (Bello-Espinosa and Roberts
available regarding incidence and prevalence rates specific 2003).
to temporal and frontal lobe epilepsy, as these patients are Despite its status as a benign syndrome, there is
often grouped together in epidemiological studies. The total increasing evidence to suggest that these children have
prevalence rates for simple partial seizures, complex partial neuropsychological impairments that may be overlooked. A
seizures, and secondary generalized seizures in children 1999 study in Turkey suggested deficits in vocabulary,
have been reported as 2–12, 8–31, and 7–29% respectively prosody, motor skills, and frontal functions. In this
(Cowan 2002). investigation, 20 children diagnosed with BRE were
The treatment of partial seizures in childhood involves compared to 15 controls of comparable age and gender
the use of first generation and recently introduced anti- distribution. The patient group was more frequently
epileptic drugs, as well as nonpharmacologic options impaired on tests of vocabulary, dyspraxia in the leg to
including the ketogenic diet, vagus nerve stimulation, and imitation, dysprosody, response inhibition on a go/no-go
surgical intervention. First line antiepileptic therapies for task, and motor deficits of the upper extremities. Although
partial seizures include carbamazepine and valproic acid, this study suggested that deficits in children with BRE
whereas phenobarbital and phenytoin are usually consid- might indeed exist, as acknowledged by the authors, a
ered as last choice drugs because of their adverse event major weakness of this study is the lack of standardized
profiles; phenobarbital, topiramate, and zonisamide have neuropsychological measures in Turkish (Gunduz et al.
been associated with the most cognitive side effects 1999).
(Coppola 2004). Using a more comprehensive neuropsychological bat-
tery, Croona et al. studied 17 children with BRE and
Benign Epilepsy of Childhood with Centrotemporal Spikes compared performances to age, gender, and estimated
(Benign Rolandic Epilepsy) intelligence matched controls. Intellectual ability was
assessed by Raven’s Progressive Matrices. A variety of
Benign Rolandic Epilepsy is the most common epilepsy tasks were used to examine attention span, verbal memory,
syndrome of childhood, representing about 15% of all visual memory, and executive functioning. Moreover,
childhood seizure disorders (Sidenvall et al. 1993). Onset is parents and teachers completed questionnaires regarding
typically between ages 3 and 13 years, with a peak around the children’s cognitive function and academic achievement
ages 8–10. Males are more frequently affected. A genetic abilities. Patients and controls performed equally well on
basis for BRE has been suggested by twin studies (Eeg- numerous tasks, including digit span, block span, Trailmak-
Olofsson et al. 1982), and it has been linked to chromo- ing Test, the Rey Complex Figure delayed recall, and the
some 15q14 (Neubauer et al. 1998). Though there was an Spatial Learning Task. However, the patient group per-
early suggestion of an autosomal inheritance pattern, later formed more poorly than controls on tests of verbal fluency,
432 Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444

verbal memory, and planning. Moreover, the parents of studies have found cognitive impairments in children with
patients reported more difficulties with respect to distract- benign childhood occipital epilepsy (Chilosi et al. 2006;
ibility, concentration, mood swings, impulsivity, under- Germano et al. 2005; Gulgonen et al. 2000).
standing instructions, etc. (Croona et al. 1999). In one study, children with occipital lobe epilepsy
Northcott et al. studied 16 girls and 26 boys with BRE performed significantly lower than controls (matched for
(Northcott et al. 2005). The mean age at evaluation was age, sex, and socioeconomic status) on measures of
8.5 years, with seizure onset ranging from 3 to 11. The intellectual functioning, particularly with respect to perfor-
patients were administered a comprehensive battery of mance IQ (Gulgonen et al. 2000); however, another study
neuropsychological tasks, and one sample z-tests were used found verbal IQ to be differentially impacted relative to
to compare performances to normative populations. EEG controls, with no difference found between groups on
features were also assessed, including spike frequency, performance IQ (Germano et al. 2005). In both studies, the
trains (i.e., runs of discharges of 5s or more), and laterality. children with epilepsy showed significantly reduced per-
Correlational analyses assessed the relations between EEG formances across a wide variety of cognitive tasks,
variables and cognitive functions (Northcott et al. 2005). including attention, memory, visuospatial skills, language
The sample had higher than expected performances on tests skills, and motor skills, and in the Gulgonen et al. (2000)
of general intellectual functioning and general language. study, group differences remained significant (or reached
Further, academic achievement (i.e., basic reading, spelling, significance) when intellectual functioning was controlled
and mathematics) was not impaired relative to normative for. Gulgonen et al. (2000) did not find differences between
values. However, both verbal and visual memory indices groups with respect to academic achievement, visuomotor
were below expected levels, as were more specific language skills, or executive functioning, whereas Germano et al.
functions (e.g., phonological awareness). Thus, in contrast (2005) found reduced reading, writing, and calculation
to prior work (Croona et al. 1999), this study showed more abilities in their epilepsy group; in the latter study,
generalized memory deficits, possibly due to improved performances on several lexical tasks were associated with
statistical power. EEG features were minimally associated visual memory and graphomotor skills.
with cognitive variables, but there was no relation between
spike burden and laterality (Northcott et al. 2005). Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Interestingly, a subset of this sample was followed
longitudinally. Twenty-eight participants underwent re- Temporal Lobe Epilepsy is among the most common types
evaluation, and differences were evaluated via t-tests. of epilepsy in both adults and children, and the associated
Improvement was observed in verbal memory and receptive cognitive profile is undoubtedly the most studied of the
language, whereas visual memory performance and phono- epilepsy syndromes (Deonna et al. 1986). Complex partial
logical awareness did not improve (Northcott et al. 2006). seizures are the most common type of seizure associated
Thus, despite being considered an epilepsy syndrome with TLE, although simple partial seizures do occur, and
with a benign course, individuals with BRE may present complex partial seizures often lead to secondarily general-
with clear neuropsychological deficits despite overall intact ization (Cowan 2002). Auras often precede temporal lobe
intelligence. These include deficits in aspects of language seizures and may involve somatosensory symptoms, in-
and memory, which is not surprising given the character- cluding epigastric rising sensation, olfactory symptoms, and
istic epileptiform discharges in the centrotemporal regions. emotional symptoms (e.g., feeling of fear); many patients
There may be some degree of motor and executive function report experiencing a “funny feeling” prior to the onset of
impairment in this group as well. the seizure. The actual complex partial seizure generally
consists of behavioral arrest, unresponsiveness and staring,
Childhood Epilepsy with Occipital Paroxysms stereotyped automatisms, and tonic motor phenomena
(Bourgeois 1998). Auras and seizures can present very
Occipital lobe epilepsy accounts for 6–8% of individuals differently in infants and young children.
with focal epilepsy (Manford et al. 1992) and is more Temporal Lobe Epilepsy in children usually begins
common in children than in adults (Sveinbjornsdottir and during the school years, and when temporal lobe seizures
Duncan 1993). There are two types of occipital lobe are seen in young children there is often an underlying
epilepsy currently recognized by the ILAE, including early lesion (Jambaque 2001). Onset in childhood is generally
onset benign childhood occipital lobe epilepsy (Panayioto- associated with a poorer cognitive outcome than in adult
poulos type) and late onset childhood occipital lobe onset cases. Further, these children are at a greater risk of
epilepsy (Gastaut type; Engel 2006). The former generally developing learning disabilities, which may have implica-
has a more favorable outcome. Though there are few tions for success later in life (Jambaque et al. 1993;
studies on this syndrome, several neuropsychological Williams et al. 1996). Lower age of onset has been
Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444 433

associated with lower performance IQ, and patients with in memory for faces relative to left-TLE patients and
later onset performed better when copying the Rey controls (1994). In a study that used proton magnetic
Complex Figure (Jambaque et al. 2007). Persistent seizures resonance spectroscopy in children with intractable TLE,
in childhood might slow down the rate of cognitive and patients with left temporal pathology showed more im-
psychological development (Oguni et al. 2000). Children paired verbal learning than patients with right-sided
with longer duration of epilepsy have been shown to have pathology (Gadian et al. 1996); the authors did not
lower IQs than children with a shorter seizure history administer a visual memory task. This investigation also
(Robinson et al. 2000), and long-term effects of intractable showed poorer general verbal abilities associated with left
seizures may be more deleterious for children than adults temporal pathology, while right-sided pathology was
(Bjornaes et al. 2001). Not surprisingly, the most prominent associated with a loss of nonverbal cognitive functions.
deficits pertain to memory, which may be seen in the Forty-five percent had bilateral pathology; the authors
context of average intellectual functioning. However, noted that without sophisticated imaging, undetected
impairments are not always limited to memory, and several pathology could account for contradictions in the literature.
factors contribute to the progression of broader deficits, In contrast, an earlier study did not find differences
including age at seizure onset and level of seizure control between cognitive profiles of children with “pure right”
(Hermann et al. 2002). versus “pure left” temporal lobe seizure foci, and few
In a cross-sectional investigation of patients with TLE participants showed evidence of cognitive dysfunction at all
(early versus late onset) and controls, the early onset group (Camfield et al. 1984). However, the majority had excellent
(onset before age 14) performed more poorly than the late seizure control, and very few had severe protracted TLE.
onset group and controls on all measures of intelligence and Further, they did not account for handedness or language
memory (Hermann et al. 2002). There were fewer differ- lateralization. Subsequent studies have suggested a moder-
ences between the late onset group and controls, despite the ating effect of language lateralization to overall intellectual
fact that this group had epilepsy for an average of 16 years. functioning. Children with atypical language dominance
Further, neuroimaging showed that the early onset group may perform more poorly on both verbal and nonverbal IQ
had smaller total cerebral tissue volume and smaller subtests (Billingsley and Smith 2000). Gleissner et al.
hippocampal volume relative to late onset patients and (2003) compared neuropsychological performances of
controls. Within the early onset patients, duration of children with left-sided focal epilepsy and either atypical
epilepsy was directly related to cognition when age of language representation (i.e., right or bilateral) or left-
onset, gender, and education were covaried. The authors hemisphere language representation patients matched for
concluded that onset of TLE in childhood adversely affects age. Among the atypical language group, there were more
the development of brain structures and function, which patients with atypical hand dominance, extratemporal
often extends outside the primary epileptogenic region. lesions, and earlier onset of epilepsy. Consistent with a
Childhood onset TLE has also been associated with “crowding effect,” patients with atypical language domi-
reduction in corpus callosum volume when compared to nance demonstrated significantly lower performance in
both late onset patients and healthy controls (Hermann et al. visual memory, yet there was a trend in this group to show
2003). Smaller corpus callosum volume was linked to better verbal memory performance than seen in the typical
poorer performances on nonverbal problem solving tasks, language dominance group. These findings highlight the
immediate memory, speeded complex motor ability, and importance of considering the possibility of language shift
fine motor dexterity. in presurgical neuropsychological workups in patients with
Whereas several adult studies have shown dissociation early left-hemisphere damage. In cases where atypical
between verbal and visual memory impairment as a language dominance is established, an extratemporal focus
function of side of focus, child studies have been less should be considered. In the absence of data on language
consistent. Several child studies have found either no lateralization, handedness should be considered when
relationship between the side of seizure focus and material interpreting neuropsychological profiles of these patients.
specific memory performances (Camfield et al. 1984; Lendt Attention impairments are widespread in children with
et al. 1999), equivalent deficits in verbal memory perfor- epilepsy, regardless of seizure focus, and such deficits may
mance regardless of seizure side (Igarashi et al. 1995), or be a leading cause of learning difficulties in these patients
lower verbal memory performances in left-TLE patients in (Dunn and Kronenberger 2005; Schubert 2005). Though
the absence of concomitant visual memory impairments in improvements in attention are often seen after temporal
right-TLE patients (Clusmann et al. 2004). However, some lobe surgery (Clusmann et al. 2004; Jambaque et al. 2007;
have indeed shown modality specific impairments (Cohen Lendt et al. 1999), children who undergo resective surgery
1992; Jambaque et al. 1993, 2007). Beardsworth and Zaidel may not improve to levels seen in normally developing
found children with right-TLE to be differentially impaired children (Billingsley et al. 2000). With respect to treatment,
434 Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444

evidence clearly indicates that stimulants are safe and shown to have better long-term socioeconomic outcome
effective in treating the attention deficits seen in children and quality of life (Keene et al. 1998a), as well as overall
with epilepsy (Dunn and Kronenberger 2005). satisfaction with the surgery (Keene et al. 1998b), when
Executive function impairments have also been seen in seizures were reduced by 50% or more (Engel Class I–III).
children with TLE that were administered a modified Further, studies have shown that cognitive functioning
version of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST; tends to remain stable or improve after surgery, especially
Igarashi et al. 2002). Children with TLE and hippocampal when it is undertaken early in the disease course (Jambaque et
atrophy performed more poorly (i.e., fewer categories al. 2007). The risk for decline in intelligence level after
achieved and more perseverative errors) than those without temporal lobe surgery is low (Kuehn et al. 2002; Westerveld
visible hippocampal damage, though impairment was less et al. 2000; Williams et al. 1998), but there is evidence that
severe than that seen in children with FLE. Interestingly, higher preoperative functioning is a risk factor for postop-
seizure onset prior to 40 months of age was associated with erative decline (Szabo et al. 1998). Risk factors for decline
better performance, which was attributed to greater brain may also include older age at time of surgery and the
plasticity in younger children. presence of a structural lesion other than mesial temporal
Language deficits, such as deficits in naming and sclerosis on imaging.
vocabulary, have been seen in children with left-TLE Children who underwent left temporal lobectomy not
(Jambaque et al. 1993), and earlier onset may be associated only maintained presurgical verbal intellectual functioning
with developmental language problems (Jambaque 2001). but also were found to improve significantly in nonverbal
Jambaque and colleagues found post-operative naming to intellectual functioning (Jambaque et al. 2007; Westerveld
be higher in children with later epilepsy onset, despite the et al. 2000). Children who have undergone right temporal
fact that post-operative gains in Verbal IQ were associated lobectomies typically do not show significant changes in
with earlier age of onset, a finding that that may point to intellectual functioning (Jambaque et al. 2007; Westerveld
a specific risk to the development of semantic knowledge et al. 2000). In comparing adults and children who have
in younger patients (Jambaque et al. 2007). Reading undergone temporal lobectomies in the context of similar
development may be problematic in children with TLE pathology, adults tend to show less recovery of memory
(Williams et al. 1996), and these patients show greater skills (Gleissner et al. 2005). Generally speaking, post-
reading difficulties than do children with idiopathic operative declines may be seen at shorter retest intervals,
generalized epilepsy. but improvement is generally observed at longer follow-up
The role of the temporal lobes (especially the right (Adams et al. 1990; Szabo et al. 1998; Williams et al.
temporal lobe) in social and emotional perception is well 1998). In an investigation of children and adolescents who
established in the literature, but few studies have examined received a selective surgical procedure that spares the
this in children with TLE. One study showed that right-TLE lateral temporal cortex (transparahippocampal selective
patients with early-onset seizures (before age five) were amygdalohippocampectomy), no changes in cognitive
selectively impaired in recognizing fearful faces when functioning were seen post-operatively, with the exception
compared to right-TLE patients with late-onset seizures of significant improvement in rote verbal memory scores
and controls. Those with early onset seizures were also among patients who underwent right-sided surgery (Robinson
impaired in their ability to recognize expressions of sadness et al. 2000). In this study, high premorbid functioning was
and disgust relative to controls, whereas there was not a not associated with post-operative decline, as has been seen
significant difference between controls and the late-onset after anterior temporal lobectomy (Chelune et al. 1998;
seizure group (Meletti et al. 2003). In another study that Hermann et al. 1995; Szabo et al. 1998); therefore this may
compared the ability to perceive emotional gesturing and be a better surgical option for children, particularly in
prosody in children with right- and left-TLE, only the right- children who show strong verbal memory skills prior to
TLE group was significantly impaired relative to healthy surgery.
controls (Cohen et al. 1990). There was no significant The intracarotid amobarbital procedure (Wada test),
difference between the left- and right-TLE groups, or which can establish language dominance and lateralized
between the left-TLE group and controls. memory functions, has shown utility in predicting post-
Surgery is recognized as a safe treatment option for surgical memory improvement in children. In one study,
adults with intractable TLE, but neurologists tend to be verbal memory was improved for children who showed
more conservative in considering this in children, despite asymmetries in the predicted direction (i.e., memory after
mounting evidence of positive outcomes in children who the injection on the side ipsilateral to surgery better than
received surgery after poor management with medication. memory after contralateral injection), whereas children who
Patients that received resective surgery as a child have been did not show such memory asymmetries showed a
Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444 435

significant decline in verbal memory post-surgically (Lee et measures of executive functioning, and though this sample
al. 2005). was not impaired relative to controls, age at seizure onset
To summarize, there are both similarities and differences and duration of epilepsy were related to the total number of
between the profiles of children and adults with TLE. words recalled, use of semantic clustering strategies, short
While onset later in life is linked primarily with memory delay free recall, and long delay free and cued recall. In
deficits, an earlier onset appears to have a more widespread another study that compared children with idiopathic FLE
impact on brain structure and function. With respect to and TLE on measures of attention, executive functioning,
memory, although several adult studies have found modal- memory (verbal and nonverbal), and adaptive functioning,
ity specific memory deficits depending on the side of FLE patients showed greater deficits in planning and
pathology, results from child studies are far from conclusive executive functions in the context of intact memory
in this regard, perhaps due to the greater plasticity in performances; the opposite pattern was seen in the TLE
children. Language lateralization further complicates this group (Culhane-Shelburne et al. 2002). Furthermore, 50%
issue. Regarding treatment of TLE in childhood, the of the variance in the Vineland Adaptive Behavior
preponderance of evidence suggests that not only is surgery Composite was accounted for by performances on two
a safe and effective treatment for reducing seizures in measures of executive functioning (Stroop—Color/Word
children, but it also appears to be associated with positive and Tower of London—Rule Violations).
cognitive outcomes. However, high pre-operative verbal Profiles of children with FLE, TLE, and generalized
memory skills have been associated with greater post- epilepsy (typical absence) were compared on tests of motor
operative declines, though it is worth noting that the effect ability and executive functioning (Hernandez et al. 2002).
of prolonged seizures may ultimately be more devastating Groups were matched for age, IQ, age at seizure onset, and
in the long run. A better outcome can generally be expected duration of epilepsy. The groups did not differ with respect
when surgery is undertaken early in the disease course. to IQ (full scale, verbal, or performance), but children with
Neuropsychologists consulted during pre-surgical workups FLE showed deficits on tasks of motor coordination,
should be aware of issues contributing to post-operative response generation, impulse control, and planning ability
outcomes. relative to the other seizure groups. With regard to motor
skills, deficits were particularly apparent during tasks
Frontal Lobe Epilepsy involving bimanual coordination and asymmetrical move-
ments, with younger children (ages 8–12) showing more
Frontal lobe epilepsy accounts for approximately 30% of pronounced deficits. In a related study on the same cohort
partial epilepsy, and it represents the largest subgroup of of children, performances on measures of attention,
extratemporal lobe epilepsy. Frontal lobe seizures often processing speed, and memory (verbal and nonverbal), as
have a bizarre clinical presentation, in the context of little or well as parent ratings of behavior were compared (Hernandez
no interictal and ictal EEG abnormalities, and they are often et al. 2003). All three groups were impaired relative to
mistaken for nonepileptic seizures (Arunkumar et al. 2001). controls on attention and memory tasks, but attention
Most neuropsychological studies of FLE in children have problems were more prominent in the FLE group, particu-
been single case studies (Hernandez et al. 2001). In a study larly with respect to sustained attention and complex
that compared neuropsychological performances of children working memory on a continuous performance test. This
with symptomatic TLE and FLE, a differential impairment group also displayed differential impairments in perceptual
in concept formation on a modified (i.e., simpler) WCST organization and self-regulation of behavior across several
was seen in the latter (Igarashi et al. 1995), a finding that tasks. On a list-learning task, more intrusion errors were
was confirmed in a subsequent study (Igarashi et al. 2002). made and these patients were more prone to interference
However, a study that used the original version of the than the other patient groups, despite comparable overall
WCST did not find children with asymptomatic FLE to be learning and recall between groups; all three groups were
impaired relative to controls with respect to number of deficient relative to healthy controls. The FLE and TLE
categories completed or in the number of perseverative groups both had difficulty reproducing a complex figure
responses (Riva et al. 2005), despite deficits on other relative the generalized epilepsy group and controls. Recall
executive measures, including phonemic (but not semantic) difficulties in the FLE group were due to organizational
fluency and design fluency. Mean Full Scale IQ was difficulties when copying the design, whereas the TLE
average in the latter study, while lower IQ scores were group’s difficulties appeared to be due to impaired encoding.
reported in the Igarashi studies, and this may account for Thought problems, behavior problems, and social adjustment
the discrepant findings. Riva et al. administered the problems were reported more frequently in children with
California Verbal Learning Test in addition to traditional FLE than in the other two groups on behavior rating scales.
436 Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444

The authors noted that the number of antiepileptic drugs authors point out an interesting caveat to these results:
taken by children did not appear to affect attention, memory, future deficits may emerge as the frontal lobes continue to
and behavior significantly. develop into adolescence and adulthood (a phenomenon
Another group examined performances of children with that has been reported after frontal lesions), and they
TLE, FLE, and controls on a measure of preparatory underscored the need for longitudinal studies that utilize
attention (Auclair et al. 2005). They found that the FLE longer retest intervals.
group showed a higher mean slope of response time to a In summary, FLE in children appears to be associated
target as a function of distractor probability (i.e., a primarily with deficits in executive functioning, attention,
distractor was occasionally presented prior to the target) and motor skills, often in the context of normal intellectual
compared to children with TLE and control subjects. function. Executive deficits are believed to be the primary
Children with TLE did not differ from controls in their cause of memory impairments in this group. Further, social
response time slope. A high incidence of attention deficit and behavioral problems are common. While surgery has
and hyperactivity, learning difficulties, and behavioral been shown to improve attention, processing speed, and
problems has been observed in children with FLE, even memory in children with FLE, the benefit to overall
when seizures are well-controlled (Prevost et al. 2006). executive functioning and/or behavior is less clear. How-
Cohen and Le Normand (1998) conducted yearly ever, few studies have examined this issue and results are
evaluations of receptive and expressive language skills in limited by small sample sizes.
a small sample of young children with left frontal simple
partial seizures and compared results to controls. Analyses
of individual language trajectories revealed a clear dissoci- Epileptic Encephalopathies
ation in linguistic performance between comprehension and
production. Linguistic comprehension gradually improved Epileptic encephalopathies are a group of syndromes
to reach normal performance levels by age seven, whereas characterized by deterioration of sensory functions, motor
production, even at later stages, remained quite poor functions, and/or cognition as a result of epileptic activity,
(Cohen and Le Normand 1998). Children with FLE including frequent seizures and/or prominent interictal
exhibited significant deficits on phonological processing paroxysmal activity (Nabbout and Dulac 2003). In most,
tasks when compared to children with TLE and generalized there is either a regression of cognitive development or a
absence seizures (Vanasse et al. 2005). failure to attain developmental milestones. The long-term
Surgical intervention is also a viable option for patients cognitive and behavioral outcome is often poor. Despite
with FLE, though the likelihood of becoming seizure-free commonalities between syndromes, studies have attempted
post-surgically is lower in this group in comparison to to differentiate the cognitive profiles of disorders; some have
temporal lobe surgery patients, and there is increased risk of distinct patterns of strengths and weaknesses. Several
damage to eloquent cortex. Lendt and colleagues investi- syndromes present with such profound developmental delay
gated the neuropsychological function of children with FLE that they are rarely seen by pediatric neuropsychologists for
before and 1 year after surgery (Lendt et al. 2002), and assessment, and neuropsychological studies are virtually
compared their performance to children who underwent absent. Only those syndromes for which neuropsychological
temporal lobe surgery for seizures. The FLE group studies were available will be discussed below.
demonstrated higher intellectual functioning prior to sur-
gery but were more impaired in manual motor coordination Dravet’s Syndrome (Severe Myoclonic Epilepsy of Infants)
than the TLE group. Post-surgically, both groups improved
in attention, processing speed, short- and long-term The incidence of Dravet’s syndrome is estimated to be one
memory, and manual motor coordination (although the in 40,000 children under the age of seven (Hurst 1990).
latter was not significant). There was no improvement in Onset occurs within the first year of life in normally
executive functions in either group. Post-operative developing children. A family history of epilepsy or febrile
improvements did not depend on complete seizure relief convulsions have been noted in up to 64% of cases
after surgery. Age at surgery and side of resection did not (Ohtsuka et al. 1991) and recent investigations have found
moderate the effects that were seen. Only two patients mutations in the SCNA1 gene in approximately 35% of
showed a decline in language, executive, or motor children with Dravet’s syndrome (Oguni et al. 2005). There
functions; no factors could be identified that accounted for is molecular evidence to suggest Dravet’s syndrome may be
these changes. Overall, outcome was favorable in this on the spectrum of generalized epilepsy with febrile
group, but the small sample size and associated poor seizures “plus,” along with myoclonic astatic epilepsy
statistical power may explain the lack of group differences (discussed below; Scheffer et al. 2001). Dravet’s syndrome
in the cognitive outcome of FLE and TLE patients. The is characterized by frequent prolonged seizures that often
Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444 437

lead to recurrent status epilepticus. Seizure focus tends to year, while the prevalence rates for children 10 years of age
switch sides from one event to the next, and they are or older are about 1.5–2 per 10,000 (Cowan 2002).
refractory to antiepileptic medications (Wirrell et al. 2005). Approximately 50–70% of children with infantile spasms
Myoclonic seizures appear between 1 and 4 years and are will develop other seizure types (Cowan 2002), with
often accompanied by absence and focal seizures. A recent Lennox–Gastaut syndrome comprising approximately 20–
study that assessed the intellectual functioning of 53 50% of these patients (Appleton 2001). At least a third of
patients with Dravet’s syndrome found mild developmental the cases of West syndrome are idiopathic (Nabbout and
delay in 18 children (34%), moderate delay in 22 children Dulac 2003), and these patients generally show a more
(41.5%), and severe delay in 14 children (26%; Caraballo favorable outcome (Guzzetta 2006).
and Fejerman 2006). Hyperactivity was observed in the Early signs of cognitive impairment include deterioration
majority (85%). Interpersonal relationships rarely exceed of responsiveness and sensory abilities, as well as poor
the developmental level of 2 years of age, and these patients social contact, which is often the reason that parents seek
sometimes exhibit autistic traits (Casse-Perot et al. 2001). medical attention (Guzzetta 2006). Impaired eye-hand
Wolff et al. (2006) conducted a prospective longitudinal coordination was found to be deficient when infants were
neuropsychological study in 14 patients with Dravet’s evaluated, even in idiopathic patients who appear to be
syndrome in order to elucidate the nature of the cognitive functioning normally otherwise (Rando et al. 2005).
and behavioral profiles associated with this syndrome. The Impaired visual functioning involving acuity, ocular motil-
authors administered a battery of 50 neuropsychological ity, visual field, visual attention, and visual scanning skills
tests, and scores were used to calculate a global develop- have been found in several studies with infants (Guzzetta et
mental quotient, as well as a quotient for each domain. al. 2002; Jambaque et al. 1993; Rando et al. 2004).
Before the onset of seizures, psychomotor development and Guzzetta (2006) reported an associated deficit in auditory
behavior were reportedly normal in all of the children. The attention, and visual and auditory functions were both
age at first assessment ranged from 11 months to 12 years. correlated with cognitive competence on the Griffith Scales
Four children underwent neuropsychological testing in the of Infant Development. In general, long-term cognitive
first 2 years of life, and their global developmental quotients outcome appears to depend on the underlying causes (e.g.,
were found to be only “slightly deficient” at that time. lesion characteristics); however, about 80% of individuals
Longitudinal data indicated that after the age of four, the with the syndrome present with mental retardation (Guzzetta
developmental quotient tended to decrease until age six, 2006; Koo et al. 1993; Matsumoto et al. 1981). Patients
after which it remained relatively stable at a low level. with the idiopathic form of the disease whose spasms had
Severe mental retardation, hyperactivity, poor relational completely resolved within the first year were evaluated
capacity, and gestural stereotypies were evident in most immediately after spasms ceased and subsequently under-
children even before the age of six. Subtest results revealed went two follow-up evaluations (4–6 years later and 6–
poor visuomotor skills in all children over 4 years. Lan- 8 years later; Gaily et al. 1999). Deficits were seen in
guage results were more heterogeneous, yet language skills attention, learning, and memory, even in cases where
were better than visuospatial skills in only three children; intellectual functioning was normal. Perception and fine
these three patients showed a more favorable outcome motor skills at the first assessment (8–15 months after
overall. A trend was noted whereby children with fewer cessation of infantile spasms) strongly predicted later
convulsive seizures (<5 per month) performed better than cognitive functioning. In an earlier study that also focused
those with higher seizure frequency. on the idiopathic form, preserved visual tracking during
infancy was associated with a more favorable outcome
West Syndrome (Dulac et al. 1993). Results from a longitudinal study that
followed 214 patients with West Syndrome for 20–35 years
Also known as infantile spasms, West syndrome is (or until death) showed normal or only slightly impaired
diagnosed in children who exhibit the triad of infantile intellectual outcome in a quarter of the patients (Riikonen
spasms, psychomotor deterioration, and hypsarrhythmia. 2001), although they too noted that specific cognitive
Onset of seizures generally occurs between three and deficits were seen in some patients with normal intelli-
12 months of age. Causative factors include neurological gence. Interestingly, in contrast to what is generally
insult (e.g., infection or hypoxia-ischemia), cortical malfor- reported in the literature, only a third of these patients
mations, neurocutaneous syndrome (e.g., tuberous sclerosis were found to have the idiopathic form of the syndrome,
complex and Sturge–Weber syndrome), chromosomal or but this difference might represent diagnostic errors. In
single gene disorder, or an inborn error of metabolism most cases there was no change in intellectual level as
(Wirrell et al. 2005). The incidence rates of West syndrome compared to earlier evaluations at a mean age of 8 years,
have been estimated at 2–4.5 per 10,000 live births per and those that were ultimately placed in lower IQ categories
438 Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444

all had severe drug-resistant epilepsy. Behavioral disorders, Myoclonic Astatic Epilepsy
often accompanied by autistic symptomology, have been
noted as a potential outcome in approximately 15% of Myoclonic astatic epilepsy is a syndrome that begins
patients with West syndrome, although the incidence rate between the ages of 2 and 5 years in otherwise normally
increases to 70% in patients with tuberous sclerosis developing children (Nabbout and Dulac 2003). Genetic
complex (Guzzetta 2006). factors are believed to play a role in its development, and
there is molecular evidence to suggest that it may be on the
Lennox–Gastaut Syndrome spectrum of generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures
“plus,” along with Dravet syndrome (Scheffer et al.
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome is very rare, with an estimated 2001). Seizures begin as generalized tonic-clonic, but are
incidence rate of 1–2 per 100,000 in children from birth to eventually followed by myoclonic astatic seizures of
14 years of age; the estimated prevalence rate is much increasing frequency. Neuropsychological outcome in chil-
higher, at 1.3–2.6 per 10,000 (Cowan 2002). The peak age dren with myoclonic astatic epilepsy is quite variable and
of onset of seizures ranges from 2 to 8 years of age (Wirrell depends on the course of the seizure disorder (Kaminska et
et al. 2005), and approximately 20–60% of children with al. 1999; Oguni et al. 2002). Patients who present with
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome have a history of infantile developmental delay are sometimes misdiagnosed, because
spasms. The syndrome usually results from focal, multifo- they share features of patients with idiopathic Lennox–
cal, or diffuse brain damage, although idiopathic cases are Gastaut syndrome. However, several studies have argued
reported and usually present with a later age of onset that these are indeed two separate entities. Kaminska et al.
(Nabbout and Dulac 2003). Children with Lennox–Gastaut (1999) examined the clinical profiles and outcome of 72
syndrome almost always present with both tonic and children with idiopathic generalized epilepsy and found that
akinetic seizures, and slow generalized spike-and-wave they were able to classify them into three distinct groups:
discharges on EEG. The outcome for these children is (1) myoclonic astatic epilepsy group with favorable
generally poor, with an estimated 91% exhibiting mental outcome; (2) myoclonic astatic epilepsy group with
retardation, often times profound (Cowan 2002). Further, unfavorable outcome; and (3) Lennox–Gastaut syndrome
there is strong evidence to suggest that intellectual group. The myoclonic astatic epilepsy groups both pre-
functioning continues to deteriorate with age (Oguni et al. sented initially with similar cognitive abilities (mean IQ of
1996), and one study reported that of patients who had 85 during the first 2 years). However, the second group
normal intelligence at baseline, only 26% of these patients showed a deterioration in cognitive functioning (IQ <50 in
(33% of idiopathic, 17% indeterminate, and 20% of 83% of patients), apparently due to persisting seizures that
symptomatic) had normal or borderline normal intelligence were distinct from the pattern seen in the first group. In
at long-term follow-up (Goldsmith et al. 2000). Addition- contrast, seizures remitted entirely in the first group and
ally, many patients with Lennox–Gastaut syndrome develop cognitive functioning was found to be only mildly impacted
psychiatric and behavioral problems over time (Besag at least 1 year after the last myoclonic event. Unlike either
2006), and long-term follow-up of patients has revealed of the myoclonic astatic epilepsy groups, the Lennox–
perseverative behavior, psychomotor slowing, and apathy Gastaut group presented with a different seizure profile and
(Kieffer-Renaux et al. 2001). Poorer outcomes are predicted had mental retardation from the outset. Other studies have
when onset occurs prior to 3 years of age and there is a prior failed to find a specific neuropsychological pattern associ-
history of West syndrome (Wirrell et al. 2005). One ated with myoclonic astatic epilepsy but suggest that
retrospective study found that age of onset was a better cognitive and behavioral functioning are primarily affected
predictor of outcome than whether or not the disorder was by the duration and frequency of epileptiform activity
idiopathic in nature (Goldsmith et al. 2000); however, late (Filippini et al. 2006; Stephani 2006). Filippini and
onset patients rarely had a history of infantile spasms, and colleagues described a representative patient (from a group
normal or borderline normal outcomes were seen in a of seven) with the transitory form of myoclonic astatic
greater proportion of patients with idiopathic Lennox– epilepsy who showed cognitive and behavioral disturbances
Gastaut syndrome than in symptomatic or indeterminate that remitted entirely with successful pharmacological
forms. This effect disappeared when patients with mental treatment of seizures.
retardation at the onset were excluded from analyses. Vagus
nerve stimulation has been successful in improving seizure Continuous Spike-and-waves During Slow-wave Sleep/
frequency in some patients and may also lead to slight Landau–Kleffner Syndrome
improvements in cognition, behavior, and mood. However,
there is insufficient evidence to determine whether such Continuous spike-and-waves during slow-wave sleep
gains are maintained over time (Majoie et al. 2001, 2005). accounts for less than 1% of childhood onset epilepsies
Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444 439

(Kramer et al. 1998), yet it has received considerable temporal areas in a small sample of these patients without
attention in the literature due to its dramatic effects on specific anatomic abnormalities to controls found bilateral
cognition and behavior. Peak age of onset is between 5 and volume reduction in the patient group (Takeoka et al.
7 years, and there is a slight male preponderance (McVicar 2004).
and Shinnar 2004). Although most patients are reported to The language disorder of Landau–Kleffner syndrome is
have normal development prior to onset of symptoms, pre- characterized by a severe deficit in comprehension, often
existing neurological abnormalities are reported in approx- referred to as a verbal auditory agnosia, though it often
imately one third of patients. Patients with continuous progresses to include language production as well. A deficit
spike-and-waves during slow-wave sleep often have partial in phonemic discrimination has been described as the basic
and generalized seizures at the onset of the epilepsy disorder underlying the deterioration of receptive language
syndrome, yet the onset of cognitive deterioration leads to (Van Hout 2001). There has been considerable dispute in
a more comprehensive workup that reveals generalized the literature regarding whether Landau–Kleffner syndrome
spike-wave discharges that occupy >85% of slow-wave is but one manifestation of continuous spike-and-waves
sleep, which is referred to as electrical status epilepticus in during slow-wave sleep, or whether it should be included as
slow-wave sleep (Camfield and Camfield 2002). Global an independent syndrome. While language deficits in
intellectual functioning, language, temporo-spatial disori- continuous spike-and-waves during slow-wave sleep are
entation, motor function, and behavior are all affected often quite severe and long-standing, there is evidence to
(Tassinari et al. 2000). In their review of literature on suggest that these patients show a profile that is distinct
electrical status epilepticus in slow-wave sleep, Tassinari et from Landau–Kleffner patients, which involves impair-
al. (2000) hypothesized that long-term and stable cognitive ments in lexical and syntactic skills in the context of spared
impairment is the direct consequence of the status of comprehension abilities (Debiais et al. 2007).
continuous spike-and-waves during sleep. They cite several Unlike the poor outcomes typically seen in continuous
factors that are supported in the literature, including (1) a spike-and-waves during slow-wave sleep, the prognosis of
close temporal association between the presence of status Landau–Kleffner is much more variable (Bishop 1985;
epilepticus during sleep and neuropsychological regression; Deonna et al. 1989; Veggiotti et al. 2002). Although the
(2) a parallel between duration of electrical status epilepti- underlying seizure disorder is almost always treated
cus in slow-wave sleep and the final neuropsychological successfully with antiepileptic medication, many patients
outcome; and (3) the strict association between the pattern continue to show language deficits (often severe) into
of neuropsychological deficits and the location of the adulthood, despite treatment (Deonna 1991). Studies have
interictal focus. Seizures are not easily controlled with shown that a younger age at onset of the language
medication, although most patients’ seizures remit sponta- regression is associated with a poorer language outcome
neously in adolescence (McVicar and Shinnar 2004; (Bishop 1985), though one study found duration of
Scholtes et al. 2005). electrical status epilepticus in slow-wave sleep to be a
The most well studied disorder associated with contin- better predictor of outcome than age, with full recovery of
uous spike-and-waves during slow-wave sleep is Landau– language functions occurring exclusively in patients who
Kleffner syndrome, which is characterized by a dramatic had electrical status epilepticus in slow-wave sleep for less
regression of language functions in children who have than 3 years (Robinson et al. 2001). The results of the latter
already developed normal speech, and relative sparing of study are limited by a small sample. Plaza et al. (2001)
other cognitive functions (Landau and Kleffner 1957; described a child who was diagnosed with Landau–Kleffner
Rotenberg and Pearl 2003). The peak onset is between 3 syndrome at 28 months (a right temporal focus was
and 8 years of age, while language regression in children identified on EEG) who ultimately recovered language
under 2 or 3 years usually occurs in the context of a more skills and acquired reading and spelling abilities. He
global autistic regression (McVicar and Shinnar 2004). showed complete left extinction in dichotic listening and a
Clinical seizures are present in approximately 80% of pattern of performance on memory tasks whereby very poor
children with Landau–Kleffner syndrome, although they are recall was observed when verbal information was presented
not necessary to make the diagnosis; in addition to auditorily, yet performances were intact when such infor-
electrical status epilepticus in slow-wave sleep, these mation was presented visually. The authors suggested that
patients often show prominent epileptiform activity in the early language regression might have been due to impaired
temporal lobes, usually bilaterally (Deonna 1991; McVicar auditory perception, which he overcame by using compen-
and Shinnar 2004). The incidence of Landau–Kleffner satory strategies that allowed the development of phono-
syndrome is unclear, but it is thought to be quite rare. Its logical skills from predominantly visual input.
pathology also remains unclear; however, one recent Most studies of Landau–Kleffner syndrome have ex-
imaging study that compared the volumes of superior cluded patients whose receptive language was compro-
440 Neuropsychol Rev (2007) 17:427–444

mised before the diagnosis was made and have instead Asconape, J., & Penry, J. K. (1984). Some clinical and EEG
aspects of benign juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Epilepsia, 25(1),
focused on the relationship of seizure control to language
recovery (Klein et al. 2000). Klein and colleagues investi- Auclair, L., Jambaque, I., Dulac, O., LaBerge, D., & Sieroff, E.
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