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PC maintenance:

Regular PC maintenance is essential to ensure your computer runs smoothly, efficiently, and
securely. Key tasks include:

- Disk cleanup: Remove temporary files, system logs, and other unnecessary data.
- Disk defragmentation: Reorganize data for faster access.
- Virus scans: Detect and remove malware.
- Software updates: Install latest operating system and application patches.
- Backup: Regularly save important files to an external drive or cloud storage.
- Disk error checking: Identify and fix disk errors.
- Cleaning dust: Physically clean the computer to prevent overheating.

By performing these tasks regularly, you can improve performance, prevent crashes, and
protect your data.



Here are some typical hazards that can threaten the operations of a PC:

1. *Hardware Failure*: Failure of components like hard drives, RAM, CPU, or motherboard.
2. *Power Surges*: Sudden spikes in electricity that can damage components.
3. *Overheating*: High temperatures that can cause damage to components.
4. *Malware*: Viruses, Trojans, and other malicious software that can harm the system.
5. *Physical Damage*: Drops, spills, or other physical harm to the computer.
6. *Data Corruption*: Loss or damage to files and data.
7. *Software Conflicts*: Incompatibility or conflicts between different software applications.
8. *Dust and Dirt*: Accumulation of dust and dirt that can cause overheating and damage.
9. *Electric Shock*: Risk of electric shock from faulty wiring or components.
10. *Obsolescence*: Becoming outdated and no longer supported by software or hardware

Regular maintenance, backups, and precautions can help minimize these hazards and ensure
the PC operates smoothly and safely.


Upgrading your PC is essential to:

- Improve performance and speed

- Increase storage capacity and memory
- Enhance graphics and video quality
- Support new software and technologies
- Fix hardware failures and replace outdated components
- Boost productivity and efficiency
- Stay competitive and current in a rapidly changing technological landscape
- Take advantage of new features and capabilities
- Extend the lifespan of your computer

Upgrading your PC can breathe new life into your system, making it faster, more efficient, and
better equipped to handle demanding tasks and applications. Regular upgrades can also help
prevent obsolescence and reduce the need for costly replacements.


PC hardware has undergone significant technological changes, including:

1. *Processor Evolution*: From Intel 8088 to Core i9, processors have become faster, more
efficient, and capable of handling multiple tasks simultaneously.

2. *Memory and Storage*: RAM has increased from kilobytes to gigabytes, and storage has
shifted from floppy disks to high-capacity hard drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), and flash

3. *Graphics Advancements*: Graphics cards have become more powerful, enabling smoother
graphics, higher resolutions, and immersive experiences.

4. *Motherboard Innovations*: Motherboards have evolved with improved chipsets, USB ports,
SATA ports, and PCIe slots, enhancing connectivity and expandability.

5. *Display and Audio*: Displays have transitioned from CRT to LCD, LED, and OLED, offering
higher resolutions and better color accuracy. Audio has improved with HD audio and surround

6. *Networking and Connectivity*: Ethernet ports, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and USB have enabled
faster and more convenient connectivity.

7. *Power Supply*: Power supplies have become more efficient, with higher wattage and
modular designs.

8. *Cooling Systems*: Cooling systems have advanced with more efficient fans, liquid cooling,
and heat pipes to manage heat generation.
9. *Form Factor*: PCs have shrunk in size, with laptops, tablets, and mini PCs offering
portability and compact designs.

10. *Energy Efficiency*: PCs have become more energy-efficient, reducing power consumption
and environmental impact.

These advancements have transformed PCs into faster, smaller, and more powerful devices,
revolutionizing the way we work, play, and communicate.

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