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Skywork-MoE: A Deep Dive into Training Techniques for

Mixture-of-Experts Language Models

Tianwen Wei, Bo Zhu, Liang Zhao, Cheng Cheng, Biye Li, Weiwei Lü, Peng Cheng
Jianhao Zhang, Xiaoyu Zhang, Liang Zeng, Xiaokun Wang, Yutuan Ma
Rui Hu, Shuicheng Yan, Han Fang, Yahui Zhou∗

Skywork Team, Kunlun Inc.

Abstract at the scale of tens or hundreds of billions of

parameters. In response to these challenges,
In this technical report, we introduce sparse models, such as Mixture-of-Experts
the training methodologies implemented in
(MoE), have gained prominence (Fedus et al.,
the development of Skywork-MoE, a high-
2022; Lepikhin et al., 2020; Du et al., 2022;
arXiv:2406.06563v1 [cs.CL] 3 Jun 2024

performance mixture-of-experts (MoE)

large language model (LLM) with 146 bil- Dai et al., 2024; DeepSeek-AI, 2024b). These
lion parameters and 16 experts. It is ini- models offer a more economically viable alterna-
tialized from the pre-existing dense check- tive by distributing computation across various
points of our Skywork-13B model. We ex- specialized sub-models or “experts”, potentially
plore the comparative effectiveness of upcy- matching or even surpassing the performance
cling versus training from scratch initializa- of their dense counterparts with a fraction of
tions. Our findings suggest that the choice
between these two approaches should con-
the resource requirements (Artetxe et al., 2022;
sider both the performance of the existing Rajbhandari et al., 2022; Clark et al., 2022).
dense checkpoints and the MoE training In light of these developments, this techni-
budget. We highlight two innovative tech- cal report introduces Skywork-MoE, a high-
niques: gating logit normalization, which
performance MoE large language model with
improves expert diversification, and adap-
tive auxiliary loss coefficients, allowing for 146 billion parameters and 16 experts. This
layer-specific adjustment of auxiliary loss model leverages the foundational architecture of
coefficients. Our experimental results val- our previously developed Skywork-13B model
idate the effectiveness of these methods. (Wei et al., 2023), utilizing its dense check-
Leveraging these techniques and insights, points as the initial setup (Komatsuzaki et al.,
we trained our upcycled Skywork-MoE on 2023). We conduct experimental analysis on rel-
a condensed subset of our SkyPile corpus.
ative benefits of two pivotal strategies in LLM
The evaluation results demonstrate that our
model delivers strong performance across a development: upcycling from existing dense
wide range of benchmarks. models versus initiating training from scratch.
Through rigorous evaluation, we provide nu-
1 Introduction anced insights into how the initial conditions
and training budgets influence the effectiveness
Recent advancements in the field of artificial of these approaches, offering practical guidance
intelligence have seen large language models on their application. Skywork-MoE embodies
(LLMs) (Ouyang et al., 2022; OpenAI, 2023; the forefront of MoE research by incorporat-
Bubeck et al., 2023; Anthropic, 2024; Tou- ing two novel training techniques: gating logit
vron et al., 2023b; Meta-AI, 2024; Team, 2024; normalization and adaptive auxiliary loss coef-
DeepSeek-AI, 2024b) revolutionize numerous ficients. The former aims to enhance the diver-
branches of natural language processing (NLP), sification among the experts, while the latter
encompassing tasks from machine translation facilitates the tailored adjustment of auxiliary
to automated summarization. However, the loss coefficients at different layers of the model.
computational demands and associated costs Moreover, the training of Skywork-MoE was
of training and deploying state-of-the-art dense conducted on a condensed subset of the SkyPile
LLMs pose significant challenges, particularly corpus (Wei et al., 2023), with subsequent eval-

Email: {forename}.{surname} uations demonstrating its robust performance

across a diverse array of benchmarks. This processes the token embedding xi and gener-
report aims to detail these innovations and ates an output Expertj (xi ). The outputs from
findings, setting a new benchmark for the effi- the k selected experts are then linearly com-
ciency and efficacy of MoE models in large-scale bined according to the corresponding gating
language processing tasks. probabilities:

2 Preliminaries 1 X
yi = gij · Expertj (xi ). (2)
Skywork-MoE follows the previous work of j∈Ei

Switch Transformer (Fedus et al., 2022), which where si = j∈Ei gij . The combined output yi
implement the idea of MoE (Jacobs et al., 1991; is then passed to the next layer of the model.
Eigen et al., 2014; Shazeer et al., 2017) with
transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017). 2.2 Auxiliary Loss
To ensure balanced load across experts and pre-
2.1 MoE for Transformers
vent a single expert from dominating, Switch
In a standard transformer, each layer pro- Transformer employs an auxiliary loss function
cesses inputs through self-attention mecha- that encourages the even distribution of tokens
nisms followed by feed-forward neural networks among experts. Let pj be the proportions of to-
(FFNs) (Vaswani et al., 2017). The transformer kens assigned to expert j. The load is balanced
processes every token of the input sequence across experts if pj = k/n for all j = 1, . . . , n.
through the same pathways (i.e., every param- An naive auxiliary loss Laux that directly penal-
eter in the model is active for every input). izes the discrepancy between pj and k/n would
In contrast, the MoE architecture modifies be
the typical transformer by replacing some or all n  2
of the FFNs with a mixture-of-experts, where k
Laux = − pj . (3)
each expert is itself a small FFNs, and the MoE n
layer houses multiple such experts. The MoE
layer increases the capacity of transformer mod- However, as pj is only a statistic that does
els while maintaining computational efficiency not allow for back-propagation, the naive aux-
by selectively activating some of the expert net- iliary loss is not applicable in practice. As a
works for each input token. The selection of differentiable surrogate, one can assume that
experts is performed by a gating mechanism, T
allowing the model to dynamically route tokens kX
pj ≈ k · E[gj ] ≈ gij
to the most relevant experts. T
The gating mechanism in consists of a soft-
where T is the number of tokens in a batch.
max layer that computes a probability distribu- k PT
Substituting pj by T i=1 gij in (3), and ignor-
tion over the available experts for each token.
ing the constant k, we obtain
The gate output g for the i-th token with em-
bedding xi is given by: n T
X 1 1X
Laux = − gij , (4)
softmax(W xi + b) = (gi1 , . . . , gin )T (1) j=1
n T

where W is the gating weight matrix, b is the which is the actual auxiliary loss that is com-
gating bias vector, gij is the gating probability monly used in switch transformer training. By
of the i-th token being assigned to the j-th minimizing this loss, the model can effectively
expert and n is the total number of experts. learns to balance the load across experts, pre-
The k experts with the highest probability are venting any single expert from being overloaded
then selected to process the token, which is also or underutilized.
known as top-k routing. Conventionally one The total loss function Ltotal for training the
chooses k = 1 or k = 2. In this work, we always Switch Transformer is a combination of the
assume using top-2 routing of experts. cross entropy loss Lce for the next token predic-
Let’s denote the set of selected experts for tion task and the auxiliary loss Laux , weighted
the i-th token as Ei . Each selected expert j ∈ Ei by a hyperparameter α:

MoE from scratch might yield better outcomes
Ltotal = Lce + αLaux (5) as it avoids the limitations of starting with a
group of identical experts, which can hinder
By incorporating the MoE layer and the aux-
iliary loss for load balancing, Switch Trans-
former enables the efficient scaling of trans- 3.2 Experiment Results
former models to billions of parameters while
In our experiments, we first train a 0.3B dense
maintaining computational tractability.
model for 300B tokens with peak learning rate
3 Upcycling vs. From Scratch 3e-3 gradually decaying to 3e-4, obtaining a
number of intermediate checkpoints. We fo-
We initiate our discussion by exploring the core cus on upcycling the checkpoints that have
issue of upcycling versus training from scratch, undergone 100B and 300B tokens of training,
a critical consideration in the realm of MoE which we denote by “checkpoint-100B” and
training. We present our initial experimental “checkpoint-300B” respectively. We then train
findings, comparing the advantages and disad- several MoE models having the same architec-
vantages of upcycling from dense model check- ture of 8 experts, but with different weight
points versus training a MoE model of equiva- initialization scheme (from-scratch/checkpoint-
lent size from scratch. 100B/checkpoint-300B) and peak learning rate.
We conduct this training under two different
3.1 Costs and Budgets
training budgets: 100 billion and 300 billion
There are two distinct scenarios: tokens.
For the experiments under a budget of 100B
• Sunk Cost: The resources already spent on
tokens, we compare the following:
training the dense model are considered a
sunk cost. These are not included in the • init_scratch-decay_100b: From scratch
cost calculations for subsequent upcycled with a peak learning rate of 3e-3 (same as
MoE training. This scenario typically ap- the dense model).
plies when utilizing pre-trained dense mod-
els, such as those available from open-source • init_100b-decay_100b: Upcycling from
platforms. the 100B checkpoint with a peak learning
rate of 1.8e-3.
• Cumulative Cost: The resources used to
train the dense model are included in the • init_300b-const: Upcycling from the
total training cost for the upcycled MoE. 300B checkpoint with a constant learning
This occurs when resources are deliberately rate of 3e-4.
allocated to first train a dense model, which
is then used as a starting point for upcycling. For the larger 300B tokens budget, we retrain
all models with an extended learning rate decay
Our discussion will primarily focus on the first period of 300B tokens. We also train an addi-
scenario, as it will later become clear that allo- tional MoE initialized from checkpiont-300B,
cating resources to train a dense model solely but with an increased peak learning rate of 1.2e-
for the purpose of MoE initialization is gener- 3. We denote this model by init_300b-3xLR.
ally suboptimal. Throughout our experiments, we maintain the
A priori, the decision to upcycle versus train same minimum learning rate 3e-4 and decay the
from scratch should consider the performance of learning rate gradually with cosine schedule.
the available dense model and the MoE training All results are reported in Fig. 1. The plot
budget. On the one hand, if the budget is on the left panel indicates that with a moder-
insufficient to train an MoE from scratch to ate budget of 100B tokens, the model trained
match or exceed the performance of the dense from scratch achieved similar performance to
model, training from scratch is trivially not a the model upcycled from checkpoint-100B. De-
sensible option. On the other hand, with ample spite starting from a much higher initial loss,
resources (e.g., significantly more than what both models eventually caught up to and sur-
was used to train the dense model), training an passed the performance of the model upcycled

Budget 100B tokens 2.8
Budget 300B tokens 1.0
Evolution of Expert Similarity
init_scratch-decay_100b init_scratch-decay_300b init_scratch-decay_300b
2.7 init_100b-decay_100b 2.7 init_100b-decay_300b init_100b-decay_300b
init_300b-const init_300b-const 0.8 init_300b-const
init_300b-3xLR init_300b-3xLR
2.6 2.6

Expert Similarity
Training Loss

Training Loss
2.5 2.5

2.4 2.4 0.4

2.3 2.3 0.2

2.2 2.2
2.1 2.1
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Tokens (B) Tokens (B) Tokens (B)

Figure 1: Training dynamics under different conditions and budgets. Left: Loss curves for MoE training
initialized by upcycling and from scratch with 100B token budget. Middle: Similar comparison for a
300B token budget. Right: Evolution of average expert similarity during MoE training with a 300B token
budget. The dashed line marks the final loss of a 0.3B dense model at the end of 300B tokens.

from checkpoint-300B. We attribute the poorer that in our setting with a moderate training
performance of the latter to its overly small budget of 23 C, an MoE trained from scratch
learning rate of 3e-4. The plot in the middle re- is able to achieve similar performance to an
veals that with a larger budget of 300B tokens, upcycled one, initialized from dense checkpoints
the model trained from scratch outperforms all that has undergone pre-training of budget C.
of its upcycled counterparts. Among the upcy- If, however, the training budget for MoE is
cled models, the one trained with the smallest 2C, twice of the training budget of the dense
learning rate again delivers the poorest result, checkpoint, then an MoE trained from scratch
underscoring the critical role of learning rate performs significantly better than its upcycled
schedules in training MoE models. The plot counterpart.
on the right shows the decreasing trend of the Let us denote by Cdense the cost to train
average expert similarity during training for the dense model from which one can choose
the upcycled MoEs, revealing that the process to upcycle from for the MoE training, and by
of training an upcycled MoE involves the di- CMoE the training budget for the MoE model
versification of experts. Notably, the model itselt. Our findings suggests the following rule
with the highest expert similarity exhibits the of thumb on whether or not to adopt upcycling
weakest performance, reinforcing the idea that when upcycling is possible is given as follows:
expert similarity can serve as an effective moni-
toring metric during MoE training when models • If CMoE ≪ Cdense , then one should prefer
are initialized through upcycling. In contrast, upcycling over training from scratch to max-
throughout the training, the expert similarity imally exploit the sunk cost invested in the
for the from-scratch MoE remains at zero, sug- dense model.
gesting that a non-uniform expert initialization • If CMoE ≥ 2Cdense , then one should stick to
encourages diversification. the conventional method of training from
scratch over upcycling, as the benefit of up-
3.3 Rules of Thumb for Upcycling
cycling from a pre-trained checkpoint cannot
Let us denote by C the cost of training an compensate for the difficulty of expert diver-
0.3B dense model for 300B tokens. Then, for a sification due to the uniformity of initialized
corresponding MoE moddel, the training costs
times the number of activation parameters compared
for 100B and 300B tokens are roughly 23 C and to the dense model. If we also take into account of
2C respectively1 . Our experiment results state the communication overhead associated with expert
parallelism, training the MoE model requires roughly
This estimation is based on our use of top-2 routing twice the GPU hours compared to its dense counterpart
in the MoE model, which results in approximately 1.7 for the same number of tokens.

experts. Although the underlying cause of this phe-
nomenon still warrants further investigation, we
• If one does not have a pre-trained dense have identified a straightforward solution. This
checkpoint to upcycle from, then this corre- remedy involves introducing a normalization
sponds to the case CMoE ≫ Cdense = 0. As step prior to the softmax function in the gating
a consequence, one should always train the layer to ensure a more distinct gate output dis-
MoE from scratch. tribution. Specifically, we propose modifying
the gating layer (1) as follows:
• When training an upcycled MoE, one should
carefully tune the learning rate schedule. z = Wx + b
Different learning rate schedule may yield z̃ = λ · (6)
different σ
g = softmax(z̃),
4 Training Techniques In this revised formulation, the vector z is first
normalized by subtracting its mean µ and di-
4.1 Gating Logit Normalization
viding by its standard deviation σ. It is then
One phenomenon that we have frequently ob- scaled by a hyper-parameter λ, resulting in
served during the training of MoE models is a transformed vector z̃ with zero mean and
that its gating layers sometimes tend to yield a standard deviation controlled by λ. This
distributions with high entropy, i.e., the top- adjustment ensures that the output vector z̃
k probabilities for the selected experts are is suitably scaled before applying the softmax
only marginally greater than those for the non- function. The parameter λ plays the important
selected experts. Consequently, the output of role of determining the sharpness of the soft-
the MoE layer is approximated as follows: max output distribution. Specifically, a higher
value of λ leads to a sharper, more focused dis-
yi ≈ Expertj (xi ), tribution. This sharper gating mechanism is
k intended to enhance the model’s ability to effec-
tively differentiate between the contributions of
In this scenario, the output is effectively a various experts, thereby potentially improving
simple average of the selected expert outputs, the overall performance of the MoE model.
rather than a weighted average. This suggests To validate our proposed methodology, we
a uniformity among experts, indicating that conducted a small-scale experiment using an
the gating mechanism fails to discriminate ef- MoE model equipped with 2.5 billion param-
fectively between different experts, which can eters and 16 experts. We compared models
be detrimental to model performance. trained both with and without gating logit nor-
malization and varied the hyperparameter λ.
Gate Distribution The results are illustrated in Figure 2 and Fig-
w/o normalization ure 3. In Figure 2 we show the output distribu-
0.2 tion of a gate for a model trained with gating
0.1 logit normalization is significantly sharper than
0.0 the one trained without. In the upper plots of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Figure 3, we can see that all models trained
with normalization with gating logit normalization exhibit signifi-
cantly lower training losses and token drop rates
0.1 compared to that without normalization. Addi-
0.0 tionally, we analyzed the ratios of M ax1 /M ax2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 and M ax2 /M ax3 , where M axi represents the
i-th largest probability in the gate output distri-
Figure 2: A comparison of gate distribution with bution. These ratios are important indicators
and without logit normalization. The black dashed of the discriminative power of the expert router.
line corresponds to the baseline of uniform proba- A higher M ax1 /M ax2 and M ax2 /M ax3 ratio
bility 1/16. suggests a more effective differentiation among

experts. As shown in the lower plots of Figure which we use as a measure for expert load bal-
3, increasing λ leads to higher ratios, aligning ance, for each MoE layer throughout the train-
with expectations. However, since the training ing process, and adaptively updating the coef-
losses for λ = 1 and λ = 2 are comparably ficients for subsequent iterations based on the
effective, we have chosen to implement λ = 1 observed token drop rates. The updates to the
in the training of our Skywork-MoE model. loss coefficients are designed to be positively
correlated with the token drop rates.
4.2 Adaptive Auxiliary Loss More specifically, we define the update mech-
Coefficients anism as follows:
The primary purpose of integrating an auxil- (l) (l)
iary loss (4) is to facilitate a balanced distribu- α̂i+1 = f (di ), (7)
tion of workload across experts during training. (l)
αi+1 =
βαi + (1 −
β)α̂i+1 , (8)
This balance not only ensures effective train-
ing for each expert but also fosters diversity where:
among them. The intensity of this load balance
regularization is governed by a tunable hyper- • f is an increasing function mapping the cur-
parameter, α, which is commonly set to either rent observed token drop rate di to an es-
1e-2 or 1e-3 in practical applications. (l)
timated auxiliary loss α̂i+1 for the next iter-
We present two key observations. Firstly, ation.
since each gating layer possesses its independent
(l) (l)
auxiliary loss, the coefficients corresponding • αi+1 represents the moving average of α̂i+1 ,
to these losses do not necessarily have to be serving as the actual auxiliary loss coeffi-
identical. In that regard, a more explicit form cient for the next iteration. This moving
of the total loss (5) should be average approach mitigates abrupt changes
in regularization intensity.
Ltotal = Lce + α(l) L(l)
aux , • β, a parameter within the range (0, 1), bal-
l=1 ances the weight between the existing mov-
ing average and the new estimate.
where M is the total number of MoE layers,
and Laux and α(l) are auxiliary loss and its coef- In our specific implementation, we define
ficient for the l-th MoE layer, respectively. We f (d) = ξd for some ξ > 0, with the constraint
speculate that there may exist a combination that f (d) does not exceed a maximum value
of “optimal” coefficient values that is superior cmax . This results in a piece-wise linear func-
to a single fixed global auxiliary loss coefficient tion:
applicable to all layers.
if d ≤ αmax /ξ,

Secondly, if the load is already balanced ξd
f (d) = (9)
across the experts during training, then it is ad- αmax if d > αmax /ξ.
visable to reduce the auxiliary loss coefficients
to alleviate the load balance regularization. On The hyper-parameter ξ regulates the sensitivity
the contrary, in scenarios where there is a signif- of the loss coefficients to the token drop rate.
icant imbalance in load distribution among ex- During our training of the Skywork MoE model,
perts, increasing the coefficients would enforce we set ξ = 1/5, αmax = 0.01, and β = 0.99.
stricter load balance regularization. The ratio- This configuration effectively maintained both
nale for adjusting these coefficients is primar- token drop rates and auxiliary loss coefficients
ily to prioritize the optimization of the cross- at desirable levels.
entropy loss for next-word prediction, while
5 Skywork-MoE
treating load balance regularization as a sec-
ondary, potentially counterproductive, goal. Skywork-MoE is a massive MoE model with a
To address this, we propose the method of total of 146 billion parameters and 22 billion
Adaptive Auxiliary Loss Coefficients. This ap- activated parameters. It initialized from our
proach involves monitoring the token drop rate, in-house pre-trained Skywork-13B (Wei et al.,

Training Loss Token Drop Rate
2.40 0.05
norm std=0.5
norm std=1
2.38 norm std=2
w/o norm

2.32 0.00
50 55 60 65 70 75 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Max_1 / Max_2 Max_2 / Max_3
8 4.0
7 3.5
6 3.0
5 2.5
4 2.0
3 1.5
2 1.0
1 0.5
0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Tokens (B) Tokens (B)

Figure 3: Top left: Training loss curves for MoE models with and without gating normalization, illustrating
that gating normalization contributes to a moderate improvement in loss. Top right: Evolution of the
token drop rate for each model, showing the regularization effect of gating normalization which helps to
reduce token drop during gating. Lower: Ratios Max1 /Max2 and Max2 /Max3 from the softmax output
of the 3rd gating layer throughout training. We observe that a higher std parameter value increases
both ratios as expected. For the model trained without gating normalization, both ratios converge to one
(indicated by the horizontal dashed line), a condition considered detrimental for the model’s performance.

2023) dense checkpoint2 , and is trained with (Li et al., 2023) benchmarks. The MMLU
gating logit normalization and adaptive auxil- (Hendrycks et al., 2021a) benchmark was cho-
iary loss coefficient. sen to evaluate English proficiency. For testing
Skywork-MoE has undergone several stages mathematical reasoning, the GSM8K (Cobbe
of training, each characterized by a unique et al., 2021) and MATH (Hendrycks et al.,
learning rate schedule and composition of train- 2021b) datasets were included. Additionally,
ing data. The data utilized to train Skywork- the model’s programming capabilities were as-
MoE consists of a curated subset of our SkyPile sessed using the HumanEval (Chen et al., 2021)
corpus (Wei et al., 2023), enriched with a sig- dataset.
nificant volume of synthetic data. Overall, the We also present benchmark results for re-
collective distribution of training data aligns cent open-source models of comparable size,
with a ratio of approximately 7:2:1 among En- encompassing both dense and MoE archi-
glish, Chinese, and code data. tectures. Those models include: Deepseek-
To evaluate the performance of Skywork- 67B (DeepSeek-AI, 2024a), Qwen1.5-72B
MoE, we consider the following popular bench- (Qwen Team, 2023), Llama2-70B (Touvron
marks: To assess the model’s knowledge and et al., 2023b), Llama3-70B (Meta-AI, 2024),
problem-solving skills in Chinese, we utilized Mixtral 8*7B (Mistral-AI, 2023), Mixtral
the CEVAL (Huang et al., 2023) and CMMLU 8*22B (Mistral-AI, 2024), DBRX-Instruct
(Databricks, 2024), Deepseek-V1 (Dai et al.,
2024), Deepseek-V2 (DeepSeek-AI, 2024b).
The open sourced version of Skywork-13B has been
trained for 3.2 trillion tokens. the in-house version has
undergone additional pre-training on an extra 2 trillion The evaluation results are presented in Ta-
tokens. ble 1. It can be seen that Skywork-MoE

Deepseek-67B 67 67 66.1 70.8 71.3 63.4 18.7 42.7
Qwen1.5-72B 72 72 84.1 83.5 77.5 79.5 34.1 41.5
Llama2-70B 70 70 - - 68.9 56.8 13.6 29.9
Llama3-70B 70 70 - - 78.8 82.7 36.7 39.0
Mixtral 8*7B 13 47 - - 70.6 58.4 28.4 40.2
Mixtral 8*22B 39 141 - - 77.8 78.6 41.8 45.1
Grok-1 86 314 - - 73.0 62.9 23.9 63.2
DBRX-Instruct 36 132 - - 73.7 66.9 - 70.1
Deepseek-V2 21 236 81.7 84.0 78.5 79.2 43.6 48.8
Skywork-13B 13 13 62.1 62.4 62.7 60.2 8.4 18.9
Skywork-MoE 22 146 82.2 79.5 77.4 76.1 31.9 43.9

Table 1: Evaluation results of Skywork-MoE on popular LLM benchmarks. Results of recent open models
are also reported for comparison. The columns titled “#AP” and “#TP” stand for the number of activated
parameters and that of total parameters (in billion), respectively.

0.06 52 43.6). This highlights the model’s ability to

0.05 46
handle complex quantitative and logical rea-
Token Drop Rates

0.04 35 soning, a challenging area for many language

models. On the HumanEval benchmark, which
0.02 18 tests code synthesis capabilities, Skywork-MoE
0.01 12 scores 43.9. This is a strong performance, ex-
0.00 1 ceeding all dense models in our comparison. It
0 200 400 600 800 1000
0.010 52
is slightly below Deepseek-V2, suggesting room
Auxiliary Loss Coefficients

46 for improvement in programming-related tasks.

0.008 40 Overall, it is pertinent to conclude that our
0.006 29 Skywork-MoE outperforms Deepseek-67B and

0.004 23 Llama2-70B, but trails behind Llama3-70B and

12 several larger MoEs such as Mixtral 8*22B and
6 Deepseek-V2.
0.000 1
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Tokens (B) 6 Conclusion
Figure 4: The curves of token drop rate (top) and In this work we introduced the techniques and
those of auxiliary loss coefficient (bottom) for all insights we gained behind the development of
gating layers during the pre-training of our Skywork-
MoE. It can be seen that the auxiliary loss coef-
the Skywork-MoE model. Our comparative
ficients is responsive to the change in token drop analysis of upcycling pre-existing models ver-
rates. sus training from scratch provides insights and
guidelines into the initization decisions required
for MoE model development. This understand-
achieves strong scores of 82.2 and 79.5 on ing allows for more informed and effective plan-
the CEVAL and CMMLU benchmarks, respec- ning and allocation of resources in large-scale
tively, surpassing Deepseek-67B, and is closely MoE training projects. We introduced gating
trailing behind Deepseek-V2. On the MMLU, logit normalization and adaptive auxiliary loss
Skywork-MoE scores 77.4, which is competitive coefficients, two techniques that have notably
when compared to higher-capacity models like enhanced expert diversification and provided
Qwen1.5-72B and slightly lower than Llama3- a flexible framework for adjusting auxiliary
70B. In mathematical related tasks (GSM8K losses, respectively. Based on these findings, we
and MATH), Skywork-MoE’s scores of 76.1 and trained Skywork-MoE, an open-source MoE up-
31.9 are notable. It comfortably outperforms cycled from previous Skywork-13B checkpoint.
Llama2-70B and Mixtral 8*7B and stands close Its strong performance validates the effective-
to larger models such as Deepseek-V2 (79.2 and ness of our approach.

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parallelism. Skywork-MoE is given in Table 2.

Skywork-MoE • EP is characterized by SizeEP = SizeDP ∗
SizeT P . As EP does not support further
Vocab. Size 65,536
split of single expert, there is also a con-
Hidden Dim. 4,608
straint that SizeEP cannot exceed the total
FFN Dim. 12,288
number of experts. Consequently, with EP
Head Dim. 128
the number of GPUs that can be used to
Num. Heads 36
train the MoE is bounded by a multiple of
Num. Layers 52
the number of experts.
Num. Total Experts 16
• ETP is characterized by SizeEP = SizeDP .
Num. Routed Experts 2
As ETP allows splitting one expert onto
MoE Layer Frequency 1
multiple GPUs (SizeT P ), it supports larger
Native Seq. Len. 8192 cluster size than that of EP. The downside
is that ETP has a larger communication
Table 2: Details on Skywork-MoE architecture. overhead fom AlltoAll operation between
experts, which my increases rapidly with
B Infrastructure SizeT P .
The Skywork-MoE model leverages our inter- Our EDP is defined by SizeEP = SizeT P .
nally developed training framework, Skywork- This approach is particularly effective for mod-
Megatron, which is built on the Megatron-LM els with a moderate number of experts (e.g.,
(Shoeybi et al., 2020; Narayanan et al., 2021) no greater than 64), optimizing the AllToAll
23.06 branch. Within this framework, we have communication during the routing of tokens
implemented a custom MoE architecture that by the gating layer. In the EDP configura-
includes gating layer, expert layer, and a tai- tion (see Figure 5 for an illustration), the
lored distributed parallel strategy. same data traverses both the TP Group in
the attention layer and the EP Group in
B.1 Expert Data Parallel (EDP) the expert layer. The device mesh config-
uration for Attention and Expert weights
is represented as [SizeP P , SizeDP , SizeT P ] and
[SizeP P , SizeDP , SizeEP ], respectively.
B.2 Unbalanced Pipeline Parallellism
The Skywork-MoE model employs a custom
approach to Pipeline Parallelism (PP) and gra-
dient recomputation to achieve better load bal-
ancing across both GPU computation and mem-
ory usage in various pipeline stages. Standard
pipeline parallel implementations often suffer
from computational bottlenecks, particularly
in the last stage due to the loss calculation.
In Figure 6 we present an example of a model
with 24 layers. In this example, adjusting the
Figure 5: Illustration of Expert Data Parallism
(EDP). In EDP, the attention part runs as Tensor segmentation of transformer layers from a uni-
Parallelism, while the FFN part runs as Expert form [6, 6, 6, 6] to [5, 5, 5, 5, 4] reduces pipeline
Parallelism. bubble time by up to 10%, enhancing overall
computational efficiency. Similarly, gradient
We introduces a unique parallelization strat- recomputation (via checkpointing) is adapted
egy named Expert Data Parallelism (EDP). Ex- differently across the stages. With large differ-
isting parallelism strategies for MoE training in ences in buffer sizes across the stages, config-
Megatron-LM Core 0.6.0 include Expert Par- uring varied recomputation layer numbers for
allelism (EP) and Expert Tensor Parallelism each stage helps in balancing memory utiliza-
(ETP). tion and computational overhead effectively.

Figure 6: Comparison of bubble time between uniform and non-uniform split pipeline parallelism (PP) in a
24-layer transformer network. (a) Uniformly split into four PP stages, each containing six layers, resulting
in significant bubble formation due to the computational demands of loss calculation. (b) Non-uniformly
split into five PP stages configured as [5, 5, 5, 5, 4], with the final stage containing one fewer layer,
achieving better load balance across stages.

B.3 Training Efficiency preferrable to scale the learning rate of the MoE
The training of the Skywork-MoE model is con- layer
p by a factor of either k/n (linear scaling)
ducted on a cluster comprising 192 NVIDIA- or k/n (squre root scaling).
HGX-A800 nodes, totaling 1536 A800-80G In order to test the validity of such treat-
SXM GPUs. Each node is connected through ment, we have experimented with a small MoE
a high-speed 400 GB/s NVLink for intra-node model featuring 32 experts and a total of 1.8
and an 800 Gb/s RoCE network for inter-node billion parameters, utilizing top-2 routing with
communications. The model utilizes 12-way 150 million activated parameters. Under this
pipeline parallelism, 4-way tensor-expert par- setting, the effective batch size for the MoE lay-
allelism (via EDP), and 32-way data paral- ers is 16 times smaller than the nominal batch
lelism with ZeRO-1 optimization (Rajbhandari size. With the square root scaling, the learn-
et al., 2020). To further enhance training per- ing√rate for the MoE layer should be scaled by
formance, we have implemented features such 1/ 16 = 0.25.
as communication reduction related to expert We have experimented with three different
parallelism, kernel fusion, and overlapping com- learning rate setting:
munication with computation. • Baseline: a global peak learning rate of 6e-3
Ultimately, the training of Skywork-MoE for all component of the network;
achieves 38% Model Floating-point Utilization
(MFU) on the cluster and a throughput of 690 • Expert lr ×0.25: the peak learning rate is
tokens per GPU per second. set to be 1.5e-3 for MoE layers and 6e-3 for
non-MoE layers;
C Negative Results
• Baseline lr ×0.25: a global peak learning
C.1 Scaling Expert Learning Rate rate of 1.5e-3 for all component of the net-
In MoE training with top-k routing, each input
token is assigned to k experts. If the expert All models were first trained from scratch for
loads are roughly balanced, then in a forward 300 billion tokens, and learning rate linearly
pass each expert is expected to receive a pro- decreasing to 10% of its peak value. We then
portion of k/n of all input tokens. This means continued the training for another 10B tokens,
that the effective training batch size for the during which the learning rate is swiftly de-
MoE layers is merely k/n of the nominal train- cayed from the its final value in the previous
ing batch size. As smaller effective batch size stage to zero.
leads to more noised gradient estimate, one The experiment result is depicted in Fig. 7.
may hypothesize that to compensate this it is We see that at the end of the first stage of

MoE with 32 Experts 1B*8 Upcycling Experiments
Baseline Baseline
2.6 Expert lr x0.25 2.06 Multi. Init.
Baseline lr x0.25

Training Loss
Training Loss


0 100 200 300 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080
Tokens (B) Tokens (B)

Figure 7: Comparison of Expert vs. Global Learn- Figure 8: Comparison of training loss for MoE
ing Rate Scaling. This graph illustrates the notice- models: conventional upcycling (baseline) versus
able differences in training loss at 300 billion tokens, specialization training (Multi. Init.). Both models
attributable to variations in their terminal learning underwent training over 100 billion tokens.
rates. However, by 310 billion tokens, when the
learning rate reaches zero, the training curves of
all three models converge, demonstrating similar C.2 Expert Specialization Training for
performance outcomes. Upcycling
Conventional sparse upcycling methods involve
initializing MoE weights from a single dense
model checkpoint, where the weights in the
training, the baseline models with and with- Feed-Forward Network (FFN) layers of the
out global learning rate scaling exhibits the dense model are replicated n times, creating
best and poorest performance respectively, and an MoE model with n identical experts in each
the model with expert learning rate scaling is MoE layer. It is reasonable to hypothesize
somewhere in-between. We attribute this per- that this method of initializing MoE models
formance gap to the difference of their respec- with identical experts could impede the diver-
tive final learning rate. This can be evidenced sification of the experts, potentially leading to
by the fact that with merely 10B additional suboptimal performance.
training, where the learning rates for all models To investigate this, we explored a method
had declined to zero, only minor differences in which we refer to as expert specialization train-
training loss remained, with the baseline model ing for upcycling. Briefly, this method allocates
marginally outperforming the others. a portion of our computational budget to inde-
pendently pre-train the dense model on each of
Despite theoretical justifications for adjust- n distinct datasets, each characterized by dif-
ing the learning rate for MoE layers, our find- ferent distributions D1 , . . . , Dn . This process
ings suggest that such modifications may be yields n diverse and more specialized model
unnecessary. We note that in our configuration checkpoints. We anticipated that initializing
of 32 experts the parameters within the MoE the MoE weights from these specialized check-
layers constitute approximately 97% of the to- points would promote expert diversification,
tal model parameters, where the latter figure resulting in a performance improvement.
mainly depends on the number of experts and Our experiments were conducted using dense
is agnostic to the model scale. Consequently, checkpoints that contain 1.3B parameters, ini-
adjusting the learning rate specifically for the tially pre-trained from scratch for 1T tokens on
MoE layers effectively equates to a global scal- a mixed corpus of Chinese texts, English texts,
ing of the learning rate across the entire net- and code. We refer to this initial model as
work. This overlap in parameter distribution Mbase . Subsequently, we continued to pre-train
implies that targeted adjustments to the MoE Mbase separately on an additional 100B tokens
layer’s learning rate might not yield distinct of exclusively Chinese, English, and code data,
outcomes from global adjustments. updating only the FFN part of Mbase . The

resulting models are designated as Mcn , Men ,
and Mcode , respectively. In our experiments, to
initialize an MoE model with 8 experts, we uti-
lized three copies of Mcn , three copies of Men ,
one copy of Mcode , and one copy of Mbase . This
setup was compared against a baseline method,
which involves initializing from eight copies of
Mbase .
The experimental results, as shown in Fig-
ure 8, reveal that while expert specialization
training does offer a slight advantage over the
baseline upcycling approach, the advantage di-
minishes as training progresses. By the end
of 90 billion tokens of training, the difference
in loss between the specialization training and
the baseline is below 0.01. We consider this
difference to be marginal and not justifying the
additional effort3 involved.

We have trained each of Mcn , Men , and Mcode for
100B tokens, which altogether is roughly equivalent to
150B training of the MoE model in terms of GPU hours


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