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Political Correctness – The New Fascism

By R.Jay

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2012 – R.Jay



The application of Totalitarian principles.


Complete subservience to dictatorship.


Unrestricted, overbearing authority.-

The working tools of Political Correctness are the subjugation of free speech,
free thought, personal convictions. To this end, literature, verbal intercourse, and
statements of belief are censored through fear and intimidation. - A theft of
The PC movement inexplicably chooses to champion issues once universally
viewed as deviant or alien to the moral instincts of society and religions; a
challenge to the evolved order of nature. What began as tacit pleading for
acceptance, has become a demand with menaces for dominance by a de-
centralised cloned eruption of contamination; a world wide plague striking at the
natural order of life, love and family; at our sense of national pride. Quite often
offending respectable sensibilities.

The dialogue has now become a diatribe.

The issue here is not of right or wrong on any contentious topic, but of the
individual’s right to discuss or argue them; maintain the opposite viewpoint.

(‘I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.’
– Voltaire)
This persistent, relentless campaign has succeeded, with insidious stealth, to
intimidate successive governments who have allowed their judgment to be
perverted by unelected 'Mullahs' flouting their ‘boutique’ moralising; to engage
in knee-jerk invasive legislation that blurs the principles of liberty that so many
have died throughout history to defend.

(‘The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any
member of a civilised community against his will, is to prevent harm to others’: -
John Stuart Mill)

Like playground bullies, this minority group of self appointed social commissars
pursue a virulent MacCarthyist witch-hunt in the media, entertainment, industry,
commerce, the professions and increasingly the personal space of ordinary
citizens and their families; tirelessly seeking out for condemnation and
criminalisation of those of differing opinions, and honest views that fail to
satisfy this warped vision of PC purity; eager to append the dreary indictments
of 'racist', 'homophobic', 'sexist', 'xenophobic'; these labels of intended shame not
so far removed in principle from the Yellow Star of David labels and the
iniquitous 'Juden' graffiti deployed by the Nazis’ in the 1930’s; to brand people
for what they were simply born as, mark them out for mob punishment. - The
Brown-Shirts are back amongst us.

(‘Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains’: - Jean Jacques Rousseau).

Most worrying is that we have produced a generation or two for whom the
concept of free-speech and lateral thought have now become anti-social. Society
is increasingly succumbing to ‘Mind Control’ and ‘Behavioral Grooming’, and
the constant scrutiny of the Thought Police who sit in readiness to denounce and
condemn perceived transgressors. As in the old evil empires of totalitarian states,
free born Englishmen/women walk in fear of public chastisement and ‘disgrace’,
constantly looking over their shoulders for these shadowy stalkers. Particularly
susceptible and grotesquely failing in their duty, are the corralled ranks of
politicians, Town Hall megalomaniacs, media commentators, and even police
chiefs, prepared to join the lynch-mobs in the interests of their lack-lustre

(‘If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do
not want to hear.’ - George Orwell)

Sadly much of this PC hysteria originated in the USA, paradoxically the Land of
the Free, who celebrate their Bill of Rights and the high principles of the
Founding Fathers, and the Pilgrim Fathers who sailed thousands of miles into the
unknown in search for freedom of expression.

(‘Give me liberty, or give me death’ – Patrick Henry)

In the name of tolerance, the amassed forces of ‘Politically Correct’ bigotry,

censors, book-burners, the storm-troopers of the ‘anti-fascist’ organisations, (a
perfect contradiction of their actuality), regularly invoke riots and violent
confrontation on our streets to suppress any declaration of alternative beliefs. In
1939 Hitler and his National Socialists, Mussolini and his black-shirted Fascists,
lit a bon-fire engulfing volumes of free speech and thought. For how much
longer are we prepared to stand back from the flames that today are consuming
our collected works of liberty; follow orders; bear the heat of the hatred and
intolerance of Political Correctness on our averted faces?

(‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.’ –
Edmund Burke)

Please feel free to reproduce or quote any of the above

article accompanied by suitable acknowledgements.

Suggested further reading - (fiction) »»»»

…of HOPE and GLORY


Chris Carter returns to a town he barely recognises and a growing threat to all
that he holds dear. Under the banner of the 'English Front Line', the young men
of Holtingham vow to defend their culture and country against Islamic
extremism and the PC lobby. An ultimate Jihadist strike at the heart of England
demands merciless action if two thousand years of proud history are not to be
swept away.


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