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Your character will always start with 3 traits: 1 obligatory soul

trait and 2 other traits you are free to choose. They are separated
by categories such as: BIRTH PLACE, LIFE PATH and SPECIAL

As the campaign goes on, you can learn traits as narrative

archievement, or you can get traits by certain objects and interac-

A character doesn’t need to have a birthplace trait to tell that they are from a certain territory
Souls are the Zodiac of fear and hunger, when born, a human can have
a certain type of soul. There is no knowledge if being born on a certain
date can give you a specific soul, but one day of difference is enough to
change the soul you are born with.
There isn’t enough information about souls, do they change with time?
Do they decide your fate? Are they connected to the gods? One thing is
sure, “What you are to become is up to you.” But that doesn’t mean they
don’t have a greater influence on your life.

REMEMBER, you can only choose ONE soul trait

Roll d12 for your birthmonth and choose your soul


2 .3 Radiating Soul
- Talented: You were born talented, choose one of your
traits and you will recieve a bonus on whatever that trait
gives you. (speak with your gm about it)
- Radiating Luck: You are radiating, you can use Soul
points as lucky coins too.

3 .2 Tainted Soul
- Stained path: Instead of 20 being a crit, before you roll a
d20 you can choose a number of the d20, if landed, the action
becomes a crit, except a one, that stays a crit failure
- Always bet on me: You can use your three revs as 1d4s,
when using all three you roll them out, if the result is the
same on the three dices, you recieve a bonus of 1d20 on any
roll for the duration of a song that can be max 4 minutes

1 .2 Endless Soul
- Endless possibilities: you can reroll any dice that affects you one time, after
rerolling, you can do a coinflip to see if you maintain the endless possibilities, if
failed, you need to rest before using it again.
- Imagined Flight: Instead of rolling a d20, you can do a coin flip, the coinflip
will count as crit success or a crit fail

4 .5 Beastly Soul
- That fucking Sergal song (TFSS): You have a beast dwelling inside of you. All
Fear checks are failed, when reaching Fear level 4, instead of recieving a heart
attack, you enter a frenzy where you obtain an automatic crit, after the crit, all
your attributes will recieve a -4 penalty until resting.
- To the sulfur pits with the fucking world: Whenever you reach 0 life points,
instead of dying or falling unconcious, you keep grasping on life. Each attack you
recieve will give you a fear level, you will be defeated upon reaching fear level 4
if you don’t heal
1 .3 Domination Soul
- Subjugation is Freedom: You can
change the
balance of a mental fight between
domination. In any save roll where
your character is gonna be mentally
controlled ( Mind control, brain flower
I.E), persuaded, intimidated, etc. Roll
with advantage.
- Bend to my will: You can apply
Domination to one of your Party
members, they will lose a -4 of mind
but they will get a +2 on the next Att

3 .30 Antagonistic Soul

- Archetype: Enemies are likely to target
you, for some reason whenever they fail
to hit you, an inexplicable rage builds
on them, making them have a -1 modi-
fier on attack rolls that stacks
- Fuck you: Whenever an enemy fails to
attack you, you obtain one soul point

2 .2 Decrepit Soul
- Ultraviolence: You gain advantage when fighting more than 2 creatures,
everytime you kill an enemy, describe how your character brutally murders the
enemy, for each brutal description, you regain 1 mind point.
- Decrepit Disposition: You are simply unpleasant to be around, for one reason or
the other, and most people assume the worst about you. Sentient creatures will
either ignore you or actively avoid you, unless they absolutely must interact with
you. Rhetoric rolls for intimidation are rolled with advantage, while rolls for di-
plomacy are rolled with disadvantage and have terrible consequences for failure.

1 .1 Amoral Soul
- Fear makes me Strong: For each level of Fear, you get a +1 on Finesse and Body
- Heartless cocoon: You start without any phobia, but you don’t recieve any bene-
fits from other character’s skills

2 .6 Halved Soul
- HALF LIGHT: Your Finesse modifier now can be used as Half light points, you
can use half light points to quickly react to an incoming attack and automatica-
lly evade it, each half light point consumes 2 of your Finesse modifier.
- My lost haven: Your soul points turn into Quorum points, when using a
Quorum point, all players (included the game master) roll a dice without any
kind of modifier, the higher result gets chosen

3 .8 Gladiatorial Soul
- It has to be this way: For each succesful attack, you obtain a +1 on your attack
roll for the same limb. The modifier resets to +0 after a failed attack
- “Your next line is”: Whenever you need to do an attribute check, you can try
and guess the DC, if you succeed on knowing the DC, you obtain advantage on
that roll, if you fail, you obtain a disadvantage

7 .0 Solitary Soul
- The Angel’s egg: For each roll YOU fail, you obtain a one time use +1 modifier
- This World will miss me Forever: When this character dies, the player can choo-
se the soul to shatter and make all the attributes of the character, both negative
and positive get distributed into the present party members. Doing this will
prevent the character from being brought back to life and/or reincarnating.
4 .7 Submissive Soul
- Breedable: Your Allies can transfer your Mind points to themselves without the
need to ask you, on every roll trying to resist Domination you need to roll a nat
- Sui Generis: Your revs change their effects to the following:
1 REV: +2 modifier to any attribute check
2 REV: +4 modifier on any 1d20
3 REV: Double your DC

4 .7 Sheperding Soul
- Fear not: You gain
advantage on ATT
checks when an ally
has reached 0Hp
- The lord’s guidance: if
you direct all players to
attack the same limb,
every ally gets +3 to
attack rolls

8 .2 Order Soul
- I alone, im the honored one: You can distribute any kind of damage between
mind and health
- As everything should be: All your attributes are 0, distribute your numbers,
both positive and negative into hp and mp

1 4. Tormented Soul
- The temple of flesh: Roll a 1d10 and add to your max hit points. You have endu-
red a great amount of pain and torment around your life that you
became immune to the pain of losing a Limb.

- Pain armor: You can use your

Torment Threshold to Subtract damage, but you must Claim that you get hitted
in order to subtract it. While doing so, you are still vulnerable to other effects.

1 .17 Stagnant Soul

- Stocism: Whenever you reach a fear level, your mind points are reset
- The snow-bells bloom in January.: Whenever you roll a nat 1, your next roll will
have a +1 modifier

7 .2 Defiant Soul
- Long live the Cesar!: When rolling a crit, you can force it to be a critical failure
and you can use that crit on the moment where you require it

- I Will Be Valorous Until Death: When reaching 10% of your health, you cause
max damage, if you have an ability that causes max damage already, you do x2

4 .1 Latent Soul
- Pass on the knowledge: When resting, someone can share a Skill with you; Both
need to succeed on an ENL Check of 5 DC. You can only have one skill shared at
the same time.
- The DNA of the soul: When resting, someone can share a soul trait with you,
both need to succeed on a SOUL check of 10 DC. You can have one soul trait sha-
red at the same time.

2 4. Caressing Soul
- Rule of Love: Your soothing aura can give one of your party members enough con-
fidence for any task. That party member gets a +2 on the next Att check. you need to
rest before using Rule of Love again.
- Hug me: whenever you hug someone, you lower one level of fear once per session

0 .0 Innocent Soul
- Abraxas: Any disadvantage or advantage for fear levels are nullified, you will
only get fear levels on important parts of the plot

- Made in The abyss: Fear levels is replaced by Humanity levels:

Level 1 - Every time your phobia is activated you get stunned
Level 2 - Your eyes are opened wide, your attributes are raised by +1, any Huma-
nity saving roll is at disadvantage no matter how many advantages you have.
Level 3 - You obtain +5 attack roll modifier but every time you attack, 1 mind
point gets consumed.
Level 4 - Your character descends into the darkest pits of their mind, becoming a
husk of what they once were. Your character breaks and becomes a hostile NPC.
All levels stack.

9 .5 Loving Soul
- Genuine, Mutual Love: you can use your soul points on other people’s roll
- We are all Children of Sylvian: All healing you do is doubled, all damage recieved is

2 .1 Enlightened Soul
- Lateralus: Roll a 1d20 and add to your max Mind points. in your great search of
knowledge, your mind expanded enough to be able to withstand the truth about
the greater scheme of things…
- Bibliomania:When you roll on the book table, you can roll again if the result
doesn’t suit you.

3 .1 Blank Soul
- Emptyness: nothing, you may choose
another trait.

1 .0 Mourning Soul
- I bless you forever in death: You can use health points to cast magic or skills
that require mind points to be casted. 2hp = 1mp
- Miracle: You can use soul points to cast magic or skills that require mind
points to be casted. 1sp = 3mp

4 .3 Changeling Soul
- Metamorphosis: Your soul points are now metamorphosis points (the attribute
is still the same), you can use them to use a different modifier on the roll you are
- Providence: Your character is born with a locked +4 and permanent advantage
on a random attribute that will be chosen by a 1d8, to unlock them, your charac-
ter must reach
certain requirements imposed by the GM
3 .3 Suffocated Soul
- Impotence?: You lose all your advantages,
but you also lose all disadvantages
- So near, yet so far: You are unable to deal
critics and Your d20 turns into two d10s

3 4. Shadowed Soul
- At the shadows of others: Enemies tend to see you less. Whenever an enemy
targets you, roll 1d4, then deduct the result from the enemy attack roll
- Unexpected proficiency: gain an additional +2 for accuracy (total of +4) when
targeting limbs previous party members missed for the cost of having a -1 modi-
fier when attacking other limbs

4 .2 Chaotic Soul
- Bullshit: Whenever you get in 0 or negative hit points, you can choose a conse-
quence and continue living with 1 HP
-Losing a limb
-Losing an eye, Halving your Awareness
-Losing part of your soul, halving your soul points
-Hard bleeding, you will die if you don’t get treated on 1d20 minutes
- Scheme shattering Revs: Revs stay outside of combat and their effect translate
to attribute checks. 1 rev = +2 Mod | 2 revs = +4 Mod | +3 revs = you roll your
dice again with all advantages/disadvantages and modifiers
Your body grew resistant to the scorching rays of You learned this ancient dan-
the sulfur sun. cing and martial
technique developed by Konoppe
- add +5 max hit points of the south. The body is in
- you are resistant to FIRE attacks, subtracting constant balance from one posi-
-2 FIRE damage tion to another, the body needs
to have both hands in different
positions, so it’s not possible
to do the technique with a two
handed weapon.
it is tradition for you to wear a purplish
- Learn ABYSSAL GINGA: In batt-
clay on your skin and hair, it is said that
le, if you are NOT using a two
it protects you from the sulfurous rays of
handed weapon, your guard now
the sun and otherworldly influence.
lets you start the Ginga, so in
the rest of the battle you get
- you become resistant to otherworldly da-
a +1 FIN. If getting hit, roll
mage, subtracting -2 of otherworldly dama-
a Body saving throw equal to
ge. If your character gets wet, you lose
the damage received, if damage
any resistance till you rest, where you
received is above 20, you ins-
will apply the clay on your body once more.
tantly lose the Ginga and have
to start over again.


From a young age, you have been
interested or forced to learn in the great temple
of Amon… Going inside it’s another whole story…
now you have access to the information inside the

- Roll 1d4:
Book of enlightenment
A “studies of” you choose from
- Learn MEDITATION: Reach a higher state of awa-
reness. Meditate while guarding to gain extra Rev
points on that turn.
Some Abyssonian cultures have learned to harness the power of Snuff, in-
haling these by the nose temporarily enhances or changes your senses.
- Learn SNUFF POWDERS: You can only use one powder, the effect will go
away after resting and you can use the skill once again.
Kafe: A combination of brown spices mixed with tobacco - You feel less
anxious, as if a great weight was lifted from you, do a coin flip to see
if you lose a level of fear
Persa: A combination of purple spices mixed with opium - You feel re-
laxed but somnolent, you take half of mind damage but you suffer disad-
vantage on any body check
Xanthous: A combination of Yellow spices combined with baked Hemp - Your
head feels lighter, you gain disadvantage on Hunger saving throws but
each time you cast a spell that costs mind points, throw a D6, you re-
gain amount of mind points at the landed number

Among Abyssonian folklore, the use of fetishes are common in order to
scare evil creatures. But the truth is that Fetishes hold a lot more po-
tential than just scaring off evil creatures of the night.

- You obtain Hammer, chisel and carving knife

- Learn Fetish carving: With different materials, you are able to craft
your own fetish. With otherwordly rituals and a soul stone, you are able
to curse the fetish in order to give them a special otherwordly proper-
ty. Discuss with your gamemaster about the type of property that your
fetish holds and the cost for cursing it.

- Fetish that can sense and inform you from any otherworly beings near
- Fetish that spits fire
- Fetish that copies the attacks of an enemy
You are a mobster of the Vatican city… It is not an honest way of living, but
at least it gives you enough to live a good life… The organized crime in the
Vatican city started in the high world of Rondon in the 11th century. When
Vatican city was born, some of the noble families related to organized crime
moved their operations to the Vatican City as a way to disperse unwanted at-
tention from other noble
families that served the crown and their bloody judgment.

- You learn INTIMIDATE: Intimidation tactics work on those mentally weak. The
effects vary case by case. Whenever you try to intimidate someone, you gain
advantage on Rhetoric Att roll.
- You are prone to be recognized by figures of authority, if you try to hide
your identity, do a hard difficulty Rhetoric saving throw without any kind of


You learned the ways of the Vatican school of
Fencing, learning to put yourself in a posi-
Those who are born with talent for
tion of
the otherworldly are always offered
advantage at the start of the fight… Even if
a scholarship by the ministry of
it is practiced as a sport, the teachings of
darkness to become a dark priest…
Fencing can be used in different situations,
The initiation ritual of the new
especially when you are in danger.
students is for them to choose a
god to follow and learn about, as
- You gain +1 of Finesse
you cannot please them all.
- You gain a Rapier
- Learn EN GARDE: If you start combat first,
- You get max affinity with the god
you get a first turn to attack the opponent,
you choose the path from
their DC for all the limbs is reduced in -3
for your first turn, after that, combat starts

- Rapier | 1d12 + FIN | ONE HANDED PIERCING

As a criminal... the church found you guilty of your crimes and your
punishment is to join the armada of the Penance
The Penance Knights are a special unit of the Vatican city that wear tai-
lor-made armors. The Penance Knights are used in the most perilous tasks and
missions where the chances of survival are especially low. This is your time
to repent your sins and be judged by Alllmer himself

- You gain Penance armor and Sabbath

- You gain another stock roll on the medicine table
During the Late 12th Century, the mercenary group of the Knights of midnight sun was
formed under the orders of Le’garde. His charismatic personality and his ability to
unify people under one group gave him attribution to prophesies that told about a
man that would establish a unified new world order over one flag without resorting
to senseless violence.
The mercenary group were perpetrators of the slaughter caused in Oldegård where
they took the life of both civilians and children in order to retrieve an ancient
artifact found on Vinland. They existed for a long time, with or without Le’garde;
though, after the capture of the Captain of the Knights of the Midnight Sun at the
hand of the kingdom of Rondon, the mercenary group was disbanded and were put with a
bounty in their head for their crimes committed on the land of Oldegård.

-You gain Plated armor

-Choose between a two handed weapon or one handed weapon and an eagle crested shield
- Learn Leg sweep: A high finesse arcing attack that can only be performed with
slashing weapons. Deals max damage to both legs
Cost: 3 rev point

-Eagle crested shield | +4 DC | has an eagle crest in the middle


THE GREAT LIBRARY OF RONDON The crown of Rondon has a
Situated in the heart of Rondon, selected royal army of
the gre at library is a place with Black knights, also Called Dark knights.
renown name and completely Elitist, They are chosen for tasks of great impor-
where only a few selected people tance for the kingdom,
were granted access to the great
source of rich information about - You gain Dark armor and helmet
Occultism and Science. You are one
of those people - Roll for a weapon on the
weapons table
-You get advantage on any ENL att
check about Science or Occultism -DARK ARMOR|-2 ALL EXCEPT SOUL | PREVENTS
-Roll for a book on Books table -DARK HELMET | -2 ALL EXCEPT SOUL | PRE-
The temples of Alllmer are the last places where the Old worship
of Alllmer can be found. Mostly based on Alllmer as the figure
he was before his ascension, the benevolent icon that peacefully
protested against the corrupt sultans and kings of his era. You
are a father or sister of the Old Jettahian worship of Alllmer

- You gain a Twelve bead rosary Accessory, Studies of Alllmer 1

and priest/nun robes
- Choose to learn between JETTAHIAN EXORCISM and LAW OF REGRES-
EXORCISM - In each turn, you lose 2 Mind points and you may re-
cite the 1st 4th and 12th Psalms of Alllmer in order to exorcize
a ghost and any kind of otherworldly possession in the harmless
and peaceful way possible.

First Psalm of Alllmer

I don’t blame you for the torment you are causing me
Suffering is something we all share in life and death.
Let your tears fall and wash away the pain.

Fourth Psalm of Alllmer

Carve away the ill intentions out of your body
As i will after i bleed dry
Let my death be proof that even the harmless of ways are right

Twelfth Psalm of Alllmer

I will forgive them
As they don’t know what they are doing
I will embrace you, with your flaws and imperfections
To forgive is divine.

Everytime you get attacked, you need to roll a torment threshold

saving roll with the dc of the damage you receive, if failed,
you need to start over again.

LAW OF REGRESSION - “As Alllmer defied the nature of destruction, He sealed the
shattered bond between the wood of the kid’s broken toy“. You manage to grasp
a miniscule amount of the power that Alllmer wields,
reverting an object to its prior state to a limited degree with
your grasp.
Mind cost: 6

- Twelve bead Rosary | -3 MIND

- Father/nun Robes | -5 OTHERWORLDLY -1 MIND
The virgin mages are a cult of sorceresses who are often portrayed as
mothers of Pre-boecian Occultism, their discoveries and practices remain
latent even at the late cruel age, being teached by the Schools of Oc-
cultism in Vatican city.

-You gain Virgin mage robes and red chalk

- Learn WARDING SIGIL: Draw a warding sigil on the ground to fend off
malice and creatures with ill intent.

- Virgin mage robes | -3 OTHERWORLDLY/SOUL |

- Red chalk | A stronger chalk that smells like roses and meat, it has
20 uses before it runs out
During the 8th century, Nash’rah, the power-hungry sultan of the Eas-
tern sanctuaries did a campaign to conquer Edo, a kingdom that was found
solitary on an island on the far east. The multiple campaigns of the
Sultan failed drastically, which made him seek the power of the warrior
class of Edo, the samurai… Thus creating Yansa Aryuaban, a territory of
the eastern sanctuaries where Captured Edonians would culturally mix
with the people from Eastern sanctuaries, giving birth to the Warrior
class of the Jizamurai.

- You gain Syari’ah

- You gain Jiza Kabuto and Jiza Kozane

- Syari’ah | 2d6 + FIN | ONE HANDED SLASH

- alsharqia Kozane | -3 BLUDGE - 4 SLASH/PIERCE -1 OTHERWORDLY
- alsharqia Kabuto | -2 BLUDGE/SLASH/PIERCE -3

Spice forges were widely used by magick practitioners of the Middle East back in
the day. Spices make it possible to customize the properties of your otherwordly
skills. The preparation and stabilization for the consumption of the spices is the
job of a Spice forger... they are known for wearing a chromatic high quality blue
clothing as accesories in their clothing.

- You gain pestel and mortar

-Learn Spice forge: You obtain 3 vials: One red, one blue and one white. Use one
of the spices to enhace a spell of your choice

WHITE: before the battle starts, your brain reacts on instinct, the spell at the
start of battle
BLUE: Your brain gets lighter, The cost of magic spells is halved
RED: Your brain repeats a specific pattern, you cast the same spell twice in the
same turn (with all the costs)
The northern kingdom is home to the heaviest of hails and the coldest of night-
s,Which makes only the strongest of them survive, making their bodies grow stron-
ger and resistant to colder

- You obtain +4 for both Body and Torment threshold.

- On save rolls related to cold temperatures, roll with advantage.
- Your big body calls the attention of enemies easely


You are trained to be a warrior.. Oldegårdian warriors are known to be
fierce, stories are told that one warrior of the northern
country counts as 3 fully plated western knights… Will you live up to
the example?

- You gain Body paint (accessory) and Fur armor

- Choose between a sword and a round wood shield or a Hunting bow and 10
+ Soul amount of arrows
- Choose between Helm splitter or Bloodlust
HELM SPLITTER: in your next turn, you do a ranged attack to the head
with a DC of 10 and will cause max damage
Cost: 2 revs
BLOODLUST: Hype yourself into a state of aggression and trance. An old
traditional Oldegård folk skill. You lose 5 points of mind, you get +4
on your attack roll for the rest of the battle.

- Fur armor | -2 SLASH and PIERCE -1 BLUDGE

- Body paint | -3 SOUL and OTHERWORLDLY
- Round wood shield | + 3 DC | Any slashing one handed weapon gets stuck
on the shield
- Hunting Bow | 2d4 | PIERCING | 25 METERS
Some Oldegårdian, mostly Sailors have a natural compass engra-
ved on them, making them the best sailors of Europa. One can
say that this is a trait born from the desperation of the
ancestors of the Contemporanean Oldegårdians, who had to come
up with a way of navigating the cold sea in order to find re-
sources for their homeland.

- You know where the north, south, east and west are located
- Getting blinded only gives you -2 attack roll
- you get +2 of Awareness
- You roll with advantage when trying to navigate towards en-
viorement without getting lost
The Warrior class of Edo. For a long time period, Edo was isolated from
the world.
meaning they only had themselves to trade, to form
relationships and to slaughter each other... Some
people say that the ways of Edonian war secretly or
Unintentionally worked as a GU, with Samurais
slaughtering each other until the strongest one remained. The most
powerful fact that suggest this theory could be possible is how Edo
managed to defend themselves so many times against the Eastern Sanctua-
ries. A great difference between the Jizamurai and the Samurai is that
the Latter had an honor code called “Bushido” with seven
virtues they valued,.. But even Samurais tended to break their honor

- You gain Jingasa Kabuto and Eastern Silk Robes

- Choose between Naginata and a wakizashi or a Katana and a Yumi with 5
+ Soul ammount of Ammunition.

- Yumi | 2d6 | PIERCING | 30 METERS

- Jingasa Kabuto|-2 SLASH/BLUDGE

- Eastern Silk Robes| -3 SLASH/PIERCE -4 OTHERWORLDLY

- You learn Quickdraw: If enemy starts combat first, you get a free turn
before the enemy do their attack
From a young age, you have been taught the importance of good man-
- Roll 2d4 and add the result to any Rhetoric roll
involving etiquette and fine diplomacy.

Life in Edo has always been strict and a hardy mind is needed to
survive it.
- Roll Fear saving throws with advantage unless the throw was trig-
gered by your phobia.
You are an elite mercenary from the land of Bremen, your way of war was
teached by the eccentric outlander cavalry from Valland, which explains
your fancy clothes and elongated phalic weaponry.

- You gain Eccentric Panzer and Carved Maske

- Choose between Lance or Zweihander
- Choose between learn Order, Defend! and Order, Charge!

ORDER, DEFEND!: Give orders to your team to defend and keep their stance
after attacking, giving them +1 Modifier on their DC, also aplied to
Cost: 3 rev points. 1d4 of Mind

ORDER, CHARGE!: Give orders to your team to charge and attack the enemy
after the turn pool is over. After that, every party member, even com-
panions, do an attack roll, The damage everyone deals is 1d6 without
causing any status effect except for crits.
Cost: 2 rev points, 1d8 of Mind

- Lance | 1d12 + STR | TWO HANDED PIERCING

- Zweihander | 1d6+1d4 + STR | TWO HANDED SLASH/PIERCE
- Carved Maske|-1 OTHERWORLDLY -1 SOUL

Born on the filth, you are part of those who are being opressed by ex-
pensive taxes and a fierceful force that is the Bremen Elite of the Rei-
chstag. Drinking their wine and eating their freshly baked bread... One
day you will see them begging for their life, as the rats they are...

- You Gain -2 of body +1 of finesse

- You start with Civilian Clothes
- Learn Son of Hunger and Opportunity attack
- Roll 1d20, thats the ammount of familiars and/or friends that died of

- SON OF HUNGER: Your Hunger DC is 20, if you already have a skill that
lowers or higher your DC, both skills will be anulated.
- OPPORTUNITY ATTACK: Whenever an enemy is stunned, their head DC lowers
to 10 for you.

- Civilian clothing | -2 OTHERWORLDLY

Native from vinland, you are born from the darkest pits of the world...
Humans in vinland had to adapt to the harsh enviorement and the hazard
of the darkness of god of the depths.

- You naturally have -2 magic damage resistance

- You obtain +1 torment threshold
- You have advantage on awareness rolls even in the wilderness.

Born in a place where the natural order shifts, so does the human...
Your body blends into the darkness of the world, it a beautiful change
that vitruvia never thought for us.

- Hiding in the darkness does not require a roll

- You obtain finnesse advantage on night or in complete darkness

Your cultural identity shares part of Sergal culture, be it that you
were born into a society of sergals, or by being an immigrant on sergal
lands, they took care of you and shared their knowledge and traditions
with you... Something not many can brag about!

- You deal double damage when being naked

- Armor is for the weak, suicide is preferable to being shameful on ba-
ttle... When wearing any type of armor, reduce your mind points to half
and learn Suicide
You learned that you must do whatever it takes to survive, from the
harshest winters of the northen zone of Voroniya, you took care of your
family and town in camadery, on the southern lands you protected your
land from pests and diseases... Sometimes you think that everything was
just pure luck.

- You gain + 1d4 soul points

- Choose one of your negative stats and turn it into +0
- Learn RESOLVE: When you are resting, instead of eating and partici-
pating on any activity, you can focus your mind into a higher state of
conciousness, giving you advantage on any fear saving roll and any mind
and body saving roll. The effect wears off after eating something..

You were trained at a young age to be become a Volkhv, a priest dedica-
ted to predicting the impredictible, to study and understand the diffe-
rent causes and effect of the world... To study vinushka, as well as his
parents... are you afraid of watching the premonitions of your future?
to know where the chaotic ragdoll of the future will put you in?

- You learn Otherworldly sense of smell: You can smell the otherworldly,
it’s up to your enlightenment and prior knowledge of occultism if you
recognize each smell or not.
- You obtain the book Volkhovnik
- You obtain Volkhv Uniform

- Volkhv Uniform | -3 SOUL


The cultural identity of bohemia is based around the religious worships
of all the gods. You have witnessed cruel sacrifices to gro-goroth and
Alllmer, you’ve seen ceremonies made for sylvian, you’ve seen people you
knew walk to the forest and never come back... And what about you?

- Any trait that is related to worship and gives you affnity with a god,
it gives you +2 instead of one affinity level
- roll with advantage when learning and remembering about god lore and
the pleasant warmth of fire, fire is love, fire is life... Some say that
the warmer the colour of the fire, the more related it is to love, yet
the colder the colour, the more destructive it is.

- You gain -2 of fire damage resistance

- Weapons that deal fire damage and have no scaling scale with your
strongest attribute between Strength and Finesse
- You are resistant to higher temperatures
- Do a coinflip, if failed, your body is filled with burning scars and
you are sterile
The mystic power of text... grabbing papyrus, sinking the pen into ink
and starting to write.

- Roll 1d6 and substract that value from your mind attribute
- Learn improvised story
- You get Pen & Ink and paper

IMPROVISED STORY: when resting, you can improvise a story, everyone gets
+2 mind points but you can continue the story if you succeed a coinflip,
for each succeeded narration, the mindpoints gained are duplicated (+2,
+4,+8, etc).
For the sake of narrative, you truly have to improvise a story, the game
master, nor the player itself cannot wrap the rest until the story has a

- Civilian clothing | -2 OTHERWORLDLY

Combining elements to find new ways of transmuting reality is the main
work of an alchemist... just as any science, Alchemy finds its porpuse
for the sake of reaching a higher state of being for humanity... One of
the few interesting things stablished by alchemia is the branch of her-
balism, and the research of Vitruvia, the architect of the human body,
the first alchemist and- Abyssonian new gods may also call Vitruvia the
logic behind algebraic equations and the artist behind the golden ratio,
often showing that creation without any kind of architect often brings
disproportion, hence why marriages and corruption creates such ugly fea-

- You gain Alchemillia Vol 1

- Choose between Algebraic Mastery or Mastery over Chemicals
ALGEBRAIC MASTERY: as an architect that can check the angle of a sedi-
ment by putting an empty ale bottle, with your keen eye you easely can
check ingredient ratios when creating your brews, letting you manage
your resources on an optimal level. Whenever you create an item, one of
the ingredients stays in your inventory (the ingredient in question is
dictated by the game master) And you have advantage on any rolls related
to algebra, mathematic concepts and Vitruvia

MASTERY OVER CHEMICALS: As a taxidermist who can tell apart different

species of birds that look literally the same by the most obscure fact
about the two species, you are able to tell apart different materials,
their use and how to obtain them... this opens a big repertory when
creating vials and potions. You can find materials that replace the main
ones for creating vials, you gain advantage when searching for organic
and inorganic materials and themes related to vinushka.

Cinnabar = Worm vial
Horsetail = Blue herb
Honey = Red Herb
Sulfur powder = Green herbs
Salt/Rod wax = Cloth fragment
Platinum = Stabilizer for poisons

(Its up to the game master to decide what the item ends up doing)
Sylvian is the godess of many things, one of these things is agape, the
highest form of love. The Altruists wield the power of Sylvian’s Agape
essence to restore the body to what it must be and to bring hope to the
despairing. They declare an oath of Chastity in order to ensure their
devotion to loving all as opposed to loving the few or the one.

-You start with 1 Sylvian affinity and a Mask of Storge

-You learn Suiamare and Philian Whispers
SUIAMARE: To love all as thine self, you must first love thine self...
You may perform this skill during a rest to get +3 to flower spell rolls
(such as Loving whispers) and -3 to all other types of spells. If used
on a Sylvian circle, you may gain 1 affinity.

PHILIAN WHISPERS: The world stops and the horrors cease for the few mo-
ments that your friend is held in your arms. Take the burden away from
them... During a rest, 1 ally restores all Hp and Mp but you gain 1 le-
vel of Fear & make an additional hunger saving throw.
Oath of Chastity: Your character feels no sexual desires and therefore
cannot engage in sexual activities.

- Mask of Storge | Those that attempt to use Sylvians gift in order to

hurt an Altruist will her wrath and have their gift taken away from
them... | -1 OTHERWORLDLY DAMAGE | any character that attempts to se-
xually assault the Altruist (whether successful or not) are cursed with
Impotensia for the rest of their pitiful existence.

-Impotentia: You have made a grave error... For as long as you will
live... the parts you find most pleasuring will become nothing but an
instrument of pain until you do the world a favour and end your pitiful
You studied the creation of structures, from planning them out to the
materials specific to make them work! it is an art itself, an art of pa-
tterns that repeat themselves in different cultures

- You gain advantage when rolling inside of a structure (Checking if

there are any traps, secret compartments, etc)
- You gain advantage on damage with hammers
- you gain +1d6 when rolling for creating simple construction

- Civilian clothing | -2 OTHERWORLDLY

the Art of acting, embracing a life that isn’t yours... you’ve been
playing characters for people to put their dirty shoes in. But, aside
from that, can you really do the same? can you really put your shoes in-
side the life of the characters you interpret?

- You gain +1 Rethorics

- You are able to percieve microexpression from people
- Gain advantage when lying or faking your identity.

- Civilian clothing | -2 OTHERWORLDLY

You spent your life searching for artifacts, you see... in every cor-
ner of the world, there is the posibility that a rare antique trinket is
holding the secret history that wasn’t written on books.

- You gain +1 on awareness

- When you are looting you can loot for another item
- Civilian clothing | -2 OTHERWORLDLY
“Holy shit! There is a meteor that cut through Yansan, straight into Ha-
verinen’s tail... Just near the moon, I thought it was going to hit us!”

- You obtain a portable telescope, Glasses accesory and civilian clothes

- You obtain Studies of rher 1
- You gain +1 Awareness
- When resting in night, you can check on the telescope to see and chart
the sky, if you succeed on finding a specific star, a constellation or
any kind of beautiful celestial figure you get 2 Mind points back, an-
yone who sees it gets 4 mind points back. Any positive reaction from a
partymember will give the happy status effect for the rest of the Ses-
The arts of cutting meat… of ending lives in order to feed others… You
learned to sacrifice animals, to cut them down... you learn their inner
workings, from the most cruel ways to the most compassionate way possi-

- You gain a butcher knife and Butcher uniform

- Your slashing damage crits also cause double damage
- Choose between Meat manipulation or Amputation:
MEAT MANIPULATION: you can cut freshly deceased corpses to get 1d4 of
meat. When a party member is infected, you can cut the infected piece of
meat instead of the
whole limb, causing 1d4 of damage and bleeding. Can only be used one
time on each Limb.
AMPUTATION: Humans and other mammals are not that
different, whenever a party member needs to lose a limb, you can cut it
without causing damage to the Party member. You also cause double damage
to limbs when using Slashing damage weapons
-You always reek of blood and meat

- Butcher knife | 1d4 + BDY | ONE HANDED SLASH/PIERCE

- Butcher uniform | -2 OTHERWORLDLY
There is a difference between Inns, taverns and Alehouses... Yet, evero-
yone who comes to your stablshiment always think they can get the servi-
ces one of the other two places give! ignorance is frustrating...

- You gain civilian uniform

- All rolls regarding identifying alcohol are done with advantage
- You start with 2d20 of money
- You obtain +1 Englightenment
- You own a tavern, discuss with your Game master about it
- Start with 2 beer and 1 Vodka
Beekeeping is an honorable task… Honeymaking, taking care of the bees…
Such wonderful creatures… Sometimes you can even hear their buzzing and
distinguish some words… but Bees don’t talk at all.. right?

- You gain Beekeeper uniform, Beekeper mask and Thorned ring

- You start with 1d4 of torches and 2 green herbs
- You start with +1 Affinity to god of the depths
- You gain 1 honey

- Beekeeper uniform | -1 FIRE -2 OTHERWORLDLY

- Beekeper Mask | -1 piercing | Prevents Blindness
- Thorned ring | Prevents and cures poisoning
- Honey |-1 Hunger DC +1 Mind points
At a young age, you had a talent to play ins-
truments. The soothing sound of your instrument
was always something that, if not soothed you,
always managed to soothe the others… For some,
being talented can be a curse, for others.. a
blessing, were you forced to play music or was
it your choice?

- You get an instrument of your liking and Musi-

cian’s uniform
- You may learn Sounds of Ma’habre or Whispers
of Gro-goroth

SOUNDS OF MA’HABRE: When resting, you can play a

song that soothes the fear. You must do a Rheto-
ric saving throw of DC 10, if you succeed those
who can hear it get one less level of Fear, ex-
cept you. If you are playing a real instrument,
everyone gets +5 mind points

WHISPERS OF GRO-GOROTH: You can play a song, one

of violence and destruction. You must do a Rhe-
toric saving throw of DC 10, those who can hear
it gain +3 of damage in the next fight, but the
song gets stuck in their head, on a repeating
loop that gives -5 of mind

- Musician’s uniform | -2 OTHERWORLDLY

Hunting is fun, but for some reason.. hunting humans is a lot more
fun... be it duty, be it sadism itself, your job is to get humans, dead
or alive... and bring them back for a reward

- You learn: Marked for gutting

Marked for gutting: You can mark a limb or an enemy, that limb either
recieves double damage or the DC lowers - your highest attribute. Each
mark consumes a max Rev
- +1 Awareness
- Roll on the table of weapons
- Roll on the table of armor
- Gain Contractor’s letter and roll 2d100 to set the value of the bounty
(talk with the DM about what your bounty is about)
The cult of the Bunny masks is one
dedicated to the older god Sylvian, whose integrants put on Bunny masks
while naked and engage in the
pleasures of flesh.

- You learn Masturbation: An act of self-love enhances your affinity

with Sylvian when performed on a ritual circle. This act is widely popu-
lar among the priests of Vatican City when mixed with blood sacrifice.
- You learn Bunnie’s act of love: While resting, you can make an act of
love with someone else, restoring all health points. You have to do a
coin flip, if failed, you lose 5 points of mind and enter the next level
- You start with Affinity to Sylvian and 1 bunny mask

- Bunny mask | Prevents getting

blindness status -1 OTHERWORLDLY
Sweat, blood and tears are put into the work when smithing… You always
had a natural talent for shaping things with a hammer.

- You obtain Hammer and Blacksmith uniform

- You start with 2 oil vials
- You learn I can fix it: When resting, you can fix broken equipment wi-
thout having to do any type of roll. You consume 2d4 of mind points

- Hammer | 1d8 + BDY. | ONE HANDED BLUDGE

- Blacksmith uniform | -2 FIRE
You are a scholar of the plants, you know their names, their functiona-
lity and how to maximize their effects.

- You Start with a shovel

- You gain Advantage when doing an awareness check to find any kind of
useful herbs
- Choose to learn between Advanced Botanism or Undergrowth awareness
Advanced Botanism: The skill to condense the effective properties of
herbs and plants to maximize their potential. Combining two herbs with a
red herb will make the condensed version (Condensed Blue, Lavender and
Undergrowth awareness: You can harvest irritable and poisonous plants
safely and also tell apart the plants that have potential use in your


Where the western worship of Alllmer can be found. The image of a godly
Alllmer after his ascension is the idol that the western worships, the
image of vengeance and rage.
Those who don’t follow his teachings are marked as sinners and will be
judged by Alllmer the day they perish.
Outside of the civil image that the church presents, they still practice
the old customs of the dark priests; participating in ancient rites and
worshiping other deities. You are a father or a sister of the western
church of Alllmer

-You gain Priest robes, The old testament of Alllmer and Eleventh Bead
-Learn between Exorcism or Penitence
EXORCISM - In each turn, you lose 2 Mind points and you may recite the
2nd, 3rd and 11th Penitence of Alllmer in order to exorcize a ghost and
any kind of otherworldly possession in a violent and intrusive way.

Second Penitence of Alllmer

Thou shalt hear me, Heathen
As my blood boils with pure and unfiltered rage
My blessing is death, and my forgiveness a wound

Third Penitence of Alllmer

Kneel and bend to my will
The amount of shame thou shall inflict on thyself may grant thee mercy on my ju-
Hunch over, as i will inflict my domination upon thee

Eleventh Penitence of Alllmer

I will make you suffer as i did
I will make you suffer as i did
i will make you suffer as i did

Everytime you get attacked, you need to roll a torment threshold saving
roll with the dc of the damage you receive, if failed, you need to start
over again.
Mind cost: 7

PENITENCE - By Judging the sins commited by an enemy you are able to

cast a penitence on them. Some schollars believe that penitence is just
a nice word to describe a curse, a word that in a vast majority of
churches is spoken as something highly tabboo and related to ancient
and evil forces, just to scare the mass populi of civilians who have 0
affinity to the occult. The Penitence is a Debuff that you choose (must
be aprooved by the game master) that will take half your max Mind points
when activated and will remain active until you decide so.

Sins: Lust, Gluttony, Disobedience, Sloth, Envy, Pride and Greed

- Eleventh Bead Rosary | -3 MIND

- Father/nun Robes | -5 OTHERWORLDLY -1 MIND
You are the person who kings, presidents and emperors come to, asking
for advice. There isn’t too much about it! Some kings have rotten teeth,
while others suffer from illments caused by their luxury life... Your
advice is always needed.

- You gain +1 rethoric

- Royalty and high nobility is easier to persuade
- you obtain extravagant clothes and an accesory of your liking (this is
only narrative)
- You learn Convincing personality:

CONVINCING PERSONALITY: Convincing someone can give them a morale boost,

that person rolls a 1d4 and subtracts the result to the DC of the next
action that requires a d20

-Extravagant clothes | -2 otherworldly | Looks amazing |

You are part of the church of Sylvian, a large church that worships the
goddess of love. Can you see it? there is something really beautiful
to the goddess of love... Every little thing in life is both an act of
creation and destruction, Sylvian is the fuits that grow, the bird mo-
ther that feeds her baby birds, the mushrooms that use a carcass as soil
to grow, Sylvian is the feeling when a father holds his offspring with
his arms, that wonderful pain on his chest as he wishes to his child to
have a long life. Sylvian is love, Sylvian is life

- You obtain 1 affinity with Sylvian

- You learn Loving Whispers
- You obtain “Sylvian Skin bible” or “Studies of Sylvian”
- Any roll related to the goddess sylvian and related to love are rolled
with advantage
- You obtain Censer

- Censer | Used to burn herbs. The effect of the burnt herb will be sha-
red around 4 meters | Requires fire to ignite the herbs
You are known by others, your tale is told and your archievements are
archived... how does it feel?

- When meeting with someone, you can do a coinflip to see if they know
- Talk to your GM about the reasons of your reputation
- Choose between good or bad reputation

GOOD REPUTATION: People either love you, cherish you, they feel hyped
when you are around, etc... all that matters is that they have positive
emotions towards you.
Your team members recieve a morale boost that makes the Fear saving
throw be 12DC

BAD REPUTATION: People either hate you, fear you, feel disgusted or they
laugh at you... all they have towards you are negative emotions.
Your team members recieve an attack boost of +1d4 while being near you.
You are the first born of a family of Dark priests. It’s custom for the
Dark priests to sacrifice their youngest offspring for grim rituals.
The life of a dark priest is one of polytheism; Old, ascended and new gods,
to acknowledge and worship all of the gods, even if it is hard to please
them all.
Just as another science, worship and occultism is feeded by knowledge. You
started your studies in the Vatican City at a young age and you have been
part of the grim traditions of the dark priests.

- You Learn Counter-magic, Gain +2 points to distribute in Mind or Enligh-

tenment, Dark priest robes

COUNTER-MAGIC: Undo the effects of any lesser magic by your superior

knowledge in the greater scheme of things. you will have to do an Enligh-
tenment Check of different DC depending on the level of the magic and the
type (Curse, rite, spell, sacrifice, etc). No Enlightenment Check is needed
for weaker levels of magic (Cursing a door, cursing an object, necromancy,
OR You can choose a path of Dark
priesthood, choose or roll a 1d8

- Priest of Destruction: -2 body

Gain Gro-goroth first affinity
circle, Studies of gro-goroth 1,
Learn Necromancy
- Priest of Creation: -2 Mind Gain
Sylvian first affinity circle,
Studies of Sylvian 1, Learn Loving
- Hermit Priest: -2 Body Gain God
of Depths first affinity circle,
Learn Mastery over Insects
- Priest of Fear and Hunger: -2 of
T.T Gain God of fear and hunger
first affinity circle, A view on
a new ascended one, Learn Mastery
over Vermin
- Priest of Darkness: -2 Soul Gain
Alllmer first affinity circle, Stu-
dies of Alllmer + 4 Blood vials of
the same blood, learn bloodsword
- Priest of the Meadows: -1 Body
-1 Mind Gain Vinushka first affi-
nity circle, Studies of Vinushka,
Learn Photosynthesis
- Moon Priest: -1 Body Gain Rher
first affinity circle, Studies of
Rher, Learn Reveal Aura
- Priest of the new gods: Gain
affinity with the new gods, Ma’ha-
bre or The fellowship, 1d4 souls-

- Dark priest robes | -4

You are a practitioner of the modern ways of medicine, in contrast,
older way are highly related to Sylvian’s gifts to humanity, as modern
medicine comes to a different approach, taking account on the study of
anatomy, pathology, Alchemy, Vitruvia, etc.

- Roll with advantage when doing a Diagnosis and performing any kind of
medicinal action on someone
- Roll on the medicine table twice
- +1 attack roll
- Learn lesser amputation
- Learn Medicinal
- obtain medical outfit

LESSER AMPUTATION: whenever a party member needs to lose a limb, you can
cut it without causing damage to the Party member.

MEDICINAL: Sacrifice harvested organs to Vitruvia, the architect of the

human body. A sacrifice will cure a corresponding status ailment. Medi-
cinal is based on the law where every action has an equal reaction.
Eye: Cure blindness
Liver: Heals poison
Kidney: Heals toxic
Heart: Heals bleed
Parathyroid Glands: Cures broken bones
Thymus: Heals infection

-Medical outfit | -2 SLASHING -2 OTHERWORDLY |

The beautiful art of dancing, each movement feels as if you were a vast,
infinite ocean that hits the beaches with waves of love... Some waves
are smooth and calm, while others strike with strength and power. Thats
the potential of dancing, something we all share despite our culture and

- You obtain Dancer uniform

- You gain +3 to your DC
- You learn breathing technique: This breathing technique lets you dance
nonstop for hours, this technique can also apply on different situations
where you need to keep your exhaustion to a minimun, giving you advanta-
ge when trying to escape combat. Whenever you exhaust all your revs, you
obtain +1 extra rev on the next turn

- Dancer uniform | -2 OTHERWORLDLY

You take on the dirty job of taking lives… Heretics, criminals, co-
rrupts.. how many people have you executed? People tend to be away from
you, as a little part within themselves fear that they might find their
end with you.

- You gain Executioner’s greatsword, Executioner’s robes & hood

- You learn Guillotine strike: A Hyped strike directly aimed to the
neck, on a horizontal swing, the hype builded for the attack lowers the
DC of the head to 10.
Cost: 3 revs
- You gain -2 Rhetoric
- Roll 1d60, that’s the amount of heads you have cutted

- Executioner’s greatsword | 1d12 + BDY | TWO HANDED SLASH

- Executioner’s robes | -2 OTHERWORLDLY
- Executioner’s hood | -1 OTHERWORLDLY
You dedicated your life to farming, you know about the process that
takes for vegetables and fruits to grow, how to take care of them, the
treatment of the soil and the seasons where they grow… sometimes you are
not sure if you are doing Vinushka a favor or not.

- You start with +2 vegetables, Farmer’s clothing and a Sickle

- You gain +1 on Body
- You obtain advantage with any roll related to soil, PH, attacking
using a Sickle or a Hoe
- Learn Harvest sweep: An arching attack based on the techniques for
harvesting crops. You automatically land an attack on the legs of your
Cost: 2 Revs

- Farmer’s uniform | -2 OTHERWORLDLY

- Sickle/Hoe | 1d6 + FIN | ONE HANDED SLASH
The life of a fisherman... to go on your boat and to catch fish can be
the most relaxing experience ever... or be a constant war against the
turmoil of the waters. In the nights, when you see the moonlight reflec-
ted on the water, you question yourself on who’s domain is the water of
the ocean... Vinushka? Rher? maybe some obscure god that nobody ever
talked about...

-Start with a Fisherman’s outfit

-gain +1 Awareness
-choose between a Fishing Spear or a fishing rod, knife, 2 rolls on the
food table
-You learn Take The Bait: You may choose to expend one food item in or-
der try to distract a low intelligence enemy for one turn (Player rolls,
DC is 15 minus the food items DC)
-You gain Fishing Expertise: You can identify fish, its properties,
whether it’s safe to eat or not, and you gain an advantage for fishing

Fisherman’s outfit|-1 to slashing and piercing damage

Fishing Spear | 1d10 + FIN | TWO HANDED PIERCING| Fishing Item + AWRE|
Fishing Rod|Fishing Item +BDY|

Basic Fishing rules:

You must get a DC of 13 or higher to successfully catch a fish.(the dc
may change depending on the water where you fish)
Fishing with a spear is a standard D20 plus your Awareness
Fishing with a Fishing rod is a standard D20 plus your Body
You may also Fish with any piercing weapon however you’ll roll with di-
Before the ascension of the god of Fear and Hunger, the black plague was
rampant throughout Rondon and was rapidly spreading to different parts
of the world. At the time,
a religious movement rejecting the church’s doctrine in favor of fo-
llowing the scripts simply titled “Penitence and Humiliation of Al-
ll-mer” started to form.

The Flagellants are a movement of self-penitence. A great majority are

adorned with high capirotes, while some others hide their shame beneath
loincloths and the rest walk with rags that barely hold any decency.
But all of this penitence and suffering is to appease the non-ending
rage of the ascended god, who, the flagellants believe wants to see the
world suffer as he did; or maybe as he still does.

Some western churches forbid the entrance of any Flagellant, and hold
the scripts of “Penitence and Humiliation of Alll-mer” as apocryphal and
A phrase mostly used by the flagellant movement, and present on writings
are “We’re all falling apart...”

- You obtain capirot, loincloth and Cat o’ nine tails

- You obtain -2 of body
- You obtain Penitence and Humilliation of Alllmer
- Your DC is now calculated by your Torment threshold
- Pain feels satisfactory

- Capirot hood | -1 OTHERWORLDLY | Disadvantage when hiding |

- Cat o’ nine tails | 1d2 + BDY | If the enemy is capable of feeling
pain, if must do a saving throw with a dc of 3+ your Torment Threshold,
if failed, the enemy gets stunned
The life of a fighter is one
filled with pain, be it a
martial artist, or someone who had to learn to fight for himself or for
others… Your life has been tainted with fights, which made your body get
stronger by physical trauma.

- Unarmed combat deals 1d6 + BOD/FIN of damage

- Gain +1 on Torment threshold and +1 on body or +1 on finesse and a +1
in soul
- Learn STEPPING WIND: with good footwork, you raise your evasion for
the rest of the battle, adding +2 to your DC
Cutting branches, leaves… there is something unique to that! To shape
nature at your own will… What would Vinushka say about this? at least
you are making it look pretty. Now that you think about it… Branches and
limbs… they are kinda the same right?

- You gain Scissors and Gardener uniform

- Gain +1 Awareness
- Choose to learn between Eye to hand coordination or Amputation
Eye to hand coordination: Your precision when cutting branches transla-
ted to combat, add +2 to any attack roll directed to the limbs
Amputation: Limbs and branches are not that different, whenever a party
member needs to lose a limb, you can cut it without causing damage to
the Party member. You also cause double damage to limbs when using Slas-
hing damage weapons

- Scissors | 2d4 + BODY | TWO HANDED SLASH

- Gardener uniform | -1 SLASHING -1 OTHERWORLDLY
What you do is unworthy of a man and it weighs down your heart, but you
somehow have to pay the bills.

- You gain Shovel and a Graverobber uniform,

but lose 5 soul points.
- When looting corpses, instead of rolling on the loot table, you roll
on the chest loot table


- Grave robber uniform | -1 SLASHING/PIERCING -3 OTHERWORLDLY
Just one more try! next time ill hit it big, i promise.

-Every night roll a 1d4:

1- Double your money
2 and 3- No change
4- Lose all your money
- You gain +2 rhetoric and +1 torment treshold
- Choose from the two following skills:
UNNATURAL LUCK: A dirty twenty will count as a critical, but so will
your 1s and lower. Numbers over 20 and under 1 are lesser criticals/fum-
bles (One extra dice roll of damage, one more basic item, one more tier
of items, etc).

GAMBLER’S EUPHORIA: On a nat 20, gain 3 revs even if outside of combat.

You live to entertain a few, be it a king, or a court of white wigged
monarchs who’s souls are rotten to the core.
Sometimes making fun of the king is a test to see if the king has the
resolve to laugh, or the resolve to kill coldblooded

- Choose betwee +1 Torment Threshold, +1 Finesse or +1 Rhethoric

- You get an instrument of your liking and Jester uniform
- Choose to learn Act of mockery or Sounds of mahabre

ACT OF MOCKERY: Your words and insults cause emotional damage, the cha-
racter has to make a Saving throw with a DC of 6 + your Soul Mod , if
failed, the affected one starts to target you and recieves a -2 attack
modifier. This only works with characters that can understand lenguage
or realize the way you are talking to them.

SOUNDS OF MA’HABRE: When resting, you can play a song that soothes the
fear. You must do a Rhetoric saving throw of DC 10, if you succeed those
who can hear it get one less level of Fear, except you.


You took the path of the hermit mages, they are a cult from the south,
hidden on the underground, where they
dedicate their lives to the God of the depths.

-You obtain a Second affinity circle of god of the

depths, Learn Needle worm, Gain a leechmonger ring and Hermit mage Robes

- Leechmonger ring | Heal 2 hit points after attacking an enemy |

- Hermit mage Robes | -3 OTHERWORLDLY - 1 FIRE |

- Gain Hunting Bow, 1d20 + Soul = Amount of Arrows, a skinning knife and
Pelt robes
- When attacking an an animal with any ranged weapon, roll with advanta-
- Learn the skill Skinning: WIth a skinning knife, you can cut between
the flesh and the skin, taking the latter. When resting, you can treat
the skin you took and use it to craft Clothing or disguises, each dis-
guise rests -2 of mind points to craft

- Hunting Bow | 2d4 | PIERCING | 25 METERS

Being the firstborn of your family, you were soon to be trained and be-
come a knight to honor your family name.

-You learn between Counter or Riposte

COUNTER: For the rest of the battle Whenever an enemy hits you, Roll da-
mage without any modifier and hit the torso of the enemy
Cost: 2 rev points
RIPOSTE: For the rest of the battle, whenever an enemy fails to hit
you, you may roll damage on any limbs.
Aiming the head requires an Attack roll.
Cost: 1 rev point

- You gain Plated armor

- You may choose or roll one table from the table of
weapons. If the weapon is one handed, you get a buckler


- Buckler | +3 DC
Cutting trees, regrowing them, sacrificing nature for your own survival,
respecting it or not, the sacrifice of the tree never went in vain.

You learned how to cut down trees, to take advantage of any piece of
wood you could harvest.

- You gain an Axe, you get a Lumberjack uniform

- You gain advantage with Axes, add a 1d4 to any dice roll you have with
your Axe (Attack, damage, trying to cut things with your Axe)
-You can make wooden objects faster than others, provided you have the
resources to make them

- Lumberjack uniform | -2 OTHERWORLDLY |

just a pawn, easy to replace, easy to exploit... you only live the pre-
sent, but... at least you don’t have it that bad.. you do have a job,
you do have a place in society, you are not starving and you can give
yourself treats form time to time... maybe-maybe it is not a sin to
think about the future....

- You obtain Civilian clothes

- You get one free advantage at the start of a new session, it doesn’t
stack (this trait cannot be changed nor homebrewed into stacking by ANY
- Roll 1d10, you start with that ammount of money
At some point in life, you entered a mercenary group. You were commissioned by
different contractors for doing tasks. From protecting to killing… Morals and
law don’t have a chance when money is on play.

- Learn EN GARDE: If you start combat first, you get a first turn to attack the
opponent, their DC for all the limbs is
reduced in -3 for your first turn, after that, combat starts normally.
- Gain Leather armor or Chainmail Armor
- You may choose or roll one weapon from the table of weapons
- Gain Contractor’s letter and roll 2d100 to set the value of the bounty (talk
with the DM about what your bounty is about)

- Leather Armor | -3 BLUDGE -2 SLASHING

- Chainmail dress | -5 SLASHING/PIERCING
You are employed to go inside mines, to exploit the resources that the
world, be it vinushka or any kind of god left for it to form... The sto-
ne deforms with each strike, as if it was an abstract painting made by
one of those weird artists with mental problems.

- Learn HASTE: A technique for making your heart race at a quick pace,
making blood flow faster through your body... suddendly you feel more
energetic! obtaining one more rev space. The extra rev gives + 1d4 to
an attack roll if depleted completely. After the fight, the Haste wears
offs and you get -2 of body ATT until you rest.

- You Obtain Miner uniform

- You Obtain pickaxe
- You Obtain Lantern

- Lantern | Permanent Lightsource. Illuminates on a radius of 6 meters,

if thrown, deals 1d4 of damage and breaks
setting enemy on fire
- Pickaxe | 2d4 + BDY | TWO HANDED PIERCING
- Miner uniform | -2 SLASHING -3 PIERCING
You are a chef… Cutting meat, vegetables.

- You gain Frying pan and Chef uniform

- You start with +2 of your chosen food in the table of foods
- You gain advantage in attack rolls when using weapons that only has
SLASH damage
- You can cook recipes with half the ingredients they require or if you
are missing one non key ingredient (you cannot make a meatpie without
meart or without flour

- Frying pan | 1d6 + BDY. | ONE HANDED BLUDGE

- Chef uniform | -1 OTHERWORLDLY -2 FIRE
You are a practitioner of the dark arts, the occult sciences... Some be-
lieve that dark priests are occultist and viceversa, but both roles are
not specifically aligned, being the main difference between the two is
that occultists are driven by a different objective than dark priests

- Choose between one branch of occult sciences, you will have advantage
when rolling about them: Demonology, Phasmology, Tarot (You get a tarot
deck), Astrology, Alchemy & Numberology

- Choose between Engrave or Advanced occultism

Advanced occultism: you roll with double advantage (roll three

times, choose the bigger number) any roll about occultism in
general, and roll with triple advantage (you roll four times)
for any science you already roll with advantage. You also get
an extra rev at the start of combat.
ENGRAVE: engrave a sigil(that you know about) on your or a
party member's body.
The benefit of the sigil varies depeding on the god it belon-
gs to. Historically sigils were carved on the body, but modern
practition prefers face sigils. Losing the limb or the piece of
skin where the engraving is done, takes the effect away. having
more than two engravings weakens the effect of the engravin-
gs by -2

Vinushka: Adds +4 to any magic dice roll

Sylvian: +3 body and -2 otherwordly damage

Gro-goroth: +4 on any damage roll

Rher: +6 mind points, roll with advantage when withstanding

forbidden otherwordly knowledge

God of Fear and Hunger: +3 Finesse

Alllmer: +3 DC

God of the depths: Insects treat you better and your hunger DC
gets permanently lowered to -5 points
You were captured for your crimes.. repressed from liberty, locked insi-
de bars… was this the result of your decisions or were you captured by a
crime you didn’t commit?

- You get -2 of Body and Mind

- You get Dirty rags
- All of the items gotten by other traits disappear and you get 3 soul
point for each one
- Talk with your GM about the crime you were locked for, any Rhetoric
roll about proving your innocence will be roll with disadvantage
You are or were owned by a Brothel in the red light
district of your city… You have seen and experienced a lot of things…
You are experienced in the art of pleasing someone.

- AN ACT OF LOVE: When resting, you can do an act of love with someone,
healing all of Mind points. In the end, you and your partner will have
to do another Hunger Saving throw.
- You get Prostitute Uniform
- You get +1 Torment threshold and +1 Rhetoric
- Whenever you try to convince someone by flirting, you gain advantage
on your Rhetoric Rolls

- Prostitute uniform | -1 OTHERWORLDLY

you were born in the lowest pit of society… Some tried to blame your
family for their position, others blamed the elite for the problems that
not only your family was in, but others families in the same position as
you had. It didn’t matter to you… as you had to survive how you could.
There were moments where you didn’t have enough to eat, which helped
your body develop to survive against hunger.

- You Learn Slow metabolism: your Hunger saving throw DC is 12, if you
already have a skill that lowers or higher your DC, both skills will be
- You gain -2 of body and +2 on torment threshold
You are a pagan, not focused on the worship of any old god in parti-
cular, but with deep knowledge of all of them and drawing from their
power, similar to the yellow mages but with a deeper focus on bending
down to their wills and worship rather than simply using them for your

- You start with +2 enlightenment and three points of affinity to dis-

tribute between the old gods however you like. You cannot place more
than one on one god.
- You start with a skin bible of one of the gods you didn’t gain affi-
nity with (a valuable item that will let you expand your knowledge
further) and when gaining affinity with an old god, you may immediate-
ly expend it to gain a favor instead. The higher your affinity after
expending it, the easier to get a good favor (An item, a skill, bodily
healing or alteration, etc).
Born on the high elite, you grew accostumed to living on a dustless
world, on high heights and beautiful gardens... sure, it was a life that
was dedicated to a specific role, as if you didn’t had any other desti-
nity... but it was good, the only thing bothering you being the mosqui-
toes. Do you still remember the sweet taste of the powdery cakes and

- You gain +1 Enlightenment

- You obtain Royal Robes and White wig
- You gain advantage on any Rethoric dice roll
- Royal robes | -1 Slash -2 OTHERWORLDLY |
- White Wig | it itches from time to time |
You are trained in the art of cutting and gluing flesh together.. . the
most brutal and dirtiest job. Your work is to put people back together,
in one way or another!

- Gain -3 of Mind
- You gain +1 on your attack roll
- you start with Surgeon clothing
- You Start with a Knife and a bonesaw
- Learn Medicinal
- You gain advantage on mind saving rolls related to analyzing corpses
- when performing a surgery, roll with advantage.
- Choose between Magna medicinal or Emergency Surgery

MAGNA MEDICINAL: A greater form of medicinal where the surgeon will sa-
crifice their own limbs in exhange for human life, returning it to 1 hp.
The procedure must be performed on the spot during an encounter to work

EMERGENCY SURGERY: With your knowledge of medicine, you can focus your
mind into saving the life of a dying party member, this will cost 1d8 of
mind points but you will be able to stabilize them with 1 hp.

MEDICINAL: Sacrifice harvested organs to Vitruvia, the architect of the

human body. A sacrifice will cure a corresponding status ailment. Medi-
cinal is based on the law where every action has an equal reaction.
Eye: Cure blindness
Liver: Heals poison
Kidney: Heals toxic
Heart: Heals bleed
Parathyroid Glands: Cures broken bones
Thymus: Heals infection

-Surgeon clothing | -2 OTHERWORLDLY |

You are a slave, birthed, sold or captured.. doesn’t matter… Your life
is valuable as a summer ant, replaceable! They want you to believe that
you are not the Owner of your own life… Will you prove them wrong?

-You Gain with Dirty rags

- You start with Shackles Accessory (Do a coin flip, if failed, the
shackles are locked)
- You start with +1 level of Hunger
- you get -2 points to distribute between each Att
- Do a coinflip: If failed, you lose a limb thanks to your sadic master,
but you get +5 modifier for any attribute


- Shackles | +1 DC, if locked, you can only use both arms as one |
You were recruited as a Soldier… the horrors of war numbed you… You lost
a piece of your humanity, but at least you are still alive

- You gain -4 of Mind and +2 of Awareness

- You Learn between Bury the trauma or Hard Resolve
Bury the Trauma: If obtained a fear level, you can contain the effects
until resting. After resting all mind healing items will heal half of
what they do, with a minimun of 1 mind point, and any items that heal
fear levels will require the consumption of two to get the effects.
Hard Resolve: Fear saving rolls are now coinflips
- Choose between Sword & Reinforced shield or a Crossbow and 1d20 + Soul
amount of bolts
You are a warrior, mastered in the art of opening gaps and stabbing, if
there are no openings, you make one... It feels like a wonderful dance
between you and the enemy, don’t you think?

- You gain a mailbreaker

- Choose between Stabbing gap or Sealing gap

Stabbing gap: Everytime you land a crit or you deal full damage to an
enemy, the limb of that DC lowers -1

Sealing gap: Everytime an enemy fails to hit you, add +1 to your DC,
with a max cap of +3 to your DC
You are not a person… you are a killing machine deployed in war, a we-
apon used to slaughter, to taint the soil red… You send Soldiers flying
with one swing, you cut them in half, turn them into unrecognizable pi-
les of flesh.
You were born to be an eccentric warrior! but… is there more to just li-
ving to slaughter others as if they were mere cattle?

- You gain +4 in Body and -4 in Finesse

- You can hold two handed weapons with one hand
- Before claiming an attack, you can choose to deal max damage with a
one handed weapon, but it breaks
- You learn Bloodlust: Hype yourself into a state of aggression and
trance. An old traditional Oldegård folk skill. You lose 5 points of
mind, you get +4 on your attack roll for the rest of the battle.
- Whenever you reach a level of fear, you become VIOLENT towards everyo-
ne, ally and enemy alike
- Roll 1d100, the result is the amounts of people you killed
Taking what is not yours is a great skill in order to survive... Pri-
vate property? some may think thats immoral. Some steal to give it to
the poor, some steal to give it to themselves... And some steal because
thats everything they know. Is this true? thats a good question.

- You gain +1 finesse

- You have advantage when lockpicking
- Learn Lockpick technique or Pickpocket

PICKPOCKET: You have a greater sleight of hands due to the extensive

training you had to force yourself to do. You don’t have to do any kind
of roll when stealing from someone’s pockets, but you lose -2 of mind
everytime you do it.

LOCKPICK TECHNIQUE:With precarious tools, one to make a lever, other to

push the pins, and a method of trial and error you are successful on
opening doors without the need of rolling a dice.
When using lockpicking technique, roll 1d100, the result will be the
minutes you spent trying to pick the lock. If the time is beyond 15 mi-
nutes, everyone loose 1d6 of mind points.
You have trained a creature to aid you in ordinary life or maybe to aid
you in combat... The life of a tamer is really fun when you get to crea-
te a connection with your animal friend... unless you are someone who
see pets as just tools to give you an advantage

- You obtain a pet: Roll 1d6 for the type of pet you will have
- Dog | HP 2d5 | DC 1d8 | ATK: Bite 1d10 PIERCING |
- Falcon | HP: 1d6 | DC: 1d8 | ATK: Scratch/Peck 2d4 SLASH or PIERCE
- Cat | HP: 1d4 | DC: 2d10 | ATK: Scratch 1d2 SLASH |
- Wolf | HP: 2d5 | DC: 1d10 | ATK: bite 1d6 PIERCE |
- Moonless wolf | HP: 2d10 | DC: 1d10 | ATK: Deformed bite 3d3 PIERCE +
causes bleeding |
- No pet

To command your pet, you must succeed on a rhetorics roll against your
pet’s DC
- You have advantage on any roll related to animals, except taming, you
GET advantage on learning how to tame an animal
You pass the knowledge to the newer generations, it is a noble task, a
task so noble that people should treat teachers with more respect than
the new gods... So noble, that you get paid less than any construction

- +2 Enlightenment +2 rethoric
- Roll with advantage on teaching a subject you already know or for a
subject you want to learn about.
- You obtain teacher uniform
- Roll 1d20 and substract that amount from your starting money, if you
have no money or it goes into negative, thats a debt you need to pay.
Talk with your GM about the type of debt you need to pay and to who.
- Learn Seed of enlightenment

SEED OF ENLIGHTENMENT: You can give someone an advantage to an attribute

check that YOU have, The person needs to succeed on a Enlightenment or a
Mind saving throw with a DC of 5 + your Enlightenment modifier

Teacher uniform | -2 MIND -1 OTHERWORDLY | Somehow this makes its own

style... a teacher style...
Life has dealt you what would seem like a losing hand. However the harsh
conditions forced upon you turned out to be plentiful in knowledge of

- You gain +1 on awareness and +1 Torment Threshold or Finesse.

- You learn Sisu: Prevents death in battle by leaving your character at
1 HP (doesn’t protect against insta-kill attacks that bypass remaining
health, ineffective against multi-hit attacks).
- You gain advantage on hunger saving rolls and any roll related to sur-
Your live has been dedicated to studying the Architect god.
She is the one who designed the reprography of humanity for the whims of
Every proportional design has been made by her, be it bunnies, hummans,
dogs, snakes, and even some mythical creatures! If there is any body
that doesn’t make sense on a proportional meaning, one can know that the
god who made the entity didn’t had Vitruvia making a design.

- Learn Law of equivalent exchange

- Gain advantage when rolling about any theme related to vitruvia

LAW OF EQUIVALENT EXCHANGE: You are able to sacrifice something that

your mind can comprehend and absolutely map inside their head (do a
prior englightenment check) to vitruvia in order to get something else
of the same value in return. The sacrifice acts as a ritual, needing of
precise movements; Do a Finesse check with a DC of 14 + 1d6
Cost: 4 Mind points
You were born into a wealthy family… The joy of living in the world of
light is something that makes it hard for you to confront the outside
world... the world of darkness.
You may not have been hardened up by the cruel world of the streets, but
at least, you have economical support and the love of your family.

- Roll 2d20, that’s your starting money

- You can roll once again when you start stocking up for the travel
- You gain -2 of Body
- If you are still in contact with your family (via means like pidgeons
or a messenger) every new sessions you will recieve 1d10 of money
The cult of the Wolfmasks is one
dedicated to the older god Gro-goroth, whose integrants put on wolf
masks while naked and engage in cannibalistic intercourse.

- Eating human meat has no mind decrease

- You Learn CANNIBAL FEAST: A barbaric trait of devouring the carcass of
your opponents to ease hunger.
you can eat a corpse to lower a level of Hunger. When resting you might
do a coin flip when doing so, if failed, you enter a trance like-sta-
te, losing 5 points of mind, if not and doing a hunger saving throw: -10
Hunger DC.
- Eating enough corpses can gain you an affinity to gro-goroth
- You start with Affinity to
Gro-goroth and 1 Wolf Mask

- Wolf mask | Prevents getting blindness status -1 OTHERWORLDLY

With the movement being born in the Eastern Sanctuaries, the yellow ma-
ges are Pupils of the Nas’hrah, the once Sultan of the E.S. also called
“The Doom and Terror of Modern Man”.
Yellow mages don’t worship gods, they only harness magic as if they are
another force of nature, using it for their own agenda, choosing their
own survival over anything… but that doesn’t make you a heartless machi-
ne, right?

- You Learn LA DANSE MACABRE: A ritual dance used to channel otherworld-

ly powers to be used by the performer. For each turn of combat, you gain
+1 on any magic dice roll
- You get Hurting
- You get Yellow mage robes

- Yellow mage robes | -4 OTHERWORLDLY |

Traits that you cannot get from the hexen, either a narrative reward or
chosen only in character creation

Blood pact
Some say it’s one of the secrets of gro-goroth, whispered only to a few
select people… To lovers, friends and siblings… This rite binds the body
of the two participants.

-If you choose this trait, you must share it with another player and
will not consume a space
- You cannot die unless your partner also reaches negative healthpoints
- You share T.threshold saving throws with your partner
Product of Necromancy
Suddenly…you wake up.. your body feels cold, your hands are red… It’s
hard to move your mouth…

- You lose -4 of Mind ATT and +4 of body or -1d20 of mind and +1d20 of
- Talking is hard, even closing your mouth… Forming simple phrases beco-
mes a really tiresome task.
- You are obedient to the one who revived you, trying to break free of
the obedience will require a Torment threshold saving throw of 17
- You can have your limbs reattached if cutted, even your head
- You do either a Soul/Torment threshold/Enlightenment with a DC of 1d20
whenever someone tries to break the umbilical cord connection between
your soul and your body (Counter magic or by debilitating the connection
by telling you that you are a product of necromancy)
You were born different. How different? you cannot tell, it feels like
you are the only normal person in the world, that the rest of people
are... Weird, is that something bad? You were born in the deepest parts
of the sulfur pits, birthed by the shithole, your first sight was the
glory of those who watch over the dark sun... You were born in fear, you
shall die in fear.

- You can only get fear levels from your phobia

- You have no empathy, its hard for you to understand the pain of others
- It is really hard to notice, but your eyes lack a normal shine
- Killing gives you one soul point per capita
- You obtain advantage when lying or faking empathy
You have been damaged by someone or something, your phobia developed
after that horrible encounter... It will be your turn.

- You receive double damage from any enemy with your phobia and they
will receive double damage too.
- You get double fear levels
White pestilence
White mold starts to grow on your body, the mold starts from your limbs
and tries to reach your head… Maybe you can stop the White mold from
reaching your Brain…

- You become immune to bleeding

- You can reattach any limb that you lose with water
- You have 2d6 days to try and find a way to stop the mold from reaching
your brain, if you fail, you will suffer from brain death, it will feel
as if you are on a long eternal sleep.
- Your weapons get imbued with the white mold, causing poison on hit
Nest body
Inside of you there are insects… Little creatures that use you as their
nest. You live in symbiosis with them, your flesh turned into a flexible
mass of white propolis.

-You are immune to bleeding and infections

-you can stick your limbs back
-You can summon hornets, when doing so roll a 1d6 to see the ammount of
hornets you summon. They will follow and do simple instructions, if at-
tacking, they deal 1 point of damage
Outcasted into the dark pits of the world... you are part of the tribe
of the cavedwellers! for you, the world is a long eternal cavern, dark-
ness that fades everything into non existence, while the light, the li-
ttle spark that comes form a torch is the responsible for bringing rea-
lity back together, piece by piece... are there more caverns on top of
yours? is there an eternal void if you fall down from the middle cavern?
you cannot evade such curiosity about the world that surrounds you...
the elder cavedwellers would kill you if they knew about your curiosity.

-you get -1d5 rethorics, You may only speak for narrating what your
cavedweller does, if the character speaks, it cannot be on the main
lenguage everyone is using (this doesn’t mean you cannot learn the main
lenguage over time)
-Your unique anatomy gives you -2 of otherwordly damage resistance, but
you recieve +1 fire damage
-You have dark vision, your yellow eyes glow in the dark
-You have the influence of god of the depths as a birthright, any roll
regarding the god will be with advantage
-Your hunger DC will be -25, but you can eat both raw, rotten and poiso-
nous food without suffering the effects
Low exposure to Moonscorching
the moonlight cancer reached you... part of your face is melted, or more
than melted.. it feels malleable, like clay.. it is kind of bloated,
it doesn’t feel like it tho, it feels.... it feels... it feeeeellll-
sss........ straangge..............

- you lose -2 of Mind and -2 of rethorics because of what happened to

your face
- you obtain -1d4 of otherwordly damage resistance
- The pain you are suffering makes it hard to even exist, you roll any
torment threshold with disadvantage, but you get a +3 modifier to any
torment threshold roll
- Everytime you get attacked, you obtain +1 modifier for your attack
roll till you attack, if you land the attack, the modifier resets.
- reaching level 4 of fear directly makes your character go mad,there is
no way to get him back... the moonscorched character will beocme an NPC
and it will start to attack indiscriminately
Tumor growth
Your body has developed tumors of different parts of your body… More
than a human, you look like a monster, one can only wonder how is your
mind still intact

-Your genitals get mutated

-roll 2d6 and add to your max hit points
-You cannot wear tight clothing or any kind of armor, nor wield two han-
ded weapons
-despite your mind still somehow intact, your primal instincts get the
worst of you! for each time you reach a fear level, you obtain +4 to the
attack roll but you will enter a mad rush, having to flip a coin. If
succeeded, you attack the enemy dealing 3d4 of damage on the torso of
the creature, if failed, you attack your own allies.
You love to inflict pain upon others. It brings you great joy.
When you inflict damage on an enemy,

- When you inflict damage on an enemy, restore 1 mind point

- A (Willing) ally may lose 1d4 Hp to let you hurt them. Doing so resto-
res 6 of your mind.
You are dead, your body is lying in the ground.. but there is still so-
mething that bounds your soul to the world, instead of going back into
the timeless cosmic soup of the green hue...

- You may only appear visible for the people that you want
- You are a soul with physical appereance
- You cannot physically hurt someone nor hold items that are not cursed.
In battle, if the enemy has a soul, the game master needs to roll a
1d20, 2d10 or 4d20 for a boss, thats the soul points the enemy has.
- You can push lightweight objects, but it requires a mind roll att with
a DC of 8+ mod
- you can enter items that hold emotional value of someone and let your-
self rest
- You don’t need to roll for hunger
- You learn RUIN: You curse the enemy, taking away their soul, you deal
1d6 soul damage
By choice or by a natural rejection, you don’t eat any kind of meat

- you suffer Nausea for one hour after eating meat

- Add -3 Hunger DC to any green food you eat, including mushrooms.
- If You, the player, don’t eat any meat during the whole session, at
the end of it you lower a fear level and you get a soul point
Otherworldly sense of smell
You were born with a nose capable of smelling the otherwordly, sometimes
the smell is intrusive, killing any other smell there is on the surroun-
ding... as much as a blessing and a curse, it is very useful when you
find yourself on a situation where you can literally smell that some-
thing bad is going to happen.

- You can smell the otherworldly, it’s up to your enlightenment and

prior knowledge of occultism if you recognize each smell or not.
Throat chanting
You channel your otherworldly powers with a throat chanting

- Any modifier for a spell uses Rhetorics

At first, everything was pure black, your movements were from pure
instinct, like if the world was made out of monsters and you were part
of this primordial soup of horrible outlined monsters... but now, the
world, colourful and beautiful, opens a window for you to experiment
it! you are a filthy parasite who took over a body, you are now taking
the position of someone else, of someone who had a life, you experiment
new emotions that an emotionless creature would never had the chance to
experience... what is worse, is that you now have to deal with sanity...
and probably guilt too.

- You have advantage on any enlightenment check about learning new

- You gain +4 and a -4, you must put this on two attributes that share
the same value, if you have no atribute then the -4 goes to the lowest
attribute and +4 to the highest.
-You may chose to either not gain fear levels or not gain hunger levels,
but you gain the other one twice as fast.
- The thought of having a soul provokes volatile emotions for you, be it
good or bad emotions.
New Blood
You are the bastard child of a new god. Your divine parent had no need
for you, offspring are for the mortals. Though abandoned, you will use
the divine power you inherited from them to forge your own destiny.

- +1d4 Soul -1d4 Mind points

- You gain Item: Heirloom of the false god parent that abandoned you
- You are born with an older soul which automatically replaces your main
soul, the older soul bears no trait at all.
- the game master will put rules to your ascension, rules that will be
dictated to you when the times comes...
Your mind is puzzling, a book and streams of thoughts that sound like a
glass harmonica that its touched by the fingers of gro-goroth, oh gods
that sound of curiosity, it can be hard to focus and easy to focus too
much, it can be easy to forget and easy to never forget, easy to learn
and easy to never learn, but one thing that its hard... This is complex
in many levels that its even hard to understand how it must feel for
each individual, its hard to be you, such as is differently hard to be
someone else. Ain’t that beautiful?

- Any otherwordly entity who possesses you needs to do a saving roll

with a DC of 20, if failed, only your body becomes possessed, as your
mind its too puzzling for the entity to control.

- Instead of rolling normally, where the higher result is better, ins-

tead you roll inverse, where the lower the number, the better the re-
sult. A 20 is a crit failure and a 1 is a Crit success
Theory of Blood conciousness of Altruism
A socioeconomical theory based on the ideas of Alllmer’s blood miracles.
As vinushka and Alllmer are equal, we humans are intrinsically equal to
one another, as we all share the same human blood as how Alllmer once
did. This intrinsic love is enough to change society for the better,
everyone should strive to give something for the sake of the greater
good and would recieve depending on their necesities... No one should
fear ever again, and no one should starve ever again.

-This trait doesn’t take a space

Theory of the virtue in egoism
A socialeconomic theory based on the chaotic darkness that surrounds
the individual. Humans are not a gestalt, each one of us is an indivi-
dual person that has their own beliefs, their own opinions, their own
passions and their own dreams... And most importantly, we have our own
needs that we need to satisfy, needs that have a value. How can we give
value to something before we give value to ourselves?

-This trait doesn’t take a space

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