"Feed My Sheep" - Preface

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"Feed My Sheep" - George H.

As the title of this booklet would suggest, it is an appeal especially to those who
are called of God to minister to the "sheep of His pasture." But we would
encourage the sheep to read it also, for they need to know the things that are
written here. Besides, as we shall observe later on, there is no difference
between a sheep and a shepherd, as far as their character is concerned. For
God's true shepherds are sheep before they become shepherds; and they
continue to be sheep AFTER they have become shepherds. Once we recognize
this principle, the barriers that have been erected to segregate the sheep from
the shepherds are torn down, and the sheep and the shepherds alike find
themselves in one common fold of the Chief Shepherd. For the difference
between them is simply one of "calling" in the Body of Christ. In character and
in nature the sheep and the shepherd are identical.
We do not intend in this writing to explore in detail the areas of truth related to
the shepherding of the flock of God, but rather to bring to the surface certain
aspects of Truth that are often neglected, but which are absolutely vital to the
people of God who are seeking to become obedient and loyal subjects of His
Kingdom. For God is certainly preparing for Himself a people who will walk in
total union with Himself: a people who will speak only His words, do only His
works, and walk only in His ways. Falling short of this we fall short of God's
desire for His people... regardless how great our calling may be, or how mighty
the gift or the Word that we may minister. Nor must we shrink back because of
the greatness of His calling... for He is able to bring us in and to fulfill every
desire of His heart within us, as we believe Him for it, and embrace the Truth
that He implants within our hearts.
-- George H. Warnock --
Chapter 1 - The Call of the Shepherd
Table of Contents

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