Bài tập anh 9 và mini test 18.3

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T e ns e s ..............................................................................

C o m pa ri s io n .................................................................... 10
Re p o r t ed S p e e c h ............................................................14
C o nd it i ona l S e nt e n c e s ................................................... 20

Pa ss i v e Vo i c e ................................................................ 2 6
Qua nt i fi e r , Ar t i cl es ....................................................... 30

Rel a t i v e C l a u s e .............................................................. 34
V e r b Fo r m s ..................................................................... 39
Đ ề 1 ................................................................................. 4 2
Đ ề 2 ................................................................................ 4 5
Đ ề 3 ................................................................................ 4 8
Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentences that best completes each
of the following exchanges.
1. Nam swimming twice a week.

A. is going often. B. is often going.
C. often goes. D. goes often.

2. I think the weather be bad tomorrow.
A. shall. B. will. C. is going. D. could.
3. He here a few minutes ago.
A. comes. B. came. C. has come. D. come.
4. Be quiet! The students the test.
A. are doing. B. do.
C. are going to do. D. did.
5. this film recently?
A. Have you seen. B. Did you see.
C. Do you see. D. Are you seeing.
6. Mr Nick books while his wife was cooking.
A. was reading. B. read.
C. has read. D. reads.

7. When I was a little girl, I swimming with my friends.

A. go. B. went. C. was going. D. am going.
8. My father 60 books so far.
A. writes. B. wrote. C. had written. D. has written.
9. I my old friends at the airport tonight.
A. will be meeting. B. meet.

C. am going to meet. D. met.

10. I haven’t talked to her June.
A. for. B. in. C. since. D. ever.
11. This is the most interesting book I
A. read. B. have ever read.

C. ever have read. D. had read.
12. He hasn’t taught here ages.
A. since. B. in. C. on. D. for.
13. At this time next week I in this room.
A. will sit. B. will have sat.
C. will be sitting. D. will have been sitting.
14. After he a scholarship, he studied abroad.

A. wins. B. has won. C. had won. D. is winning.
15. When I entered the room, he to music.

A. was listening. B. listened.
C. has listened. D. is listening.
16. Mary and I school in 2008.
A. has left. B. left. C. had left. D. leave.
17. Mr John this book several times.
A. has read. B. read. C. reads. D. had read.
18. Don’t bother me while I the exercise.
A. am doing. B. did. C. do. D. was doing.
19. When Nam came, I TV.
A. was watching. B. watched.
C. am watching. D. has watched.
20. I dinner at 5pm yesterday.
A. am cooking. B. cook.

C. was cooking. D. cooked.

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
1. She ___________ (write) her essay and ___________ (send) it to
her professor.
2. He ___________ (see) the film ‘The King’s Speech’ about six

3. We ___________ (paint) our living room. I think it looks a lot
4. She ___________ (take) French lessons lately.
5. It ___________ (not/rain) for three hours! Only about one hour.
6. Lucy ___________ (already/leave).

7. How many times ___________ (you/visit) Scotland?
8. I ___________ (call) John for hours and hours and he hasn’t
answered. I’m really angry with him!
9. I ___________ (be) in London for three years.
10. We ___________ (know) James for ages.
11. He ___________ (sleep) when the doorbell ___________ (ring).
12. We ___________ (eat) dinner at 8pm last night (we started

eating at 7:30).
13. Yesterday I ___________ (go) to the post office.

14. We ___________ (watch) TV when we ___________ (hear) a loud
15. Julie ___________ (be) in the garden when Laurence ___________
16. What ___________ (you/do) at 3pm yesterday?
17. Last year I ___________ (visit) Paris and Rome.
18. They ___________ (have) dinner when the police ___________
(come) to the door.
19. He ___________ (work) in the garden when he ___________ (find)
the money.
20. Laura ___________ (study) at 11pm last night.
Exercise 3: Complete the second sentences so that it has them same meaning as the first one.

1. After finishing his drink he got up and went away.

 After
2. His driving too fast caused an accident.
 He had an accident as
3. Everyone settled down. The talk show started.
 The talk show

4. He was relaxing all day. He felt better in the evening.

 He
5. He moved the furniture. He started at 9 o’clock and finished
at 3 o’clock.
 By 3 o’clock
6. Ben made a terrible mistake. He apologized.

 Ben apologized
7. After swimming all day our kids were hungry.
 Our kids
8. Sue was happy after dancing with Peter all night.
 Sue
9. The ship sailed for two days. It just landed by the Nile.
 The ship just

10. It was 5°C during the day. The snow disappeared in the evening.
 The snow

Exercise 4: Underline and correct the mistakes in these sentences. Write “True” if the sentence
is right.
1. She looks exhausted these days. She has worked too hard
2. Mary has never been studying abroad before.
3. I have been waiting three hours already!
4. How long has he worked as a teacher?
5. She has written a letter and has sent it to her friend.
6. We have painted my room, and we think it looks nicer.
7. I have called Liz for hours, but she hasn’t answered.
8. We have been knowing Mike for ages.
9. How many books has she ever read?

10. I have worked hard all day and I need a rest.

Exercise 5: Rewrite these sentences using Future Simple or Present Simple tense.
1. When (does/will) the last race begin?
 ______________________________ ?
2. The taxi (arrives/will arrive) at 11.30.
 ______________________________.

3. I (will be back/am back) as soon as possible.

 ______________________________.
4. We (are visiting/visit) the National Gallery some time soon.
 ______________________________.
5. You (ask/will ask) the secretary for the forms to fill in.

 ______________________________.
6. I (start/will start) a diet after the holidays.
 ______________________________.
7. How (do/will) I switch this off ?
 ______________________________?
8. The end-of-term test (is/will be) on the 22nd of June.
 ______________________________.

9. We (have/will have) a biology lesson on Mondays.
 ______________________________.

10. Number 15 bus (won’t/doesn’t) stop far from the cathedral.
 ______________________________.
11. I (come/will come) for tea.
 ______________________________.
12. Where (do/will) candidates go for the results?
 ______________________________?
13. I (play/am playing) the second part next week.
 ______________________________.
14. What time (does/will) the lecture begin ?
 ______________________________.
15. I (fill/will fill) in the form for you.
 ______________________________.

Exercise 1:
1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A
6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. C
11. B 12. D 13. C 14. C 15. A

16. B 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. C

Exercise 2:
1. She has written her essay and has sent it to her professor.
2. He has seen the film ‘The King’s Speech’ about six times.
3. We have painted our living room. I think it looks a lot better.

4. She has been taking French lessons lately.
5. It hasn’t been raining for three hours! Only about one hour.
6. Lucy has already left.
7. How many times have you visited Scotland?
8. I’ ve been calling John for hours and hours and he hasn’t
answered. I’m really angry with him!
9. I’ ve been in London for three years.

10. We have known James for ages.
Exercise 3:

1. After he finished his drink, he got up and went away.
2. He had an accident as he had driven too fast.
3. The talk show started after everyone had settled down.
4. He felt better in the evening because he had relaxed all day.
5. By 3 o’clock, he had moved furniture for 6 hours.
6. Ben apologized because he had made a big mistake.
7. Our kids were hungry after they had swum all day.
8. Sue was happy because she had danced with Peter all night.
9. The ship just landed by the Nile after it had sailed for 2 days.
10. The snow disappeared in the evening because it had been 5°C
during the day.
Exercise 4:

1. has worked  has been working.

2. has never been studying  has never studied.
3. True.
4. has he worked  has he been working.
5. True.
6. True.

7. have called  have been calling.

8. have been knowing  have known.
9. True.
10. have worked  have been working.

Exercise 5:
1. When does the last race begin?
2. The taxi arrives at 11.30.
3. I will be back as soon as possible.
4. We are visiting the National Gallery sometime soon.
5. You ask the secretary for the forms to fill in.
6. I will start a diet after the holidays.

7. How do I switch this off?
8. The end-of-term test is on the 22nd of June.

9. We have a biology lesson on Mondays.
10. Number 15 bus doesn’t stop far from the cathedral.
11. I will come for tea.
12. Where do candidates go for the results?
13. I am playing the second part next week.
14. What time does the lecture begin?
15. I will fill in the form for you.

Exercise 1: Put the adjectives into the correct form
1. This chair is than that one (comfortable).
2. Your flat is than mine (large).

3. The weather today is than it was yesterday (hot).
4. The Nile is the river in the world (long).
5. Chinese bicycle are than Japanese ones (bad).

6. Mathematics is than English (difficult).
7. Ho Chi Minh is the city in Vietnam (big).
8. He drives than his friend (careful).
9. She sings in this school (beautiful).
10. I read than my sister (slow).
11. Grace is girl in our class (old).
12. This exercise is than that one (easy).
13. This flower is (beautiful) than that one.
14. Nam is student of all (noisy).
15. My cold is today than it was yesterday (good).
Exercise 2: Complete each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the sentence

1. No one in my class is taller than Peter.
 Peter
2. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl.
 She is
3. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.

 Mary
4. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.
 The Nile
5. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
 No mountain
6. No hotel in the city is as comfortable as this.

 This hotel is the
7. Her new house isn't as big as her old one.
 Her old house
8. The white dress isn't as expensive as the black one.
 The black dress
9. This is the most interesting film of all.
 No other films are

10. No cars in the world are more expensive than Japanese ones.
 Japanese cars

Exercise 3: Find the mistakes and correct them in these sentences.
1. This is the more wonderful book she has ever read.
2. No mountain in the world is the biggest than Everest.
3. Bill Gate is the richer people in the world.
4. The bed room is biggest than the kitchen one.
5. One of the greater football players in Vietnam is Quang Hai.
Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, or C, to indicate the sentences that best completes each of
the following exchanges.
1. The teacher asked me to speak___________.
A. loud. B. louder. C. more loud.
2. Today you looks________than usual.
A. more confident. B. more confidently. C. confidently.

3. Your house is_______decorated than me.

A. more beautiful. B. more beautifully. C. beautifully.
4. No one in my class runs__________than Peter.
A. more fastly. B. more better. C. faster.
5.This time you did much________!
A. better. B. more better. C. more well.

6. You have to work_________If you want to succeed.

A. more hardly. B. hardlier. C. harder.
7. Today I come to class_________than usual
A. more early. B. earlier. C. early.

8. You need to work___________, or you will make a lot of
A. more careful. B. more carefully. C. carefully.
9. She walks__________than other people.
A. slower. B. slowlier. C. more slowier.
10. The blue skirt suits you_______than the black one.
A. better. B. more better. C. more well.

Exercise 5: Complete the sentences.
1. I/ play/ tennis/ badly/ Tom.

2. The Australian athlete/run/ slowly/ the Korean athlete.
3. Cats/ walk/ quiet/ dogs.
4. James/ reply/ swiftly/ Peter.
5. The tiger/ hunt/ ferociously/ the wolf.
6. Your idea/ work/ well/ mine.
7. I/ eat/ vegetables/ often/ I used/ to.
8. Today/ you/ perform/ badly/ yesterday.

Exercise 1:
1. This chair is more comfortable than that one.
2. Your flat is larger than mine.

3. The weather today is hotter than it was yesterday.

4. The Nile is the longest river in the world.
5. Chinese bicycle are worse than Japanese ones.
6. Mathematics is more difficult than English.
7. Ho Chi Minh is the biggest city in Vietnam.
8. He drives more carefully than his friend.

9. She sings the most beautifully in this school.

10. I read more slowly than my sister.
11. Grace is the oldest girl in our class.
12. This exercise is easier than that one.
13. This flower is more beautiful than that one.
14. Nam is the noisiest student of all.

15. My cold is better today than it was yesterday.
Exercise 2:
1. Peter is the tallest in my class.
2. She is the prettiest girl I have ever met.
3. Mary is the most intelligent in my group.
4. The Nile is the longest river in the world.
5. No mountain in the world is higher than Mount Everest.

6. This hotel is the most comfortable in the city.
7. Her old house is bigger than her new one.

8. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.
9. No other films are more interesting than this one.
10. Japanese cars are the most expensive in the world.
Exercise 3:
1. more  most (so sánh nhất).
2. the biggest  bigger (so sánh hơn vì có than).
3. richer  richest (so sánh nhất vì có the).
4. biggest  bigger (so sánh hơn vì có than).
5. greater  greatest (so sánh nhất vì có the).
Exercise 4:
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A

6. C 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. A
Exercise 5:
1. I play tennis worse than Tom.
2. The Australian athlete runs slowlier than the Korean athlete.
3. Cats walk more quietly than dogs.
4. James relies more swiftly than Peter.

5. The tiger huns more ferociously than the wolf.

6. Your idea works better than mine.
7. I eat vegetables less often than I used to.
8. Today, you performed worse than yesterday.

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences in reported speech
1. “Where is my umbrella?” she asked.
 She asked

2. “How are you?” Martin asked us.
 Martin asked us
3. He asked, “Do I have to do it?”

 He asked
4. “Where have you been?” the mother asked her daughter.
 The mother asked her daughter
5. “Which dress do you like best?” she asked her boyfriend.
 She asked her boyfriend
6. “What are they doing?” she asked.
 She wanted to know
7. “Are you going to the cinema?” he asked me.
 He wanted to know
8. The teacher asked: “Who speaks English?”
 The teacher wanted to know
9. “How do you know that?” she asked me.

 She asked me
10. “Has Caron talked to Kevin?” my friend asked me.
 My friend asked me
Exercise 2: Complete each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the sentence

1. “Open the door”, he said to them.

 He told them
2. “Where are you going?” he asked her.
 He asked her where
3. “Which way did they go?” he asked.
 He asked

4. “Bring it back if it doesn’t fit”, I said to her.
 I told
5. “Don’t try to open it now”, she said to us.
 She told
6. “Is it going to be a fine day today?” I asked her.
 I asked her

7. “He’s not at home”, she said.
 She said that

8. “Is the bus station far away?” the girl asked.
 The girl wanted to know
9. “Don’t stay out late, Ann” Tom said.
 Tom told Ann
10. “Please let me borrow your car”, he said to her.
 He asked
Exercise 3: Find the mistakes and correct them in these sentences.
1. Salim told to Alice to give her a hand.
2. Cuong asked her whether did she like sports or not.
3. Hoa promised her boy friend that she would expect to see him
next Monday.
4. Kim said her mother that she would visit her grandfather in

Nha Trang the next day.

5. Her father ordered her do not go out with him the day before.
6. My neighbour told me that she will let me know as soon as she
heard from him.
7. The policeman asked Bob if he has really seen that happen with
his own eyes.

8. My father said that the taxi was coming now and asked if
everyone was ready.
9. Minh advised her husband don’ drink too much; however, he
might lose control of the car and have a bad accident.
10. Tam told her boyfriend that she is very glad he had come and
invited him to sit down.

Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentences that best completes each
of the following exchanges.
1. Harry said to me, “If I were you, I would read different types
of books in different ways.”
A. Harry advised me read different types of books in
different ways.
B. I said to Harry read different types of books in different

ways to me.
C. I read different types of books in different ways to

Harry as he told me.
D. Conan advised me to read different types of books in
different ways.
2. “Shall I make you a coffee?” Jan said to the lady.
A. Jan wanted to make a coffee for the lady.
B. Jan refused to make a coffee for the lady.
C. Jan offered to make a coffee for the lady.
D. Jan promised to make a coffee for the lady.
3. Jun asked Ngoc why _________ the film on television the night
A. didn’t she watch. B. hadn’t she watched.
C. she doesn’t watch. D. she hadn’t watched.

4. Gin asked me _________.

A. what time does the concert start.
B. what time the concert start.
C. what time the concert started.
D. what time did the concert start.
5. Yen said that she _________ there at noon.

A. is going to be. B. going to be.

C. will be. D. can be.
6. Jack asked me _________.
A. where do you come from?
B. where do I came from.
C. where I came from.

D. where did I come from?
7. They said that their house had been broken into _________.
A. the two days before. B. two days ago.
C. two days before. D. since two days.
8. Peter said he was leaving for Paris _________.
A. next week. B. the week previous.
C. following week. D. the following week.

9. The woman wonders _________ doing well at school.
A. whether her children are. B. if her children were.

C. her children were. D. her children are if.
10. The man asked the boys _________ .
A. why did they fight. B. why they were fighting.
C. why they fight. D. why were they fighting.
Exercise 5: Rewrite the sentences
1. “I walked home after the event”, Tom said.
 __________________________________________________________
2. “Do you enjoy listening to music?” Bin asked her.
 __________________________________________________________
3. She said to me “Can you speak Vietnamese?”
 __________________________________________________________
4. “I don’t like this red cap,” she said.

 __________________________________________________________
5. He said to me “I haven’t finished my work”.
 __________________________________________________________
6. “I must go home to make the dinner”, said Linda.
 __________________________________________________________
7. “I have just received a postcard from my aunt”, my best friend

said to me.
 __________________________________________________________
8. “Do your sister and brother go to the same school?” Nam asked
his friend.
 __________________________________________________________

9. ”Give him a smile”, The photographer told him.
 __________________________________________________________
10. “Don’t discuss this question now”, said my teacher to us.
 __________________________________________________________

Exercise 1:

1. She asked where her umbrella was.
2. Martin asked us how we were.

3. He asked if he had to do it.
4. The mother asked her daughter where she had been.
5. She asked her boyfriend which dress he liked best.
6. She wanted to know what they were doing.
7. He wanted to know if I was going to the cinema.
8. The teacher wanted to know who spoke English.
9. She asked me how I knew that.
10. My friend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin.
Exercise 2:
1. He told them to open the door.
2. He asked her where she was going.
3. He asked me which way they had gone.

4. I told her to bring it back if it didn’t fit.

5. She told us not to try to open it then.
6. I asked her whether/ if it was going to be a fine day that day.
7. She said that he was not at home.
8. The girl wanted to know whether/ if the bus station was far

9. Tom told Ann not to stay out late.

10. He asked her to let him borrow her car.

Exercise 3:
1. told to  told.
2. did she like  she liked.
3. next Monday  the next Monday.
4. said  said to/ told.
5. do not go  not to go.
6. will let  would let.

7. has really seen  had really seen.
8. now  then.

9. don’t drink  not to dink.
10. is  was.
Exercise 4:
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. C
6. C 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. B
Exercise 5:
1. Tom told me that he had walked home after the event.
2. Bin asked her if she enjoyed listening to music.
3. She asked me if I could speak Vietnamese.
4. She told me that she didn’t like that red cap.
5. He told me he hadn’t finished his work.
6. Linda told me that she must go home to make the dinner.

7. My best friend told me that she/he had just received a

postcard from her/his aunt.
8. Nam asked his friend whether her/his sister and brother went
to the same school.
9. The photographer told him to give him a smile.

10. My teacher told us not to discuss that question then.


Exercise 1: Complete each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the sentence
1. He can't go out because he has to study for his exam.

 If
2. She is lazy so she can't pass the exam.

 If
3. He smokes too much; that's why he can't get rid of his cough.
 If
4. I can't play football this afternoon because I felt tired.
 If
5. Olga and Ivan weren't paying attention, so they didn't see the
sign marking their exit from the highway.
 If
6. She can't be employed because she doesn't have a college
 If
7. She walked to the meeting. She was late.
 If

8. Unless you promise to return back, I won't lend you.

 If
9 We put off our trip because the weather was terrible.
 If
10. Sally doesn't know what she has to do for homework because
she was absent from school on Friday.

 If
Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentences that best completes each
of the following exchanges
1. I didn’t know that you were at home. I didn't visit you.
A. If I knew that you were at home, I would visit you.

B. If I had known that you were at home, I would have visited you.
C. If I knew that you had been at home, I would have visited you.
D. If I would know that you were at home, I visited you.
2. If Nam had passed the GCSE examination, he to take
the entrance examination to the university.
A. would have been allowed. B. would have allowed.
C. will have allowed. D. would allow.

3. If she a car, she would go out in the evening.
A. have. B. has. C. has had. D. had.

4. Without your help, I the technical problem
with my computer the other day.
A. can't solve. B. couldn't have solved.
C. couldn't solve. D. weren't solved.
5. The joke would not be funny if it into French.
A. has been translated B. be translated
C. was be translated D. were translated
6. We on the beach now if we hadn't missed the
A. might have lain. B. would lie.
C. could be lying. D. would have lain.
7. I think you should stop smoking.
A. If I am you, I will stop smoking.

B. If I had been you, I would stop smoking,

C. If I were you, I would stop smoking.
D. If I were you, I will stop smoking.
8. If he had been more careful, he .
A. won't fall. B. wouldn't fall.
C. wouldn't have fallen. D. would haven't fallen.

9. His health would be improved

A. if he continued to smoke heavily.
B. unless he stopped smoking heavily.
C. if he gave up smoking.
D. if only he doesn't smoke any more.

10. He was driving very fast because he didn't know the road was
A. If he knew the road was icy, he wouldn't drive so fast.
B. He hadn't been driving very fast if he would have known
the road was icy.
C. If he had known the road was icy, he wouldn't have been
driving so fast.

D. He wasn't driving very fast if he would know the road
was icy.

Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentences the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following question
1. If Lucia had been here now, she would find out the truth about
her uncle's accident.
2. Unless we leave a bowl of water under the sun, it will
3. If I had knew the time when the match started, I would have
told you.

4. If I had known he is not at home, I wouldn't have gone all the
way to his house.
5. If the doctors could find in the remedy, a lot of people would

be saved.

Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
1. You (have) no trouble at school if you had done your
2. If you (swim) in this lake, you‘ll shiver from the
3. The door will unlock if you (press) the green button.
4. If Mel (ask) her teacher, he‘d have answered her

5. I (call) the office if I was/were you.

6. If we meet at 9:30, we (have) plenty of time.
7. Lisa would find the milk if she (look) in the fridge.
8. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she
(feed) the animals.
9. If you spoke louder, your classmates (understand) you.
10. If I (play) better, I might have won.
Exercise 5: Complete the sentences
1. If/ you/ mix/ red/ blue/ get/ purple.
2. If/ Arsenal/ win/ they/ be/ top/ the league.
3. It /rain/ we/ cancel/ the match.
4. You/ take/ first bus/ you/ will/ get/ there on time.
5. You/ need more helpers/ I/ can try/ get some time off work.

6. Mary might/ deliver your parcel / you /ask /her.

7. I/ were/ 20/ I would/ travel/ world
8. Jim/ lent/ us/ car/ we/ could/ go/ party.
9. We/ would/ save £3.50 a day/ we didn’t/ eat any lunch.
10. Burglars/ broke/ into my house/ they/ find any money.


Exercise 1:
1. If he didn’t have to study for his exam, he could go out.
2. If she weren't lazy, she could pass the exam.
3. If she didn't smoke too much; she could get rid of his cough.

4. If I hadn't felt tired, I could play football this afternoon.
5. If Olga and Ivan had been paying attention, they would have
seen the sign marking their exit from the highway.
6. If she had a college degree, she could be employed
7. If she hadn't walked to the meeting, she wouldn't have been
8. If you don't promise to return back, I won’t lend.

9. If the weather hadn't been terrible we wouldn't have put off
our trip

10. If Sally hadn't been absent from school on Friday she would
know what she has to do for homework.
Exercise 2:
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D
6. C 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. C
Exercise 3:
1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B
1. had been  were.
2. unless  if.
3. had knew  had known.
4. is not  was not.

5. find in  find out.

Exercise 4:
1. You would have had no trouble at school if you had done your
2. If you swim in this lake, you‘ll shiver from the cold.
3. The door will unlock if you press the green button.

4. If Mel had asked her teacher, he‘d have answered her

5. I would call the office if I was/were you.
6. If we meet at 9:30, we will have plenty of time.
7. Lisa would find the milk if she looked in the fridge.

8. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she had
fed the animals.
9. If you spoke louder, your classmates would understand you.
10. If I had play better, I might have won.
Exercise 5:
1. If you mix red and blue, you get purple.
2. If Arsenal wins, they’ll be top of the league.

3. If it rains, we will cancel the match.
4. If you take the first bus, you’ll get there on time.

5. If you need more helpers, I can try and get some time off work.
6. Mary might deliver your parcel if you ask her.
7. If I were 20, I would travel the world.
8. If Jim lent us his car, we could go to the party.
9. We would save £3.50 a day if we didn’t eat any lunch.
10. If burglars broke into my house, they wouldn’t find any money.

Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentences that best completes each
of the following exchanges
1. The 26th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum

(APPF) in Hanoi, our beautiful and peaceful capital
city, from January 18th to 21st, 2018.

A. was held. B. is held.
C. is being held. D. will be held.
2. They cancelled all flights because of fog.
A. All flights were cancelled by them of fog.
B. All flights were because of fog were cancelled.
C. All flights were because of fog cancelled.
D. All flights were cancelled because of fog.
3. This building finished by the end of last year but there
have been so many strikes that it isn't finished yet.
A. will have been. B. should have been.
C. was to have been. D. may not have been.
4. DNA tests accepted in court eases.
A. are known. B. were used.

C. have been. D. will have.

5. Ann hoped to join the private club. She could make
important business contact here.
A. being invited. B. to invite.
C. to be invited. D. inviting.
6. The boy by the teacher yesterday.

A. punished. B. was punished.

C. punish. D. punishing.
7. Robots will even everywhere in factories, schools,
offices, hospitals, shops, and homes.
A. seen. B. see. C. saw. D. be seen.

8. This is the latest news from earthquake site. Two-thirds of the
city in a fire.
A. has been destroyed. B. have been destroyed.
C. were destroyed. D. was destroyed.
9. References in the examination room.
A. not are used. B. is not used.
C. didn't used. D. are not used.

10. There's somebody behind us. I think we are .
A. being followed. B. are followed.

C. follow. D. following.
Exercise 2: Complete each of the following sentences so that it means the same as the sentence
1. We don't use this kind of cloth to make shirts.

2. My grandmother is knitting a new sweater for me.

3. You mustn't use this machine after 5.30 o'clock.

4. Somebody has taken my briefcase.

5. Tom was writing two poems.

6. They will hold the meeting before May Day.

7. People spend a lot of money on advertising every day.

8. The teacher returned our written work to us.


9. The children are going to organize a surprise party.

10. She often takes her dog for a walk every morning.

Exercise 3: Put the verbs into the correct form
1. She expects (promote) soon, but things seem to go wrong.
2. The children were made (go) to bed at 10:00 pm.
3. The parcel is supposed (deliver) this evening.
4. The children agreed (divide) the candy equally.
5. I expected (invite) to the party, but I wasn't.
Exercise 4: Make these sentences active

1. All the dishes were washed by my sister last night.
 __________________________________________

2. The house is cleaned by the maid every Sunday.
 __________________________________________
3. History books are read by the students in this class.
 __________________________________________
4. A nice dinner was prepared by the cook yesterday.
 __________________________________________
5. The suspects were seen by a group of boys near the bus.
 __________________________________________

Exercise 1:
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C

6. B 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. A
Exercise 2:
1. This kind of cloth isn't used to make shirts (by us).
2. A new sweater is being knitted for me by my grandmother.
3. This machine mustn't be used after 5.30 o'clock.

4. My briefcase has been taken.

5. Two poems were being written by Tom.
6. The meeting will be held before May Day (by them).
7. A lot of money is spent on advertising every day.
8. Our written work was returned to us by the teacher.
9. A surprise party is going to be organized by the children.

10. Her dog is often taken for a walk (by her) every morning.
Exercise 3:
1. She expects to be promoted soon, but things seem to go wrong.
2. The children were made to go to bed at 10:00 pm.
3. The parcel is supposed to be delivered this evening.
4. The children agreed to be divided the candy equally.
5. I expected to be invited to the party, but I wasn't.

Exercise 4:
1. My sister washed all the dishes last night.

2. The maid cleans the house every Sunday.
3. The students read history books in this class.
4. The book prepared a nice dinner yesterday.
5. A group of boys saw the suspects near the bus.

Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentences that best completes
each of the following exchanges
1. I’m afraid we no longer sell that model of laptop because we

had a lot of complaints.
A. so. B. such. C. enough. D. too.

2.There was hardly money left in the bank account.
A. no more. B. some. C. no. D. any.
3. Gardeners transplant bushes and flowers by moving them
from one place to .
A. other. B. others. C. another. D. each other.
4. In developed world, there are not jobs left which
don’t use computers to carry out many daily tasks.
A. some. B. any. C. none. D. much.
5. She spent her free time watching TV.
A. a few. B. most of. C. a lot. D. most.
6.Unfortunately, we've made .
A. little progress. B. a few progresses.
C. little progresses. D. few progress.

7. students in our class is 45.

A. A large amount of. B. A lot of.
C. A number of. D. The number of.
8. The two cars for sale were in poor condition, so I didn't buy

A. neither of them. B. either of them.

C. each of the. D. none of them.
9.The pair of jeans I bought for my son didn't fit him, so I went
to the store and asked for .
A. the other ones. B. others ones.
C. another pair. D. another jeans.

10. This winter wasn't as difficult as last winter.
A. almost. B. nearly. C. closely. D. just.
Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with a, an, the or ∅ (zero article)
1. big books which are on table are for my
history class.
2. There are only few seats for tonight's musical.

3. chair that you are sitting in is broken.
4. There isn't airport near where I live. nearest

airport is 70 miles away.
5. Did you have nice holiday? Yes, it was best
holiday I've ever had.
Exercise 3: Choose the suitable words to complete the following sentences.
l. He doesn't have (many/much) money.
2.I would like (a few/a little) salt on my vegetables.
3. There are (less/fewer) boys than girls in this class.
4. I don't want (some/any) eggs but I want (some/any) cheese.
5. They have given (a large number of/a great deal of) time
on training.
6. This jacket costs too (much/many).
7. (Most/Most of) the students know the answer to that

8. There (are too many/is too much) traffic on the street at
rush hours.
9. He bought (much/many) furniture for her new apartment
which she has bought recently.
10. (Some/Some of) the people I work with are very friendly.

Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with a, an, the or ∅ (zero article)

1. English is spoken all over world.
2. deaf are unable to hear anything.
3. I like studying Maths best.
4. People all over the world like football.

5. tea is produced in Thai Nguyen.
6. I wish today were on Sunday.
7. I often have breakfast at 6:00 pm and lunch at 11:00 pm.
8. She gave me apple and gave Lan 2 apples.
9. Smiths are going to Halong Bay next summer.
10. If I won the lottery, first I would buy piece of land in
the country.


Exercise 1:
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. B
6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. B
Exercise 2:
1. The big books which are on the table are for my history class.
2. There are only a few seats for tonight's musical.
3. The chair that you are sitting in is broken.
4. There isn't an airport near where I live. The nearest airport
is 70 miles away.
5. Did you have a nice holiday? Yes, It was the best holiday I've
ever had.

Exercise 3:
l. He doesn't have much money.
2.I would like a little salt on my vegetables.
3. There are fewer boys than girls in this class.
4. I don't want any eggs but I want some cheese.
5. They have given a great deal of time on training.

6. This jacket costs too much .

7. Most of the students know the answer to that question.
8. There is too much traffic on the street at rush hours.
9. He bought much furniture for her new apartment which she
has bought recently.
10. Some of the people I work with are very friendly.

Exercise 4:
1. English is spoken all over the world.
2. The deaf are unable to hear anything.
3. I like studying  Maths best.
4. People all over the world like  football.

5.  tea is produced in Thai Nguyen.
6. I wish today were on  Sunday.
7. I often have  breakfast at 6:00 pm and  lunch at 11:00

pm. 11:00 pm.
8. She gave me an apple and gave Lan 2  apples.
9. The Smiths are going to Halong Bay next summer.
10. If I won the lottery, first I would buy a piece of land in the

Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentences that best completes each
of the following exchanges
1. The young man was released after the court was

found innocent of all the charges against him.
A. who. B. who he. C. which. D. whose.

2. Is that the same film we watched last year?
A. when. B. which. C. why. D. who.
3. The girl I borrowed the dictionary asked me to use
it carefully.
A. whose. B. from whom.
C. from whose. D. whom.
4. The first television picture John Logie Baird
transmitted on 25 November, 1905 was a boy worked in
the office next to Baird's workroom in London.
A. which; whom. B. who; which.
C. that; whose. D. that; who.
5. Joyce Bews, was born and grew up in Portsmouth on
the south coast of England, she still lives, was 100

last year.
A. that; in which. B. who; where.
C. that; where. D. who; that.
6. The pollution they were talking is getting worse.
A. that. B. about which.
C. which. D. whom.

7. Robert Riva, an Italian player used to play for

Cremonese, now coaches the Reigate under 11’s football team.
A. when. B. which. C. where. D. who.

8. When I was at school, there was a girl in my class
skin was so sensitive that she couldn't expose her skin
to the sun even with cream on.
A.where. B. whose. C. whom. D. that.
9. Unfortunately, the friend with I intended to go on
holiday to Side is ill, so I'll have to cancel my trip.
A. who. B. whom. C. where. D. that.

10. The new stadium, will be completed next year, will seat
30,000 spectators.

A. what. B. where. C. when. D. which.
Exercise 2: Rewrite or combine the sentences, using the suggested words
1. France is the country. The best wine is produced there. (WHERE)

2.1945 was the year. The Second World War ended then. (WHEN)
3. That's the hotel. I stayed there last summer. (AT WHICH)

4. July is the month. Most people often go on holiday then. (IN


5. The books are very interesting. They were bought long ago.


6. My uncle bought a boat. The boat costs thirty thousand dollars.


8. He often tells me about his village. He was born in that place.



9. The man is our English teacher. He comes from Australia.


10. I found a man's wallet. He gave me a reward. (WHOSE)

Exercise 3: Match the following two sentences into a meaningful sentence using suitable
relative clauses
1. He was Tom. I met him at the bar yesterday.

2. The woman works in a hospital. She is from India.

3. The man works for my father’s company. The man’s daughter
is fond of dancing.


4. The first boy has just moved. He knows the truth.

5. Linh liked the waiter. He was very friendly.

6. They are looking for the man and his dog. They have lost the
way in the forest.

7. The students will be awarded the present. The students’ reports
are very valuable.

8. The TV got broken. It was my grandfather’s.


9. Jerry sent me a letter. It was very funny.

10. I live in a city. It is in the north of Vietnam.

Exercise 4: Using relative clauses rewrite the following sentences
1. Show me the new hats. You bought them last night.

2. That is a company. It produces rings.

3. My best friend can compose songs. Ly sings folk songs very

4. Zoe bought a new phone yesterday. I can use it to send and
receive messages.

5. The man is her father. You met him last week.

6. Zoe likes the blue T-shirt. My sister is wearing it.

7. Zoe has a sister. Her sister’s name is Juma.

8. The children were attracted by the show. It was performed so


9. Tet is a festival. Tet often happens in late January or early

10. Jack is the boy. He is giving my mom a gift.

Exercise 1:
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B
6. B 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. D

Exercise 2:
1. France is the country where the best wine is produced.
2. 1945 was the year when the Second World War ended.
3. That's the hotel at which I stayed last summer.
4. July is the month in which most people often go on holiday.
5. The books which were bought long ago are very interesting.

6. The boat which my uncle bought costs thirty thousand dollars./

My uncle bought the boat which costs thirty thousand dollars.
7. The man who is talking to the policeman is my uncle.
8. He often tells me about his village, where he was born.
9. The man coming from Australia is our English teacher.

10. The man whose wallet I found gave me a reward.
Exercise 3:
1. The man whom I met at the bar yesterday was Tom.
2. The woman who is from India works in a hospital.
3. The man whose daughter is fond of dancing works for my
father’s company.
4. The first boy who knows the truth has just moved.

5. Linh liked the waiter who was very friendly.
6. They’re looking for the man and his dog that have lost the way

in the forest.
7. The students whose report are very valuable will be awarded
the present.
8. The TV that was my grandfather’s got broken.
9. The woman who is from India works in a hospital.
10. I live in a city that is in the north of Vietnam.
Exercise 4:
1. Show me the new hats which you bought last night.
2. That is a company which produces rings.
3. My best friend can compose songs which Ly sings very well.
4. Zoe bought a new phone yesterday which I can use to send
and receive messages.

5. The man whom you met last week is her father.

6. Zoe likes the blue T-shirt which my sister is wearing.
7. Zoe has a sister whose name is Juma.
8. The children were attracted by the show which was performed
so many.
9. Tet is a festival that often happens in late January or early

10. Jack is the boy who is giving my mom a gift.

Exercise 1: Put the verbs into the correct form
1. I'd rather (stay) home tonight.
2. He keeps (hope) and (pray) that things will

get better.
3. I'll try (not make) the same mistake again.
4. Have you ever watched people (try) (catch)

5. Do you have any money (pay) for the book?
6. My brother is a stamp collector. He started (collect)
stamps when he was 15 years old.
7. The children prefer (watch) TV to (read)
8. She has something (tell) you.
9. It took me three days (find) out the old photograph.
10. Do you remember (read) about it? No, at that time I was
too young (read) newspaper.
Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentences the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the follơing question

1. I couldn't help at his jokes.

A. laugh. B. laughing. C. to laugh. D. laughed.
2. Tom offered Jane a ticket to the theater, but she
refused to take it.
A. to give. B. give. C. giving. D. to be given.
3. Those workers stopped their coffee because they felt

tired of their new work.

A. drink. B. drank. C. drinking. D. to drink.
4. He asked them .
A. help him. B. should help him.
C. to help him. D. help to him.
5. Mr Minh advised my family leaving Vietnam.

A. to think. B. not to think.
C. against. D. against to.
6. I hope that woman again.
A. to see. B. of seeing. C. seeing. D. have seen
7. She wasted much time her old pair of shoes.
A. mend. B. to mend.
C. mending. D. to be mended.

8. He regrets lazy last year. He lost his job.
A. to be. B. be. C. been. D. being.

9. She remembered that woman last month.
A. of seeing. B. to see. C. seeing. D. have seen.
10. David tried his best , but his girlfriend refused
A. explaining; to listen. B. explaining; listening.
C. to explain; to listen. D. to explain; listening.
Exercise 3: Put the verbs into the correct form
Ali decided that he wanted (1-study) abroad. (2-achieve)
his goal, he had many things that he had (3-do)
. Firstly he needed (4-improve) his English so he
could take the IELTS test. Unfortunately Ali disliked (5-learn)
English so this would not be much fun. His friend
recommended (6-attend) a school close to his house.

Ali went to look and from what he could see it seemed (7-be)
a good school. He didn’t delay (8-register) for a
course. He managed (9-get) a good price for the
course because they had a special offer on. This was good
because he could not afford (10-pay) too much.
Exercise 4: Complete the sentences

1. My/ dad/ water/ some plants/ the/ garden.

2. Mary/ have/ lunch/ her/ friends/ a/ restaurant.
3. My/ student/ draw/ a/ beautiful/ picture.
4. I/ hope/ that/ you/ come/ my house/ tomorrow.
5. You/ please/ close/ door?


Exercise 1:
1. I'd rather stay home tonight.
2. He keeps hoping and praying that things will get better.
3. I'll try not to make the same mistake again.
4. Have you ever watched people trying to catch fish?

5. Do you have any money to pay for the book?
6. My brother is a stamp collector. He started collecting/ to
collect stamps when he was 15 years old.

7. The children prefer watching TV to reading.
8. She has something to tell you.
9. It took me three days to find out the old photograph.
10. Do you remember reading about it? No, at that time I was too
young to read newspaper.
Exercise 2:
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. C
Exercise 3:
1. To study. 2. To Achieve.
3. To do. 4. To Improve.

5. Learning. 6. Attending.
7. To be. 8. Registering.
9. To get. 10. To pay.
Exercise 4:
1. My father is watering some plants in the garden.
2. Mary is having lunch with her friends in a restaurant.

3. My student is drawing a (very) beautiful picture.

4. I hope that you will come my house tomorrow.
5. Will you please close the door?

I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others
1. A. label. B. plumber. C. bulb. D. bill.

2. A. mother. B. then. C. weatherman. D. anything.
3. A. refilled. B. walked. C. reduced. D. dropped.
4. A. dream. B. team. C. spread. D. teacher.

II. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1. Easter is a joyful festival _________ comes in early spring.
A. who. B. where. C. whom. D. which.
2. They were having dinner _________ I arrived.
A. what. B. when. C. while. D. how.
3. John is proud _________ his father and loves him so much.
A. about. B. for. C. of. D. in.
4. Mrs. Hoa is generous to the poor _________ she is not rich.
A. even though. B. as. C. however. D. so.
5. My shoes are dirty. I’d better take them _________ before I
come in.
A. away. B. up. C. on. D. off.

III. Give the correct form of the words given in brackets

1. Tet or Lunar New Year holiday is the most important
____________ for Vietnamese people. (CELEBRATE)
2. Follow the instructions on the back of the packet _______. (CARE)
3. Tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons are _________ disasters.

4. ________, the meat associated with Easter is lamb. (TRADITION)
IV. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting
1. Would people be able to fly if they have feathers instead of hair?

2. What about use public buses instead of motorbikes to reduce
exhaust fume?
3. We were young and inexperienced. However, we made a lot
of mistakes.

V. Complete the passage with the words in the box, then answer the questions bellow

from as which them because of

Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But pollution problem is
________ (1) complicated as it is serious. It is complicated ________
(2) much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For
example, exhaust ________ (3) automobiles causes a large
percentage of all air pollution. But automobiles provide
transportation for millions of people. Factories discharge much
of the material ________ (4) pollutes the air and water, but
factories give employment to a large number ________ (5) people.
Too much fertilizer or pesticide can ruin soil, but fertilizers and
pesticide are important aids to the growing of crops. Thus, to
end or reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop
using many things that benefit ________ (6). Most people do not

want to do that, of course. But pollution can be gradually reduced

in several ways.
VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first
1. The author has written a special edition for children.
A special edition ________________________________

2. She went to bed early because of her sickness.

Because she ________________________________
3. Mrs. Brown has just bought a car. The car is very fast
and modern.
Mrs. Brown has just ________________________________

I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C
II. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each sentence
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5.D

III. Give the correct form of the words given in brackets
1. Tet or Lunar New Year holiday is the most important celebration
for Vietnamese people.

2. Follow the instructions on the back of the packet carefully.
3. Tsunamis, earthquakes and typhoons are natural disasters.
4. Traditionally, the meat associated with Easter is lamb.
IV. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting
1. C 2. B 3. B
V. Complete the passage with the words in the box, then answer the questions bellow
1. as. 2. because. 3. from.
4. which. 5. of. 6. them.
VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first
1. A special edition has been written for children by the author.
2. Because she was sick, she went to bed early.

3. Mrs. Brown has just bought a car which is very fast and modern.

I. Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence
1. We are going to a park ___________ the other side of the river.
A. in. B. on. C. by. D. from.
2. Areas around the Cuu Long Delta can expect clouds _________
the day.

A. on. B. in. C. until. D. during.
3. The storm last month was disastrous, ________we should

organize a show to raise money for the victims.
A. or. B. because. C. so. D. and.
4. Hurry up! Don’t walk so ________, we’ll be late for school.
A. slow. B. slowly. C. fast. D. fastly.
5. Ho Chi Minh City will ________ temperatures between 250c and
300c tomorrow.
A. experience. B. has. C. occur. D. arrive.
6. The roof ________ under the weight of snow last night.
A. collapsed. B. will collapse.
C. collapses. D. were collapsed.
7. He is the environmentalist ________ we want to talk to.
A. whose. B. which. C. that. D. where.

8. There was a ________ last night because of the violent storm.

A. power supply. B. power cut. C. electricity. D. power.
9. A: The market will be closed during days of a storm.
B: ________________ .
A. Let’s buy some canned food. B. Don’t worry. Eat out.
C. Just call a restaurant. D. No problem.

10. A: The new camera didn’t work. - B: _______________.

A. I’m not sure. B. I’ll take it to the shop.
C. I’ll see. D. I’ve got it.
II. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence
1. It was such ________ news that they all sat there saying nothing.

2. They saved the paintings from ___________ . (destroy)
3. Our team played very ________ last week. We lost. (successful)
4. This village has had ___________ since last year. (electric)
5. People need to increase their daily _________ of fruit and
vegetables. (consume)
III. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage

One of the (1) _______ things that can happen on our earth is
an earthquake. When earthquakes take place near large cities,

many people may be killed and many buildings are (2) _______
down. Fire may start and (3) _______ more damage than the quake
itself. Earthquake comes (4) ______ a shaking of the rocks under
the surface of the earth. Forces within the earth push against the
rocks until they break. We cannot tell exactly (5) _______ an
earthquake is coming, but we can know places on the (6) _______
where they happen most often.
1. A. bad. B. badly. C. worse. D. worst.
2. A. knocked. B. cut. C. caused. D. put.
3. A. do. B. make. C. take. D. pay.
4. A. to. B. from. C. through. D. in.
5. A. while. B. when. C. before. D. after.

6. A. world. B. country. C. earth. D. reason.

IV. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same
as the sentence printed before it
1. My mother cooked a meal yesterday. It was very delicious.
The meal ___________________________________________
2. We can’t drink the coffee because it is extremely hot.

The coffee __________________________________________

3. He says he will help me, but I don’t believe him.
Although he _________________________________________
4. Save electricity, or else you will pay much per month.
You won’t pay_______________________________________

I.Choose the word/ phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the space in each sentence
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A
6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B
II. Use the correct form of the word given in each sentence
1. It was such worrying news that they all sat there saying nothing.

2. They saved the paintings from destruction.
3. Our team played very unsuccessfully last week. We lost.

4. This village has had electricity since last year.
5. People need to increase their daily consumption of fruit and
III. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage
1. D 2. A 3. A
4. B 5. B 6. C
IV. Rewrite each of the following sentences in another way so that it means almost the same
as the sentence printed before it
1. Which my mom cooked yesterday was very delicious
2. That we can’t dink is extremely hot.
3. Although he says he will help me, I don’t believe him.

4. You won’t pay much per month if you save electricity.


I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined
1. A. attended. B. improved. C. dedicated. D. exhibited.
2. A. intermediate. B. immediate. C. medium. D. medicine.
II. Find the word with has different stress pattern from the others

3. A. television. B. decoration. C. introduction. D. expectation.
4. A. active. B. section. C. appoint. D. happpy.

III. Choose the best answer
5. Does it take _____ long time to get to _____ city centre?
A. X – the. B. a- a. C. a- the. D. the- the.
6. I have been assigned to buy _____ fruit and drinks.
A. a. B. an. C. some. D. any.
7. As soon as the spacecraft _____ into space, the screw started
to observe the sun.
A. has travelled. B. had travelled.
C. travelled. D. was travelling.
8. A bad accident _____ On Highway 95 last night.
A. happened. B. happen.
C. was happened. D. was happening.
9. If I _____ taller, I _____ better at basketball.

A. be- will be. B. were – might be.

C. am- will be. D. were – would have been.
10. The children _____ attend that English school receive good
A. which. B. whose. C. who. D. whom.

11. Mike comes from a city _____ is located in the southern part
of England.
A. when. B. that. C. where. D. who.
12. If parents don’t cook at home, their children _____ most fast.
A. would have. B. had had. C. have. D. may have.

13. On January 17th, people in Mexico bring their animals _____
A. on. B. in. C. to. D. up.
14. Mary: “I think we should save energy at home as well as at
Peter: “_____”
A. That’s a good idea. B. Yes, we do.

C. No, we don’t. D. Yes, we think.
15. Ha: “You’ve passed your exam. Congratulations!”

- Lan: “_____”
A. That’s very nice of you. B. Yes, I do.
C. No, let’s not. D. I’d love to.
IV. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each gap in the passage
It is a custom for all of a Chinese family to be present at
home (16) _____ the Eve Chinese New Year for the reunion dinner.
This custom is meant to symbolize the unity of the family for the
(17) _____ new year. After the reunion dinner, the younger
members of the family (18) _____ serve tea to their elders as a
show of respect. For the first five days of the Chinese New Year,
no one in the family is allowed to (19) _____ the floor. The Chinese
believe that the act of sweeping will drive away all the good luck

(20) _____ the New Year could bring.

16. A. on. B. at. C. from. D. in.
17. A. to come. B. come. C. comes. D. coming.
18. A. should. B. ought. C. must. D. have.
19. A. clear. B. clean C. sweep. D. tidy.
20. A. where. B. which C. what. D. who.

V. Combine these pairs of sentences

21. He is performing well at school. He does not know what he will
choose as his future career (despite)..

22. I used credit card to buy a computer game. The game is called
“Mars Mystique Mission” (which).
23. I don’t have a car. I have to work by bus (If).
24. She came home late yesterday evening. Her parents were
worried (adj + that clause).



I, II. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C
III. Choose the best answer
5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C
11. B 12. D 13. C 14. A 15. A
IV. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D for each gap in the passage

16. A 17. D 18. C 19. C 20. B

V. Combine these pairs of sentences

1. Despite his good performance, he does not know what he will

choose as his future career.

2. I used credit card to buy a computer game which is called
“Mars Mystique Mission”.
3. If I had a car, I wouldn’t have to work by bus.
4. Her parents were worried that she came home late yesterday


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