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University of the People

Written 1

Strategic Decision making and management

Jackelin Hernandez


When a school proposes to consolidate classes to save on teachers’ wages, it aims to reduce

costs for local taxpayers but risks increasing classroom overcrowding. This strategic decision

impacts various internal and external stakeholders. Identifying these stakeholders and

integrating them into the strategic management process is essential for a balanced approach.

This paper outlines potential stakeholders, proposes two committees to address the project’s

opportunities and costs, and suggests an optimal solution.

Internal and External Stakeholders

Internal Stakeholders:

1. Teachers - Directly affected by potential job cuts or increased workload.

2. Students - Impacted by changes in class size and learning environment.

3. School Administration - Responsible for implementing and managing


4. Support Staff - Indirectly affected by changes in school operations and

student-teacher dynamics.

External Stakeholders:
1. Parents - Concerned about their children’s education quality and classroom


2. Local Taxpayers - Beneficiaries of cost savings but potentially concerned

about educational outcomes.

3. Local Government - Interested in budget efficiency and educational standards.

4. Community Organizations - Groups that support or oppose changes based on

their impact on community welfare.

Proposed Committees

1. Educational Quality Committee

Purpose: To ensure that educational standards and student well-being are maintained despite

class consolidations.

Members: Teachers, students, parents, and educational experts.


• Evaluate the impact of larger class sizes on learning outcomes.

• Develop strategies to mitigate negative effects on students.

• Gather feedback from teachers and students to adjust plans accordingly.

2. Financial Efficiency Committee

Purpose: To analyze and oversee the financial implications of class consolidation.

Members: School administrators, local government representatives, financial analysts, and

local taxpayers.

• Assess potential savings and ensure they are realized efficiently.

• Communicate financial benefits to taxpayers and other stakeholders.

• Explore alternative cost-saving measures to balance financial and educational


Integration of External Stakeholders

To integrate external stakeholders into the strategic management process, the school should:

1. Hold Public Meetings: Regularly scheduled meetings to present plans, gather

feedback, and address concerns from parents, taxpayers, and community organizations.

2. Form Advisory Panels: Include representatives from external stakeholder

groups in advisory panels to provide ongoing input and ensure transparency.

3. Surveys and Feedback Mechanisms: Use surveys to collect opinions and

suggestions from the broader community, ensuring their voices are considered in


Communication Strategy

Keeping stakeholders informed requires a robust communication plan:

1. Regular Updates: Use newsletters, emails, and social media to provide regular

updates on the project’s progress and decisions made.

2. Transparent Reporting: Publish detailed reports on the financial savings

achieved and their allocation.

3. Feedback Channels: Maintain open channels for stakeholders to provide

feedback and ask questions, demonstrating that their input is valued and considered.

Optimal Solution

The optimal solution balances financial savings with educational quality. Implementing

smaller, phased consolidations can help monitor the impact on student learning and adjust

strategies as needed. Investing some of the savings into educational resources and support can

mitigate the effects of larger class sizes. Additionally, continuous stakeholder engagement

ensures the community remains supportive and informed, fostering a collaborative approach

to achieving the school’s financial and educational goals.


The proposed project to consolidate classes involves various internal and external

stakeholders, each with distinct concerns and interests. By forming committees focused on

educational quality and financial efficiency, integrating external stakeholders into the

strategic management process, and maintaining transparent communication, the school can

achieve a balanced solution that addresses both cost savings and educational standards.

Kennedy, R. (2020). Strategic management. Virginia Tech Publishing. Retrieved from


Corporate Finance Institute. (2022, November 2). Stakeholder. Retrieved from


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