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“Aedificare et Educare”
Climaco Street, Poblacion, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay 7001
S.Y. 2023-2024

*Learning Plan in Grade 10 – English*

Grade Level/Subject: 10 – English
Time Allotment:
Topic: Draw Conclusions from the Set of Details
Desired Results/Learning Objectives:
At the end of the Lesson, the students will be able to:
A. Analyze a set of details provided in texts, images, or data to draw conclusions;
B. appreciate the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving skill in decision making;
C. practice drawing conclusions actively through scenarios and images, showing the ability to
independently come up with well-supported conclusions.
 Drawing Conclusions -
 Alma (short film) -
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of world literature as an instrument to
express and resolve social conflicts; various information sources necessary in composing a research
report and in delivering speechless of advocacy; and features of the language of research,
campaigns, and advocacies.
Performance Standard: The Learner transfers learning by composing a research report on a
relevant social issue in preparation for delivering campaign and advocacy speeches that observe the
proper use and acknowledgement of sources, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and
Most Essential Learning Competency and Code:
EN10RC-IVf-2.12: (Draw conclusions from the set of details.)
Values Integration:
 Agents of Transformation
 Responsive to the Signs of the times
 Yearning for the fullness of life.

21st Century Skills Integration:

 Critical thinking
 Communication skills
 Problem-solving
 Collaboration
 Creativity and innovation
Essential Understanding:
Understanding how to draw conclusions from a set of details is foundational to critical thinking and
decision-making. By analyzing textual, visual, or data-based information, I can extract deeper
meanings and insights, enabling me to make informed judgments and predictions. Proficiency in
this skill not only enhances information processing abilities but also fosters a more nuanced
understanding of complex issues, leading to more effective problem-solving and decision-making
strategies in various contexts.
Essential Questions:
 How can I use the details presented in texts, images, or data to make decisions in real-world
 Why is it necessary to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skill in order to draw
conclusions from diverse sets of information in different situations.
Preliminary Activities:
 Prayers
 Checking of Attendance
 Learning chart milestones
 Classroom rules
 To prepare the students on the lesson, the teacher will present an activity entitled “Mind
 The teacher will split the class into two separate groups.
 Students are tasked with solving brain teasers presented in the form of images by the
 The teacher will explain the flow of the game and will encourage students to think outside
the box.
 Each group will be given time to brainstorm ideas.
 One representative from each group will come to the board.
 They will support their answer by encircling the evidence found in the picture and will give
a short explanation about their observation.
 After collecting answers, the teacher processes them and reveals the correct solution.
 The teacher repeats the activity, allowing students to solve the case a second time.

 1st Riddle

 2nd Riddle

 Following the explorative activity, the teacher poses two questions to unpack prerequisite
1. What helps you to find the answer?"
2. What do you make after analyzing the details?
 Students present their answers to the questions, and the teacher processes their responses.
 Every participation will be equivalent to points for each group.
 Finally, the teacher introduces the topic of the lesson.
Firm up:
 The teacher presents the learning objectives of the lesson.
 The teacher will also present the essential questions.
 The teacher will discuss what is “Drawing Conclusion” all about.
 The teacher will show example by playing a short video titled “Alma”.
 Before revealing the ending, the teacher let the students draw conclusion on what is the
possible ending.
 The teacher will give follow up question after the students finish the film.
1. What small hints or clues did you notice in the story of "Alma" that could give a
clue about the surprising ending?
 To wrap up, gather questions and clarifications from the learners.
 To deepen students learning about the lesson the teacher will introduce the activity titled
"Detective's Case: Who Killed Mr. Crab?” to requisite their acquired understanding of the
 The same groups will be kept for this activity.
 The teacher will provide the first puzzle piece to the class.
 Each puzzle piece will have a clue on the back indicating the location of the next piece.
 Students must use critical thinking skills to interpret the clues and determine where to find
the next puzzle piece.
 The goal is for students to collect all four puzzle pieces.
 Once all four pieces are collected, students will assemble the puzzle to conclude who the
real killer is.
 The first group to collect all four pieces wins 30 points.
 The remaining groups that collect all four pieces afterward receive 20 points.
 The teacher will then pose a question to the students about the importance of critical
thinking skills in decision making.
 Students will discuss how their comprehension of details guides their decisions in finding
puzzle pieces and solving the mystery.
Transfer Task:
 The teacher will introduce a group activity called "Caption Challenge" after the deepening
part of the lesson.
 The same respective groups will be maintained for this activity.
 The teacher will display one artwork to be interpreted by each group.

 The class will discuss the various conclusions drawn from the same image.
 Groups will have 5 minutes to brainstorm and create captions based on the image shown.
 Each group will choose a representative to share their caption with the class.
 The students will be graded based on the rubrics presented.

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Interpretation Draws Demonstrates Shows a Shows some Shows minimal
of the Image insightful and a strong reasonable attempt at attempt at
nuanced understanding understandin interpretation, interpretation, or
conclusions of the image, g of the but lacks depth lacks
based on drawing image, but or may contain understanding
details reasonable may lack inaccuracies of image details
provided, conclusions depth or may
showing with some contain
critical critical inaccuracies
thinking skills thinking
Creativity of Captures Engages the Presents an Attempts to be Lacks creativity
Caption attention with viewer with an imaginative creative, but or originality,
a fresh and imaginative idea, but may fall short relying heavily
original perspective, lacks in execution or on clichés or
perspective, offering a originality or falls short in clichés
demonstrating unique creativity execution
creativity viewpoint
Clarity and Clearly Communicates Communicat Communicatio Communication
Coherence in communicates the es the n is unclear or is unclear or
Expression of conclusions in conclusions in conclusions, lacks incoherent,
Conclusions a concise and a clear and but may lack coherence, making it
coherent coherent clarity or leading to difficult to
manner, manner, coherence confusion understand
ensuring ensuring that
understanding the audience
by the understands
audience the intended
Contribution All members All group All group Some group Most group
to Group actively members members members members do not
Discussion participate in contribute participate in participate participate in
discussions, meaningfully discussion, minimally in discussion or
offering to discussions, but may discussion or provide
valuable providing require provide irrelevant
insights and insights and prompting or minimal contributions
perspectives perspectives guidance contribution
from others
 The class will discuss the various conclusions drawn from the same image.
Engagement (Assessment):
 The teacher will present 3 debatable issues to the students.
A. "Should society prioritize ethical considerations and invest in alternative testing methods
over traditional animal testing practices to advance scientific research and medical
B. "Should the Philippines legalize abortion to address maternal health and women's rights, or
should it maintain its strict anti-abortion laws to uphold traditional values and protect the
sanctity of life?"
C. "Should society embrace the rise of artificial intelligence as a transformative force for
progress, or should we approach it with caution, considering its potential impact on
employment, privacy, and ethical implications?"
 Students will then be required to choose only 1 issue and write a short essay expressing
their well-supported conclusions about it.
 The teacher will assess the student’s essay by the rubrics presented.

Criteria Description Points

Clarity of Conclusion The conclusion of the student's essay is clearly stated and 5
reflects their viewpoint on the current issue.
Use of Evidence The student supports their conclusion with relevant, and 5
credible details.
Depth of Analysis The essay demonstrates critical thinking and problem- 5
solving skill by thoroughly examining different aspects
and implications of the issue.
Coherence and The ideas are presented in a well-organized and coherent 5
Organization manner, with smooth transitions between paragraphs.
Writing Mechanics The essay exhibits proficiency in writing mechanics, 5
and Grammar grammar, and adherence to academic conventions.


Prepared by:
Arianne H. Bernaldez

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