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Response Surface Methodology: 1966-l 988

Raymond H. Myers Andr6 I. Khuri Walter H. Carter, Jr.

Department of Statistics Department of Statistics Department of Biostatistics

Virginia Polytechnic Institute University of Florida Medical College of Virginia
and State University Gainesville, FL 32611 Richmond, VA 23219
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Response sarfxe methodology (RSM) is a collection of tools developed in the 1950s for the
purpose of determining optimum operating conditions in applications in the chemical industry.
This artic!e reviews the progrrss of RS;\l m the cwneral arcas of experimental design and
analysis and indicates how its role has been affected by adwnccs in other fields of applied
statistics. Current areas of research in RShI are highli~!ltsd. and areas for future ressJrch
are discussed.

KEY LVORDS: Experimental design: First-order model: Optimum conditions: Second-order

model; Scquenti:ll strategy

1. INTRODUCTION ers not on finding optimum response but on finding

regions where there is demonstrated improvement in
In the November 1966issue of Techrzometrics, “.A
response over that achieved bq’ current operating
Review of Response Surface Methodolo_gy: A Lit-
conditions. This gives rise to the inev-itable applica-
erature Survey,” by Hill and Hunter appeared. That
tions in the chemical and processing fields and the
particular review emphasized practical applications
historical attraction to the subject by Technometrics
in the chemical and processing fields and featured an
readers. Our intent in this article is to provide a
excellent bibliography. In the December 1975 issue
review of important developments in RSM. with our
of Biometrics. “A Review of Response Surface definition being confined to that of a collection of
MethodologyFrom a Biometric Viewpoint.” by Mead
tools in desigtl or datu analysis that enhnrlce the e-v-
and Pike appeared. Emphasis was on biological ap-
pioration of a region of design variables it1 one or
plications. and a much broader definition of response more resporues. We will emphasize developments in
surface methodology (RSM) was made than that of the statistics literature that have appearedsince 1966
the Hill and Hunter paper. but will make reference to some pre-1966work vvhen
Hill and Hunter stated that RSM began with the
historical perspective is necessary.
work of Box and Wilson (1951).Mead and Pike moved
The experimental strategy and analysis in RSM
back the origin of RSM to include the‘use of “re-
revolves around the assumption that a response 17is
sponsecurves” dating back into the 1930s.In reality.
a function of a set of design variables xi. x2, ..
there are diverse notions as to what is the proper list
xi and that the function can be approximated in some
of topics to be included under the response-surface
region of the x’s by a polynomial model. Prominent
umbrella. This confusion is causedin part by the very
amongthe models considered are the first-order model
general name response surface. It is interesting that
all too many subject-matter scientists, many of whom ty = pi, + P[.x, - .‘. A /JI;.Yk (1.1)
are experienced in the use of statistical tools, are not
aware of the term resporzse surface annlysis or of the and the second-order model
problems it addresses.
There is no question that the motivation for the
work by Box and his coauthors was the general and
perhaps ancient problem of planning and analyzing
experiments in a search for desirable conditions on (1.2)
a set of controllable (or design) variables. *.desira-
ble” often being defined more strictly as those con- Generally, the assumption of common error variance
ditions that give rise to optimum response. In recent CT?is made. sugpestingthe useof ordinary leastsquares
Years,much-emphasishas been placed by pructition- for estimation of coefficients. In certain instances in


the following, we will deal specifically with nonlinear remain constant at points that are equidistant from
models. the design center. It is rare when a heavy price is
We should make the intentions of the article clear. paid to achieve near-rotatability. Rotatability in the
Technometrics readers include academic as well as case of first-order models is attainable with standard
industrial statisticians and engineers. Historical per- orthogonal arrays that have many other important
spective is always important when a review is pre- properties. In the caseof a second-ordermodel. com-
sented. It provides a link to the past and inspiration posite designs and other designs can be made to be
to potential researchers in the field. But an addi- rotatable very easily (see Sec. 2.2).
tional. and perhaps the most important, purpose of The historical importance of the property evolved
this article is to offer something to users. For expe- naturally from the need to achieve stability in pre-
rienced practitioners, we must provide a thorough diction variance. Too many designs have very un-
review. For those who are less experienced, we must stable prediction variance close to the design perim-
be convincing that RSM has something to offer. eter. Rotatability was a first step. and, unlike many
other criteria, it could be put to use immediately with
standard designs. Obviously, in experiments with
mixtures in which a simplex region is important, ro-
In this section, we deal with several aspects of tatability is less appealing. Moreover. in early ex-
response surface designs, beginning with the “where ploratory phases of RSM when the learning process
we were” status of response surface design in the about the design variables is in its infancy, the ro-
mid-1960s. Thus some historical perspective is given. tatability property is certainly not important and may
We discuss specific design classes with heavy em- even be compromised in favor of other desirable de-
phasis on composite designs. Due to their historical sign features. Nevertheless. it is always a good idea
importance, the property of rotatability and the con- to preserve some degreeof rotatability wherever pos-
cept of protection against model misspecification are sible. Recently, two measures of rotatability were
discussedearly in the article. In addition, other items introduced. The first one: introduced by Khuri (1988),
include less general topics as designs for nonlinear is a quantitative measure expressible as a percentage
models, robust designs, designs for estimating the with the value 100 attained when the design is ro-
slope of a responsesurface, and designs for the mix- tatable. The second measure, introduced by Draper
ture problem. and Guttman (19SS),provides information about the
overall shape of the variance contours for symmet-
2.1 Status of Response Surface Design in the rical second-order designs.
Mid-1960s A third very influential piece of work of the 1950s
and 1960swas by Box and Draper (1939, 1963). It
Among the many important works that preceded was an introduction of the notion of robustness of
Hill and Hunter (1966), three are noteworthy here. an RSM design to model misspecification. although
The first was the important article by Box and Wilson the word “robustness” was not used in this regard
(1951) in which the notion of composite designs was until later. Convincing arguments are made that not
introduced. The introduction of the “star portion” only can bias due to model misspecification not be
to augment a two-level factorial array was done to ignored but that, if there is even a modest amount
allow for efficient estimation of quadratic terms in of misspecification, the user must seriously consider
the second-order model of Equation (1.2). This class it in choice of design.
of designs allows flexibility. This would later prove The fundamental philosophy of the Box-Draper
very beneficial as more sophisticated properties and work centered around the consideration of the av-
criteria evolved. More details regarding the com- erage weighted mean squared error
posite designs are given in Section 2.2.
Sharing the sphere of influence with Box and Wil-
son is the Box and Hunter (1957) article. Emphasis w( x)E[j( x) - g(x)]: dx,
was placed on judging a design on the basis of pre-
dictiorz variance> var J/o’. This was a vital contri- where j(s) is the fitted polynomial of order d, and
bution, since it underscored very early that a single s(x) is a model of order d, > d, containing unknown
number may not be enough information when com- parameters and is regarded as the “true” mean re-
paring designs. The distribution of var J/a? over the sponse. or at least it can be viewed as the model that
spaceof the design variables was explored. A natural one choosesto protect against. Here, R is the region
and easily attainable property was that of rotatahiliry , of interest in the design variables-that is, a region
which requires that the variance of a predicted value in which it is important for Q to predict well. K is the


reciprocal of the volume of R, h’ is the total number ibility and its utility as a design plan for sequential
of observations, W(X) is a weight function. and 0’ is experimentation. The factorial portion and center
the error variance. The expression J divides into runs serve as a preliminary phase from which one
the sum of the weighted variance and squared bias. may fit a first-order model and yet gain evidence
averaged over the region R. In the formulation regarding the importance of pure quadratic contri-
presented here, the minimum J design cannot be bution. Textbooks in RSM by Box and Draper (1987),
achieved, and evidence was put forth that a robust Khuri and Cornell (1987), and Myers (1976) pro-
strategy of design choice is one that comes close to vided a fundamental look at the CCD.
minimizing the bias portion of J. Similar work deal- Much of the flexibility of the CCD is derived from
ing in regions of interest other than spherical was the user’s choice of (Yand Q. There are many criteria
given by Draper and Lawrence (1965) and Draper used for the choice of these parameters.
and Guttman (1986). Choice of (Y. For CY> k”‘. the axial points are
Although much of the foundation of very funda-
further from the designcenter than the factorial points.
mental work was established by that cited in the fore-
A value cy= (F)l”. where Fis the number of factorial
going, the appetite of the practical user of RSM had
points. guarantees rotatability. Other criteria, how-
beensatisfied by the establishment of families of use-
ever, such as robustness to model misspecification
ful experimental designs for first-order and second-
(Sec. 2.1), qualitv estimation of the slope (Sec. 2.8),
order models. In the first-order case, the need for
robustness to outliers (Sec. 3.6), generalized vari-
orthogonal designswas motivated by Box and Wilson
ance of model coefficients (Sec. 2.5), and orthogonal
(1951), Box (952), and an excellent book edited by blocking are among the important considerations for
Davies (1954). Specific design classes, two-level fac-
choice of cyconsidered by researchers.
torial and fractional factorial designs, were made
Note that the experimental region often dictates
available by Plackett and Burman (1946) and Box
the value of a. If the region is spherical? a natural
andHunter (1961a.b).For second-ordermodels, many
upper bound for (Yis fi. There are many situations.
subject-matter scientists and engineers have a work-
however, in which the user wishes to explore a region
ing knowledge of the family of central composite
that is strictly cuboidal. In this case, (Y = 1.0 is an
designs (CCD’s) and a class of special three-level
appropriate choice.
designsby Box and Behnken (1960). Another im-
portant pre-1966 contribution came from Hartley Choice of nO. The choice of the number of center
(1959), who made an effort to create a more eco- runs is a vital ingredient for the CCD. An early rec-
nomical or small composite design. ommendation by Box and Hunter (1957)was to choose
In the following sections, we provide reviews of 12”for which u/ziform irlformation or ufliform preci-
what we feel are important RSM design topics, be- sion is achieved; this property provides approxi-
ginning with the mid-1960s. In addition to historical mately a uniform value of var J(s) inside a sphere
chronology, we attempt to provide potential users of a specific radius. There has long been confusion
with practical advice, as well as reference for further among users about what is gained by this property.
edification. however. The original Box-Hunter definition of uni-
form precision requires IZ”to be chosen such that var
j(x) is approximately constant inside a sphere of
2.2 The Central Composite Design and radius 1.0, with the metric of design units requiring
Alternate Design Plans scaling so that the second moment o.f the design t’ari-
ables is unit)l. Unfortunately. this does not seempar-
The CCD is a special caseof the classof composite ticularly pleasing, since it does not exert control or
designsin which the construction consists of three produce stability in prediction variance at a distance
Portions, (a) the 2’ vertices of a cube (or a fraction that approaches the radius at the perimeter of the
Of these vertexes), (bj the 2k vertexes of a cross- design region. The practical user should read Draper
PolYtopeor “star” or axial portion with parameter (1982) and Box and Draper (1987) for general dis-
(y,and (c) a chosen number, nO,of center runs. The cussions regarding the number of center runs for
Points in (b) essentially form an augmentation that composite designs.
‘ePresentsa one-factor-at-a-time portion designedto
Provideestimation of the B,).the pure quadratic terms
2.3 Orthogonal Blocking
in Equation (1.2). The factorial-design levels are cen-
tered and scaled to design units with rl being the The CCD is the second-order family that is rich in
factorial levels and CYbeing the axial level. In large candidate designsthat block orthogorlally. The latter
Part, the appeal of the CCD is derived from its Aex- describes a condition in which regressioncoefficients



are orthogonal to block effects and thus the analysis to produce usable designs that deserved merit from
can be conducted without ambiguous interpretation. the design optimality standpoint. It is important for
Box and Hunter (1957, 1961a.h)developed the gen- the potential user to note the price that one often
eral conditions that give rise to orthogonal blocking pays by using a strictly saturated design, either for a
in the second-order case. The Box-Bchnken design first-order or second-order model. The major short-
also gives rise to orthogonal blocking in some situ- coming of a saturated design is derived from poor
ations. The books by Khuri and Cornell (1987). Box coverage of the region of interest.
and Draper (1987), and Myers (1976) give the user
real-life examples in which blocking is part of the 2.5 Application of Criteria Dealing With
design plan. Optimal-Design Theory
The important development of optimal-design the-
ory in the field of experimental design emerged fol-
2.4 Other Second-Order Designs
lowing World War II. It was motivated by various
Although the central composite remains the sec- authors, including Elfving (1953, 1955, 1959). Cher-
ond-order designfamily that is most often used. there noff (1953), Kiefer (1958, 1959, 1960, 1962a,b), and
are other second-order design classes that are at- Kiefer and Wolfowitz (1959, 1960). Kiefer, in par-
tractive in various circumstances. We earlier made ticular, was instrumental in providing the mathe-
reference to the class of Box-Behnken designs. The matical groundwork for optimal-design theory. Ac-
Box-Behnken designs can be very useful in casesin tually. the origin of this theory can be traced back
which it is important that three levels be used. In to an article by Smith (1918), who considered dif-
addition to the original Box-Behnken reference, Box ferent design configurations for polynomial models
and Draper (1987) and Khuri and Cornell (1987) give up to the sixth degree. Interestingly enough, he ex-
illustrations using the Box-Behnken design. In the amined cases in which the error variance was not
paragraphs that follow, we review some of the other constant within the experimental region. Some earl!
second-order designs that appeared after the mid- work in this area was done by Wald (1943) and Mood
1960s. (1946).
Hoke (1974) developed a class of economical sec- Optimal-design theory has clearly become an im-
ond-order designs based on irregular fractions of the portant component in the general development of
3” factorial plan. These fractions are based on sets experimental design for the caseof regressionmodels.
of partially balancedarrays and are compared to Box- Although no one can reasonably deny the contri-
Behnken and other competing designs. Roquemore bution and impact of optimal-design theory. there
(1976) developed a family of second-order designs are some who believe that its application in RShf
called Ilq’Drid desigrzsfor k = 3, 4, 6, and 7 that are design work should be made with extreme caution.
either saturated or near-saturated and have some The main characteristics of this theory are the per-
similarities to the CCD. The design for k variables ception of a design as a probability measure with
is constructed by augmenting a (k - I)-dimensional heavy emphasis on variance reduction with regard to
CCD with an additional column in the design matrix. the fitted model. Bias plays a lesserrole, unlike what
The values for the additional column are chosen to we see in the work of Box and Draper.
achieve certain design symmetries. The most prominent design criterion is D-opti-
The Hoke and hybrid designsare by no means the mality, the minimization of the generalized variance
only choices that are available when one seeks a of the model coefficients. This criterion has received
saturated or near-saturatedsecond-orderdesign. Notz a great deal of attention, as evidenced by the nu-
(1981) suggested a method of constructing designs merous articles written about it. The review articles
that are very efficient in terms of generalized vari- by St. John and Draper (1975), Ash and Hedayat
ance-that is. D-efficiency (seeSec. 2.5). His designs (1978), and Atkinson (1982) contained many refer-
are saturated and are constructed from the 3“ lattice. enceson D-optimality. Another design criterion that
Box and Draper (1974) produced practical designs is closely related to D-optimality is G-optimality: in
that are saturated and efficient from a generalized which the maximum prediction variance over the ex-
variance standpoint. Similar developmentswere given perimental region is minimum. other variance-re-
by Mitchell and Bayne (197S), Welch (19S2), and lated criteria include A-optimality and E-optimality
others. During the 1970s and early 1980s. much of [see Pazman (19X6,chap. 4) for a description of these
the work that resulted in the development of new criteria]. Silvey (lYSO), Bandemer (19SO),and At-
second-order designsrevolved around the concept of kinson (1952) provided recent surveys of optimal ex-
D-optimality and D-eticiency (see Sec. 3.5). From perimental designs.
a historical point of view, these developments served The well-known equivalencetheorem of Kiefer and



Wolfowitz (1960) led to the development of a prac- against model underspecification. It formalized. in
tical algorithm for the construction of a D-optimal an RSM setting. the notion of proper placing of the
design (Fedorov 1972, chap. 2: Wynn 1970). More design points it7 j’~~rn rhe hozrnria~~~sf the region of
attention. however, has been given to the construc- interest when under-specification is a concern. Al-
tion of a D,,-optimal design. This is the traditional though specifics in the Box and Draper work dealt
responsesurface design consisting of N experimental with spherical regions. Draper and Lawrence (1965)
runs, where h! is fixed, for which the determinant of applied the Box and Draper approach to generate
the information matrix. X’ X. for the fitted model designs that are robust to model inadequacies in the
is maximum. Several algorithms are available for the case of cuboidal regions.
construction of D,-optimal designs. The DETMAX Aside from model misspecification. RSM design
algorithm by Mitchell (1974) and the one by Fedorov robustness includes the following categories: (a) ro-
(1972, pp. 160-165) generate a sequence of h:-point bustness to outliers in the data, (b) robustness to
designs vvith nondecreasing values of /X’ X/ for a errors in the design levels, and (c) designs for ex-
given A;. An improvement over Mitchell’s algorithm trapolation under conditions of model misspecifica-
was presented by Galil and Kiefer (1980), who de- tions.
veloped a family of computer-search methods for From a point of view of motivation. the article by
finding optimum designs. A review of algorithms for Box and Draper (1975) would appear to have been
constructing DN-optimal designswas given by Cook very timely. We highly recommend that any serious
and Nachtsheim (1980) (seealso Johnson and Nacht- practitioner of RSM read it carefully. This work linked
sheim 1983). Lucas (1974. 1976. 1977) used the D- the awareness of outlic~+sto notions of RSM exper-
and G-efficiencies of a design. as defined by Atwood imental designs. Design properties were sought that
(1969). to evaluate the performance of some tradi- resulted in “minimal impact” of outliers in the re-
tional response surface designs for second-order sulting data. The reader of the Box and Draper ar-
models. ticle will be reminded that in many cases an exper-
One important criticism of optimal-design theory iment is designed for many different purposes. There
is that it is set within a rigid framework governed by is an implication that optimal designs should not be
a set of assumptions that may not be very realistic. sought nearlv as often as designs that are “good” in
This has prompted Box. Hunter, and Hunter (1978) many areas; that is, we seek cornp~of?risedesigns.
to state that “in recent years the study of optimal This same opinion is expressedby many others (e.g..
design has become separated from real esperimen- Atkinson 19S2; Kiefer 1975).
tation with the predictable consequencethat its iim- Herzberg and Andrews (1976) dealt with optimal
itations have not been stressed. or, often, even re- designsunder nonoptimal conditions such as missing
alized” (p. 472). observations and the presence of outliers. In an ar-
As we indicated earlier. one traditional approach ticle that considered protection against model mis-
in RSM development involves the concentration on specification and outliers simultaneously. Draper and
bias suspected of being present in the fitted model. Herzberg (1979)dealt with an integratedmeansquared
This is the basis for the Box-Draper criterion dis- error criterion much like that of Box and Draper
cussedin Section 2.1. The bias criterion, however. (1959. 1963).
provides protection against a specific form of model A related notion of robustness deals with errors
inadequacv according to what we postulate as the in the factor levels. Vuchkov and Boyadjieva (1983)
“true mod-el.” Kiefer (1975. pp. 284-286) criticized considered this problem and attempted to determine
certain aspectsof the preoccupation with bias, point- design families that are robust. The interested reader
ing out examples in which the variance criterion is should first read the article by Box (1963) in which
compromised for the sake of the bias criterion. Both the effect of errors in factor levels was considered in
Kiefer and Box agree that design selection should be both first-order and second-order models. Although
guidedby more than one criterion. “no single simple no specific design criteria are considered in Box’s
Prescription can be expected to yield satisfactory de- article, it is an excellent account of the extent of the
signsin all, or even most, applications” (Kiefer 1975. damage when errors in design variables occur.
P. 256): see also Box (1982, sec. 7). Finally, we deal in a type of design property that
somemay not generallyclassifyasl.oblarrzess--nameI!!.
designs that are resistmt to errors in extrapolation.
This is particularly important in RSM work. since a
2.6 RSM Design Robustness
response surface is often used bv necessity for ex-
As we indicated in Section 2.1, the first notion of trapolation purposes. Draper anb Herzberg (lY73.
RSh’ldesign robustness appearedin the \\ork of Box lY7Y) discussed designs that are robust rn this sense
and Draper (1959, 1Y63) dealing with protection under the settings of first-order and second-order

fitted models. It is assumed that one’s ability to cx- the constraints. Conditions are given that can be used
trapolate is influenced by the esistence of higher- to determine when the use of the transformation is
order terms in the true structure. preferable to that of other transformations.
One important note of caution should be made to Aitchison and Bacon-Shone (1984) showed that
any user or potential user of RSM. A design may the constant sum constraint-that is, cf=, -u! = l-
indeed be nearly optimal in one sense (say D-opti- can be removed by a log ratio transformation, i, =
mality) but far from optimal with respect to another log(x,/xk) (i = 1. 2, . . . . k - 1). When this is done,
criterion. For example. designs that are capable of the modeled expected response can be expressedas
protecting the user against model inadequacy due to a polynomial in the z,. Since the 2, can be varied
higher-order terms are not necessarily going to be independently, the polynomial can include all terms
capable of detecting the need for these additional of appropriate degree.
model terms. Often all that can be expected of an St. John (1984) pointed out that, due to the con-
RSM design is one that enjoys a “steady” perfor- straints placed on the independent variables, mixture
mance in several criteria that are important to the problems are particularly prone to difficulties caused
user. by ill-conditioning of the X matrix. Illustrations were
given with several published data sets. In some in-
2.7 Design of Mixture Experiments
stances standard remedial techniques were useful,
whereas in other casesit was necessaryto use ridge
From the early pioneering work in the late 19% regression to improve the conditioning of X’ X.
by Scheffe (1958). techniques in the use of mixture
designs became important to users of RSM. A mix-
ture experiment is one in which the responsedepends 2.8 Designs for the Slope
on the relative proportions of the ingredients in the
mixture. These experiments are characterized as fol- In many applications of RSM, good estimation of
lows: If x, (i = 1, 2, . . , k) represents the pro- the derivatives of the response function may be as
portion of the ith component in a k factor combi- important or perhaps more important than estima-
nation. then for each experimental run 0 5 x:, 5 1 tion of mean response. Certainly, the computation
(i = 1.3, . . , k) and cf=, x, = 1. The development of a stationary point in a second-order analysis or
of designs and the analysis of data collected under the use of gradient techniques-for example, steep-
these constraints has been the subject of much re- est ascent or ridge analysis-depends heavily on the
search. Mixture designs have enjoyed extensive ap- partial derivatives of the estimated responsefunction
plication in chemicals, petroleum. foods. tobaccos, with respect to the design variables. Since designs
and many other areas. Indeed. the particular area that attain certain properties in 9 (estimated re-
has been the subject of two reviews by Cornell (1973, sponse) do not enjoy the same properties for the
1979), mentioned prominently in two additional re- estimated derivatives (slopes), it is important for the
views by Mead and Pike (1975) and Steinberg and user to consider experimental designs that are con-
Hunter (1984), and the subject of a book by Cornell structed with the derivatives in mind.
(1981). The reader is referred to these works for a Atkinson (1970) considered designsfor estimation
complete bibliography on the subject. Some impor- of the slope at a fixed point with the responsefunc-
tant works not contained in these bibliographies and tion being of order 1. The criterion used is the ex-
those which have appeared since their publication pected mean squared error for a directional deriva-
will be reviewed briefly in this section. tive averaged over all possible directions. Murty and
Snee (1981) used the gasoline-blending problem Studden (1972) considered polynomial-regression
to illustrate some practical problems that occur when models with the criterion being the variance of an
considering mixture experiments. Attention is fo- estimated slope at a fLvedpoint and averaged over
cused on the design of blending studies and appro- an interval.
priate models for analysis, as well as the use to which Hader and Park (1978) extended the notion of
the fitted model is put. Often constraints apart from rotatability to cover the slope for the caseof second-
the standard ones are placed on mixture components. order models. They cataloged designs that result in
Piepel (1983) used the definition of the centroid slope rotatability; that is. the variance of the esti-
as the center of mass or volume of the region. He de- mated derivatives is constant for all points equidis-
veloped an algorithm to calculate centroids of vari- tant from the design center. Myers and Lahoda (1975)
ous dimensional faces of the constraint region as well extended the Box-Draper integrated mean squared
as the centroid of the (k - l)-dimensional simplex. error criterion under model misspeciflcation to cover
Crosier (1984) proposed a transformation to pseudo- sets of parametric functions, with the slope being the
components to reduce the ill-conditioning created by primary application.



Mukerjee and Huda (1985) developed designs as- can also be obtained using procedures analogous to
sociated with minimum variance of the estimated those proposed by Box and Hunter.
slope maximized over all points in the factor space The dependency of the optimal nonlinear design
for second-order and third-order polynomial models on the parameter vector 0 is less severe if the model
over a spherical region. is partially nonlinear. By that we mean that some
elements of 0 appear linearly in the model. but others
2.9 Designs for Special Goals appear nonlinearly (see Hill 1980: Khuri 1954).
Designs for Nonhear Models. A nonlinear model Design Augmentation. Design augmentation is
is a model of the form y = f(x. 0) + E, where x = an increasingly important component in the pro-
(Xl. x2. . . 1xk)’ is a vector of design variables. 0 gression of RSM research. It is important for the
=: (O,, t?‘, . . , 0,)’ is a vector of unknown param- potential user of RSM to understand the “sequential
eters. E is a random error, and f(x. 0) is a known spirit” of RSM. In a large percentage of RShl ap-
function nonlinear with respect to at least one ele- plications more than one stage of experimentation
ment of 0. Nonlinear models have not received a and analysis is required. The notion of moving from
great deal of attention in RSM, even though they one experimental region to another and planning an
hate many applications in Several areas, particularly, experiment in sequenceoften becomes necessaryin
in biological and chemical sciences. real RSM situations. Quite often, additional exper-
The main design criterion for nonlinear models is imental runs are taken after an experiment has been
the D-optimality criterion. which actually applies to carried out. This usually occurs when information
a linearized form of the nonlinear model (Box and obtained in one stage is used to plan the next stage.
Lucas 1959). More specifically, if f(x, 0) is approx- Moreover. there might be a need to gain more in-
imately linear in 0 in a neighborhood of 0 = Oo,then formation about the response in certain parts of the
a design D is chosen so that the determinant !F’(D, region that are not adequately covered by the initial
0,,) F(D, 0,)i is maximum, where F( D, 0,) is an N design.
x: p matrix whose (i, j)th element is As a sequential plan evolves, the additonal runs
are chosen in a manner that remedies. or repairs,
fi, = ““d;; 0) ) the initial design. Dykstra (1966) and Gaylor and
J R=H,, Merrill (196s) augmented a nonorthogonal designfor
i = 1,2 , 1N, j= 1,3,. ,p, fitting a first-order model with additional runs to re-
duce multicollinearity effects among the design vari-
In the preceding, af/aH, denotes the partial deriva- ables. Covey-Crump and Silvey (1970) and Mayer
tive off with respect to 8,, x, is the value of x in the and Hendrickson (1973) adopted the maximization
ith experimental run. and h’ is the number of ex- of jX’ XI criterion for the selection of the additional
perimental runs. An optimal design obtained under experimental runs. where X is the matrix of design
this criterion is more appropriately called a locally
Irariables associated with the linear model for both
D-optimal design, a terminology used by Chernoff the initial design and the augmented runs. In Covey-
(1.953).A similar design criterion is available if the Crump and Silvey (1970), the augmented design
interest is in only a subset of the parameter vector
points were selectedfrom a spherical region, whereas
0 (see Box 19711Hill and Hunter 1973).
in Mayer and Hendrickson (1973), the augmented
Unlike D-optimal designsfor linear models. those design points were constrained by cost considera-
for nonlinear models depend on the unknown values
tions. Dykstra (1971) described a method for aug-
Of 0. This is an unappealing characteristic of nonlin-
menting the initial designwith additional points taken
ear models and was most appropriately depicted by
one at a time. Hebble and Mitchell (1973) follo\vcd
Cochran (1973): “You tell me the value of 0 and I
a similar procedure. except that the entire region of
promise to design the best experiment for estimating
interest, insteadof a set of candidatepoints. is searched
0.” There are several procedures to remedy, or at
for the next design point. Wynn (1970) showed that
least alleviate, the problem of design dependency.
this process leads in the limit to a D-optimal design.
One is a sequential procedure beginning with an in-
Evans (1979) used the simplex search technique to
itial guess, 0” (see Box and Hunter 1965). Silvey
add several points simultaneously under the maxi-
(1980) discussedthe problem of design dependency
mum of 1X’ X1 criterion.
on 0 using several examples of nonlinear models.
An alternative strategy for dealing with design de- Dcsigtu 10 Itlcrease the Polymerof the Lack-o!-Fit
pendency is to adopt a Bayesian approach. Zacks Test. Checking the adequacy of a fitted model 1san
(1977) considered maximizing the expected value of important consideration in RSM. Draper and Herz-
the determinant jF’( D, 0) F(D, 0)l with respect to berg (1971) provided some insight into the nature of
someprior distribution of 0. Bayes sequential designs hypotheses that can be tested by the lack-of-fit test



when replicate observations are available at one or (1957), and Box and Draper (19S7) for details and
more design points. Equally important is the ability examples. Brooks and Mickey (1961) and Myers and
to detect lack of fit in a model at an early stage of Khuri (1979) discussed strategy in steepest ascent.
the experimental process. This necessitates the use In Section -C,we produce evidence that the use of
of a design that can induce a certain degree of sen- RSM is expanding into many areas. Indeed, data-
sitivity in the lack-of-fit test. To accomplish this, the analysis procedures in general are expanding. We can
designshould be selectedso as to maximize the power thank, in part at least, Japanesescientists, who have
of the associated lack-of-fit test. Unfortunately, de- successfully communicated to us the need for exper-
signs chosen under this criterion depend on the un- imental design at the research-and-developmentlevel
known parameters of the true model. Several ap- as a successful supplement to quality control and
proacheswere considered to overcome this problem. process control. The Japanese industrial engineer
Atkinson (1972) used designs that are D-optimal for Genichi Taguchi (Taguchi 1986;Taguchi and Wu 19SO)
the precise estimation of the true model’s parameters proposed methodology for product improvement that
that are not included in the fitted model. These de- has attracted many practitioners in this country. The
signs, however, may provide poor estimates of the Taguchi approachdiffers from RSM in important ways.
unknown parameters of the fitted model. Atkinson Proponents of RSM assume an underlying model (a
and Fedorov (1975) suggested procedures to deal local approximation) that can include system cur-
with this problem. A maximin procedure was adopted vature and interaction, and they design the experi-
by Jones and Mitchell (1978) to develop additional ment accordingly. Taguchi recommended the use of
designcriteria to detect model inadequacy. This work an orthogonal array (often a Plackett-Burman de-
prompted Morris and Mitchell (1953) to obtain de- sign) and benefits from a muin-efSrcts model to de-
signsto detect the presenceof two-factor interactions termine the treatment combination that is most likely
among several two-level factors when fitting a first- to produce product improvement. Focus is on i/n-
order model. provement and not optimization. RSM. on the other
hand. affords the user the wealth of model-building
techniques and model-based methods for finding op-
timum conditions or conditions that produce a par-
Hill and Hunter (1966) outlined four steps as part ticular target response. The Taguchi approach gen-
of standard procedure in a responsesurface analysis. erally ignores interaction among the factors. Although
We think they are worth repeating here. They are: many feel as if the goals of the Taguchi work can
(a) perform a statistically designed experiment, (b) better be served through the use of more rigorous
estimate the coefficients in the responsesurface equa- statistical methods. there is much to be learned from
tion, (c) check on the adequacy of the equation (via the Taguchi approach. He has made users in this
a lack-of-fit test). and (d) study the response surface country aware of the need to include svslein or pro-
in the region of interest. We plan to consider step d cess varinbility as part of the response. As a result,
in this section. the inevitable nonconstancy of variance is not ig-
The purpose of an RSM analysis is to answer cer- nored. By the very nature of his method. he has
tain general questions regarding the nature of the reminded us that sequential experimentation is often
response function in some region of interest. Deter- the most effective way to explore an experimental
mining whether the system contains a maximum or region.
minimum or is a saddle system may be very important One useful procedure in a second-order response
to the experimenter. On the other hand, the exis- surface analysis is ridge analysis. introduced by Hoer1
tence of a ridge system may indicate the need for (1959) and formalized by Draper (1963). The method
further experimentation in another region. In some is discussed with examples by Khuri and Cornell
situations. response surface analysis serves as more (1957), Box and Draper (1987), and Myers (1976).
than merely an empirical device. It can lead to what Hoer1 (1985) gave a historical, almost anecdotal ac-
Hill and Hunter (1966) called an “elucidation of an count of his father’s development of ridge analysis.
underlying mechanism” (p. 571) and thus uncover It has been our observation that, in practical RSM
theoretical information. problems, occasions in which the stationary point
A distinction should be made between analyses produces a satisfactorv result are rare. As a result.
whose goals are to esplore the response surface as some type of constrained optimization like ridge
indicated previously and that in which the major goal analysis is often indicated. Most users-for example.
is estimation of optimum conditions. The method of engineers, biologists. and so forth- would certainly
steepest ascent remains a viable technique for se- prefer not to draw conclusions from response-con-
quentially moving toward the optimum response. See tour plots for cases in which k 2 2. Smith (1976)
Davies (19%). Myers (1976), Khuri and Cornell related situations in which ridge analysis is mislead-



ing. Khuri and h’Iyers (1979) offered modifications tioned that the Box-Draper estimation criterion can
to ridge analysis in casesin which the design is not lead to meaningless results when exact linear rela-
nearly rotatable. tionships exist among the responses. They also pro-
posed an eigenvalueanalysisfor the detection of these
3.1 Multiresponse Analysis relationships.
Further problems associated with the use of the
In many experimental situations, a number of re- Box-Draper estimation criterion were considered by
sponsesare measured for each setting of a group of McLean, Pritchard. Bacon, and Downie (1979). Box.
design variables. Examples of multiresponse SitUa-
Draper, and Hunter (1970) and Stewart and Soren-
tions are numerous. Ziegel and Gorman (1980) gave sen (1981) discussedapplications of the criterion when
an interesting exposition of the use of multiresponse some of the observations are missing. More recently,
data for studying kinetic models in the petroleum Bates and Watts (1985) proposed a new computing
industry. The area of foods and other consumer- method for the determination of the parameter es-
product research also represents a challenge because
timates using this criterion.
of the need almost always to study many responses.
Typical studies require panel-type responses or Des@ of Experiments for Multiresponse Situa-
‘*scores” on many features of the product. The re- tions. This is an important aspect of multiresponse
view by Hill and Hunter (1966) listed several ex- analysis, yet it is probably the least developed. In a
amples of multiresponse experiments and is perhaps multiresponse situation, the choice of design should
the first article in the statistical literature to direct be based. on a criterion that involves all the re-
attention to their important applications. sponses. Draper and Hunter (1966, 1967) obtained
Subsequentworks on this subject have stressedthe design criteria for parameter estimation for general
utility of analyzing multiresponse data by means of multiresponse models. These criteria, however, re-
multivariate techniques that take into account inter- quire knoaledge of C, the variance-covariance ma-
relations among the responses. For example, the trix for the I’ responses. Fedorov (1977) introduced
modelsthat represent the responsesmay have several an algorithm for the construction of a D-optimal de-
parameters in common. It would. therefore, make sign for a linear multiresponse model using a pro-
senseto combine information from all the responses cedure whereby design points are chosen sequen-
to estimate these parameters. The method intro- tially. Fedorov’s algorithm also requires knowledge
ducedby Box and Draper (1965) can be convenientIS of 2. Recently, Wijesinha and Khuri (1987) intro-
used for this purpose. They showed that increased duced a modification of Fedorov’s algorithm that can
precision on the parameter estimate can be obtained be used when 2; is not known.
by using data from all responses.Certainly a situation
Multiresponse Optimization. Any scientist or en-
in which multiresponse analysis is desirable is in the
gineer learning about RSM will realize that in most
area of simultaneous optimization of several re-
processesor scientific systems any experimental op-
sponses,which will be reviewed later in this section.
timization problem is a multivariate one. Conditions
Unfortunately, multiresponse analysis is not as de-
that are optimal for one response may be far from
veloped as its single-response counterpart. It is still
optimal or even physically impractical for the other
relatively new, and its utility has yet to be fully ap-
preciated (see Sec. 4j. This is mainly attributed to
Graphical methods were used early in the history
the fact that computer software is practically non-
of RSM development. By superimposing response
existent in this area.
contours and visually searching for a common region
Multiresponse Estimation. Box and Draper (1965) where the responsesachieve near optimal values (if
developeda method to estimate the parameter vector such a region exists), a practitioner might be able to
P in a general multiresponse model. The responses somehow arrive at a location (or locations) of a
were assumedto be normallv distributed and to have “compromised” optimum. Lind, Goldin, and Hick-
a variance-covariance matrix. 2, considered con- man (1960) used this procedure to obtain operating
stant for the various runs within the experimental conditions for maximizing the yield and minimizing
regiOn. Box and Draper used a Bavesian argument the cost of a certain antibiotic. Obviously, this pro-
bY considering a noninformative prior distribution cedure is difficult. if not impossible, to apply when
for P and 2. Estimates of the elements of p were the number of design variables exceedsthree. Myers
then obtained by maximizing the marginal posterior and Carter (1973) introduced an algorithm for de-
densitv of p. This method is known as the Box- termining conditions on the design variables that
Draper estimation criterion. It applies to linear as maximize a prinmr~-response function subject to the
“ell as nonlinear models. condition that a secondary,-resporlse function not ex-
Box, Hunter, MacGregor, and Erjavec (1973) cau- ceed a certain value. Biles (1975) extended this con-



cept of constrained optimization by placing bounds - N)C& confidence region for the location of the
on the values of sever4 secondary-response func- stationary point. The construction of a confidence
tions. interval around the response at the stationary point
A different optimization approach based on the of the true surface has only recently been a subject
concept of utility or desirability was followed by Har- of interest in the statistical literature. Khuri and Con-
rington (1965) and Derringer and Suich (19%)). In lon (1981) gave an expression for the bounds of such
this approac:h, each response function undergoes a an interval conditional on the estimated location of
certain transformation into a desirability function, 4. the stationary point. Carter, Chinchilli, Campbell,
such that 0 514 5 1. The choice of the transformation and Wampler (1983) report on the development of
depends on a subjective judgment concerning the a conservative, nonconditional interval for the re-
importance ((or desirability) of the corresponding re- sponse at the stationary point. Stablein, Carter, and
sponse values. A measure of the overall desirability Wampler (1983) extended the methodology devel-
of the responsesis obtained by combining the indi- oped by Box and Hunter (1954) to obtain a confi-
vidual desirability functions through the use of a geo- dence region about the location of the stationary
metric mean More recently. Khuri and Conlon (1981) point in the presence of constraints. Carter. Chin-
introduced a procedure for the simultaneous opti- chilli. Myers, and Campbell (1986) illustrated this
mization of responsesthat are represented by linear methodology for constructing confidenceintervals for
multiresponse models. A distance function is chosen the eigenvalues of B and considered the implications
that measures the overall closeness of the response of having such an interval contain 0 on the interpre-
functions to achieving their respective optimal values tation of the analysis. Interest is often focused on
at the same set of operating conditions. The latter is the estimated contours of constant response. This is
referred to as an i&al optimum. Optimum operating consistent with the notion of learning where in the
conditions are then derived by minimizing this dis- design region an improved response is to be found
tance function over the experimental region. rather than searching for an optimum. Carter, Chin-
chilli, Wilson, Campbell, Kessler. and Carchman
(1986) and Box and Draper (1987, pp. 134,135) dealt
3.2 Point and Interval Estimation of
Surface Properties
with the construction of a confidence region around
a contour of a given response.
In the typical analysis of a second-degreeresponse
surface, one is interested in (a) the location of the 3.3 Use of Alternate Models
stationary point, (b) the response at the stationary
point, (c) the characterization of the stationary point There are many typical RSM situations in which
(i.e.. as a point of masimum or minimum response the user can make use of known information con-
or a saddle point). and (d) the contours of constant cerning the distribution of the observed response.
response. One can write the true second-order re- Examples of such responsevariates are survival time.
sponse equation as ‘1 = /Y,, + x’B + x’Bx. where s proportion of experimental units assignedto a given
= (x,, X’. . ) xc)‘, j3 = (,h’!, /I,. . . . . /Ii)‘, and treatment group responding in a predetermined way,
B is a symmetric matrix containing diagonal elements and count data. To the extent that a continuous sym-
that are pure second-order coefficients and whose ij metric distribution can be made to adequately ap-
element is /;‘,/2. The nature of the stationary point proximate the distribution of such data. the classical
can be ascertained by considering the matrix B. If B application of RSM has provided satisfactory results.
is a positive (negative) definite matrix. then the sta- Once a proper distributional form has been deter-
tionary point is a point of minimum (maximum) re- mined, the usual approach is to express the mean of
sponse. If B is an indefinite matrix. the stationary the distribution as a function of the experimental
point is a saddle point. From this, it follows that the conditions. Most often a second-order polynomial is
eigenvalues of B are important to the proper de- used. Mead and Pike (1975. p. 517). however, pro-
scription of the stationary point. vided the algebraic form for a number of different
Many users of RSM allow conc!usions to be drawn response functions that have been used. The distri-
concerning the nature of a response surface and the butional form of the underlying data has an impact
location of optimum response without taking into on the estimation of the model parameters and on
account the distributional properties of the estimtrterf the inferences drawn from an RSM analysis.
attributes of the underlying response surface. Al- In the development of generalized linear models.
though the distribution of these quantities has not McCullagh and Nelder (1983) provided a framework
been considered directly, efforts have been made to for handling such problems when the underyling dis-
develop interval estimates. Box and Hunter (1954) tribution belongs to the exponential family. Thus this
used a version of Fieller‘s theorem to develop a lOO(1 approach is applicable. for example. when the bino-



mial distribution is appropriate for describing quan- subject-matter users. As in the case of many areas
tal data or when it is likely that the frequency of of statistics, however, our communication with the
recorded counts can be adequately described by the user remains woefully inadequate. Perhaps the
Poissonmassfunction. Survival data also can be made quickest medium of communication is through effec-
to yield to analysis through use of generalized linear tive computer software, but in the area of RSM,
model methodology. The use of this approach to data there has been little planning and leadership in this
analysis is facilitated by the availability of well-doc- area of development. although recently there have
umented software (see Payne 1985). Any potential been some rays of hope that are discussed in Sec-
user of RSM in the biological sciencesshould inves- tion 5.
tigate this work. 3. Nearly all practical RSM problems are truly
When modeling count data or quanta1 data, it is mdtiple response in nature. Sophisticated ways of
sometimes the casethat there is more variability than solving multiple-response problems are not generally
can be explained by the Poisson or binomial distri- well known, however.
butions? respectively. In these situations use of more
general forms of these distributions-for example. 4.1 Applications in Physical and
the negative binomial and the beta-binomial-has Engineering Sciences
been proposed. Solana. Chinchilli, Wilson, Carter:
and Carchman (1986) used negative binomial regres- In the late 197Os,scientists dealing in the important
sion in an RSM effort to model the relationship be- area of gas chromatography began using RSM meth-
tween the mean number of sister chromatid ex- ods. Scott (1970), Swingle and Rogers (1972), Kam-
changesinduced per cell as a polynomial function of bara, Hata, and Ohzeki (1968), and Turina, Trbo-
the concentrations of the ethylnitrosourea and cis- jevic, and Kastelam-Macan (1974) used variations of
diaminedichloroplatinum. RSM to determine optimum conditions for gas
chromatography. Morgan and Jacques (197X) stud-
4. SUBJECT-MATTER APPLICATIONS ied relationships between flow rate, temperature,
stationary phase loading, and the responses.level of
In the two previous RSM reviews, much attention
separation. and analysis time. They indicated how
was given to subject-matter applications. In the Hill
and Hunter (1966) review, chemical and processing helpful an understanding of the system can be in
applications were illustrated, with real-life examples elucidating the nature of the response surface.
demonstrating canonical analysis and use of multiple Person (1978) used RSM notions to analyze con-
responses.An example in which a canonical analysis tainment leakage from a sodium fire. “Sensitivity
provided some insight (elucidation) into the mech- studies” were conducted in which a study was made
anism in question was also given. The Mead and Pike of the influence of sodium mass. containment vol-
(1975) review produced examples in the biological ume, radiation-heat-transfer coefficient, and sodium
area. From our search. it is clear that standard use oxide fraction-on-fraction leakage. Prato and Morris
of RSM has accelerated. In this section. we separate (1984) studied the effect of detergent concentration,
applications that were reported in subject-matter agitation time, and washing time on the amount of
journals from applications that are finding use in in- soil removed from fabric. To underscore the natural
dustry. As expected, many imaginative applications application of RSM and second-order composite de-
were found in the chemical and processing areas, but signs in human-factors engineering-type experi-
we were somewhat surprised to find that uses have ments, Simon (1970) illustrated with a study involv-
spreadrather dramatically into other areas.We choose ing three display-panel-type variables and their effect
to highlight a number of applications here. In this on target recognition for airline pilots.
survey of the subject-matter literature, several in- Olivi (1980) discussedthe need for use of RSM in
teresting facts become apparent. exploring and identifying certain features of systems.
He uses as a *‘typical” application a study involving
1. The central composite is used more than any five design variables with an orthogonal CCD. The
other family of RSM designs. application involves factors that influence ballooning
2. Although the methods of exploring the re- time, an important variable in nuclear safety.
sponse surface have become somewhat more so- Bodden and Edwards (1982) used a Box-Behnken
phisticated, users, nevertheless, are not close to mak- design in an RSM study in the investigation of the
ing maximal use of the enormous wealth of analytic mechanism involved in the assay of cretinine. Clay-
tools that are available. This is caused, in large part. comb and Sullivan (1976) used a three-factor CCD
by the “lag time” that naturally exists between the and a ridge analysis of the data to illustrate the meth-
time at which a publication appears in the statistics odology for selecting a cutting tool for maximization
literature and the point at which it is adopted by of profit.



Contour plots of constant responsewithout an un- to find ideal operating conditions in this area of tech-
alytic method for finding optimum conditions are often nology. They discovered that. depending on the ap-
the source of conclusions drawn by RShl analysts. phcation. one can control levels of extrusion tem-
Such was the case in the work by Bretaudierc ct al. perature, screw speed. and moisture content to
(19SO)in a study of the analine aminotransferase produce the proper level of gelatination.
kinetic assay. Fujiwara, Hnraguch. and Fuwa (1975) Daley. Deng. and Cornell (1978) used RSM to de-
studied the atomization mechanism in air-acetylene termine the optimal combination of soy, sodium tri-
flames using response contours. Burtis, Bostick, polyphosphate, and water to produce the most ac-
Overton. and Myocheck (1981) used data from CCD ceptable sausage-type product from minced mullet.
to produce useful contours of constant response and A CCD was used to study the effects of calcium chlo-
a canonical analysis that allowed for optimization of ride and cysteine on heat-induced whey-protein gel-
a kinetic method that applies to the enzymatic mea- atin by Schmidt, Illingworth. Deng, and Cornell
surement of ethanol. Response contours were also (1979). After the parameters of a second-order poly-
the subject of information obtained from a response nomial were estimated, plots of the fitted surface
surface analysis in which interest centers on formu- were generated. Sefa-Dedeh and Stanley (1979)made
lation and optimization of vitreous bonds in an article use of a CCD to fit the percent of nitrogen extracted
by Chait and Foltz (1981). The field of nucler engi- from a type of meal as a complete quadratic in time
neering has not been without studies involving RSM. of extraction, temperature of extraction. and meal-
particularly when simulation is involved. Heller. to-solvent ratio. The fitted polynomial was explored
Oelkers. and Farnswor (1977) used data from CCD to estimate the levels of the independent variables
to study the mechanism involved in thermal-hy- associated with optimal extraction of protein nitro-
draulic margin analysis. gen. Mixture responsesurface methodology was used
by Huor, Ahmed, Rao, and Cornell (1980) in con-
junction with laboratory sensorv evaluation and
4.2 Applications in Food Science small-scale consumer tests to optimize the propor-
The food industry has been a prime user of RSM tions of watermelon, pineapple, and orange juice in
since the early 1970s. This is reflected in a study of a fruit punch. Min and Thomas (1980) used RSM
content of journal articles and in industrial usage as analytic techniques to determine the relationship be-
well. We cannot begin to cite all of the work in this tween ingredients and physical characteristicsof dairy
area. Johnson and Zabik (1981) used a mixture de- whipped topping and optimize the ingredient con-
sign to build a response surface to study interactions centration by the simultaneous analysis of fat. corn-
among proteins in angel food cake. Lah, Cheryan, syrup solids, and stabilizer to produce a dairy whipped
and Devor (1980) used a 2:-’ factorial with an im- topping that could be frozen for storage and distri-
pressive application of steepest ascent to optimize bution without adverseaffects.Lee and Hoseney(1987)
whipping properties of an ultrafiltered soy product. used RShqto optimize the formulation of single-stage
R. G. Henika began using RSM at Foremost Foods cake mixes for white layer cakes. RSM techniques
in the early 1970s. His leadership resulted in usage were used by Tseo, Deng. Cornell. Khuri. and Smith
by others. even though many of the applications in (1983) to determine the optimum combination of lev-
this field involve rather precarious or tricky panel els of washing temperature, washing ratio of water
data from sensory evaluations. The articles by Hen- volume to sample weight. and washing time on the
ika and Palmer (1976) and Henika (1982) are cer- quality of minced mullet flesh. Tong, Jordan. and
tainly important contributions. In the latter, he paid Houghton (1984) used CCD to study the effects of
particular attention to applications with sensory data. safflower-oil concentration, emulsifier concentration.
Second-order models were used to find the nature and freezing temperature on maximum overrun and
of the system relating gelling properties of a nzent fat destabilization of ice cream. McLellan, Bernard,
loaf analog to pH, salt content, cooking time. soil and Queale (1984) used a rotatable experimental de-
isolate. and egg white level. Although formal optimi- sign to generate data for a sensory analysis of car-
zation procedures were not used, the response sur- bonatedcapple juice as a function of levels of car-
face allowed Jao, Larkin, Chen. and Goldstein (1982) bonation and soluble solids. The fitted surface for
to gain a better understanding of the mechanism. acceptability was described as having a ridge of high
Desirable gelling properties can be obtained with acceptability runnin g through the range of typical
reduced egg vvhite usage with proper manipulation soluble solids and carbonation levels.
of salt content and cooking time.
4.3 Applications in Social Sciences
The extrusion of starch has important applications
in food and industrial applicatons. El-Dash. Gon- Much use has been made of RSM in certain areas
zales, and Ciol(l983) used responsesurface methods in social sciences. Economics. operations research.

and system simulation are but a few fields that have RSM techniques have been found useful in the
benefited. Shechter and Heady (1970) used response study of the relationship between the chemical struc-
surfacetechniques to design and analyze experiments ture of a compound and its biological activity. Mager
from a simulation model dealing with the feed-grain (1983a, 19s3j studied the structure-neurotoxicity re-
program. Four responses-net farm revenue, net farm lationship of organophosphorous pesticides in this
,evenue participants. stock accumulation, and go\- manner and used a canonical analysis of the fitted
ernment costs-were considered. Multiple response equation to elucidate properties of the responsesur-
analysis was discussed. In this case, the analysis al- face. hlager (19S2b) also studied the activity of ri-
lows for an optimum decision rule regarding trade- famycin derivatives against a rifamycin-MS-resistant
offs between increasing farm income and reducing mutant of Staphylococcus aureus.
government costs. Montgomery and Bettencourt Several references in the microbiologic literature
(1977) produced an excellent account in which the (Cinto, Galvagno. Forghiassin, and Ranalli 1977:
advantages of RSM methods in simulation studies Farrand, Linton, Stephenson. and McCarthy 1983:
were reviewed. They put heavy emphasis on use in Maddox and Richert 1977) indicated the useful ap-
multiple responsestudies. An interesting illustration plication of RSM techniques, including the use of
was given in which a simulation of a military tank rotatable CCD’s to optimize microbiological media
duel is analyzed to ascertain the values of two design for the growth of various microorganisms. Cheynier.
v-ariables(mean time to fire first round and mean Feinberg, Chararas. and Ducauze (i9S3) demon-
time between rounds) that give desirable values of strated that a yeast isolated from the digestive tube
four responses.They used a nonlinear programming of the larva of a parasite of eucalyptus trees was
technique to analyze data taken from a rotatable cap;,ble of bioconverting citronella1 to citronellol.
CCD. RSh4 procedures were used to achieve the optimi-
Montgomery and Evans (1975) discussed the use zation of the experimental conditions for that bio-
of various classes of second-order response surface conversion process.
designsin simulation work. Two variable equiradial Various industrial-pollution studies have em-
designs,uniform precision rotatable CCD’s, and other ployed response surface methodology. Huck, Mur-
designswere discussed. They gave an illustration in phy, Reed, and Leclair.(T977) determined the poly-
which a simulation of a six-intersection street-net- mer properties and mixing conditions required to
w,ork system was used. Data was taken using a ro- produce optimal flocculation for mine waters of spec-
tatable CCD with two design variables. Canonical ified strengthscontaining iron, zinc, and copper either
ana!ysisrevealed a maximum at the stationary point. singly or in combination. Wallis (197s) reported on
The results produced optimum conditions on the se- the use of RSM in studies related directly to power-
lection of traffic-signal settings. station cooling systems.
Smith (1975) made an empirical study of various Dincer and Ozdurmus (1977) used the method of
optimum seeking procedures that are frequently used steepestdescent to determine the most suitable com-
in computer-simulation situations. The methods bination of four independent formulation and pro-
studied were random search. one-factor-at-a-time cess variables for the disintegration time of coated
movement, RSM Version I. and RSM Version 11. tablets in simulated intestinal fluid. Shek. Ghani. and
Version I involves use of two-level first-order designs Jones (1980) evaluated the potential of the Nelder-
and the method of steepest ascent. and Version II Mead simplex searchprocedure for optimizing a cap-
involves steepest ascent with the use of the simplex sule formulation. At the completion of the search,
design. RSM Version I appeared to give the best these investigators fitted a polynomial model to the
result. Biles (1981) described a two-phase procedure data and plotted the estimated response surface. In
in which a complex search procedure is employed. a similar study, Chowhan, Yang. Amara. and Chi
followed by a second-order analysis of the resulting (19S7) studied the effects of moisture and crushing
data. He gave an illustration of the method from an strength on tablet friability and in vitro dissolution.
inventory sy5tem. They used a complete second-order model in the
independent variables to graduate the responsesur-
4.4 Applications in the Biological and
face. The fitted model was explored by plotting con-
Clinical Sciences
tours of constant response and estimating the loca-
The techniques that constitute a response surface tion of the stationary point. Fast, Sampson.Whitner.
analysis are being used more and more often in the and Ali (1983) used CCD with five independent vari-
biological sciences. This is evidenced by the large ables in an assayfor creatine kinase. A simplex max-
number of citations in the references of this article. imization algorithm was used to determine areas of
In this section, some of the more novel applications maximum sensitivity. Belloto et al. (1985) used RSM
wi!l be highlighted. to study the solubility of pharmaceutical formula-



tions. They also discussed the optimization of one is a new motivation in American history brought about
response in the presence of constraints due to the by the successenjoyed in Japan in the use of quality
consideration of other response variabies. control and efficient statistical methods. The areas
There are numerous reports in the clinical-chem- of experimental design and, specifically. response
istry literature on the use of response surface meth- surface methods arc receiving considerably more at-
ods. Rautela, Snee, and Miller (1979) described an tention than before. This new and renewed interest
approach that permitted the determination of accu- is “fallout” from this searchfor quality and precision,
rate optima required for the formulation of annlyt- In our communication with industrial statisticians
ically reliable clinical methods. Thompson, Hodges. and research workers, we found use of RSM among
Dobler, and Williamson (1981) reported on the use a wide variety of types of industrial companies. In
of simultaneous RSM optimization techniques to op- most casesthey sought and, of course. were promised
timize an assay for alkaline phosphatase. London, anonymity. Our search did reveal some interesting
Shaw, Theodorsen, and Stromme (1952) used RShI but not unexpected information.
to optimize the assayof gamma-glutamyltransferase.
1. In addition to the central composite and Box-
They noted that, although such techniques do not
Behnken designs,fractions of two-level factorials and
yield a mechanistic understanding of an enzyme as-
Plackett-Burman designs are used to a large extent,
say. they do produce an operational understanding with the simplex design used in conjunction with di-
of how an assayfunctions. In a similar article, Cole-
rect optimization. There is also a growing usage of
man, Perry> and Wehrly (1983) used RSM to opti-
computer-generated RSIM designs.
mize assaysfor antithrombin III and plasminogen.
2. In regard to RSM analysis, some analysts carry
Roush, Petersen, and Arscott (1979) discussedthe
the computations through to an optimization phase,
usefulness of an RSM approach in poultry-nutrition
but others do not. Ridge analysis is used for finding
research. Body weight and feed-conversion response
candidates for optimum operating conditions. ai-
for Japanese quail were optimized as functions of
though usageis not as extensive as one might expect.
protein and energy levels. Roush (1953) used a cen-
Some users merely use graphical methods with over-
tral composite experimental design with male broil-
laid contour plots.
ers to examine quantitatively the protein levels in
starter and finisher rations and the time of ration There is no universal software tool for doing RSM
changeto optimize body weight, carcassweight, feed analysis. In particular, some users use International
conversion, and net profit. Mathematical and Statistical Libraries (IMSL) sub-
RSM’s have been used to elucidate the actions and routines, and some resort to in-house software ver-
interactions of cytotoxic drugs in combination and to sions for finding optimum conditions. Some users in
estimate the optimal levels of each drug for the treat- industry appear frustrated by the lack of software for
ment of cancer with and without side-effect con- finding optimum conditions and resort to two-di-
straints. Carter, Wampler. and Stablein (1953) dis- mensional contours for analysis.
cussed the use of logistic and proportional hazards In what follows, a sample is given of RSM sce-
regression models to this end. They gave software narios that apply to actual RSM users in industry.
for the estimation of the stationary point and con- We have attempted here to give samplesacrossmany
fidence regions around its location obtained from the fields of application.
use of these models. The history of the use of RSM A tobacco company uses RSM as a primary tool
in cancer research was reviewed by Carter and for elucidating fundamental relationships and search-
Wampler (1986). Although the examples used in- ing for optimum conditions in the caseof nearly every
volve data from animal studies. there is interest in new product considered in a research effort. They
applying these techniques to clinical studies. Cur- use no software for design construction, but they use
rently the Mid Atlantic Oncology Program, a re- in-house software developed from numerical-analy-
gional multi-institutional cooperative group. is run- sis algorithms for analysis. The latter allows for op-
ning a clinical trial in the study of breast cancer that timization under various types of constraints on the
is designed as a factorial experiment and will be ana- design variables. The designsused vary considerably.
lyzed using responsesurface techniques. (For details. For problems in which cost is important. Plackett-
contact the Mid Atlantic Oncology Program Office, Burman screening designs are used and hybrid and
3500 Reservoir Road, N.W., Washington, DC.) small composite designs are usedin the second-order
case. Central composite and Box-Behnken designs
4.5 Industrial Use of RSM
are used extensively. Problems are almost always
The 19SOsbrought a new urgency in industry in multiple response in nature. although the responses
the United States. an urgency that underscores the are too many in number to often do formal multiple
need for quality. As we indicated in Section 3. there response optimization.



A large oil company uses RSM to a moderate ex- nonstatisticians in designing and anal!,zing experi-
tent. Applications vary from polymer optimization ments. The program involves contour plots and op-
to the exploration of a detergent system. In some timization routines. There is great potential for use
applications the design variables are of the ~z151~~w of RShl in this company. and most problems are
type. Mixture \-ariables and process variables often multiresponse in nature. Mixture problems are the
occur in the same setting. The computer program rule, and an algorithm has been programmed in-house
ACED (see Welch 1985) is often used to generate to generate mixture designs described by Thompson
the design in the mixture situation. Basic two-level and Myers (196s). Extreme-vertexesdesignsare used
factorials and CCD’s are also used. In some cases, as Lvell. In addition. considerable use is made of the
determination of optimum conditions is important. ACED (Welch 1955) algorithm for design construc-
The algorithms in GRG2 (see Cornell 1981) and tion.
NSTAT (1984) are generally used to find optimum A large research-and-development organization
conditions. This company also envisions considering makes use of RSM in several topical areas, including
RSM in the future for plant-scale problems dealing chemical and fermentation optimization and devel-
in perhaps more than 1.000variables-that is, allow- opment of consumer food products. In addition, it
ing the technique to play a role in control theory. is also used for optimization of settings associated
A chemical company finds that RSM design and with processesin the refining and hydrogenation of
analys,iscan be used to solve two types of problems. vegetable oils. In almost all cases. “optimization”
The first is a region-seeking procedure in which one requires arriving at the most agreeabie compromise
is seelking the general vicinity of “best” operating among various conflicting responses. In the case of
conditions. The method of evolutionary operation two design variables, the choice of best conditions is
descrilbedby Box (1957) is often used. Some success found by use of graphical overlay contour plots. For
has been experienced with the Spendley, Hext, and more than two variables. a utility function is con-
Himsworth (1963j simplex algorithm. A computer structed and a Nelder-Mead (1965) simplex opti-
program has been developed that makes use of var- mization routine is used to identify an acceptable
ious types of designs and allows input of experimen- region in the design space. In some instances ridge
tal results and calculation of the next experimental analysis is used to either find optimum conditions in
run. It has been found that the most difficult aspect a single responsesituation or to find regions for sub-
of this procedure is obtaining from the experimenter sequent experimentation. The class of CCD’s is re-
a commitment on combining response values from lied on heavily. Blocking is often required. and CCD’s
the multiple dependent variables so that the simplex that block orthogonally are used.
will move. In the second problem encountered b! Researchers at a regulatory agency ha\,e used re-
the chemical company, they are near the optimum sponsesurface techniques to evaluate the effect of a
and wish to locate or confirm its exact location. CCD’s combination of toxic substanceson the hatch rate of
are used to a large extent. Small composite designs fish embryos. Three-dimensional plot routines of the
are often used with no concern for either orthogo- fitted surface were used to gain insight into the re-
nalitp or rotatability. lationship.
A large food company has used RSM in several A consulting firm used the results of an RSM study
studies. It is usedin product development and in cost- to develop a generic method for evaluating subma-
reducing old products. The responsesare either con- rine-tracking algorithms. Simulation experiments
tinuous variables or consumer acceptability ratings. were conducted under common setsof scenarios, and
RSM is also used in process control and in the e\,al- then algorithm performance was el,aluated according
uation of ne\v equipment. Generally. for first-order to the behavior of the response surfaces generated.
models, two-level factorial or Plackett-Burman de- RSM is also under consideration for se\~eralsonar-
signs are used. In the case of second-order models, operator studies to determine the effects on perfor-
Box-Behnken designsand CCD’s are used. At times, mance of various processingschemes.Their analvses
the CCD is resisted by the experimenter, because were performed using IA4SL subroutines.
five levels become inconvenient due to difficulty in
adjusting equipment accordingly. Errors in control-
ling factor levels occur quite often.
Another large and Lvcll-diversified chemical com- To comment about future directions of RSM. one
pang makes use of RSM on a research level. This must ponder the present status with regard to use
Companvhas a large group of professional statisti- and importance. RSM is being used in industry more
cians anh an in-depth program to teach basic esper- and more, but the use does not reflect recent ad-
imental design to engineers
L. and scientists. They make vances as much as one might \vish. The “fallout” of
“se of :an in-house computer procram that assists the recent, almost passionate. push for quality and



experimental design in industrv is bringing RSM to fact is certainly not specific to RSM but applies more
the attention of many potential users. Usage lags far broadly to the discipline of statistics.
behind its potential. however. Several factors may In what follows, we indicate what. in our opinion.
have contributed to this, the most prominent of which are proper directions for future research. but let us
we believe are explained in the following paragraphs. emphasize that users are sufficiently far behind in the
There is a severe lack of communication between use of RSM tools that the need for proper commu-
academic statisticians in this country and those in nication is far moI-e pressing. One of the revie\vers
industry. There are some attempts at communication of this article put it quite well when he indicated that
and few successes. This is true in many arcas. not communication may merely involve formulating
merely RSM. One testament to this is the fact that problems objectively with subject-matter scientists.
Japanese statisticians give lectures and short courses and that, sadly. may res;ilt in our greatest contri-
to industrial companies in this country on effective bution.
use of experimental designs that are based, in large
part, on basic concepts developed in the United States Future Research Directions
and the United Kingdom years ago. There is no ques-
tion that the historical underpinnings of RShI were Multiple responses. sequential designs and anal-
produced with particnlcrr rypliccztiom irz r?zitlti. When yses, and designs for the less orthodox RShI appli-
we move away from research that does not have cations are some areas where one may benefit from
particular problem solving as motivation. wt lose our immediate research. Both design and analysis in-
line of communication. Statisticians in academia bear volving multiple responses have received precious
much but not all of the burden. They have little little attention in spite of the acute need for them.
access to what is actually going on in industry as far Biolo@sts. as well as engineers, are finding appli-
as the deployment (or lack of it) of RS&l is con- cations of RSXl in which the model is nonlinear-
cerned. This can be partly attributed to the fact that for example. logistic and other standard growth
“sometimes. those in industry are dissuaded from models. A fruitful area of research would be the
publishing for fear of revealing proprietary infor- study of designs for certain specific nonlinear func-
mation” (Hahn 1983, p. 114). Even a search of the tional forms.
literature. statistical or otherwise. in an effort to find We suggested in Section 3 that the RSM user needs
a real data set to use in an example can sometimes to learn from the Taguchi approach that system vari-
be unwieldy. ability should be a major component in the analysis.
There has been a severe software problem. It is A similar argument can be made for consideration
true that data analysts are attracted mostiy to statis- of the distribution of \,ariance of prediction in as-
tical techniques for which software has been bvritten. sessments of experimental desigs. Often the success
Good. efficient, well-documented software is a swift of the RSM endeavor is dependent on the properties
and sure form of communication. There are practi- of j at different locations in the design space. hlnny
tioners who still believe RSM is “only regression” standard designs hal:e prediction variances which in-
and that they should use regression software not RSXl crease dramatically as one gets close to the design
software. Of course, there are many new packages perimeter. As a result. any conclusions drawn (re-
available for constructing experimental designs, and garding choice of optima or improvements in oper-
RSM designs are the subjects of some of these pack- ating conditions) concerning response near the de-
ages. In the area of analysis, there are some recent sign boundary are suspect. Yet we see very little that
rays of hope. The potential user is referred to Nacht- deals with this in design assessment or comparisons
sheim (1957), who gave a comprehensive review of among designs. We too often evaluate a design on
the current situation with regard to computer-aided the basis of one number (say. D-efficiency) Lvhen the
design of experiments. He included a section on important aspects of behavior are multidimensional.
available packages for ‘*Sequential Experimental Much has been written. of course. about com-
Optimization of Response Surfaces” and pointed out puter-generated design. The comments on the Stein-
that there are several packages with RShI analysis berg-Hunter review reflect the general opinion that
capabilities. including optimization. computer-generated designs present a very promis-
Steinberg and Hunter (1984). alon with the dis- ing area for the future. This is certainlv true in regard
cussion that followed. expressed concern about the to the tield of RSM designs. The danger that is pro-
aforementioned communication problems and of- jected by concerned academicians is even more acute
fered several remedies. Better cooperation and more in the RSM area. Many (though not all) methods of
formal lines of communication between academia and generating experimental designs employ criteria that
industry are needed. Statisticians, scientists. and en- do not address robustness notions such as model mis-
gineers can learn and benefit from one another. This specification. anticipation of outliers. errors in con-



trol. extrapolation. and so forth. All of this suggests Box. G. E. P.. and Behnhen. D. W. 1lY60). “Some Uew Three-
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uon2cWic.r. 1!, 455-475,
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There appears to be some need for the develop- Smri.srml AsJounriot~. 5-l. 622-654.
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