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1 – The following are wrong procedure of the potential incident management in a case of train

accident EXCEPT:
a) Provide CPR to all victims

b) Ask help from someone nearby

c) Call emergency services

d) Check all victims that injured

e) Observe the event

2 – In spiral injury the helmet shall be removed according to the following situation EXCEPT:

a) The sharp object penetrate the helmet and head

b) The helmet can interfere with airway

c) The helmet does not fit well

d) The victim in cardiac arrest

e) The helmet can interfere with breathing

3 – “The airway of breathing shall open to ensure normal breathing. The tissue and temperature of
the victim need to be monitored.” This step refers as

a) Breathing

b) Circulation

c) Danger

d) Response

e) Airway

4 – The following are roles and responsibilities of first aider EXCEPT:

a) Arrenge for further medical help or other emergency services to attend

b) Assess victims and find out the nature and cause of their injuries

c) Provide appropriate first aid treatment as trained

d) Provide a handover when further medical help arrives

e) Bring the victim home if necessary for furher medical assistance

5 – The principles of first aid are as follows EXCEPT:

a) Calm for help

b) Check the scene and the casualty

c) Carefully apply first aid

d) Care to be as physician

e) Calmly take charge

6 – First aid refers as

a) Temporary care and replace the duty of physician for a short while

b) Temporary care and able to perform instant surgery when it is necessary

c) Immediate care and it does not replace paramedic and physician

d) Immediate care and able to determine death and life of the victim

e) Immediate care and replace the duty of paramedic and physician for a while

7 – Which of the following is the CORRECT step to save throat injuries victim?

a) Maintain an open airway, control the bleeding, have a victim lie down to reduce the chance air
enter the blood and position the victim on her left side.

b) Maintain an open airway, position the victim on her left side, have a victim lie down to reduce the
chance air enter the blood and control the bleeding.

c) Have a victim lie down to reduce the chance air enter the blood, position the victim on her left side
and control the bleeding

d) Maintain an open airway, have a victim lie down to reduce the chance air enter the blood, position
the victim on her left side and control the bleeding.

e) Have a victim lie down to reduce the chance air enter the blood, control the bleeding, maintain an
open airway and position the victim on her left side

8 – Rescuer drags victim to safety on blanket refers as

a) Three-rescuer technique

b) Combination of all technique

c) Two-rescuer technique

d) Four-rescuer technique

e) One-rescuer technique

9-Which of the following is NOT type of skull fractures?

a) Depressed

b) Comminuted

c) Spiral

d) Basiral

e) Linear
10 – Feyza fainted during the squad activity at the school field. She fainted because she didn’t take
any breakfast. So far she has no other injuries. The best rescuer technique for her is.

a) Flat lift carry

b) Seat carry

c) Sheet drag

d) Extremity lift

e) Chair litter carry (Emin Değilim)

11 – Which of the following steps is for control bleeding?

a) Determine the source of bleeding, place the victim to reduce the blood loss, stop bleeding and
maintain open the airway

b) Stop bleeding, determine the source of bleeding, place the victim to reduce the blood loss
maintain open the airway

c) Maintain open the airway, determine the source of bleeding, place the victim to reduce the blood
loss and stop bleeding

d) Determine the source of bleeding, maintain open the airway stop bleeding and place the victim to
reduce the blood loss

e) Place the victim to reduce the blood loss, determine the source of bleeding, maintain open the
airway and stop bleeding

12 – Extreme blood vessel dilation is often associated with spinal cord injury refers as

a) Hypovolemic shock

b) Obstructive shock

c) Cardiogenic shock

d) Internal bleeding

e) Distributive shock

13 – Suleiman is overweight and heavy smoker. When he cough, there is muscous production. He
also wheezing and snoring while breathing. What is possible complication of Suleiman?

a) Dyspnea

b) Emphysema

c) Hyperventilation

d) Chronic Bronchitis

e) Asthmaticus
14 – The following are spinal column and cord injuries EXCEPT:

a) Cord injury is damage to spinal cord itself

b) Either column or cord injury may occur without the other one present

c) Mismanagement can result in permanent disability

d) Column injury is damage to vertebrae

e) Column injury is damage to brain

15 – Pink puffer also known as

a) Dyspnea

b) Emphysema

c) Hyperventilation

d) Chronic bronchitis

e) Asthmaticus

16 – Ayşe fainted because heart fails to pump blood effectively. Her blood vessels dilate and she also
loss body fluid because of bleeding. This event refers as

a) Chronic obstructive pulmonary

b) Spinal injury

c) Emphysema

d) Shock

e) Internal bleeding

17 – Yildiz coughing with unreproductive cough with shallow and rapid respiration. The following are
first aid to perform towards Yildiz EXCEPT:

a) Monitor and reassure the victim

b) Provide cough syrup while waiting for EMS

c) Assist the victim with a prescribed inhaler if needed

d) Establish an airway and ventilate and assist ABCs as needed

e) Position a conscious victim comfortably

18 – The most important factor risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is

a) Bulimia

b) Heavy drinking

c) Overweight

d) Heavy smoking

e) Anemia
19 – The victim suffer black eyes, burn and scratches. In addition, there is profusion blood vessels of
the eyes. The victim is suffer of

a) Eye socket injuries

b) Eyeball injuries

c) Impaled objects or extruded eyeball

d) Eyelid injuries

e) Chemical burns of the eyes

20 – Mr.Dodo has been rescued from fire. It is third degree burn of his skin. As first aider what should
you do?

a) Removed his burned clothes and call ambulance

b) Bring him under running water to cold the burn and call the ambulance

c) Break the blister and apply the dressing and call the ambulance

d) Leave burned clothes on the skin and call ambulance

e) Clean his burned wound and call the ambulance

21 – Which of the following is NOT related to preventing shock

a) Keep the victim cold to ensure stop bleeding

b) Relieve pain via proper wound dressing

c) Control bleeding and body positioning

d) Ensure that the victim’s airway is open

e) Keep the victim supine

22 – A pencil accidently poked into eyeball of the victim. As first aider, the possible actions to do
before send this victim to hospital are

a) The pencil should not be removed and stabilize the object to prevent movement

b) The pencil should not be removed and stabilize the victim

c) The pencil should not be removed if necessary and stabilize the victim

d) The pencil should not be removed if necessary and stabilize the object to prevent movement

e) Remove the pencil from the eyeball and stabilize the victim
23 -

a) Firefighter lifting

b) Walking assisting

c) One to one lifting



24 – Which of the following is NOT protection from infectious disease during and after handling

a) Handle the food during the process is permissible

b) Wash any items used that touched with victim’s blood

c) Do not touch mouth, nose and eyes

d) Place barrier between yourself and the victim’s blood

e) After helping the victim, wash hands thoroughly

25 – “Pupils may be unequal, headache and weakness may occur” refers as

a) Spine injury

b) Eye injury

c) Brain injury

d) Shock

e) Face injury
26 – The following statements are correct EXCEPT:

a) Ensure it would not create harm to victim

b) Injured victim need to be moved

c) Victim that need to be moved is unconscious victim

d) Victim need to be moved according to first aid rules

e) Ensure it would not create harm to first aider

27 – Which of the following is NOT hemorrhagic shock symptom?

a) Confusion

b) Loss of intestinal fluid

c) Ruptured organ

d) Blood or plasma loss

e) Snoring

28 – The main focus of first aider towards this victim is to ensure improve ventilation and improve
oxygen uptake ….. refer as

a) Chronic bronchitis

b) Dyspnea

c) Hyperventilation

d) Emphysema

e) Asthmaticus

29 – Taha having blood clots located on his chest. His condition is

a) Hypovolemic shock

b) Cardiogenic shock

c) Obstructive shock

d) Distributive shock

e) Internal bleeding

30 – Belguzzar’s organs ruptured and died immediately. The condition is

a) Chronic obstructive pulmonary

b) Spinal injury

c) Internal bleeding

d) Emphysema

e) Shock
31 – Elina’s knee is injured. She can’t move her knee and feel very painful. Her knee is having
deformity due to joint injury. As first aider, how you manage her situation?

a) Immobilize her position, check her pulse check her sensory, do not straighten her knee, treat for
shock and active EMS

b) Treat for shock, Immobilize her position, check her pulse, check her sensory, do not straighten her
knee and active EMS

c) Check her pulse, check her sensory, active EMS, treat for shock, immobilize her position and do not
straighten her knee

d) Immobilize her position, do not straighten her knee, treat for shock, check her pulse, check her
sensory and active EMS

e) Check her pulse, check her sensory, immobilize her position, treat for shock, active EMS and do
not straighten her knee

32 – Which of the following steps is not necessary to use cravat with pad and sling?

a) Strain

b) Fracture

c) Contusions

d) Discolations

e) Sprain

33 – In a situation of muscle spams, the victim feel pressure sensation at the injury part. What is the
best management for this situation?

a) Massage the affected muscle slowly

b) Do not stretch the effected muscle

c) Relieve pain via proper wound dressing

d) Apply tourniquet is necessary

e) Stretch the affected muscle and apply steady pressure

34 – Which of the following is not related to RICE?

a) One of the aim is to reduce swelling.

b) Contusion also implemented this

c) Improper treatment can cause complications

d) RICE perform to avoid EMS

e) It can be applied for sprain injury

35 – An incidence happened in winter, Ebru survived with body temperature is 30°C. The correct step
to save Ebru are as…

a) Remove the victim, manage airway, rewarm the victim, do not rub the arms or legs and provide

b) Remove the victim, manage airway, rewarm the victim, rub the arms or legs and provide nothing

c) Remove the victim, manage airway, rewarm the victim, do not rub the arms or legs and provide
hot drink

d) Remove the victim, manage airway, rewarm the victim, rub the arms or legs and provide hot drink

e) Remove the victim, manage airway, rewarm the victim, rub the arms and provide hot drink

36 – Make sure this victim provided with cool water to cool down the temperature. The victim is

a) Heat cramps

b) Heat loss

c) Heat rash

d) Heat stroke

e) Heat exhaustion

37 – The core of normal body temperature is

a) 97.7°F

b) 96.8°F

c) 99.5°F

d) 95.9°F

e) 98.6°F

38 – Esra decided to stop drinking but her limps started shaking so much. In more than 48 hours, she
is having seizures…. are correct about Esra EXCEPT:
a) It affects her central nervous system functions

b) It can cause internal bleeding

c) Her pupils dilated

d) Her memory can be interrupted

e) Rapid pulse and nausea

39 – Sandy loss to much blood and she is having

a) Internal bleeding

b) Cardiogenic shock

c) Distributive shock

d) Obstructive shock

e) Hypovolemic shock

40 – The injury causing bruises and bluish to the injured area, also known as

a) Sprain

b) Fracture

c) Dislocations

d) Contusions

e) Strain

41 -

a) Ticks

b) Yellow hornet

c) Brown recluse spider

d) Wasp

e) Fire ants
42 – Based on heat index, the exposure of heat begins above

a) 90°F

b) 100°F

c) 85 °F



43 – Cell die from lack of oxygen in minutes. The longer duration it happen, it damage the organ.

a) Congestive heart failure

b) Myocardial infarction

c) Coronary heart disease

d) Angina

e) Stroke

44 – Everything seems so sharp, beautiful, clear and vivid appearance. The effects that can interfere
with the vision and hallucinations EXCEPT:

a) Hallucinogen

b) Narcotic

c) Ecstasy

d) Antihistamine

e) Stimulant

45 – After been bitten by X, it is not only painful but can turn out to muscle spasm, chilling, anxiety
and dropping eyelids. X obviously

a) Giant centipedes

b) King cobra snake

c) Scorpion

d) Honey bee

e) Black widow spider

46 – Maria started to feel tired, thirsty and lose her weight, She is also slow recovery if there is any….

a) Diabetes type 2 disease

b) Respiratory disease

c) Cardiovascular disease

d) Gastrointestinal disease

e) Blood circulation disease

47 – Raven seems healthy. However yesterday evening, he feel intense chest pain and difficulty in
breathing and it sudden pain to him. This condition due to

a) Stroke

b) Congestive heart failure

c) Myocardial infarction

d) Coronary heart disease

e) Angina

48 – These are signs of stroke EXCEPT:

a) Brain

b) Arm

c) Speech

d) Time

e) Face

49 – Which of the following is NOT the way to deal with ingested poisons?

a) Ventilation is important

b) Victim must see a doctor

c) Patient must be positioned on right side

d) Maintain airway is important

e) Removed any poison from mouth

50 – Which of the following is NOT causing diabetes type 2 disease?

a) Stress

b) Pancreatic disease

c) Calmness

d) High blood pressure

e) Certain medication

51 – Johnson body stiffing with epileptic cry and incontinence. He is also…

a) Post-ictal confusional fatigue

b) Combination between clonic phase and post-ictal confusional fatigue

c) Clonic phase

d) Combination between tonic phase and clonic phase

e) Tonic phase
52 – Angie is having light headed and woozy kind of feeling. She did not vomit but she can….

a) Fainting

b) Dizziness

c) Vertigo

d) Seizures

e) Epilepsy

53 – Bella was rushing and forgot to take her breakfast. During 2 hours in the office, she feel
headache, sweating, shaking hand, difficulty to speak and faint immediately. What is her condition?

a) Stroke

b) Congestive heart failure

c) Hypoglycemia

d) Hyperglycemia

e) Angina

54 – Adam is checking his blood fasting after fast for 12 hours. He found that the reader show his
blood glucose is 8. The reader show that Adam is

a) Diabetes mellitus

b) Normal

c) Impaired fasting glucose

d) Impaired glucose tolerance

e) Low blood glucose

55 -

a) Fainting

b) Dizziness

c) Vertigo

d) Seizure


56 – Artery is clogged with _______ plague deposited into the lining of ______

a) Calcium, artery

b) Cholesterol, artery

c) Fat, vein

d) Lipid: artery

e) Protein, vein

57 – “Carotid artery is clogged and stuck”. This refers as

a) Coronary heart disease

b) Angina

c) Congestive heart failure

d) Myocardial infarction

e) Stroke
58 – Which of the following is not related to diabetes?

a) Headache

b) Always tired

c) Always hungry

d) Blurry vision

e) Sudden weight loss

59 – The following are correct in managing splinting EXCEPT:

a) Pad the splint for comfort

b) Do not cause more pain

c) Do not cover any open wounds

d) Splint the injury in position found

e) Treat the patient for shock, if present

60 – The person who get this X is low diffusion capacity

a) Hyperventilation

b) Asthmaticus

c) Dyspnea

d) Emphysema

e) Chronic bronchitis

61 – Jerry spines broke after felt from horse riding. What is the best method to transport Jerry to

a) Shirt drag

b) Blanket stretcher

c) Backboard

d) Flat lift carry

e) Canvas stretcher

62 – Which of the following should not be done for injuries to the ear?

a) If any object, irrigate to remove the foreign object

b) If any object, gently remove with tweezers

c) Never pack the ear to prevent canal bleeding

d) Do not apply pressure to ear

e) Place a loose dressing accross ear

63 – The symptoms include severe hyperinfation of lungs, minimal sounds open auscultation,
extreme dyspnea and exhaustion refer as

a) Hyperventilation

b) Dyspnea

c) Emhpysema

d) Asthmaticus

e) Chronics bronchitis

64 – Abu is thin figure and the lung contain more air. This refers as

a) Chronic bronchitis

b) Dyspnea

c) Hyperventilation

d) Emphysema

e) Asthmaticus

65 – This shock stage is the body moves toward heart, brain and lungs. Which stage is this?

a) Reversible

b) Compensatory

c) Progressive

d) Irreversible

e) Hyperventilation

66 – The victim head should be tilt and back and lift up chain with finger in under the jaw. This step
refers as

a) Circulation

b) Danger

c) Airway

d) Breathing

e) Response

67 – Flexion, rotation mechanism are common injuries for

a) Spine injury

b) Brain injury

c) Face injury

d) Shock

e) Eye injury
68 – A person who can coma and death if the treatment is too late to be given. This refers as

a) Heat cramps

b) Heat loss

c) Heat rash

d) Heat stroke

e) Heat exhaustion

69 – Sally been rescued by first aider using extremity lift. What is possible injury for Sally?

a) Forehead injury

b) Thigh injury

c) Toenails injury

d) Spine injury

e) Shoulder sprain

70 – This type of injuries can damage the eyes within seconds. Signs and symptoms include irritation,
swelling, redness and blurred vision. This refer as

a) Eye socket injuries

b) Chemical burns of the eyes

c) Eyeball injuries

d) Eyelid injuries

e) Impaled objects or extruded eyeball

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