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inclusive community disaster risk reduction and management

project goal objective 1
Community-level DRRM related committees are inclusive, gender-responsive,
promote safety and protection of children and represent the diversity of their

objective 2
lead, implement and deliver gender-responsive and inclusive DRRM programs,
Increase disaster preparedness capabilities
particularly to women, girls, and persons with disabilities further made
of 20 communities in the province
vulnerable by intersectionalities such as ethnicity, age, gender and ability.
of Occidental Mindoro.

project areas
Ligaya San Nicolas
Burgos Claudio Salgado
Batong Buhay Ilvita
San Agustin Sta. Lucia
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo

SAN JOSE (11 barangays)

Natandol Ilin Proper Ipil
Pawican Labangan Ansiray
Catayungan Bangkal Ambulong
Buri Inasakan

Partnership with two local government units (sablayan and san jose)
(20 Barangay Local Government Units) :
municipality of sablayan municipality of san jose
population (2015 census) population (2015 census)
barangay barangay
female male total female male total
Batong Buhay 2,160 2,523 4,683 Ambulong 1,052 1,172 2,224
Burgos 1,187 1,372 2,559 Ansiray 496 536 1,032
Claudio Salgado 2,098 2,180 4,278 Bangkal 447 486 933
GEA 1,187 1,231 2,418 Buri 275 332 607
Ilvita 1,389 1,427 2,816 Catayungan 481 540 1,021
Ligaya 3,662 3,986 7,648 Iling Proper 1,039 1,085 2,124
San Agustin 903 1,041 1,944 Inasakan 309 316 625
San Nicolas 929 1,035 1,964 Ipil 356 433 789
Santa Lucia 2,271 2,529 4,800 Labangan Iling 504 566 1,070
Natandol 730 791 1,521
Pawican 1,098 1,197 2,295

Inclusive Community Disaster Risk Reduction

and Management (ICDRM) project funded by @PlanPhilippines
Margaret A. Cargill philanthropies
year 1 - 3
• Number of program participants in the ICDRM activities

Girls Boys Young Women Young Men Adult Women Adult men Total Total
(18 y/o) (18 y/o) (18-24 y/o) (18-24 y/o) (25 yrs & above) (25 yrs & above) Females males

1,668 1,297 893 520 9,272 5,122 11,833 6,939

• 6 Barangays assisted/supported to improve their evacuation centers:

The project was able to support the enhancement of evacuation shelters which includes isolation/collapsible tents,
modular tents, wheelchairs, folding beds, generators, solar panels, water containers, megaphones, emergency lights,
utensils for community kitchens, construction of community kitchens, portable handwashing stations and construction of
toilets and handwashing facilities.

• 20 barangays with • 20 Schools conducted • 18 barangays conducted • 43 Community Savings Groups

organized & capacitated with

Established Early Inclusive Community Inclusive Community

Warning Systems Evacuation Management Evacuation Management A total of 1,063 members
Drills Drills (920 female, 143 male)

• 135 (88 female, 47 male) children and youth trained on DRR communications; Facilitating DRR and CCA Education
Sessions; Basic First Aid Training for Sablayan Youth Emergency Response Team
• 20 School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committees (SDRRMC s) capacitated and assisted on
Comprehensive School Safety Framework; School Hazard, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment; Inclusive
Contingency Planning and SDRRMC Simulation
• 20 Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committees capacitated and assisted:
Review and Updating of Contingency Plans

year 4
• Family Disaster Preparedness Planning were conducted in 14 communities with a focus on the roles of vulnerable
family members, especially girls, women, persons with special needs, elderly, solo parents and indigenous people.
(6 more communities for conduct). Participants included 2,051 family representatives :

1,611 Female 440 Male 121 People with 14 Indeginous 715 Elderly 11 LGBTIQ+
Special Needs People Individuals

• SDRRMC Training on Comprehensive School Safety Framework and Risk Assessment was conducted with
23 schools in 9 communities of Sablayan. (11 more communities/schools scheduled for conduct).
Participants included 216 SDRRMC members :

143 Female 73 Male

Inclusive Community Disaster Risk Reduction

and Management (ICDRM) project funded by @PlanPhilippines
Margaret A. Cargill philanthropies
covid-19 related response
931 Indigenous People (ip) families received the E-Salakayte and E-Anlangfe Kits (modified hygiene kits).
Distribution of the kits was coupled with information, education and communication materials.
The modified hygiene kits include :

5 pieces of hand soap 4 bars of laundry soap 5 washable face masks Sanitary cloth 1 water container
(to be used by women and girls
during their menstrual period)

Risk Communication and Community Engagement : five public service announcement (PSA) broadcasts were aired
over the radio with messages related to :

COVID-19 prevention Child protection Stress management Effects of the pandemic

tips for children during on children home education and
pandemic online safety

12 portable handwashing facilities with 30 pieces of hand soaps per unit provided to 12 communities/schools :

6 IP schools /communities 3 Island communities 3 lowland communities

Public Service Announcement through “Bandilyo”: provision of 4 solar powered portable

speakers and round horns (“trumpa”) to 4 large IP communities with inconsistent access to
electricity. A pre-recorded radio-PSA was aired since the area cannot be reached by the
radio signal. These devices were utilized by the community as an early warning system by
providing information to community members about hazards such as typhoons and updates
on the pandemic.

Child-friendly and gender-responsive feedback mechanism: 20 feedback boxes were

distributed to 20 target communities for individuals to participate and provide their
feedba feedback through writing if they are uncomfortable using a text message or cellphone.

Inclusive Community Disaster Risk Reduction

and Management (ICDRM) project funded by @PlanPhilippines
Margaret A. Cargill philanthropies

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