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Profesor Titular del Curso: Lucia Maria Arroyo Zarate

Nombre de la actividad: Week 13 - Task: Assignment - How I spend my time


Semana: 13

Código de la Clase: 8790


Juan Daniel Flores Malca Ynés Jossely Gayoso Rojas

Link del Video:

Como compañeros, ya se conocen desde hace un tiempo. Ahora, quieren saber

sobre las actividades que hacen todos los días. Hagan preguntas uno al otro sobre
sus rutinas diarias y respondan las preguntas de su compañero(a). Compartan
actividades diarias que hacen y que no hacen.
D: Hello Jossy! How are you today?

J: Hello Daniel! I'm fine thanks.

D: Tell me about your daily routines. What do you do in the morning?

J: I get up at six in the morning, I prepare breakfast and a lunch box, at eight o'clock I
take my son to school and then go to work.

D: What time do you work?

J: I work from nine to two in the afternoon.

D: Do you watch television in the afternoon?

J: No, I don't, I help my son with his homework and do university work.

D. What do you do at night?

J: I cook dinner.

D: What do you do on weekends?

J: I have in-person classes at the university.

D: Do you go out dancing on the weekends?

J: No, I don't. I stay at home.

D: What do you do on Sunday mornings?

J: I clean my house but I don't go to the market.

J: Hi Daniel! How are you doing?

D: Hi Jossy! I am fine thank you.

J: Tell me about your daily routines. What do you do in the morning?

D: I get up at six in the morning, prepare breakfast and lunchbox, at half past six I take
my girlfriend to school and then I go to do my things.

J: What time do you study?

D: study from six to nine at night.

J. What time do you have lunch?

D: Lunch at three in the afternoon.

J. What do you do in the afternoon?

D: I'm going to the gym.

J: Do you watch TV in the afternoon?

D.: No, I don't, but I do university work.

J. What do you do at night?

D: I prepare dinner.

J: What do you do on the weekends?

D: Spending Quality Time With My Girlfriend

J: Do you go out on weekends?

D: No, I don't. I stay at home.

J: What do you do on Sunday mornings?

D: I clean my house but I don't go to the market.

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