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DARLING MEDINA 0703200400404

JUN 24

1. People should treat animals humanely.

2. Large mammals like lions shouldn't be kept in zoos.
3. In order to help people with disabilities, dogs have to be trained when they are young.
4. They say people can teach bears to do tricks like dancing or standing up on command.
5. Horses shouldn't be forced to run in races.
6. Sometimes, in order to protect people, aggressive dogs that live on the street have to
be killed.

1. People shouldn’t be allowed to hunt elephants.

2. New medicines might be discovered through animal research.
3. Monkeys shouldn’t be kept as pets.
4. A lot could be done to improve conditions for cattle on factory farms.
5. The treatment of research animals must be improved.
6. Can’t zoos be used for performing scientific research to protect animals?
7. Why do chickens have to be raised in such crowded conditions?
DARLING MEDINA 0703200400404
JUN 24

Question: Do you think it is necessary to use animals for medical research?

Answer: We cannot experiment on humans Therefore, animals must be used in medical research
to ensure the safety and effectiveness of new treatments before they can be applied to humans
although it is very rude to animals depending on the way they do it scientists since many practices
are very strong in animals

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