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Table 1.

1 Demographic Profile of the Respondents According to Annual Family Income

Monthly Family Income f %
Below Php 21,194 45 17.18
Php 21,195 - Php 43,828 58 22.14
Php 43,829 - Php 76,669 58 22.14
Php 76,670 - Php 131,484 51 19.47
Above Php 131,484 50 19.08
Total 262 100.00

Table 1.2 Demographic Profile of the Respondents According to Location During Online
Location During
f %
Online Class
Rural Area 86 32.82
Urban Area 176 67.18
Total 262 100.00

Table 1.3 Demographic Profile of the Respondents According to Gender

Gender f %
Male 98 37.40
Female 141 53.82
Prefer not to say 23 8.78
Total 262 100.00

Table 2.1 Respondents’ Learning Device

Learning Device f %
Mobile Phone 39 14.89
Laptop 23 8.78
Personal Computer 10 3.82
Tablet/Ipad 2 0.76
Mobile Phone, Laptop 79 30.15
Mobile Phone, Personal Computer 22 8.40
Mobile Phone, Laptop, Personal Computer 12 5.58
Tablet/Ipad, Laptop 6 2.29
Tablet/Ipad, Personal Computer 4 1.53
Mobile Phone, Tablet/Ipad 11 4.20
Mobile Phone, Tablet/Ipad, Laptop 36 13.74
Mobile Phone, Tablet/Ipad, Personal Computer 8 3.05
Mobile Phone, Tablet/Ipad, Laptop, Personal Computer 8 3.05
Tablet/Ipad, Laptop, Personal Computer 2 0.76
Total 262 100.00
Table 2.2 Respondents’ Mode of Internet Connection
Internet Connection f %
Mobile Data 15 5.73
Wi-Fi 118 45.04
Both Mobile Data and Wi-Fi 129 49.24
Total 262 100.00

Table 3.1. Level of SCL Outcome in terms of Achievement

Indicators Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation
I need a detailed explanation and a lot of
3.26 Strongly Agree
examples to fully understand the topic.
I have learned how to collaborate with
3.13 Agree
other people in completing a task.
My analytical skills have improved. 3.02 Agree
I learn a lot if I study at my own pace. 3.02 Agree
My communication skills have improved. 2.93 Agree
I know exactly what I am doing, where I
2.88 Agree
am going, and what is expected from me.
I feel comfortable in raising questions
2.73 Agree
when I do not understand the topic.
I can learn new topics in one sitting. 2.63 Agree
Composite Mean 2.95 Agree
Legend: 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree
2.51-3.25 Agree
1.76-2.50 Disagree
1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

Table 3.2. Level of SCL Outcome in terms of Performance

Indicators Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation
I need a more detailed explanation and several
3.32 Strongly Agree
examples to fully understand the topic.
I am capable of promoting adherence to an
organization's legitimate and acceptable 3.03 Agree
ethical goals.
I am capable of recording financial transactions
in compliance with generally accepted 3.03 Agree
accounting and reporting standards.
I am capable to perform accounting-related
work in actual workplace based on pre-set 3.00 Agree
I am capable of analyzing the performance of a
particular business entity using appropriate 2.98 Agree
accounting software and functions.
I am capable of communicating any restrictions
or other concerns that would interfere with
making responsible decisions or successfully 2.95 Agree
completing an activity, such as a practicum or
on-the-job training.
I am capable of developing a financial model
2.92 Agree
using spreadsheet software.
I am capable of passing licensure
examinations or becoming eligible for 2.85 Agree
professional accreditations or certifications.
Composite Mean 3.01 Agree
Legend: 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree
2.51-3.25 Agree
1.76-2.50 Disagree
1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

Table 3.3. Level of SCL Outcome in terms of Relationship

Indicators Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation
I am motivated to do better during group
activities when my group mates 3.31 Strongly Agree
recognize my contribution and thoughts.
I always consider the thoughts of my
group mates when having a group 3.21 Agree
I can learn a lot by using my teachers'
3.19 Agree
lectures and my own research.
I engage in online group activities. 3.11 Agree
I am always eager to collaborate with my
3.08 Agree
groupmates in group activities.
I am motivated to learn with the help of
3.07 Agree
my teacher's positive feedback.
I use canvas to reply to what our
2.97 Agree
professor posted in the discussion tab.
I ask my professor during virtual class 2.73 Agree
when I am having difficulty understanding
the topic.
When we have an online engagement, I
approach my professor to share my 2.69 Agree
thoughts about our lesson.
Composite Mean 3.04 Agree
Legend: 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree
2.51-3.25 Agree
1.76-2.50 Disagree
1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree

Table 4. Correlation of Respondents’ Demographic Profile to Their Level of SCL Outcome

in Terms of Achievement, Performance, and Relationship
Demographic Profile Achievement Performance Relationship
Gender Pearson Correlation -.113 -.099 -.128*
Sig. (2-tailed) .068 .110 .039
N 262 262 262
Income Pearson Correlation -.001 -.074 -.054
Sig. (2-tailed) .987 .233 .386
N 262 262 262
Location Pearson Correlation .051 .024 .037
Sig. (2-tailed) .414 .704 .549
N 262 262 262
Internet Pearson Correlation .035 -.075 .008
Connection Sig. (2-tailed) .570 .228 .901
N 262 262 262
Device Pearson Correlation -.029 -.126 -.136*
Sig. (2-tailed) .646 .042 .028
N 262 262 262
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 4 presents the correlation of respondents’ demographic profile to their level of SCL
outcome in terms of achievement, performance, and relationship. Gender is not significantly
related to achievement (r = -.113) and performance (r = -.099) but significantly related to
relationship (r = -.128) at 0.05 level of significance. Meanwhile, income is not significantly
related to achievement (r = -.001), performance (r = -.074), and relationship (r = -.054). Also,
location is not significantly related to achievement (r = .051), performance (r = .024), and
relationship (r = .037). Internet connection is not also significantly related to achievement (r
= .035), performance (r = -.075), and relationship (r = .008). On the other hand, the learning
device used by the respondents is not significantly related to achievement (r = -.029) but
significantly related to performance (r = -.126), and relationship (r = -.136) at 0.05 level of

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