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SPECIAL aii + Godin Austen is situated in which range Tee ee ASSIST. sie Baluchistan C) 8 (D) None of these A) Hindukush C) Karakoram (B) Himalayas (D) None ot these (A) SEATO (8) CENTO (C) Manila Pact (0) None of these Rowialt act was passed in: (A) 1915 (B) 1916 (C) 1917 (D) None of these (1919) In which year Graham Bell invented telephone (A) 177 (8) 1876 (C) 1976 (D) None of these 7. Ronald Ross discovered the cause of: a4 Polio (B) Malaria (C) AIDS (D) None of hese & Who discovered Penicillin: (A) Alexandar Fler (C) Howard Florey Lahore respluf mm Punjab by: | P'(B) Abdullah Hussain la Zafar Ali Khan (0) None of these 40, Which river is not flowing from Jammu & Kashmir: (A) Indus (8) Beas (C) Ravi (D) None of these 44, In 2019-20 Australian bush fire season in named as: (A) Dark Summer (8) Black Summer (C) White Summer (D) None of these 42. First female ambassador of Pakistan in Iran: (A) Riffat Masood B) Maliha Lodhi (C) Begum Shahnawaz (D) None of these 43, OIC Stands for. (A) Organization of Islamic Conference (B) Organization of Islamic Cooperation (C) BothA&B (D) None of these 14, Whatis the energy formed due to waterfall: fa Potential Energy (B) Kinetic Energy (C) Motion Energy (D) None mal ue 15, National er Nis: a Cricket F bth () Boxing (0) ii 16. eon an to: () i () Nie of these 17, Who started Jihad Movement: (A) Shah Waliullah (B) Syed Ahmad Shaheed (C) Haj Shariat Ullah (D) None of these 18, What was the deadline of K\ ee eee for CO, limit upto 5.88% from 19: (A) 2020 (8) an (C) 2012 (D) None of these 19. eign isthe wn a (C) Planet (0) Allof these 20. The fort of Pakistanis: (A) oH Fort (B) Rani Kot Fort (C) Rohtas Fort — (D) None of these Wheh country is most visited by tourjsts in acm 62 2020 (21/11/2021) 3 Who wrote “Glimpses of World History"? (A) Mahatma Gandhi (B) Jawaharlal Nehru (C) Rajindra Prasad (D) None of these la Baghdad pact was oromulgated in 1955 and th after Iraq lett its also called: 21. Block chain technology used in: (A) Cricket (B) Crypto currency (C) Bricks (D) None of these 22. The Budget deficit of Pakistan in 2021-22 is: (A) 5.5%. (8) 7% (C) 7.5% (D), None of these 23. Wind always blows from area of. (A) Low pressure to high pressure (B) High pressure to low pressure (C) Only low SS (B) Rose 24, Whi t coe (h None of these 25. The cause of soil pollution is: (A) Ozone (B) Acid rain (C) Airfreshener (0) None of these 26. 16” president of US who abolished slavery: (A) Andrew Jackson (B) Abraham Lincoln (C) James Bachanan (D) None of these 27. The second most important layer of earth of these led Queen atmosphere is: (A) Mesosphere (B) Troposphere (C) Stratosphere (0) None of these 28, The nonrenewable source of energy is: (A) Windenergy (B) (C) Hydropower (D) None of these 29. An avalanche hit a Pakistan army base killed 140 soldiers and civil contractors at (A) 06-Apr-2012 (B) 07-April-2012 (C) 08-Apri-2012 — (D) None of these 30. Global warming possess threat to world is statement by: (A) United Nation — (B) Antoni (C) Both A&B ogg sw ress: asi (8) Quad-e-Azem (C)_Liadat Ali Khan (D) None of these 2. Which industry was growing in Pakistan before 1958: (A) Cottage (8) Chemical (C) Manufacturing (0) Allof these 33. Nehru report was published in: (A) 1927 (B) 1928 (C) 1929 (D) None of these 34. Which dam is situated on Haro river: * (A) Khanpur (B) Mangla (C) Tanda (D) None of these 36. When Muslin league observed Day of Deliverance: (A) 19 September 1938 (B) 19 September 1939 (C) 19 December 1938 (D) None of these (22 December 1939) 36. Which operation started by Pakistan army to combat terrorism in 2014: (A) Zarb-eAzb —(B) Fair pay (C) Midnight Jackal (0) ain d hi yl ves countries of ottoman modem world: i A Us f)\Framé Abt hese ie Pi ee In June 1948 under the influence of Soviet % The mode afjavana ne berlin wall was created to: A | B) Agra (A) prevent its population from escaping C il D) None of these i psehabtuch id eg 3 Who is the first Sikh senator belongs to KPK: vide berlin into two parts A) LalChand (8) Gudee Singh (C) BothA&B (0) None ofthese ©) Shunila Ruth (D) None of these 54. Select the Pe which has the same “2 Which famous personality of English Iterature telatonship, PROMISE: FULFILL zwcxded Nobel mize 7 " f cet ee A) Paul Heyse (8) Rudyard Kiping e a oro ©) Romain Rolland (0) None of these 5} each © What is the new name of Kashmir Highway: es iy 6 aia” | ° Aa a be) Poonch anata | (C) Condonaton (0) Noneot these < en 'S the number of lates edtion of PSLin | 55 tts dness: Brain Paral ysis: a2 ; A) Six B) Seven (A) Aims Na C) Fouth Nae bese Cree CU aa ten © Which team won PSL 2019 in Karachi ST eee Dea nia A) KarachiKings (B) Multan Sultans t) oy (8) Fumis ©) Quetta Gladiators(D) None of these Sinpity ONE % Whois the fist viceroy after 1857 war: : A A Haring (8) Cann va ©) Curzon (0) N © er Behan gd mh fi nectar ¢) 1973 ee ) None of these « 8 fad got the status of neutral 59. wn proverb to make the sentence A) 1800 (B) 1810 Ifwishes __horses, beggars would ride C) 1815 (D) None of these (A) were a was © Who is curent Chief Jusice of Lahore High | (©) have 0 me cot, ical 60. co , luhammad Qasim ‘a a To ly atthe fage of Fe. 5) Qaisar Rasheed ’ c Muhammad Ameer Bhatti fi chatted : panes: : (C) tofiyin the face of (0) None of these é of Ottoman Empire was: ; ; 4 Ait (@) Stan sad | Sty mina. Which prctn C) Sultan Mehmood (0) None of these (A) Hyphen (8) Exclamation © When ia formed government in (C) Apostrophe — (D) None of these ae Ore 62. (wel) | don thnk | wil be home before 6 pm C) 1996 (D) None of these i Aa i's 4 z aa fuel "arte ego rar cas a (C) Inte Pisces ys 8 4 C) Scars i * oe ntence to make it se Tan, period 12 Ndite of you done work correctly. a pg (A) Has (B) Have ©) Plaque gaa (C) were 2) None of these = ale 4993 ig 64, fg Nh has five fingers. In this sentence Not claimed the Arab province AYN B) Adverb Base to form modern Turkey Ts (6) C) the public debt would be share between eee Ces {148 Advanced PBSC MCQs Model P 4 66. She is absolutely incredible which mark is (C) 30000 (D) None ofthese ‘ WOH mM pwr "1 12. 13, used in this sentence (A) . (C); (D) None of these 66. What brought ___ this quarrel. (A) about (B) in (C) round (0) None of these 67. His___ of subject was so good that students have doubts at the end. (A) Clarity (B) Exposure (C) Pictorisation (D) None of these 68. Conjunction which expresses an inference is called__ conjunction (A) Waive five) (C) Correlative 69. 12 water pumps' (8) Cu (0) Non in 20 minutes, Bl Of order. How i pumps take to inutes (B) 24 minutes (C) 28 minutes (D) None of these 70. World spins at__ (A) 10%/hr (8) 12°hnr (C) 15%/hr (D) None of these 71, All eams rs 7500 in 2 weeks what will he earn in 2 days if he works 6 days a week (A) 1300 (B) 1250 (C) 1200 (D) None of these 72. Als 4 times as fast as B and therefore is able to finish the work in 45 days less than B. A and B, can complete the work in how many days? (A) 12 days (6) 15 days (C) 18 days (D) None ofthese ‘8s 78. Memory which contain information” computer and cannot tou " (A) RAM (C) ERAM a None of these 79, Which file stored in computer that perfor functions quickly while browsing: (A) Cache (B) Exe (C) Cookies (D) None ofthese 80. Which is represented from high level to lo level in C++, COBOL, J) (t) are Soltwaré None ofthese npbter on ie is identified by: co P address (B) HTTP (C) HTL (D) None of these 82. Slide sorter of PowerPoint is available o Wie =) Vew (C) File (D) None of these uveler 8 fe Few ebletu 0) ith (¢) a ep 8 foP®) hike? A) uidety 0) we? Woy tithe? 73. The ratio of the length of a rod and its shadow i, 4 ist: hha specu altos sep 8) Ailsa Ge? (A) (A) 30° B) 45° 4 SPC (0) &o Brest zal fiwe? (0) 74, 0 5 mone ni es Mwlerer § respectively. If : mo fe APB) pede? W t! . i 8) 280 meter wvetu 0) ge? 0) meter (D) None of these fini; 1, he fie : - mangoes is nia. Stoll seyp 8 at wil roximate price of 4 ’ dozen of such rane R ur sch (B) ming (A) (A) 2000 (B) 2500 ‘ (C) 4000 & None of these uf WM eveyl (0) 1B (C) 3 iJ yx zs ‘ 16. (eh x (8/5)" = (8/5)"*" what is the value of Se, i safe TnL ylty) & i) 0 (8) 1 a () 1 (0) None of these ; TT. A rectangular lawn 80 meters by 60 meters . 2} snomligerte lg middle of it, one parallel tothe length and the We oie parle to hy ea Frd the oo of Nf ase P ®) gravelling them at Rest. 30 per square meter 5 ef fA onl sy vives ver c) aa 14 y WY} (eles » tae ured i® se He Yeuta! (O} 3 \ ow fH eee anal at ‘iia tiuttee tee ve OU KLE (Aj teragilitew yur 90 ote 8)... dl (8) A (A) a's (C) Vee @) Fi) bate 0) te fille Prin 1 Se LS Ranieri tits 96 az (8) fbatets (A) AW * 8) Aai (A) Very 0) Ji (©) tied) Haha)” oi Piepen 2 Cited 97 WEF ay a a : . ; WO REFEE @) 5 iy WARLILE as Hi / ie ane Fee A) eC) A N Hee (C) eA GLYN 8) EN tee chem sei 38 Jnbid (0) wien (A) fleet oy | bleeds! 1 eh iver teens ee STEM dt heb alae #100 ¢ 4 f U - tate AK EWAndit % ir 6) 1005 uch | ecto) 1886) Def ek (8) ub ft6 on” (0) ' Answer Key BM Bh ar i eM Boe A OA, TRA cola A CO Derm) tk BBB Be aes B BR Be Bak Be A BR ee Bh eA Bae Dati we: eC. BB oR Be 8 De ee ae Bi Cy eee eae mie. © Bagh ere we BS) BR BR Be ea Biageee A Bo aR ee 6 Rae GAC ee Bea. 6 As SAB aa tA. cdf hut 00: Oh. SAL 08, AE weeeee, <6 CoO ONC AB IDS SAB ROA OIMGI i IA TACT Bin (8211: < 100-0 Bo 23 Bake OGURA GOREGP G2; eCie 76" Bis: OB eN eer Na OMA hole io chaea key. Wie | He OReemae Ne a, A ae A RB Oo 8° BB Be ee kk 8 ae HOOOO00O08

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