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Date: Grade:

Social Studies Homework

Unscramble the words by reading the definitions.

Read the definitions and complete them with the vocabulary words.

River.- It is a large natural __________________of water that ___________________ over land.

Lake.- It is defined as a ____________________________________________surrounded by land.

Mountains.- It is a _____________________________that rises high above its surroundings.

National Park.- It is a protected area with the objective to __________________the natural

Date: Grade:

Social Studies Homework

Complete the sentences with the correct vocabulary word.

stream / flows / body of water / landforms / preserve / rise

a) A pond is a small ___________________________________________________.

b) The population of the world are on the _____________________________.

c) The Nile is the longest river that ___________________________ through Africa.

d) Switzerland is a country with beautiful _________________________________.

e) The _____________________________flows into the pond.

f) The laws are intended to _________________________________the natural resources.

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