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Smart Guess & Test Papers

Basic Knowledge of Mathematics for Educators PPSC Test 2021 (NOTESPK)

Objective Type
1. Encircle the Correct Option.
1) A set having a finite number of elements is called a _______ set.
a) finite set b) power set c) sub set d) infinite set

2) Which one of the following is a set

a) {1,2,1} b) {1,2,2} c) {1,1,2} d) {1,2}
3) Which one of the following sets is finite‫؟‬
a) {2,4,6,8,...........} b) {1,3,5,7,.......} c) {0,1,2,3,.......} d) {1,2,3,4,5}
4) A set having no element is known as a/an _______set.
a) null set b) super set c) sub set d) power set

5) Set of natural number is

a) {1,3,5,..........} b) 1,2,3,.........} c) {0,1,2,3,..........} d) {2,4,6,..........}

6) A set having unlimited number of elements is called a/an ______set.

a) super set b) infinite c) finite d) sub set

7) A collection of distinct and well-defined objects is called

a) super set b) set c) class d) group

8) in 19th century __________ was the first mathematician who gave the proper idea of sets
a) Alaxender b) Geroge c) Newton d) Hero

9) Set of whole number is

a) {2,4,6,..........} b) {0,1,2,3,..........} c) {1,2,3,.........} d) {1,3,5,..........}

10) There are ________ methods of describing a set.

a) five b) four c) three d) two
11) ∈ is a _______ letter
a) Russian b) Roman c) Greek d) Indian

12) How many types of sets are?

a) two b) three c) four d) five

13) A set having a single element is called a ___________ set.

a) empty b) singleton c) infinite d) finite

14) If each element of a set A is also an element of set B then the set A is called the ________ of the set B.
a) equal set b) super set c) subset d) equivalent set

15) To represents two equal sets we use the symbol __________.

a) = b) c) d)

16) Which of the following is finite set ?

a) { 1,2,3, ....... } b) { 1,3,5,7, .......... } c) { 2,4,6,8, ........... } d) { 1,2,3,4 }

17) In which of the following is the equivalent set of { a,b,c }?

a) { 1,2,3,4, ............ } b) { 2,4,6,8 } c) { 3,4,5 } d) { 1,3,5,7 }

18) ___________ of a set is also known as roster form .

a) descriptive form b) set builder form c) tabular form d) none of these

19) " The set of whole number less than 1 " is a _________ set.
a) empty b) singleton c) super d) infinite

20) Which of the following is not a set ? - (Notes By:Nauman Sadaf
a) { 1,2,3,4 } b) { 1,2,2,3 } c) {k,i,n,g } d) { b,a,n,k }

21) To write an empty set , we use the symbol :

a) b) c) d) >

22) A set having finite number of element is called a __________ set.

a) empty b) singleton c) infinite d) finite
23) To represent the set of natural numbers, we use the capital letter
a) N b) O c) E d) W

24) What is the sum of 90 and 60?

a) 150 b) 30 c) 540 d) 105

25) What is the subtraction of 2105 and 1726?

a) 377 b) 378 c) 379 d) 380

26) The smallest natural number is

a) 1 b) -1 c) 100

27) The smallest whole number is

a) -1 b) 1 c) 100
28) 111+222+333=________

a) 666 b) 777 c) 888 d) 999

29) 74 x 23 =________
a) 1502 b) 1602 c) 1702 d) 1802

30) 555 ÷ 5= ______

a) 000 b) 111 c) 555 d) 411

31) Symbol of natural number is

a) R b) W c) E d) N
32) Symbol of whole number is
a) N b) O c) W d) P

33) Which one of them is the smallest whole number is?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
34) We represent the whole number as

a) {0,1,2,....} b) {1,2,3,4,.....} c) {1,3,5,........} d) {2,4,6,........}

35) The smallest natural number is

a) 2 b) 1 c) 3

36) The sum of two whole numbers is always

a) a prime number b) an odd number c) an even number d) a whole number
37) To represent "is greater than or equal to" we use the symbol
a) < b) ≤ c) > d) ≥
38) The number that cannot be divided by 2 exactly are called
a) even number b) whole number c) natural naumber d) odd number
39) The largest whole number is:
a) none b) 99 c) 10 d) 9
40) The number 0 together with natural numbers give us the :

a) whole numbers b) prime numbers c) integers d) Even numbers

41) The natural numbers smaller than 6 are :

a) { 1,2,3,4,5 } b) { 2,4,6 } c) { 1,3,5 } d) { 1,2,5,6 }

42) 634 + 179 + 358 = ____________

a) 1171 b) 1071 c) 1061 d) 1161

43) 2105 - 1726 = __________

a) 397 b) 739 c) 1621 d) 379
44) 74 23 = ___________

a) 1702 b) 1802 c) 1602 d) 1720

45) 748 11 = ___________

a) 68 b) 87 c) 78 d) 58

46) a b=b a is called :

a) commutative law b) distributive law c) associative law d) none

47) The successor of 0 is :

a) -1 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

48) The predecessor of 2 is :

a) 3 b) 1 c) 4

49) Adding 407 and 115, we get :

a) 622 b) 522 c) 422 d) 322

50) Which law is used in 11 ( 5 + 6 ) = 11 5 + 11 6?

a) associative law b) distributive law c) commutative law d) none of these

51) Predecessor of 64 is :
a) 65 b) 63 c) 62 d) 66

52) The additive identity is :

a) a b) -1 c) 1
53) The smallest natural number is :
a) 2 b) 1 c) 3

54) How many methods are there to find least common multiple:

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

55) If the sum of its digits is divisible by 3. It is divisible by which:

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

56) If LCM of two numbers 4 and 9 is 36, then its HCF will be

a) 1 b) 2 c) 9 d) 12

57) A number is divisible by 6, if it has even number at the unit place and the sum of its digits is divisible by
a) 2 b) 3 c) 6 d) 9

58) The factor of every number is

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3

59) Set of even number is

a) {1,3,5,.......} b) {2,4,6,......} c) {2,3,4,5,......} d) {4,5,7,..}

60) Set of odd number is

a) {1,3,5,.......} b) {2,4,6,......} c) {2,3,4,5,......} d) {4,5,7,.....}

61) Even number is represented by

a) E b) O c) P d) C

62) Odd number is represented by

a) E b) O c) P d) C

63) Highest common factor of 72, 48, 132 is:

a) 11 b) 12 c) 13 d) 14

64) The LCM of 2 and 3 is

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6
65) Every number greater than 1 has at least factors
a) one b) two c) three d) four

66) Least common multiple of 3, 4, 6 is:

a) 11 b) 12 c) 13 d) 14

67) The process of writing a number into factors is called:

a) factors b) HCF c) LCM d) factorization
68) 1, 11, 21 are factors of:
a) 125 b) 121 c) 128 d) 131

69) The index notation of 5x5x8x8 is:

a) 25x28 b) 52x82 c) 5 x 8 d) All of these

70) A number having a factor other than 1 and itself is called :

a) prime number b) even number c) composite number d) odd number

71) Every number greater than 1 has at least factors :

a) four b) three c) two d) on

72) Factors of 18 are :

a) 1,2,3,4,6,9,18 b) 1,2,3,6,9,18 c) 1,3,5,7,9,11,18 d) 2,4,6,8,10,14,18

73) HCF is find for how many numbers ?

(Notes By:Nauman Sadaf
a) only three b) only two c) only one d) more than two
74) Which number is divisible by 6 ?
a) 291 b) 114 c) 112 d) 344

75) A number is divisible by 9 , if the sum of its digits is divisible by :

a) by 9 b) by 5 c) by 8 d) by 6

76) Prime factors of 81 are :

a) 3 3 3 5 b) 3 3 4 4 c) 3 3 5 5 d) 3 3 3 3
77) The index notation of 125 is :
a) 54 b) 53 c) 52 d) 55

78) LCM of 4 and 16 is :

a) 16 b) 12 c) 8 d) 24

79) LCM of 3,4 and 6 is :

a) 12 b) 16 c) 14 d) 10

80) LCM of 72, 48 and 132 is :

a) 14 b) 12 c) 10 d) 16

81) The only one even prime number is :

a) 4 b) 2 c) 6

82) Which number is neither prime nor composite number ?

a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4

83) The numbers that can be divided by 2 are called :

a) even numbers b) prime numbers c) odd numbers d) whole numbers

84) The process of writing a number into its factors is called.

a) None b) factorization c) LCM d) HCF

85) Which number is divisible by 6 ?

a) 724 b) 670 c) 642 d) 928

86) If the LCM of two numbers 4 and 9 is 36, then its HCF will be:
a) 9 b) 2 c) 1 d) 12

87) The numerical value of -55 is

a) 55 b) 5 c) -5 d) -55

88) (-1) ÷ (-1) =?

a) +1 b) -1 c) -2

89) {(-1) +(-1)}-(-1) =?

a) +1 b) -1 c) -2 d) +2

90) Division of an integer is not possible by

a) positive integer b) negative integer c) zero d) its absolute value

91) (+7) + (-3) = ?

a) +10 b) -4 c) -10 d) +4
92) Which of them is neither negative nor positive number?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
93) Which symbol is used in between -9 and -12
a) = b) > c) < d) ⇔

94) 3-5=__________
a) -1 b) -2 c) -3 d) -4

95) Which symbol is used in between -100 and 10

a) < b) > c) = d) None of these

96) The next two numbers of -5, -4, -3, _________are:

a) -1,0 b) 1,2 c) 0,1 d) -1, -2
97) (-13) + (-2) = ____________
a) 11 b) -11 c) -15 d) 15

98) (+3)+ (-2) = ?

a) 1 b) 5 c) -5 d) -1

99) (+5) + (+3)= ?

(Notes By:Nauman Sadaf
a) -8 b) 15 c) 8 d) 2

100) (-5) - ? = -1
a) -3 b) -4 c) 6 d) 4

101) [(+1) - (+5)] - (+3) = _____________

a) -7 b) -5 c) -3 d) -1

102) (+10)×(-2)=__________
a) 8 b) -5 c) 12 d) -20
103) (-11) × (-3) = _________
a) -14 b) +33 c) -13 d) +8
104) (+3) × (+2) = _________
a) 1 b) 6 c) 5

105) (+6)÷(-2) = __________

a) 4 b) -3 c) 3 d) 8

106) Which number is neither a positive integer nor a negative integer ?

a) 3 b) 2 c) 1
107) ( + 3 ) (+4)=?
a) -7 b) +12 c) -12 d) +7

108) ( - 121 ) ( - 11 ) = ?
a) - 12 b) + 11 c) - 11 d) - 112

109) The numerical value of -4 is :

a) -44 b) -4 c) 4 d) 44

110) Put the correct sign in space - 99 ________ - 199

a) = b) < c) > d) -

(Notes By:Nauman Sadaf
(Notes By:Nauman Sadaf NOTESPK.COM

112) [ ( + 10 ) - ( + 6 ) ] - ( - 8 ) = ?

a) 12 b) - 8 c) - 12 d) 8

113) Subtraction is a opposite process of the :

a) both a, b b) division c) multiplication d) addition
114) _________ is also called directed number.
a) irrational numbers b) integers c) rational number d) whole numbers
115) Zero lies to the ___________ of all negative integers on the number line .
a) right b) left c) centre d) none

116) ( + 144 ) ( + 16 )= ?
a) + 12 b) + 9 c) - 9 d) - 12

117) [ ( + 2 ) (+9)] (-4)

a) - 72 b) + 72 c) + 22 d) + 14

118) What is descending order of -10 , -1, +1, -6, 0 ?

a) 0,+1,-6,-1,-10 b) +1,0,-1,-6,-10 c) +1,-6,-1,-10,0 d) -1,+1,-6,0,-10

119) [ ( + 10 ) - ( + 6 ) ] - ( - 8 ) = ?
a) 8 b) 12 c) -8 d) -12

120) The numerical value of 55 is :

a) -5 b) 5 c) 55 d) -55

121) 15 : 10 is an equivalent ratio of :

a) 3 : 2 b) 2 : 5 c) 2 : 3 d) 10 : 15

122) [ ( - 1 ) + ( - 1 ) ] - ( - 1 ) = ?
a) - 2 b) - 1 c) + 1 d) + 2

123) Put the correct sign in space - 101 ______________ - 111

a) = b) > c) < d) +

124) Division is a reverse process of :

a) Subtraction b) Addition c) Multiplication d) Both a & b

125) According to the BODMAS rule, first basic operation is performed

a) addition b) division c) subtraction d) multiplication

126) [ ] is called
a) perentheses b) braces c) vinculum d) box brackets
127) The bracket vinculum is denoted by
a) ( ) b) { } c) [ ] d) ____
128) Types of brackets are:
a) Five b) Four c) Three d) Two

129) After simplifying {1+(2+4÷2×1-3)}, we get:

a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4

130) The solution of [1÷2×{5-(1+6÷2)}] is

a) 1/2 b) 1/3 c) 2/3 d) 1/4

131) In BODMAS, BO means:

a) addition b) multiplication c) division d) brackets of
132) "()" is known as:
a) bar b) parentheses c) braces d) box

133) Box bracket is denoted by:

a) ( ) b) { } c) [ ] d) _____

134) In BODMAS, D means

a) Addition b) Subtraction c) Division d) Brackets of

135) [5.17 + {3.2 x 2}]=____________

a) 10.57 b) 11.57 c) 12.57 d) 13.57

136) If an expression contain three or four basic operations then it is solved by using __________ rule

137) The round brackets is denoted by :

a) [ ] b) { } c) ( ) d) _______

138) The bracket vinculum is denoted by :

a) [ ] b) { } c) ( ) d) ______
139) The other name of square brackets is :
a) vinculum b) box brackets c) braces d) parentheses
140) Braces is denoted by :
(Notes By:Nauman Sadaf

a) { } b) ( ) c) _____ d) [ ]

141) According to the BODMAS rule, the third operation is performed :

a) Addition b) Subtraction c) Multiplication d) Division

142) A relation in which one quantity increase by decreasing the other quantity and vice verse is called :

a) Inverse proportion b) Direct proportion c) unitary method d) ratio

143) An open mathematical statement with ___________ sign is known as an equation.

a) = b) c) - d) +

144) How many kinds of brackets are ?

a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2

145) { } is known as :

a) braces b) parenthese c) square brackets d) vinculum

146) After simplifying { 1 + ( 2 + 4 2 1 - 3 ) } , we get

a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 4

147) A ratio is written by putting

a) :: b) ; c) , d) :
148) 10:15 is an equivalent ratio of
a) 15:10 b) 2:3 c) 2:5 d) 3:2

149) The reduced from of : is

a) 2:4 b) 4:2 c) 2:1 d) 1:2

150) The relation of equality of two ratios is called
a) cross multiplication b) proportion c) equivalent ratio

151) a:b=c:d, if and only if

a) a x b=c x d b) a x c=b x d c) b x c=a x d d) c x d=a x b

152) BO means
a) addition b) multipy c) Divide d) about practice
153) What is the reduced form of 16:20?
a) 5:2 b) 2:3 c) 4:5 d) 5:4

154) D means
a) addition b) subtraction c) multiply d) divide
155) M means
a) Addition b) Multiply c) Divide d) Subtract

156) What is the fourth proportional of 1,2,6?

a) 12 b) 14 c) 16 d) 18
157) If 2:3::x:4, then x is
c) 3 d) 8
a) b)

158) If = then x is

a) 8 b) 4 c) 6 d) 10

159) If = then x is

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

160) If 1:2::3:x then x is

a) x=3 b) x=4 c) x=5 d) x=6
161) If 1:x::2:3 then x is
c) 3 d) 2
a) b)

162) What is the reduced form of 25:15?

a) 5:10 b) 20:10 c) 5:3 d) 4:2

163) In , the value of P is _________

a) 10 b) 8 c) 5 d) 6

164) The fourth proportional of 1, 3 and 4 is _________

a) 10 b) 14 c) 12 d) 8

165) If 7 buffaloes give 56 litres milk, how much milk can we get from 12 buffaloes ?
a) 94 litres b) 96 litres c) 90 litres d) 92 litres

166) The reduced form of 16 : 20 is :

a) 4 : 5 b) 2 : 8 c) 8 : 10 d) 8 : 5

167) The reduced form of is :

a) 7 : 6 b) 8 : 21 c) 6 : 28 d) 12 : 14

168) 5 : 9 is a ratio, if we increase first element of the ratio up to 40, what will be the second element?

a) 72 b) 45 c) 49 d) 200

169) The reduced form of is

a) 6 : 15 b) 15 : 6 c) 15 : 2 d) 2 : 15

170) A relation in which one quantity increase or decrease in a same proportion by increasing or decreasing the other quantity, is called:
a) unitary method b) direct proportion c) inverse proportion d) ratio

171) If then the value of p will be :

a) 6 b) 15 c) 1.5 d) 7

172) The reduced form of is :

a) 2 : 1 b) 4 : 2 c) 2 : 4 d) 1 : 2

173) If y : 5 : : 3 : 10 , then the value of y will be :

a) 3.5 b) 2.5 c) 1.5 d) 4.5

174) Profit or loss is calculated as the percentage of the

a) cost price b) selling price c) marked price

175) 1% of 1000 means

a) 1 b) 10 c) 100 d) 1000

176) By changing 10% into a decimal, we get

a) 1 b) 10 c) 0.1 d) 0.01

177) When we change of fraction 1/25 into percentage , we get

a) 1% b) 4% c) 25% d) 0.4%

178) 25%= _________

a) 0.025 b) 0.25 c) 2.5 d) 0.0025

179) means

a) 2% b) 4% c) 6% d) 8%
180) 0.75 means
a) 25% b) 50% c) 75% d) 100%

181) 7 students out of 40 students means

a) 0.150 b) 0.125 c) 0.175 d) 0.275

182) 25 workers out of 100 workers means

a) 1:4 b) 2:4 c) 3:4 d) 5:4

183) 3 out of 80 means

a) 1:80 b) 2:80 c) 3:80 d) 4:80

184) Cost price - Sale price= ________

a) profit b) loss c) discount d) none of these

185) Cost Price =490, Sale Price =580,then profit % is

a) 15.37% b) 16.37% c) 17.37% d) 18.37%
186) Cost price-Sale price = ________
a) profit b) loss c) discount d) none of these

187) If sale price =600, loss% =25%, then cost price is

a) 700 b) 800 c) 600 d) 500

188) 1% of 1000 means

a) 300 b) 200 c) 100 d) 400

189) 40% of 10 means

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

190) When we change a fraction into percentage, we get :

a) 25 % b) 4 % c) 1 % d) 0.4 %

191) Profit percentage =

a) cost price b) marked price c) Loss d) sale price

192) By changing 10 % into a decimal , we get :

a) 0.01 b) 0.1 c) 10 d) 1

193) Marked price - Sale price = ___________

a) discount b) loss c) profit d) cost price

194) Loss is calculated as the percentage of the :

a) marked price b) selling price c) cost price d) none

195) 32 % of 300 means :

(Notes By:Nauman Sadaf
a) 92 b) 94 c) 96 d) 98

196) If the cost price is Rs. 490 and sale price is Rs. 580 then profit percent will be :
a) 17.37 % b) 19.37 % c) 18 .37 % d) 16.37 %

197) 60 % of 800 means :

a) 480 b) 460 c) 450 d) 490

198) A watch is sold for Rs. 600 at the loss of 25 % , its cost price is :
a) Rs. 900 b) Rs. 800 c) Rs. 700 d) Rs. 850

199) 12 % profit of an computer Rs. 540. The sale price of the computer is :
a) Rs. 5040 b) Rs. 4500 c) Rs. 5400 d) Rs. 4050

200) When we change 4 % into fraction, we get :

a) b) c) d)

201) What will be marked price when 9 % discount is Rs. 81 ?

a) Rs. 700 b) Rs. 900 c) Rs.800 d) Rs. 1000

202) The price that we pay to purchase a thing is called.

a) marked price b) sale price c) cost price d) profit

203) According to the BODMAS rule, second operation is performed :

a) subraction b) division c) addition d) multiplication
204) The difference between the marked price and sale price is called.

a) discount b) loss c) profit d) cost price

205) 32 % of 300 is :
a) 96 b) 72 c) 48 d) 120

206) In 4x2 , 2 is known as:

a) base b) coefficient c) exponent d) term
207) In x+2, 2 is known as:
a) variable b) constant c) coefficient d) exponent

208) Algebra is branch of

a) mathematics b) physics c) chemistry d) biology

209) If x+8 =17 then the value of x is

a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9
210) If 8 x=4, then x is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

211) If 15-x=9,then x is
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
212) If 6 x=54 then x is
a) 3 b) 6 c) 9 d) 12

213) The value of x in 2 +x=4 is

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

214) In 2y,2
a) constant b) both "a" and "b" c) variable d) none of these
215) a a a a = a ,this is known as
a) variable b) constant c) both "a" and "b" d) none of these
216) x.x.x.x =________
a) x b) x4 c) x2 d) x3

217) x+y+y+x+z+z= _______

a) x+y b) x+y+z c) 2x+2y+2z d) 3x+3y+3z

218) 6x+5x=________
a) 8x b) 9x c) 10x d) 11x
219) In x + 2 , 2 is know as :
a) exponent b) variable c) constant d) coefficient

220) The multiplying factor of a variable is called its :

a) variable b) constant c) coefficient d) exponent
221) In 4x , 2 is known as :
a) term b) exponent c) coefficient d) base

222) The word algebra has been deduced from the ________ word Al-jaber.

a) Arabia b) Greek c) Persian d) Turkish

223) A Muslim mathematician Al-Khawarzmi wrote a book named Al Jabar-wal-Muqabala in _______

a) 840 A.D b) 820 A.D c) 850 A.D d) 780 A.D

224) A group of words that makes a complete sense is called a :

a) none b) relationship c) sentense d) statement

225) In 5x, x is known as :

a) exponent b) base c) variable d) constant

226) ( x + y + z ) + ( 2x + y + z ) + ( x + 2y + z ) = ?
a) 3x + 4y + 4z b) 4x + 3y + 4z c) 4x + 4y + 3z d) 3x + 3y + 3z

227) ( 3x+ 2y ) - ( 2x - y ) = ________

a) x + 3y b) 3x - y c) 3x - 3y d) x - 3y

228) If a = 1 , b = -1 and c = 1 , then =?

b) 1 c) 2
a) d)

229) ( 5l + 3m + n ) + ( l - m + n ) + ( 3l - m + n ) = ________
a) 3l + m - 3n b) 2l + m + 3n c) 3l + m + 3n d) 9l + m + 3n
230) ( -2x + y + z ) - ( x + y - 2z ) = ?
a) 3 ( x - y ) b) 3 ( z - x ) c) 3 ( x - z ) d) 3 ( x - y - z )

231) In 4x2 , 4 is known as :

a) term b) exponent c) coefficient d) base
232) In 15a the base is :
a) 3 b) a c) 15 d) a3

233) ( x2 + x2y + xy2 + y2 ) + ( 2x2 + xy2 - x2y + y2 ) = ___________

a) 3x2 + 2x2y + 2y2 b) 3x2 + 2x2y + 2y c) 3x2 + 2xy2 + 2y2 d) 3x2 + 2x2y2 + 2y2

234) x + y + y + z + x + z = ___________
a) 2x + y + 2z b) 2x + 2y + 2z c) x + y + z d) 3x + 2y + 2z

235) ( 3x2 + 6xy + 9y2 ) - ( 2x2 - 3xy2 + xy2 ) = ?

a) 3x2 + 6xy + 2xy2 + 9y2 b) x2 - 6xy - 2xy2 + 9y2 c) x2 + 6xy + 2xy2 - 9y2 d) 3x2 + 6xy - 2xy2 + 9y2

236) Identify the true statement :

a) 13 is a composite number b) -1 is a whole number c) 9 is a prime number d) 5 is a natural number

237) ( 2x3y2 + x2y - 3x - 1 ) - ( -x3y2 + 4x2y + 2x + 3 ) = ?

a) 3x3y2 - 3x2y - 5x + 4 b) 3x3y2 - 3x2y - 5x - 4 c) 3x3y2 + 3x2y + 5x - 4 d) 3x3y2 + 3x2y - 5x - 4
238) In 9x , " x " is known as :
a) exponent b) base c) coefficient d) constant

239) A relationship of equality between two algebraic expressions is called a/an:

a) ratio b) statement c) an equation d) none
240) The solution of the equation x-1=-1 is
a) 3 b) 2 c) 1
241) To write an equation, we use the sign
a) > b) - c) + d) =
242) If =1, then x=?

a) 3 b) 2 c) +1

243) The statement "my age is twice the age of my brother" can be written in the form of equation as
a) none of these c) x+y=2 d) x=2y

244) The open mathematical statement with which sign is known as equation
a) b) = c) € d)

245) The equation which contain a single variable with exponent is called linear equation in one variable
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
246) If =7 then x=?

a) 49 b) 14 c) 1

247) If 0.1x+0.9=1 then x=?

(Notes By:Nauman Sadaf
a) 1 b) 1.01 c) 0.11

248) If 4x+0.4 =5.2 then solution set is

a) 1.3 b) 1.2 c) 1.1 d) 1.4

249) If x+4=1 then x=?

a) -3 b) 2 c) 1

250) Zahid and Shahid bought a water for Rs.60. Zahid paid Rs.12 more than Shahid.Then amount did Zahid pay
a) 36 b) 34 c) 32 d) 30

251) If = ,then solution set is

a) x=-6 b) x=-8 c) x=-4 d) x=-10

252) If = 1 then the solution set is

a) 2 b) 1 c) 3

253) If x + 5 = - then solution set is

c) 32
a) b) d)

254) The solution of the equation x - 1 = -1 is

a) 1 b) 2 c) -2
255) The statement " my age is equal to the twice of my brother's " can be written in the form of equation as :
a) x + y = 2 b) x = 2y d)

256) To write an equation, we use the sign :

a) + b) - c) = d) <

257) If , then x = ?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
258) If , then x = ?

a) 11 b) 12 c) 28 d) 40

259) The solution of 4x + 0.4 = 5.2 is

a) x = 2.4 b) x = 1.2 c) x = 1.4 d) x = 2.2

260) The statement " Twice of a number is 16 " can be written in the form of equation as :
a) x = 16 b) 2x = 16 d)

261) The product of the two numbers is 72 . What is the other number when the one number is 9 ?/
a) 5 b) 7 c) 8 d) 12

262) The solution of the equation x - 6 = 2 is :

a) 4 b) 8 c) 12 d) 18

263) The word geometry has been deduced from the _______ words.
a) Greek b) Latin c) French d) Both a & b
264) The solution of the equation x + 1 = 5 is :
a) 4 b) -4 c) 6 d) 5

265) If 2m - n = 12 and n = 2 , then m = ?

a) 7 b) 5 c) 10 d) 12

266) The statement " Twice of a number increased by 3 is 17 " can be written in the form of equation as :
a) 2x + 3 = 17 b) 3x + 2 = 17 c) 2x + 2 = 17 d) x + 3 = 17

267) If then x = ?

a) 3 b) 9 c) 18 d) 24

268) If then x = ?

a) 10 b) -10 c) 12 d) -12

269) If 0.1x + 2.5 = 3 then x = ?

a) 0.5 b) 5 c) 55 d) 0.005

270) If , then x = ?

a) 10 b) 20 c) 40 d) 80

271) x2 + x2 + x + x = ?
a) x2 b) x2 + x2 c) 2 ( x2 + x ) d) ( x2 + x )2

272) If 2m - n = 12 and n = 2 , then m = ?

a) 7 b) 5 c) 10 d) 12

273) The statement " my age is equal to the twice of my brother's age " can be written the form of equation as :
a) x + y = 2 b) x = 2y c) d)

274) The solution of the equation x - 1 = -1 is :

a) 2 b) -2 c) 1
275) Bisection means to divide into parts
a) one b) two c) three d) four

276) In a line segment AB, the right bisector passes through is

a) mid-point b) point B c) point A d) none of them

277) The sum of internal angles in a triangle is always

a) 900 b) 1800 c) 2400 d) 3600

278) A right bisector intersects the line at angle of

a) 600 b) 450 c) 900 d) 1800
279) Geometry is branch of which

a) Mathematical b) Physics c) Chemistry d) Biology

280) How many sides of the triangle ?

a) 5 b) 4 c) 3 d) 2

281) Bi means
a) two b) three c) four d) five

282) If one angle is 300, then the fourth part is

a) b) c) d)

283) The fourth part of an angle 900 is

a) b) c) d)

284) How many elements of a triangle

a) 1 b) 2 c) 8 d) 8

285) How many elements of a triangle?

a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8

286) How many angles of a triangle

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

287) The sum of internal angles in a triangle is always

a) 300 b) 600 c) 1200 d) 1800
288) The unit of measuring an angle is
a) second b) degree c) minute d) metre

289) The symbol of degree is

a) ~ b) < c) • d) o
290) The word geometry means:
a) Measurement of the Sun b) Measurement of the stars c) Measurement of the Earth d) None of these

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