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Academic Scholarship

The Seeds4Hope Academic scholarship aims to provide financial support to individuals who
will be attending middle school, high school, or college/university. This scholarship seeks to
provide financial assistance to deserving students who demonstrate a passion for learning and
a commitment to making a positive impact in their communities. By supporting their
educational pursuits, we aim to empower these students to overcome barriers, pursue their
academic and career aspirations and provide opportunities to pursue their dreams and make a
meaningful difference in the world. Through this scholarship, recipients will also foster a culture
of lifelong learning and empowerment.

Seeds4Hope Academic scholarship yog tsim tawm los pab nyiaj rau cov tub ntxhais hluas
tseem tab tom yuav mus kawm ntawv rau hoob middle school, high school, los yog qib siab. Cov
nyiaj pab no tsim los pab tus neeg muaj lub siab los kawm ntawv thiab rau siab mus kawm los
tsim kom tau ib qhov zoo rau pej xeem huab hwm. Thaum txhawb peb qhov nyiaj pab no, koj
pab tshem tawm ib lub rooj vaj thaiv txoj kab thaug mus kawm tauj, caum tus npau suav thiab
tsim ib lub meej mom rau lub ntiaj teb. Tsis tas li xwb, qhov nyiaj pab yuav ces tes pab rub kom
tsim sawv ruaj khov mus tag tiam kom loj hlob.

Qhov Seeds4Hope Academic scholarship nyiaj pab no yog muab los ua kev txhawb rau cov neeg
uas npaj siab yuav mus kawm ntawv rau middle school (ໂຮງຮຽນມັດທະຍົມ), high school
(ມັດ​ທະ​ຍົມ​ປາຍ) los yog college/university (ວິທະຍາໄລ). Qhov nyiaj pab no muab los ua kev
txhawb pab them nqi kawm rau cov tub ntxhais kawm uas qhia tau thiab nthuav tau tawm lawv
txoj kev mob siab rau lawv txoj kev kawm thiab ruaj siab rau txoj kev coj zoo ua zoo rov los
txhawb lawv lub zej lub zog. Los ntawm kev txhawb nqa lawv txoj kev kawm, peb lub hom phiaj
txhawb cov tub ntxhais kawm no kom kov yeej cov teeb meem, nrhiav lawv txoj kev kawm thiab
kev ua haujlwm thiab muab lub fwv tsam rau lawv los caum txoj kev npau suav thiab ua kom
muaj txiaj ntsig zoo hauv ntiaj teb. Los ntawm cov nyiaj pabcuam no, cov neeg tau txais kuj
tseem yuav los txhawb nqa kev coj noj coj ua ntawm kev kawm thiab kev sib txhawb kom loj
hlob mus ib txhis.
Application Process:

​ Eligibility: The Seeds4Hope Academic Scholarship is open to individuals who are
enrolled in KMP & VMP in 2024-2025. Applicants must be an active participant in the
Vivncaus Mentoring Program (VMP) or Kwvtij Mentoring Program (KMP) by
participating in monthly workshops, and regularly meet with her mentor. Applicants must
attend or be accepted to a school that is in their residency country.

​ Kev Muaj Feem Xyuam: Qhov Seeds4Hope Academic Scholarship no nws yog rau cov
uas nyob koom hauv KMP & VMP rau xyoo 2024-2025. Tus neeg thov qhov nyiaj no yuav
tsum yog ib tug uas tuaj koom Vivncaus Mentoring Program los yog Kwvtij Mentoring
Program ua ntu zus rau ntawm cov rooj kawm (workshops) txhua hli, thiab nrog nws tus
niam laus/tij laug mentor tham txhua zaus. Tus neeg thov qhov nyiaj no yuav tsum twb
kawm ntawv lawm los yog tab tom raug txais mus pib kawm ntawv ntawm ib lub tsev
kawm ntawv hauv lub tebchaws nws nyob.

​ Application Submission: Individuals must submit a video presentation by answering the
questions on this application.

​ Kev Xabmav Thov: Yuav tsum tau xa ib daim video thaij koj tus kheej teb cov lus nug
hauv daim ntawv xabmav no.

Review and Selection: Video and application submission will be reviewed by a selection
committee based on criteria such as project feasibility, impact, innovation, and
alignment with program objectives.

Kev Tshuaj Xyuas thiab Kev Xaiv: Daim video thiab daim ntawv thov yuav raug tshuaj
xyuas los ntawm pawg neeg xaiv los ua txoj hauj lwm no los soj ntsuam raws li cov
txheej txheem uas muaj xws li qhov ua tau, qhov cuam tshuam, kev tsim kho tshiab,
thiab ua kom haum raws li peb cov hom phiaj.

​ Notification: Upon selection as a recipient, you will be notified via email and Facebook
Messenger, and an official award letter will be dispatched to you promptly.

​ Kev Tshaj Tawm: Thaum raug xaiv ua ib tug tau txais qhov kev pab, yuav tshaj tawm qhia
koj hauv email thiab Facebook Messenger, thiab ib tsab ntawv tshaj tawm qhia rau koj
sai sai tom qab ntawv.

​ Disbursement of Funds: A one time disbursement of the scholarship fund will be
disbursed directly to the winning recipient. If the winning recipient is under 18 years old
at the time of the disbursement date, he/she will be required to find a trusted adult to
receive the funds on their behalf.

​ Kev Them Nyiaj: Qhov nyiaj pab no yuav ua ib zaug xa ncaj qha rau tus neeg tau xaiv
txais qhov kev pab no. Yog tus neeg raug xaiv txais qhov nyiaj pab no muaj hnub nyoog
qis dua 18 xyoo thaum xa cov nyiaj no tawm, nws yuav tsum tau nrhiav ib tug neeg laus
ua tus sawv cev txais cov nyiaj no ua nws tug.

Seeds4Hope general Academic Scholarship is awarded to rising leaders who are currently
enrolled in the Seeds4Hope VMP & KMP and will be attending middle school, high school,
college, university, and/or vocational, technical school in September 2024 to cover school tuition
fees. Applications, transcript, and essay video must be submitted by May 31, 2024 at 11:59pm
(midnight). All applications will be reviewed by the S4H scholarship committee judge panel.
Seeds4Hope will award the winner by August of 2024.

Seeds4Hope qhov general Academic Scholarship yog muab rau cov rising leaders uas tseem
tabtom koom nrog Seeds4Hope VMP & KMP thiab tseem kawm los yog tabtom npaj siab yuav
mus kawm ntawv rau middle school, high school, college/university, los yog vocational technical
school rau thaum lub 9 Hli Ntuj, Xyoo 2024 coj mus pab them nqi kawm ntawv. Cov ntawv
xabmav (application), daim ntawv teev qhabnia, thiab daim video yuav tsum ua kom tiav thiab
xa tuaj ua ntej 5 Hli Ntuj Hnub Tim 31, Xyoo 2024 thaum 11:59 pm (ib tag hmo). Peb cov thawj
tswj saib xyuas S4H Scholarship mam li los saib tagnrho cov applications thiab los xaiv.
Seeds4Hope mam li los qhia thiab muab khoom plig rau tus raug xaiv los tau qhov scholarship
rau lub 8 hli ntuj 2024.

❖ Available scholarship for year 2024-2025: scholarship award $200 (USD) for a one time
❖ Qhov nyiaj pab rau xyoo 2024-2025: nyiaj khoom plig pab $200 (USD) rau muaj ib zaug

● All funds from this scholarship award is meant to only go towards academic tuition and
● This scholarship award can not be used for personal expenses and/or spent on
unrelated academic purposes.
● This scholarship award can not be regifted to family or friends.
● If the recipient shall discontinue school due to any reason including a financial loss,
medical life threats/illness, or marriage the recipient must inform the Seeds4Hope
scholarship committee immediately.
● If any of the above is violated, the applicant will not receive the remaining amount and
will not qualify for future scholarships. The recipient will not need to pay back the funds.
● If the recipient shall decide not to continue school before the academic year and before
paying the academic tuition and fees, he/she must return the full amount of $200.


● Tag nrho cov nyiaj pab yog muab pab los mus them nqi kawm ntawv xwb.
● Cov nyiaj no txwv tsis pub siv rau tus kheej los yog siv rau lwm yam tsis cuam tshuam
rau txoj kev kawm.
● Cov nyiaj no tsis pub muab siv coj mus ua khoom plig rau tsev neeg los yog phoojywg.
● Yog tus neeg txais qhov nyiaj pab no muaj kev cuam tshuam mus kawm tsis tau ntawv
vim yog muaj xwm txheej loj tshwm sim hauv lub neej, xws li kev poob nyiaj txiag, kev
muaj mob muaj nkeeg, los yog mus ua neej lawm, koj tus tau txais qhov nyiaj pab no
yuav tsum tau qhia rau Seeds4Hope cov tswj scholarship sai li sai tau.
● Yog ua tsis raws li cov lus teev saum toj no, tus tau txais qhov nyiaj no yuav tsis tau txais
cov nyiaj mus ntxiv los yog yuav tsis muaj feem los thov nyiaj pab rau yav pem suab ntxiv
lawm. Tus txais qhov nyiaj no yuav tsis raug them cov nyiaj rov qab.
● Yog tus neeg txais qhov nyiaj no txiav txim siab tsis mus kawm ntawv tauj ua ntej tsev
kawm ntawv pib thiab ua ntej muab cov nyiaj no mus them nqi kawm, nws yuav tsum tau
muab tagnrho cov nyiaj $200 rov qab.

Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants must be part of the Seeds4Hope Vivncaus Mentoring Program (VMP) or
Kwv-Tij Mentoring Program (KMP).
- Applicants must be an active participant in the Seeds4Hope Vivncaus Mentoring
Program (VMP) or Kwv-Tij Mentoring Program (KMP).
- Applicants must be a current student in middle school, high school and or college with
an unweighted GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Applicants must have completed the entire school year of 2023-2024.
- Applicants must submit current 2023-2024 school grades with scholarship applications
to qualify.
- Applicants must be applying or have been accepted as a full time student at a school for
the upcoming academic year 2024-2025.

Kev Muaj Feem Xyuam:

- Koj yuav tsum koom nrog Seeds4Hope Vivncaus Mentoring Program (VMP) los yog
Kwv-Tij Mentoring Program (KMP)..
- Koj yuav tsum yog ib tug tuaj koom ua ntu zus hauv Seeds4Hope Vivncaus Mentoring
Program (VMP) los yog Kwv-Tij Mentoring Program (KMP).
- Koj yuav tsum yog ib tug tseem tabtom kawm middle school, high school, los yog
college thiab tau qhabnias GPA 3.0 los siab tshaj.
- Koj yuav tsum kawm ntawv tagnrho ib lub xyoo rau ntawm lub xyoo 2023 -2024..
- Koj yuav tsum tau muab koj daim ntawv teev qhabnia xyoo 2023-2024 xa nrog rau koj
daim ntawv xabmav (application).
- Koj yuav tsum npaj siab mus cuv npe kawm ntawv los yog twb raug txais mus kawm
ntawv rau xyoo 2024-2025 no lawm.

To receive this full scholarship the selected candidate MUST agree to the following terms:

- Applicants are agreeing to not engage in early marriages while in school. If married, you
have to inform the board and finish the school year.
- If a hardship should arise during the school year, the application must still complete the
academic school year. Please inform the scholarship committee if you need to discuss
other alternatives.
- Come back to the VMP/KMP program and be a mentor/role model.
- Notify us if you receive other scholarships.
- If any of the commitments stated above is violated and/or you do not complete the
academic school school year for any reason, Seeds4Hope has the right to ask you to
participate in an exit interview with the scholarship committee to discuss next steps (i.e.
some or all funds may need to be returned, follow up consequences)
- Submit a video to include on how this scholarship has benefited you and a thank
message to our donors. (video must be between 1-2 minutes).
Submit video to by March 30, 2025.
Cov Lus Cog Cia:
Thaum tau txais cov nyiaj pab, tus tau cov nyiaj yuav tsum lees thiab pom zoo rau cov nqe lus
nram qab no:
- Yuav tsum cog lus hais tias koj yuav tsis yuav txiv/yuav pojniam ntxov ntxov rau lub caij
thaum koj tseem kawm ntawv. Yog koj ho yuav lawm los, koj yuav tsum qhia rau peb
paub thiab txawm yuav lawm los tsis pub tawm ntawv txog thaum koj kawm tiav xyoo.
- Yog hais tias muaj kev cov nyom dabtsi rau thaum lub xyoo kawm ntawv, koj yuav tsum
tau ua tiag kawm kom tag xyoo. Yog ua tsis tau, koj yuav tsum qhia rau peb es mam li
tawm lwm lub tswv yim.
- Yuav tau xa koj daim ntawv teev qhabnias rau peb txhua xyoo thaum kawm tag phaj hias
- Yuav tsum rov qab los txhawb thiab koom VMP thiab KMP ua ib tug qauv zoo.
- Koj yuav tsum qhia rau peb paub yog tias koj ho tau txais lwm qhov Scholarship los yog
tau txais nyiaj pab kev kawm lwm qhov los.
- Yog hais tias koj tsis ua raws cov lus tau cog los saum no, los yog koj kawm ntawv tsis
tag xyoo, Seeds4Hope muaj txoj cai los kom koj tuaj nrog peb tham txog nrhiav tswv yim
rau cov kauj ruam mus tom ntej (pivxam li seb puas tsim nyog rov cov nyiaj rov qab, los
yog seb yuav tsim nyog ua li cas).
- Koj yuav tsum pab ua ib daim video los piav qhia tias qhov nyiaj pab no nws muaj txiaj
ntsig thiab pab tau koj li cas ua ib qho kev ua tsaug rau cov neeg uas tau pab nyiaj tuaj
rau peb. (Daim video ntev li 1-2 nas this).
Xa koj daim video tuaj rau ua ntej lub 3 Hli Ntuj Hnub Tim 30, Xyoo 2025.

- The candidate will answer the three following questions in Hmong or English in the form
of a video.
- The video should be a minimum of three minutes, but not to exceed five minutes.

1. How has your family background affected the way you see the world and
how would you change it for your future?
2. Why is education important to you?
3. How do you think this scholarship will benefit you?

Kev Qhia:
- Koj yuav tsum ua video teb 3 nqi lus nug hauv qab no hais ua lus Hmoob los sis lus Askiv
los tau.
- Koj daim video luv kawg nkaus yuav tsum yog 3 nasthis tabsis tsis pub ntev tshaj 5

1. Keeb kwm ntawm koj tsev neeg nws cuam tshuam koj txoj kev xav thiab koj txoj kev
pom lub ntiaj teb no li cas thiab koj yuav hloov pauv li cas rau koj lub neej yav pem suab?
2.Vim li cas kev kawm ntawv thiaj li tseem ceeb rau koj?
3. Qhov scholarship nyiaj pab no yuav pab tau koj li cas?
Submit the following:
Prove of school enrollment and provide a copy of your 2023-2024 school transcript.

Xa cov hauv qab no:

Daim ntawv thov los yog npais xabmav (application)

Luam & xa koj daim npais qhabnias xyoo 2023-2024
Daim video teb cov lus nug


Please complete the form in English (can use Hmong or Lao to clarify). Reach out to your
mentor for assistance. Tso npe thiab sau ntawv English (sau lus Hmoob & lus Nplog pab qhia
kom meej los tau).

Please check one of the following boxes for the school year 2024-2025.
Middle school
High school
Trade school

Information/Keeb Kwm
Name/Npe: Last Name/Xeem:

Address/Chaw nyob:

Province/Nroog: City/Village/ Zos: Country/Teb Chaws:

Ph Number/Xov Tooj: WhatsApp:


Date of Birth/Hnub Yug:

Qhabnias (GPA on a 3.0 scale):

Muab ntawm koj daim ntawv npais qhabnias.
Name of School in 2024-2025/Npe Tsev Kawm Ntawv nyob rau xyoo 2024-2025:

Are you affiliated with Seeds4Hope? Koj puas koom nrog Seeds4Hope? (Koom/ Tsis Koom):

If yes, who is your mentor? Yog tias koj koom Seeds4Hope, leejtwg yog koj tus niam laus/kwv tij
Guardian Information/Keeb kwm tus saib xyuas
Parent/Legal Guardian I/Leej niam/Leej txiv/Tus saib xyuas››
Name/Npe: Last Name/Xeem:

Relationship/Tus neeg txheeb koj lis cas: Ph Number/ Xov tooj:

(Yog chaw nyob txawv qho koj sau saum toj, sau tau rau ntawm no)
Street Address/Chaw nyob:

Province/Nroog: City/Village/Zos: Country/Teb Chaws:

Parent/Legal Guardian II/Leej niam/Leej txiv/Tus saib xyuas

Name/Npe: Last Name/Xeem:

Relationship/Tus neeg txheeb koj lis cas: Ph Number/Xov tooj:

(Yog chaw nyob txawv qho koj sau saum toj, sau tau rau ntawm no)
Street Address/Chaw nyob:

Province/Nroog: City/Village/Zos: County/Teb Chaws:


I hereby affirm that all the above stated information provided by me is true and accurate to the
best of my knowledge. I also consent that if I was chosen as a scholarship winner, my picture
may be taken and used to promote the organization’s scholarship program.

I hereby understand that if chosen as a scholarship winner, I will complete the 2024-2025 school
year. I also understand that I must commit to the requirements listed in page 1 under the
“agreement” section; if I violate any of the stated expectations the foundation will take away my
scholarship funds.

I hereby understand I will not submit this application without all required attachments and
supporting information. Incomplete applications that do not meet eligibility criteria will not be
considered for this scholarship.

Kuv lees tias tagnrho cov lus kuv tau sau thiab hais rau saum toj no muaj tseeb thiab muaj raws
li kuv txoj kev paub. Kuv nkag siab tias yog kuv yog tus ua raug xaiv los tau qhov scholarship,
nyiaj pab kawm ntawv no,, kuv daim duab kuv txaus siab yuav muab siv los txhawb nqa lub
foundation scholarship program no mus ntxiv.

Kuv nkag siab tias yog kuv raug xaiv los tau qhov scholarship, nyiaj pab kawm ntawv no, kuv
yuav tsum kawm ntawv kom tagnrho lub xyoo 2024-2025 no. Kuv nkag siab tias kuv yuav tsum
ua kom tau li cov lus kuv cog tseg nyob rau ntawm “cov lus cog”. Yog kuv yuam thiab tsis ua
raws lis cov lus kuv cog, kuv nkag siab tias lub khoos kas no muaj cai tsum thiab tshem tawm
txoj kev pab nyiaj txiag rau kuv.

Kuv nkag siab tias, kuv yuav tsis xa daim application no yog tias kuv ua tsis tau tiav cov ntaub
ntawv uas lub khoos kas xav tau. Cov ntawv xab mav (applications) uas ua tsis tiav thiab keeb
kwm tsis thwj toob yuav tsis muaj feem xyuam los raug xaiv rau qhov scholarship kev pab nyiaj
kawm ntawv no.
Signature of Applicant/Kos Npe: ________________________________________________________

Date/Hnub Tim: ______________________________

The deadline for this application to be received by:

May 31, 2024 at 11:59pm (midnight)

Lub sij hawm kawg uas yuav lees txais koj cov ntaub ntawv yog lub
5 hlis ntuj hnub tim 31, xyoo 2024 thaum 11:59pm (ib tag hmo)

Send to (xa rau)

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