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1. 家 Jiā (home) 51. 进 Jìn (Enter) 101.

千 Qiān (thousand)
2. 里 Lǐ (inside) 52. 回 Huí (go back) 102. 也 Yě (also)
3. 月Yuè (moon / month) 53. 吃 Chī (eat) 103. 上 Shàng (up)
4. 点 Diǎn (dot/ o’clock) 54. 高 Gāo (tall) 104. 下 Xià (down)
5. 在 Zài (at/in/on) 55. 长 Zhǎng (long) 105. 昨天 Zuó tiān (yesterday)
6. 年 Nián (year) 56. 最 Zuì (most) 106. 今天 Jīn tiān (today)
7. 坐 Zuò (sit) 57. 阴 Yīn (overcast) 107. 明天 Míng tiān (tomorrow)
8. 路 Lù (road) 58. 晴 Qíng (sunny) 108. 去年 qù nián (last year)
9. 还 Hái (also) 59. 对 duì (correct) 109. 没有 Méi yǒu (none)
10. 门 Mén (door) 60. 错 Cuò (wrong) 110. 起床 qǐ chuáng (get up from bed)
11. 字 Zì (word) 61. 再 Zài (again) 111. 睡觉 Shuì jiào (sleep)
12. 课 Kè (lesson) 62. 喂 wèi (hello) 112. 休息 xiū xi (rest)
13. 去 Qù (go) 63. 得 De (must/ have) 113. 时间 Shí jiān (time)
14. 叫 Jiào (to call) 64. 钱 Qián (money) 114. 时候 Shí hòu (moment)
15. 岁 Suì (age) 65. 飞机 Fēi jī (airplane) 115. 身体 shēn tǐ (body)
16. 过 Guò (pass) 66. 出租车 Chū zū chē (taxi) 116. 眼睛 Yǎn jīng (eyes)
17. 的 De (particle - of) 67. 公共汽车 gōng gòng qì chē (public bus) 117. 分钟 Fēn zhōng (minute)
18. 吗 Ma (particle - question) 68. 电脑 Diàn nǎo (computer) 118. 生病 Shēng bìng (sick)
19. 会 Huì (can) 69. 手表 Shǒu biǎo (watch) 119. 多少 Duō shǎo (how many)
20. 开 Kāi (open) 70. 学习 Xué xí (study) 120. 东西 Dōng xī (things)
21. 住 Zhù (live) 71. 朋友 Péng yǒu (friends) 121. 知道 Zhī dào (know)
22. 红 Hóng (red) 72. 生日 Shēng rì (birthday) 122. 同学 Tóng xué (classmate)
23. 白 Bái (white) 73. 打电话 Dǎ diàn huà (make phone call) 123. 大 Dà (big)
24. 黑 Hēi (black) 74. 谢谢 Xièxiè (thank you) 124. 小 Xiǎo (small)
25. 几 Jǐ (how many) 75. 不客气 Bù kè qì (you’re welcome) 125. 多 Duō (many)
26. 走 Zǒu (walk) 76. 对不起 Duì bù qǐ (I’m sorry) 126. 少 Shǎo (few)
27. 船 Chuán (boat) 77. 没关系 Méi guān xì (it’s ok) 127. 两 Liǎng (two)
28. 那儿 Nà'er (there) 78. 第一次 Dì yī cì (first time) 128. 了 lè (already)
29. 这儿 Zhè'er (Here) 79. 怎么样 Zěn me yàng (how about) 129. 零 Líng (zero)
30. 哪儿 Nǎr (where) 80. 北京 Běi jīng (Beijing) 130. 新 Xīn (new)
31. 颜色 Yán sè (color) 81. 左边 Zuǒ biān (left side) 131. 个 gè (noun counter)
32. 谁 Shéi (who) 82. 右边 Yòu biān (right side) 132. 和 Hé (and)
33. 什么 Shén me (what) 83. 先生 Xiān shēng (mister) 133. 想 Xiǎng (think/miss)
34. 工作 Gōng zuò (work) 84. 小姐 Xiǎo jiě (miss) 134. 要 Yào (want)
35. 上班 Shàng bān (go to work) 85. 水 Shuǐ (water) 135. 不 Bù (not)
36. 怎么 zěn me (why) 86. 米 mǐ (rice) 136. 人 Rén (people)
37. 学校 xué xiào (school) 87. 来 lái (come) 137. 完 Wán (finish)
38. 中国 Zhōng guó (China) 88. 雪 Xuě (snow) 138. 书 Shū (book)
39. 汉语 Hàn yǔ (Chinese Language) 89. 药 yào (medicine) 139. 您 nín (you with respect)
40. 星期 xīng qī (week) 90. 一 Yī (one) 140. 中 Zhōng (middle)
41. 早上 zǎo shang (morning) 91. 二 èr (two) 141. 号 Hào (number)
42. 晚 上 Wǎn shang (night) 92. 三 sān (three) 142. 就 jiù (will)
43. 热 rè (hot) 93. 四 sì (four) 143. 医生 Yī shēng (doctor)
44. 冷 lěng (cold) 94. 五 wǔ (five) 144. 医院 Yī yuàn (hospital)
45. 外 wài (out) 95. 六 liù (six) 145. 衣服 Yī fú (clothes)
46. 等 děng (listening) 96. 七 qī (seven) 146. 天气 Tiān qì (weather)
47. 穿 Chuān (wear) 97. 八 bā (eight) 147. 水果 Shuǐ guǒ (fruits)
48. 到 dào (to) 98. 九 jiǔ (nine) 148. 好吃 Hào chī (delicious)
49. 出 Chū (out) 99. 十 shí (ten) 149. 请 Qǐng (please)
50. 问 Wèn (ask) 100. 百 Bǎi (hundred) 150. 下雨 xià yǔ (raining)

151. 爸爸 Bàba (dad)

152. 妈妈 mā mā (mom)
153. 哥哥 Gē gē (elder brother)
154. 姐姐 jiě jiě (elder sister)
155. 弟弟 dìdì (younger brother)
156. 妹妹 mèi mei (younger sister)
157. 老师 Lǎo shī (teacher)
158. 学生 Xué shēng (student)
159. 大家 dà jiā (everyone)
160. 现在 Xiàn zài (now)
161. 小时 xiǎo shí (hour)
162. 早上 Zǎo shang (morning)
163. 中午 Zhōng wǔ (noon)
164. 下午 Xiàwǔ (afternoon)
165. 电视 Diàn shì (TV)
166. 电影 diàn yǐng (movie)
167. 名字 Míng zì (name)
168. 姓 xìng (surname)
169. 看见 kàn jian (saw)
170. 做 Zuò (do)
171. 开始 kāishǐ (start)
172. 介绍 jiè shào (introduce)
173. 可以 Kě yǐ (can)
174. 爱 ài (love)
175. 好 hǎo (good)
176. 每 měi (every)
177. 很 hěn (very)
178. 都 dōu (all)
179. 是 shì (is)
180. 我 Wǒ (I)
181. 你 nǐ (you)
182. 他 tā (he)
183. 她 tā (she)
184. 我们 Wǒ men (we)
185. 一起 Yī qǐ (together )
186. 正在 zhèng zài (in the process of)
187. 但是 Dàn shì (but)
188. 喜欢 xǐ huān (like)
189. 从 cóng (from)
190. 有 yǒu (have)
191. 运动 Yùndòng (sports)
192. 踢足球 tī zú qiú (football)
193. 打篮球 dǎ lán qiú (basketball)
194. 游泳 Yóu yǒng (swim)
195. 蹈舞 dǎo wǔ (dance)
196. 唱歌 chàng gē (sing)
197. 跑步 pǎo bù (jog)
198. 玩 Wán (play)
199. 呢 ne (end of rhetorical question)
200. 吧 ba (indicating a suggestion)
Jiā (home) Zhù (live)

Lǐ (inside) Hóng (red)

Yuè (moon / month) bái (white)

Diǎn (dot/ o’clock) Hēi (black)

Zài (at/in/on) Jǐ (how many)

Nián (year) Zǒu (walk)

Zuò (sit) Chuán (boat)

Lù (road) Nà'er (there)

Hái (also) Zhè'er (Here)

Mén (door) Nǎr (where)

Zì (word) Yán sè (color)

Kè (lesson) Shéi (who)

Qù (go) Shén me (what)

Jiào (to call) Gōng zuò (work)

Suì (age) Shàng bān (go to work)

Guò (pass) zěn me (why)

De (particle - of) xué xiào (school)

Ma (particle - question) Zhōng guó (China)

Huì (can) Hàn yǔ (Chinese Language)

Kāi (open) xīng qī (week)

zǎo shang (morning) zài (again)

Wǎn shang (night) wèi (hello)

rè (hot) de (must/ have)

lěng (cold) qián (money)

wài (out) fēi jī (airplane)

děng (listening) chū zū chē (taxi)

chuān (wear) gōng gòng qì chē (public bus)

dào (to) diàn nǎo (computer)

chū (out) shǒu biǎo (watch)

wèn (ask) xué xí (study)

jìn (Enter) péng yǒu (friends)

huí (go back) shēng rì (birthday)

chī (eat) dǎ diàn huà (make phone call)

gāo (tall) xiè xiè (thank you)

zhǎng (long) bù kè qì (you’re welcome)

zuì (most) duì bù qǐ (I’m sorry)

yīn (overcast) méi guān xì (it’s ok)

qíng (sunny) dì yī cì (first time)

duì (correct) zěn me yàng (how about)

cuò (wrong) běi jīng (Beijing)

zuǒ biān (left side) qiān (thousand)

yòu biān (right side) yě (also)

xiān shēng (mister) shàng (up)

xiǎo jiě (miss) xià (down)

shuǐ (water) zuó tiān (yesterday)

mǐ (rice) jīn tiān (today)

lái (come) míng tiān (tomorrow)

xuě (snow) qù nián (last year)

yào (medicine) méi yǒu (none)

yī (one) qǐ chuáng (get up from bed)

èr (two) shuì jiào (sleep)

sān (three) xiū xi (rest)

sì (four) shí jiān (time)

wǔ (five) shí hòu (moment)

liù (six) shēn tǐ (body)

qī (seven) yǎn jīng (eyes)

bā (eight) fēn zhōng (minute)

jiǔ (nine) shēng bìng (sick)

shí (ten) duō shǎo (how many)

bǎi (hundred) dōng xī (things)

zhī dào (know) hào (number)

tóng xué (classmate) jiù (will)

dà (big) yī shēng (doctor)

xiǎo (small) yī yuàn (hospital)

duō (many) yī fú (clothes)

shǎo (few) tiān qì (weather)

lǎng (two) shuǐ guǒ (fruits)

lè (already) hào chī (delicious)

líng (zero) qǐng (please)

xīn (new) xià yǔ (raining)

gè (noun counter) bàba (dad)

hé (and) mā mā (mom)

xiǎng (think/miss) gē gē (elder brother)

yào (want) jiě jiě (elder sister)

bù (not) dìdì (younger brother)

rén (people) mèi mei (younger sister)

wán (finish) lǎo shī (teacher)

shū (book) xué shēng (student)

nín (you with respect) dà jiā (everyone)

zhōng (middle) xiàn zài (now)

xiǎo shí (hour) nǐ (you)

zǎo shang (morning) tā (he)

zhōng wǔ (noon) tā (she)

xià wǔ (afternoon) wǒ men (we)

diàn shì (TV) yī qǐ (together )

diàn yǐng (movie) zhèng zài (in the process of)

míng zì (name) dàn shì (but)

xìng (surname) xǐ huān (like)

kàn jian (saw) cóng (from)

zuò (do) yǒu (have)

kāi shǐ (start) yùn dòng (sports)

jiè shào (introduce) tī zú qiú (football)

kě yǐ (can) dǎ lán qiú (basketball)

ài (love) yóu yǒng (swim)

hǎo (good) dǎo wǔ (dance)

měi (every) chàng gē (sing)

hěn (very) pǎo bù (jog)

dōu (all) wán (play)

shì (is) ne (special sentence ending)

wǒ (I) ba ( suggestion or request)

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