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Mathematics Extension 1 General Instructions ‘+ Reading time ~ 10 minutes, + Working time —2 hours © Write using black pen * Calculators approved by NESA may be used. © Areference sheet is provided © For questions in Section Il, show relevant mathematical reasoning and/or calculations © Write your student name and/or number at the top of every page 2020 Higher School Certificate Trial Examination Total marks — 70 Section I-10 marks (pages 3 - 5) * Attempt Questions 1 — 10 * Allow about 15 minutes for this section Section I~ 60 marks (pages 6 - 9) + Attempt Questions 11-14 © Allow about I hour and 45 minutes for this section This paper MUST NOT be removed from the examination room. STUDENT NAME/NUMBER..........ssscessesseeesseeeeeetenes STUDENT NAME/NUMBER.. Marks Section I 10 Marks Attempt Questions 1-10. ‘Allow about 15 minutes for this section. Use the multiple-choice answer sheet for questions 1-10, 1. Which of the following pairs of parametric equations represents a circle that passes 1 through the origin? (A) x=3+3c080, y=4+3sin @B) x=344e030, y=4+dsine © 34Sc0s, y=4+5sind (D) x=3+Tcos8, y=4+7sind 2. A spherical balloon is being inflated at a constant rate of 20x om’s™. At what rate is the 1 radius of the balloon increasing when the radius is 10 cm? (A) 0-25ems" (8) 0-3ems™ © tems" () ems" 3 o 3 In the diagram, OABC is a parallelogram. The vector O4= 1 midpoint of O4. Which of the following expressions is represented by the vector MB? A fere @ tate © ante @) atte STUDENT NAME/NUMBER.. 4 What is the number of distinct solutions of the equation 3cosx+4sinx=5 for 1 OSx52n? al ® 2 © 3 © 4 5. Which of the following vectors is perpendicular to the vector ( i } ? 1 » (2) ® (4) © (2) (3) 6 Which differential equation is represented by the following slope field? 1 A) ®) oO @) STUDENT NAME/NUMBER. 7 What is the value of Sin iF for x>0? (A) B) © O} 8 What is the value of k such that the function f(x we -1$xS1 isa probability density function? A) iat ®) © @) 9 A geometric series 1 (A) x>-1 ®B) x>-l, x40 has limiting sum S, For what values of x is $1 10 Three fair dice of different colours are rolled together. What is the probability that the product of the three scores is a perfect square? A ts ® % © ©) te Marks STUDENT NAME/NUMBER.. Marks Section I, 60 Marks Attempt Questions 11-14 Allow about 1 hour and 45 minutes for this section, ‘Answer the questions in writing booklets provided. Use a separate writing booklet for each question, In Questions 11-14 your responses should include relevant mathematical reasoning and/or caleutations. Question 11 (15 marks) Use a separate writing booklet. (@) Use the substitution = tan} to find in radians correct to 2 decimal places the 3 solutions of the equation cosx—3sinx+3=0 for 0 B. The two stones move in the same vertical plane under gravity, where the acceleration due to gravity is gms", and collide after 7'seconds. At time f seconds after firing, the position vectors of the two stones are r,(1) = (Ptoosex)i-+(—4.g¢* +Frsinar and 14()=(Uteos B)i+(h—}e7*-+Utsin B)j. (OO NOT PROVE THESE RESULTS) heoso. Show that P= 3tan@— tan? (MW Prove the trigonometric identity tan30 = ; 2 tan” (ii) Hence show that the equation x"—3V3x"—3x+/3=0 has roots tan, tan4Z and 3 tang (iii) Hence show that tan? $+ tan* 48+ tan? 2 (ay (oy STUDENT NAME/NUMBER. Question 14 (15 marks) Use a separate writing booklet. (i) Use the substitution x= ¢0s28 to show anf FS ax {ff 4sireae ii) Hence evaluate in simplest exact tof = ae E fh 100 1 Show that Show that Too)» "100-9 (i) Use integration to show tat the equation S= ZAP , given y=20 when x=0, has solution y: 100_ 1+4e7 () The function f(x) 14 nx is defined in the domain (0,1] da Show that SxInx=1+h ow that In = In ‘The diagram shows the graphs of the function y= f(x) and the inverse function Find in simplest exact form the area of the region in the first quadrant bounded by the curves y= f(x), y= (x) and the coordinate axes, 1 (ii) Sketch the graph of the curve y=——, showing clearly the coordinates of the fe) endpoints and the equations of any asymptotes. (Gv) Use interval notation to state the range of the function y= re ; Marks Independent Trial HSC 2020 Mathematics Extension 1 Marking Guidelines Section 1 Questions 1-10 (1 mark each) ‘Question [Answer | Solution Outcomes 1 | © | Chas rearrangement (x—3)'-+(y—4)' =5* which isa cirele through (0,0) | ME11-1 2 B 200m = 4a-x100% Hao. MEL 3 B MEIZ2 Rearrangement gives cos(x—o.)=1 where c= cos} , -aSx—a$2n—or 4 4 MEI2-3 Hence only solution is x~a=0, ie. x=cos} 3 D__ | Dot product is zero for option D only MEIZ2 ‘The slope segments along the isocline y=—x suggest 2 0 when y 6 A This is true only for A. is tue only for. ian a. 1 Bp | sin Vi-a? cos" for x>0. 2 Ssin Vi- MEID-4 8 c ok [tan | MEI2-4 1 9 D Sexistsand S<1 =of-Y<1 and <1 eof>1 and x>0 axel MEI-2 (11,1); three orders for each of (2,2,1), (41,1), .3.1), (4,451), (42.2), G51), (66,1), 3,4) and 31=6 orders for (63,2). 10 D | Hence 1+3x8+6=31 outcomes in the event and 6"=216 equally likely | MEL1-5 ‘outcomes in the sample space. Section It Question 11 a, Outcomes assessed: ME12-3 Marking Guidelines Criteria _ Marks Forms and solves a quadratic equation in to find approximate x solutions, testing w=x separately | 3 Substantial progress eg. correct result, but neglects to test x=, oF approximates incorrectly 2 Some progress eg. obtains correct simplified quadratic equation int 1 Answer ee +: for xm, OSxS20 for x=, ie tanf=2 or tang= cosa—3sinz-+3=2 1 Fe ten = 2tan” xen (QuL cont) bai, Outeomes assessed: ME12-2 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks Correct unit vector 1 Answer [4437 =5. Hence required unit veotor is 4i+3j bili, Outcomes assessed: ME12-2 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks ‘Writes and evaluates an appropriate vector dot product to state component as a vector 2 Some progress eg, writes dot product but evaluation incorreot 1 Answer oR ole (2) ¢, Outcomes assessed: ME12-5 } 12+12=24. Required component of v is [ Marking Guidelines Criteria ‘Marks “Writes and solves simultaneous equations in terms of n, p, q to evaluate p and n 3 Substantial progress eg. correct procedure but with one error 2 Some progress eg. writes expressions for jl, o in terms of p, 4 1 Answer u=6 = mp=6 () Q+0 = @=3 224 =» npg=4 (2) 4, n=18 di. Outcomes assessed: MEI2-2 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks “Writes and simplifies expression for cos ZOAB using vectors in correct directions, then deduces | 4 expression for cos ZOBA Correct procedure, but one error eg. finds the cosine of the supplementary (obtuse) angle 3 Substantial progress eg, comect vector expression for cos ZOAB, but two errors follow 2 Some progress eg. writes AB as b—g and vector expression for cos ZOAB is mostly correct 1 Answer cos ZOAB (interchanging g¢ 8) (since OA= 0B >| a) (QU1 cont) Outcomes assessed: ME12-2 Marking Guidelines Criteria [ Marks | Uses the given equality of sides to deduce that the angle cosines, and hence the angles, are equal | 2 | Some progress eg. claims equality of expressions in i but without adequate explanation 1 Answer g-a=|qf =[Y'=8. (ince O4= 08 = [of 2.008 ZOAB=¢osZOBA. Hence since both angles are acute, ZOAB= ZOBA. Question 12 Outcomes assessed: MELI-3 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks ‘Skeiches the graph accurately showing all the required detail Substantial progress eg. sketches graph correctly but omits some of the required detail 1 Answer : (Q12 cont.) ‘Outcomes assessed: MEI1-2 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks “Applies transformations in the correct order to transformed equation [2 Some progress eg. finds equation of curve after translation 1 Answer xoprel = ys tant e{(x+1)-2} an?4(x-1) xode = poten ty yetar'y(e-2) ‘Translation left by 1 unit ‘Then horizontal dilati n by scale factor 2: (Q12 cont.) b, Outcomes assessed: ME12-1 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks ‘Uses the process of Mathematical induction to prove the proposition for all positive integers Substantial progress eg. understands and applies the induction process, but with one error or with | 2 inadequate explanation Some progress eg. shows truth of P(I) and writes expression involved in P(t 1) 1 Answer Let P(n), n=1, 2,3, .. be the sequence of propositions 3” ~2""=5Y for some integer I. Consider PQ): 34-27 = 725=5x145 ~. P() is true IfPQ@istrue: 39%" = 57 for some integer I. * Consider P(k+1); 3° — 2%) = 3? x 32? x 27 = afeht 2} esse =4x5145x9"" if P(k) is true using * as{are™) where (4143) integral Hence if P(e) is true, then P(k+1) is true. But P(1) is true. -. P(n) is true for all integers n21 ci. Outcomes assessed: ME12-5 ‘Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks Identifies the sample proportion as derived from a stated Binomial distribution, then uses 2 appropriate formulae to determine jrand o forthe distribution of the sample proportion Some progress eg identifies n,p, q and applies the appropriate formulae with one error i Answer For students in the sample, the number of students travelling to and from school by bus is a random variable X with the Binomial distribution B(100 ,0-64). Hence the sample proportion has i00 2(x)_ 1 64 (ine o{2)- 2) p) and a) 7 mean = 2 10-64 (1—-0-64) standard deviation o = f°°X0=0-4) 048 (since vaR(%)=YARCO _ ra _ 7 y 100 n we ron c.ii, Outcomes assessed: ME12-5 ‘Marl ing Guidelines Criteria Marks ‘Uses the normal approximation to the distribution of the sample proportion, or the original 3 Binomial distribution, to estimate the required probability from the table. ‘Substantial progress eg, correct procedure but with one error 2 ‘Some progress ¢g, calculates the z scores of the interval limits 1 Answer Ignoring the correction for approximating a discrete distribution by the continuous Normal distribution, x 0-58-0-64 Pio-s8s~ £0.64 |= p| 2°88 6 <7 <9) - pla: = a ( 0 ) ( aoa 0} P(-1-25s250)= P(2<1-25)-0-5 Hence an estimate of the required probability is 0-8944~0-5=0-3944 . (Q12 cont) 4. Outcomes assessed: ME12-4 Marking Guidelines Criteria, | Marks ‘Sketches curve with turning points at correct coordinates and asymptote in correct position, 3 describing behaviour as x —9 te 1 ‘Substantial progress eg. curve correct but neglects description of behaviour as_x—> ste [2 ‘Some progress eg, curve partially correct, but some detail omitted i Answer ; a Sa 3 a a f 1 bose is a horizontal asymptote with y—I* as x tes , and pT as x00. Question 13 a, Outcomes assessed: ME12-4 Marking Guidelines [ Criteria Marks | Writes and evaluates, in simplest exact form, an appropriate definite integral for the volume 4 | Substantial progress eg. writes correct definite integral, but makes one minor error in evaluation 3 ‘Moderate progress eg. writes correct definite integral, then applies correct procedure but with a 2 few errors ‘Some progress eg. writes correct definite integral and expands integrand 1 Answer +12) on ais 7 L =a {shs(16—4)—(4-4)+4(241)} ( (Q13 cont.) . Outcomes assessed: ME12-2 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks ‘Writes a pair of simultaneous equations to model equal position vectors at time 7, solving for? | 4 ‘Substantial progress eg. writes simultaneous equations, but makes one error in solution 3 “Moderate progress eg. writes simultaneous equations and determines that Veoscr=UcosB, but | 2 makes several errors in attempting further soluti Some progress eg, determines V cosc:= cos 1 Answer Attimel, 1(7)=4 (1). Vreosa=UTcosB Veosw=UcosB (I) Hence -hgf? +VT sina =h-Lgf? +UT sing VT sina=h+UTsinB (2) (2)xcosa—()xTsina = 0= heosa +UT(sin Bcosa—cos Bsine) 0= heosar—UT sin(a—f) UT sin(ar— 8) = heoser pa _heoser “" Tsin(a= B) c.i, Outcomes assessed: ME11-3 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks Uses appropriate irigonomeiric identities to obtain the result 2 ‘Some progress eg, writes tan30 in terms of tan20 and tan? 1 Answer tan3@ = tan(26 +6) tan 6(1-tan* 6 tan26+tané [1 tan*@)=2tan8 tend 3tand—tan*@ 1-3tan*@ (Q13 cont.) ei, Outcomes assessed: ME12-3 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks | ‘Makes the substation x= tand , rearranges the equation then solves for @ and then for 3 | Substantial progress eg, makes substitution for x and finds one solution for @ and then x 2] Some progress eg. makes substitution for x, and evaluates tan3@ i Answer Rearrangement of the equation gives V3(1-3x")=3x-x° BoP 1-3 Let x=tané. Then nO— ten’. 1=3tan?@ tn39=3 30=4, $42, $427, xetan$, tan4Z, tonZe, Since the cubic equation can have at most 3 distinct solutions, tan, tan4f, tan are the roots of the given equation. ‘Outcomes assessed: MEL1-2 Marking Guidelines Criteria Maris | ‘Uses the relationships between roots and coefficients of the cubic equation to deduce the result 2 | ‘Some progress eg. evaluates sum and product of the roots. but makes an error in application ee Answer Hf x —3V3x? -3x-+-VB =0 has roots a By then a7 +B? +7? =(a+ P+) -2(0+ By +70) stan? $+ tan? 4§-+ tan? Question 14 ‘Outcomes assessed: MEI2-4 Marking Guidelines Criteria Maris | Performs substitution and uses appropriate trig identities to simplify integrand 2 ‘Substantial progress eg. correct process but makes one exfor L Answer Y fice * fi-cos26 x=00s20 0565 f ac--[ Feosae 2820.40 2sin20d@ pat =| 222 dsinocose do a V2e0s*@ =f 4sin?@d0 (Q14 cont) addi, Outcomes assessed: ME12-4 Marking Guidelines rae Criteria Marks ‘Uses an appropriate tig identity to evaluate the definite trig integral in simplest exact form 2 Substantial progress eg, correct process but with one error, or notin simplest exat form 1 Answer "fizz # HS e=2 {‘(1-e0s26) a8 [fisse-af tom) =2[6-tsin26]? =2{(5-0)-s(1-0)} 1 b.i. Outcomes assessed: MEL-2 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks Rearranges either LHS or RAS into required form T Answer 100 (100-y)+y _ (100-y) y 100 d= a) 00-9) iy y(100= 9) pf100=y) ~ yfL00-y) »{100-y) y "100=y bail, Outcomes assessed: MB12-4 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks Solves the differential equation by integration, choosing the appropriate solution function 3 Substantial progress eg. follows an appropriate procedure with one error 2 Some progress eg. finds x as a function of: 1 Answer a r(100-y) x=0, y=2090=~Injg=in4 i x=h| 4b wy i00-y x=lob|-nft00-sJre y 7 x=lal reas +e 4 100-y| | cok Outcomes assessed: E124 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks ‘Uses product rule to obtain required result Answer Inx+x.A=t+inx a Ze Inx’ (Q14 cont) cui, Outcomes assessed: ME12-4 Marking Guidelines Criteria Mi rks Evaluates an appropriate definite integral to find the required area in simplest exact form Substantial progress eg. comect procedure, but with one error ‘Some progress eg. writes and evaluates a definite integral associated with the area Answer ‘The curves are reflections of each other in the line cx, hence the required area is twice the shaded area in the diagram on the right. Shaded area is A sq. units where 4=paxi- f (In) de =4-[xinx]) at (0+e") Hence required area is (1-2) sq. units. Outcomes assessed: MEL-1 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks ‘SKcetches graph showing all the required detail 2 ‘Substantial progress eg. correct shape with most details correctly shown i Answer civ, Outcomes assessed: MEL1-1 Marking Guidelines Criteria Marks Correctly states range in interval notation 1 Answer Range is (-»,0) U [1,+) Independent HSC Trial Examinations 2020 Mathematics Extension 1 Mapping Grid ‘Question | Marks Content Syllabus | Targeted Outcomes | Performance Bands i 1 | ME-FI Further work with functions MEII-1 23 2 1 ME-Cl Rates of change MEI1-4 2-3 3 1 ME-V1 Introduction to vectors 2-3 4 i | ME-T3 Trigonometric equations 23 5 1_| ME-V1 Introduction t0 vectors 23, 6 1 ME-C3 Applications of calculus 3-4 7 1 | ME-C? Further calculus skills 3-4 8 1_| ME-C? Further calculus skills 34 9 1_| ME-FI Further work with functions 34 10 1 ME-A] Working with combinatoric 3-4 ia 3__ | ME-T3 Trigonomeitic equations 23 bi_|_1_| ME-V1 Introduction to vectors 253 ii 2 | ME-V1 Introduction to vectors 233 e 3__| ME-S1 The Binomial distribution 2:3 di_| 4 | ME-V1 Introduction to vectors 3-4 ii_| 2 | MB-V1 Introduction to vectors 23 12 ai 2 ME-TI Inverse trigonometric functions MEI1-3 2-3 ii 2 ME-T'l Inverse trigonometric functions ME11-2 2-3 b 3__| ME-PI Proof by Mathematical induction MEI2-1 3-4 ei_| 2 | ME-SI The Binomial distribution MEI2-5 23 | ii 3 ME-S1 The Binomial distribution ME12-5 23 | d 3 ME-C3 Applications of caloulus ME12-4 34 J isa 4 __| ME-C3 Applications of caleuls MEIZ-4 34 | b 4 _| ME-V1 Introduction to vectors MEI2-2 34 | ei | 2 | ME-T2 Further trigonometric identities MEI-3 [23 | 3__| ME-T3 Trigonometric equations a MEI2-3 3-4 2_| ME-F? Polynomials a MEN 23 2 ME-C2 Further calculus skills MEI2-4 3-4 2 ME-C2 Further calculus skills MEI2-4 3-4 1__| ME-FI Further work with fimetions ‘MELL-2 23 3__|[ ME-C3 Applications of calculus MEI2-4 3-4 1 ME-C2 Further calculus skills ME12-4 2-3 3 ME-C3 Applications of calculus | ME12-4 34 2 ME-Fi Further work with functions MEIL-L 2-3 {| ME-FI Further work with functions MEM-L 23

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