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Taller 2.

1. A mass M is attached to a spring. It oscillates every 2 sec. If the mass is increased by 5

kg, the period increases by 3 sec. Find the initial mass M, assuming that Hooke's law is
2. A mass m is oscillating freely on a vertical spring, when m = 0.81 kg , the period is 0.91
sec. An unknown mass on the spring has a period of 1.16 sec. Find the spring constant and
the unknown mass?

3. A block of mass m is placed on a frictionless surface and is connected to two springs of

force constants k1 and k2. Calculate the time period of the oscillation of the block?

4. A mass of 2 kg oscillating on a spring with constant 4 N/m passes through its

equilibrium point with a velocity of 8 m/s. What is the energy of the system at this point?
From your answer derive the maximum displacement, xm of the mass.

5. Which of the following represent simple harmonic motion?

(a) x = A sin(ωt) + B cos(ωt)

(b) x = A sin (ωt) + B cos (2ωt)

(c) x = A eiωt

(d) x = A ln [ωt]

6. A particle is executing simple harmonic motion. The displacement x as a function of

time t is shown in Fig. 3 below. Find (a) the period, (b) amplitude, (c) equation of motion,
(d) maximum velocity and (e) maximum acceleration.
7. A particle executing SHM of amplitude 25 cm and time period 3 s. What is the minimum time
required for the particle to move between two points 12.5 cm on either side of the mean

8. An 8 kg body performs SHM of amplitude a. At what distance from the mean position is its K.E.
equal to its P.E?

9. What is the frequency of a second pendulum in an elevator moving up with an accelerating of


10. A small mass executes linear SHM about x=0 with amplitude A and period T. Its displacement
from x=0 at time T/8 after passing through O is:

A) A/8 (B) A√2/2 (C) A/2 (D) a/ √2

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