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IELTS Listening:

Map Labeling
Teacher: Minh Hang
Fun fact about Map Labeling
- 99.9% of IELTS test takers are scared of this part
- But it’s WAY MUCH EASIER than it seems
Warm Up activity: Give directions in Vietnamese
• How to give directions:
+ State your starting point:
“Bạn đang đứng ở TCE”

+ Final destination should be hidden:

”Để tới địa điểm bí mật này, bạn cần đi
thẳng ra phố Thái Hà, đi dọc con phố này,
đi quá ngã tư với phố Yên Lãng. Địa điểm
này ở bên tay phải.”

• Other learners need to guess what is the

final destination.
• The fastest and correct one gets one point
and has to explain the route to others

Play in 2 mins
Give directions in English

After you get out of TCE, you’ll see

Thai Ha Street. The secret place is
in front of you. You have to cross
the road to get to this place.

You are standing at TCE. You are

facing Thai Ha Street right after you
leave it. Walk along this street and
go past the milk tea shop. The
secret place is beside it.
Language for Map Labeling (1)
• facing
• in the middle / centre of
• behind
• between
• next to / by
• in front of

• The entrance is _______ the reception desk.

• The reception desk is _______ the entrance.
• The pool is ________ the sport’s centre.
• The gym is _______ the swimming pool.
• The pool is _______ the reception and the gym.
• The seating area is _______ the pool.
Language for Map Labeling (2)
• left-hand side • on the other side
• right-hand side • Beyond
• turn right • along
• to your right • corner
• pass through • go straight
• beside

• The sports shop is on the ______ as you enter the

sports centre.
• To the ______ of the entrance, there’s a café.
• _______ the entrance, ______ and the café is
immediately ______ you.
• The leisure pool is _______ of the sports centre to the
dance studios.
• There is a large changing room just beyond the café.
• Walk ______ the side of the sports hall and you’ll find
the second dance studio in the far _____ of the building
• ______ along the corridor _____ the sports hall
and _____, you’ll see two dance studios.
Before you listen
Guess the following information:
1. What type of building is this?
2. Where are you now?
3. What are some landmarks of the maps?
4. What places do you need to find?
5. How will the audio give directions?
6. While you are listening, what should you
do to not get lost?

Find those places:

1. Gift shop
2. Restaurant
3. Picnic area
Listen and write the correct letter (A-G), next to these questions (1-3).

Find those places:

1. Gift shop
2. Restaurant
3. Picnic area
Listen to the audio once again and fill in the blanks

Now, I’ll just give you a few _______ before you leave,
especially for those of you who are feeling a bit hungry. When
you leave the main building, you come to an area where the
path divides. If you take the _____ path, you’ll see the lake on
your right, and exactly _____ the lake on your____ is the gift
shop. Apart from selling gift, it sells snacks, sandwiches and
light drinks. If you walk ____ the lake, on your ____ you’ll also
see the penguins. Go past the penguins and you’ll come to the
restaurant, also on your right. Don’t go too far, or you’ll come to
the aquarium. The aquarium is on your right at the _____, and
just _____ the crossroad, also on your right, is the lion
If you’re thinking of having a picnic, the best place to go is the
picnic area, and for this you need to turn ____ at the crossroad
and walk _____ a few meters. At the end of the path, you’ll find
the picnic area on your _____.
Now, if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them
and, once again, I really hope you enjoy your visit. Thank you.
- Facing - Turn right

Describe locations in English -

In the middle/ in the centre
Turn left
Pass through
Walk past
- Next to/ by - Along
- In front of - Go straight
- On the right-hand side - beside
- On the left-hand side

Right after you leave TCE, you are ____ the hot pot

The milk tea shop and hotel are ______ of the map. To get
there, you walk _____ Thai Ha Street and after you _____ the
intersection with Yen Lang Street, you’ll see the milk tea shop
and the hotel.

If you want to go to the museum, you get out of TCE, walk

_____ Thai Ha Street and ____ to Yen Lang Street. Then you
_____ to Pham Ngoc Thach Street. ______ ahead and ______
the cinema. That’s where you find the museum. The museum
is _______ the cinema.

The bakery is ______ the museum.

Do you have any questions?

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and

includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik
Please keep this slide for attribution

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