AAS 1 - 410-A12-DW-07113 - Outline Oct 2022(1)

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Accounting Principles and Related Computer Applications

AEC: Attestation of College Studies Program # LCA.6X
AEC GROUP 113: Oct 3, 2022 to Dec 2, 2022

Course Title: Applied Application Software 1 Number: 410-A12-DW

Group: 113
Ponderation: 1-2-3 Session: TERM 1: Oct 3, 2022 to Dec 2, 2022
Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: None
Number of Units: 2
Course Hours: 45

Teacher: Wasen Al-Farhan

Email: MIO through OMNIVOX (Reply within 24 hours during Weekdays)

Program Competency: This course is linked to the competencies:

BW21: Use various software applications for administrative


BW 24: Conduct business and finance-related computations

Course Description: This course will enable students to manage a computerized

workstation while also exploring the uses of Internet, email and
other web-based tools. A significant component of this course is
dedicated to the development of skills using various functions
available on electronic spreadsheets. Students will be introduced to
using the federal and provincial website databases for finding
payroll deduction tables and income tax filing reports. Calculations
involving GST, QST, and interest on loan payments along with
taxation software will be introduced.

Assessment of Appropriate mastery of the course objectives is essential to succeed

Performance: both in the program and in practice. Assessment of student
performance will involve evaluation of acquired knowledge through
written tests as well as the student's ability to carry out typical tasks
using a computer workstation.

Applied Application Software 1 | 410-A12-DW-G113 | Course Outline | Term 1
Applied Application Software 1

Course Objectives: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
o Start up and shut down, and carry out common operations
on a GUI-based computerized workstation system;
o Manage a workstation, including customization of the
desktop (make shortcuts, change properties) and printer
o Manage the file storage subsystems, including folder
navigation and creation, disk maintenance and backup
o Use a browser application and a search engine to locate
information on the world wide web;
o Create, send, receive, classify and store email;
o Work with email attachments;
o Maintain an email address book;
o Design, create, save and print spreadsheets;
o Create, test and debug spreadsheet formulae;
o Use the copy and replication features of spreadsheets with
data and formulae;
o Apply appropriate formatting to spreadsheets;
o Use range selection and range names;
o Use charts to analyze and summarize data.
o Use of the federal and provincial website databases for
finding payroll deduction tables and income tax filing
o Calculations involving GST, QST, and interest on loan
payment balance amount
o Informed of taxation software

Teaching Methodology: This course will be provided using lectures, discussions, problem-
solving, case studies, and presentations.

Integration This course is offered in the first term of the program to enable
students to develop an appreciation for the various disciplines of
business as well as the business environment overall.

Applied Application Software 1 | 410-A12-DW-G113 | Course Outline | Term 1
Applied Application Software 1

Evaluation Components (Assessments)

Component Tentative Date Grade
Test # 1 25%
Test # 2 25%
Test # 3 + Plus the Summative Assessment 25%
Assignments 25%
TOTAL 100 %

Summative Assessment: Is incorporated with TEST # 3. The summative

assessment tests the competencies covered in the course. The student must pass
the summative assessment in order to pass the course.

Late Submission Policy: Penalties for late submission will incur as follows: 10% for
each day late with no submission accepted 7 days after due date.

Missed Tests / Quizzes: A zero grade will be provided unless a student has a valid
medical certificate justifying that the student was not able to attend the test
component on the given date and time due to a medical condition.

Note: A minimum grade total of 60 marks must be achieved to successfully

complete this course with a passing grade

Literacy policy: In graded activities, teachers may deduct up to 10% for grammar,
spelling, punctuation and/or syntax errors

Applied Application Software 1 | 410-A12-DW-G113 | Course Outline | Term 1
Applied Application Software 1

Required Textbook and Material:

Optional Textbook:

Microsoft Office 2019 Step by Step

By Joan Lambert, Curtis Frye
1st Edition
592 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1509307685
ISBN-10: 1509307680

Additional Materials:

o It is highly recommended that each student has their own portable USB-Memory-
drive to save all their work completed both in-class and at-home. The USB flash
drive allows the student to have portability of their documents.

Applied Application Software 1 | 410-A12-DW-G113 | Course Outline | Term 1
Applied Applications Software 1

Course Objectives and Associated Learning Activities

Start up and shut down, and carry out common operations on a GUI-based computerized
workstation system
- Start the system
- Identify the system
- Identify the desktop elements
- Use and configure the mouse
- Work with windows, menus and toolbars
- Switch between multiple running programs
- Use the Help subsystem
- Understand and use the common elements of Office 365 / 2018/2019 applications
- Shut down the system

Manage the file storage subsystems, including folder navigation and creation, disk maintenance and
backup tasks
- Use My Computer and Windows Explorer to view files
- Copy, move, rename and delete files
- Create, copy, move, rename and delete folders
- Use the Documents menu and the Find Files tool
- Use the Scandisk and Defrag maintenance tools
- Describe the benefits and drawbacks of secondary storage (USB drive, SSD, hard disk, and
network file storage) and cloud storage

Manage a workstation, including customization of the desktop (make shortcuts, change properties)
and printer configuration
- Select and use printers
- Change common printer properties
- View printer queues
- Change common display properties
- Create desktop shortcuts to commonly-used documents, folders and applications
Use a browser application and a search engine to locate information on the world wide web
- Identify the structure and purpose of the Internet
- Identify services available via the Internet
- Use a browser to view information from the World Wide Web
- Use hyperlinks and URL addresses to navigate the web
- Use the history view to return to previously viewed pages

Use a browser application and a search engine to locate information on the world wide web
- Add and use Favorites

Applied Application Software 1 | 410-A12-DW-G113 | Course Outline | Term 1
- Organize and manage Favorites
- Use a search engine to find information
- Use the offline viewing features
- Download files from the Internet - Perform effective Google search

Using the Outlook as a proper organizer

- Recognize and use the Outlook 2019 interface
- Customize toolbars and views
- Use the appointment calendar
- Use the tasks

Create, send, receive, classify and store email

- Add and edit contacts in the contact list
- Create, send and receive email messages
- Reply to and forward messages
- Manage email files and folders

Work with email attachments

- Attach files to outgoing email
- Open and save attachments from incoming email

Maintain an email address book

- Create and modify contact addresses
- Group and organize addresses

Design, create, save and print spreadsheets

- Launch and use the Excel user interface
- Design a spreadsheet
- Enter text labels
- Enter data and series
- Adjust column widths
- Save a spreadsheet
- Preview and print a spreadsheet

Create, test and debug spreadsheet formulae

- Create simple formulae

Create, test and debug spreadsheet formulae

- Use the SUM function on one or many worksheets

Use the copy and replication features of spreadsheets with data and formulae
- Move, copy, insert, rename and delete worksheets in a workbook or between workbooks
- Select, copy and move ranges of data
- Revise existing spreadsheet data

Apply appropriate formatting to spreadsheets

- Apply number and date formats

Applied Application Software 1 | 410-A12-DW-G113 | Course Outline | Term 1
- Create custom formats
- Understand the effect of Regional Settings on formats and data entry
- Apply text formats
- Use the format painter
- Use Paste Special
- Apply borders and shading to cells
- Create and apply styles
- Add and resize rows and columns
- Hide and unhide rows and columns
- Use web page preview mode
- Save spreadsheets in HTML format

Create, test and debug spreadsheet formulae

- Use the SUM function on one or many worksheets
- Recognize the difference between number formatting and computing a rounded result
- Understand round-off error and apply the ROUND function to avoid calculation errors
- Use the IF function to create logic in a spreadsheet

Use range selection and range names

- Create, modify and display named ranges
- Use named ranges for selection
- Use named ranges in formulae

Apply appropriate formatting to spreadsheets

- Use the page setup features and print options
- Add headers and footers to spreadsheets
- Use print areas

Use charts to analyze and summarize data

- Understand the various types of charts and their applicability to various data types
- Create charts using the chart wizard
- Insert charts into existing worksheets
- Create a chart as a new worksheet
- Modify chart properties
- Preview and print charts
- Add a graphic to a spreadsheet
- Annotate spreadsheets using text boxes
- Publish and view spreadsheets as web pages

Create, test and debug spreadsheet formulae

- Use the AutoCalculate tool
- Use statistical functions e.g. Average, Count, CountIF, Min, Max
- Use date functions (Now, Today, Year, Month, Day, Weekday)
- Use text manipulation functions (Left, Mid, Right, Trim, Lower, Proper, Upper) and

Applied Application Software 1 | 410-A12-DW-G113 | Course Outline | Term 1
Payroll Tables/ Income Tax Filing Documents
o Use of the federal and provincial website databases for finding payroll deduction tables and
income tax filing reports.

GST and GST Calculations

o Calculations involving GST and QST,

Interest and Loan Payment Calculations Payroll Table/ Income Tax Filing Documents
o Interest on loan payment balance calculations

Taxation Software
o Informed of taxation software

Applied Application Software 1 | 410-A12-DW-G113 | Course Outline | Term 1
The Institutional Student Evaluation Policy (ISEP) is designed to promote equitable and effective
evaluation of student learning and is therefore a crucial policy to read and understand. The policy
describes the rights and obligations of students, faculty, departments, programs, and the College
administration with regard to evaluation in all your courses, including grade reviews and resolution of
academic grievance. ISEP is available on the Dawson website. (Link)

This course outline has been prepared in conformity with the Institutional Student Evaluation Policy
(I.S.E.P.). The policy is designed to promote equitable and effective evaluation of student learning and is
therefore a crucial policy for you to read and understand. The policy describes the rights and obligations
of students, faculty, and departments, programs and the College administration with regard to
evaluation in all your courses. I.S.E.P. is published in the College Calendar and reference copies are
available in the Library and in the offices of program chairperson, program coordinators and the sector
dean. Special attention should be directed to the sections of I.S.E.P. that pertain to the Academic
standing Policy, the students' rights and obligations and the grade review procedure. In addition, the
College has adopted a number of college-wide academic policies and procedures which have become
part of the Business Administration department regulations. Some of these policies and procedures are
outlined below.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating and Plagiarism are serious offences and will result in failure in the assignment, test or exam,
or entire evaluation component or failure in the course and may also result in failure of the course.
Further disciplinary action might be taken which may result in suspension or expulsion from the
program and the College.
Every instance of cheating or plagiarism leading to a resolution that impacts a student’s grade must be
reported, with explanation, in writing, to the appropriate Dean. (ISEP Section V-A)

Students are asked to familiarize themselves with ISEP p. 21 to 24. In addition, the Business
Administration Department enforces the following rules: Electronic dictionaries and cell phones are
prohibited during tests.

Classroom Behaviour
Your attention is directed to the I.S.E.P. provision requiring respectful behaviour and general decorum.
Violation of these provisions may lead to the exclusion from the classroom and the case referred to the
Director of Student Services.

Professional Conduct

Applied Application Software 1 | 410-A12-DW-G113 | Course Outline | Term 1
Faculty members in the program are responsible for assessing student behaviour in terms of suitability
to the profession, advising students that exhibit inappropriate behaviour, and reporting said behaviour
to the Program Coordinator when necessary. [ISEP p. 20]

Warning About Cell Phones / Smart Phones / Other Electronic Devices

We would like to give you advance warning of our intention to strictly enforce College examination rules
governing cheating, in particular, the use/possession of cell phones /smart phones and other electronic
communication devices during an examination. Any student found with an electronic communication
device IN THEIR POSSESSION (from the moment they step into the exam room until they pick up their
bags after finishing their exam, whether or not they use them) WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.

Since we cannot be expected to know if a student who is carrying a cell phone/other electronic
communication device has been using it or not, we have decided that anyone found with one in their
possession will be automatically disqualified. We feel this is the fairest solution and ensures an equal
application of our policy.

Student Conduct
Everyone has the right to a safe and non-violent environment. Students are obliged to conduct
themselves as stated in the Student Code of Conduct and in the ISEP section on the roles and
responsibilities of students. (ISEP Section II-D)

Makeup tests and assignments

Makeup tests and assignments will only be given on the following grounds: medical, judicial obligations,
marriage of an immediate family member, or bereavement due to the death of an immediate family
member. Supporting documents will be required promptly after the absence. In the case of the medical
certificate, it must clearly indicate that an absence on the day and time of the graded activity was

Attendance requirements
Students should refer to the Institutional Student Evaluation Policy (ISEP Section IV-C) regarding

Students are expected to attend their scheduled learning activities and to do so on time. They have an
obligation to remain informed about what takes place in their regularly scheduled classes. Absence
from class does not excuse students from this responsibility. Students have an obligation to respect
their teacher’s right to formulate and enforce policies on lateness and attendance.

Students are expected to attend classes regularly and punctually. There are no grades for attendance;
however, in class assignments and exercises, class work and pop-quizzes can be held at any time. For
these there are no make-ups. Regarding class tests, if an absence is due to medical reasons
(substantiated with a doctor’s certificate for the date and time of the absence), a make-up test will be

Applied Application Software 1 | 410-A12-DW-G113 | Course Outline | Term 1
rescheduled. Students must inform the teacher promptly by email or voice mail. Please refer to the
attached department policies.

Intensive Course Conflicts

If a student is attending an intensive course, the student must inform the teacher, within the first two
weeks of class, of the specific dates of any anticipated absences.
Religious Holidays
Students observing religious holidays must inform their teachers, in writing, as prescribed in the ISEP
Policy on Religious Observances, no later than the end of the second week of the impacted semester or
term. This applies both to the semester or term, as well as to any final examination period. (ISEP Section
IV-D). Makeup tests will be given in the case that a test is scheduled on a religious holiday

Teachers observing religious holidays will also give advance notice in course outlines and specify
alternative arrangements for classes missed.

Literacy policy
In graded activities, teachers may deduct up to 10% for grammar, spelling, punctuation and/or syntax

Standard of performance
An overall grade of 60% is required to pass a course.

Regarding Discipline During Class Time

o Everyone has the right to a safe and non-violent environment. Students are obliged to conduct
themselves as stated in the Student Code of Conduct and in the ISEP section on the roles and
responsibilities of students. (ISEP Section II-D)
o All students must keep their cell phone on silent and placed within their handbags or backpack.
o Absolutely NO cell phone use during class time. No Texting. Therefore, do not keep any cell phone
on desk surface.
o During exams, absolutely NO CELL PHONES OR SMARTPHONES on the desk or on your person. Any
student caught with a smartphone or cell phone either on their desk or on their person receives an
automatic ZERO on the exam and is reported to the Dean of Business Administration without any
o No talking amongst students during class time.
o No food and No drinks within the Lab Room. Students can NOT eat in the lab room
o All students must listen attentively and participate during class discussions.
o Students should not act in any way that disturbs other students or the teacher’s lecture during the
o Students should arrive on time at the start of class

Summative assessment

Applied Application Software 1 | 410-A12-DW-G113 | Course Outline | Term 1
A summative assessment (épreuve sythèse) is an assessment that measures the student’s individual
achievement of a partial or full competency. The department ensures that each course includes
method(s) of summative assessment adapted to its specific pedagogical context. The summative
assessment must have sufficient weight to be meaningful for success in a course. The evaluation criteria
are clearly presented to the students. The student must pass the summative assessment with a
minimum of 60 percent. The summative assessment is clearly identified on the course outline.

If a student fails the summative assessment, he or she will be able to take one additional make up
summative assessment, with the possibility of obtaining a maximum of a passing grade for the
summative assessment. If the student fails the make-up summative assessment, that student will fail the

If a student is absent on the day of the summative assessment, he or she will need to provide proper a
justification to request a make-up summative assessment. Documentation may be requested to justify
the absence. If the teacher refuses the request for a make-up summative assessment, the grade for the
summative assessment will be zero, leading to failing the course.

If the teacher approves the request, the student will be able to take a make-up summative assessment.

If a student submits the summative assessment after the due date, it will be graded according to the late
submission policy in the course outline.

October 2022

Applied Application Software 1 | 410-A12-DW-G113 | Course Outline | Term 1

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