Assignment 04

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410-A12-DW Applied Applications Software 1 Dawson College

Assignment 04 (50 points)

Due Date/Time:
As per deadline indicated on Moodle.
1- Save your document as: Assignment 04 First Name 0000000.docx. (2 points)

2- Answer the questions and insert screenshots in this file.

3- Submit your assignment in Moodle using the Assignment 04 link

Follow the instructions given in this lab exercise:

1. Define and give an example of: (4 points)

1. Web Browser

i. Definition: is a software that allows a user to access the web pages.

ii. Example: Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

2. Search Engine

i. Definition: is a computer software that allows t users to search for content such as

images, websites,…via the world wide web.

ii. Example: Google, Yahoo

2. Write the steps of TWO methods you can use to add a website to your favorites on your web

browser. (5 points)

a) Click on setting and more> favorite>add this page to favorite> type name

b) Short key Ctlr+D > type name the page

3. In MS Edge, what does “Find on Page” do? (2 points)

Finding a specific word and highlight it

4. Insert a new folder in your favorites (Take a screenshot of your steps) (10 points)

a) Name the folder Assignment 04

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410-A12-DW Applied Applications Software 1 Dawson College

b) Search for

c) Add to your favorites

d) Edit the URL and name it

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410-A12-DW Applied Applications Software 1 Dawson College

e) Move to Assignment 04 in favorites.

5. On your web browser, show your favorites bar below the address bar. Take a screenshot. (2


6. Access your browser settings, open the import browser window and select: (4 points)

Favorites and bookmarks & Addresses and more

a) Take a screenshot and insert below.

b) Press cancel and exit.

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410-A12-DW Applied Applications Software 1 Dawson College

7. True or False (7 points)

a) In the browsing history, it shows the sites you visited __true____.

b) In the browsing history, it shows the dates of each visit _true____________.

c) It’s a good idea to save your password on a public workstation ___false_____.

d) The default browser on a Windows 10 computer is Google _false_____.

e) The process to add and view favourites depends on the Search engine false____.

f) The process of adding and viewing favorites may vary for different versions of a web

browser __true__.

g) It is only possible to view a web page online _false_______.

8. Shortcut keys for the following: (4 points)

a) To view your favorites: Ctrl + Shift + B

b) Add a page to favorites: Ctrl + D

c) Browsing history View: Ctrl + H

d) Saving a web page: Ctrl+S

9. By default, MS Edge can view tabs horizontally. These tabs can also be viewed vertically. (8 points)

a. Do your search and find out how? yes

b. List the steps:

Click Settings and more> appearance> Customize toolbar> Show vertical tabs for all

current browser windows.

Insert 2 screenshots of the 2 views

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410-A12-DW Applied Applications Software 1 Dawson College

10. Go to your favorites on your web browser: (4 points)

a) Select amazon. ca

b) Save your web page on your desktop to look at later offline (take a screenshot)

c) What is the extension of your saved file. html

d) Explain in your own words, how can you check if your document can be viewed offline?

When there is no internet connection we can load and read the pages that already saved.

Or for the documents we can download and save them.

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