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Mad Libs Declarations

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn
Relationship: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington, Colin Bridgerton & Penelope
Character: Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Mad Libs, Fluff, Fluff and Humor,
POV Colin Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton In Love
Language: English
Series: Part 10 of Polin Crack Ridiculousness
Collections: Perfectly Polin, Perfectly Polin One Shots, Perfectly Polin Fluff
Stats: Published: 2022-05-11 Words: 1012

Mad Libs Declarations

by tuesdaysrose


Colin Bridgerton is in love with his best and closest friend Penelope Featherington. He
doesn't know when it happened, but that hardly matters, since he is absolutely certain that
she's the one he's supposed to be with. Yet, he doesn't know how to tell her.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story! I hope you enjoy it as much as I
enjoyed writing it! This is pure fluff and just a lighthearted read for those wanting
something to brighten their day!

Kudos and comments are always welcome and appreciated!

See the end of the work for more notes

Colin Bridgerton has known Penelope Featherington for over a decade. Pen started out as his
younger sister Eloise's best friend in primary school and she was accepted as part of the family. At
some point, she became Colin's closest and best friend, as well. Most of the family would say
Colin and Pen were closer than she and Eloise, but don't let Eloise hear you say that. His family
liked to joke about them getting married one day, and he would always shrug it off.

When they were in high school, he was three years ahead of her, and he definitely noticed the
change in her, um, let's say, assets. The odd thing was, that no other guys seemed to notice. Not that
it had anything to do with the fact that Colin walked with her to each class, had lunch with her and
Eloise, and gave them a ride each day. Yeah, that had nothing to do with it.

He's not sure exactly when, it hardly matters now, does it, but the feelings he had for Penelope had
taken a decidedly different turn from just friendship. He always found her beautiful, but at this
point, she was stunning. He had fallen in love with his best friend. She was so easy to talk to,
funny, intelligent, loyal to a fault and most of all, she was kind.
Colin is absolutely certain that Penelope is the woman he is supposed to be with forever. He wants
to tell Penelope how he feels, but he is sort of nervous, because he doesn't want to ruin the
relationship that they have.

After putting it off for weeks, nay months, he finally decides that the time is right, sand here needs
to take the chance. Penelope is special and he couldn't just write her a letter, he wanted to do
something fun and special. One of the things they love to do together are Mad Libs, so he decides
to make one himself. He plans to have them both fill out and have her go first. His answers will be
his declaration, of course.

The Letter Game

1. Name of the person you’re writing the letter to

2. Adjective
3. Noun
4. Adjective
5. Noun
6. Noun
7. Adverb ending in -ly
8. Verb
9. Past-tense verb
10. Amount of time
11. Part of the body
12. Color
13. Noun
14. Personality trait ending in -ness
15. Adjective
16. Adjective
17. Job
18. Amount of time
19. Verb ending in -ing
20. Number
21. Adjective
22. Something living, plural
23. Noun
24. Your name

(Name of the person you’re writing the letter to), my (Adjective) (Noun),

I have a(n) (Adjective) confession. You are the (Noun) of my life. My (Noun) skips a
beat every time I see you. The way you (Adverb ending in -ly) (Verb) makes me smile
every time. I didn’t want to tell you like this, but I can’t hold it back anymore: I don't
know when it happened, but I (Past-tense verb) my eyes on you, and I knew I was in
love for (Amount of time). You have (Part of the body) like (Color) (Noun), and your
(Personality trait ending in -ness) is so (Adjective). I know that I’m just a(n)
(Adjective) (Job) to you, but I think in (Amount of time), we could be happy together,
(Verb ending in -ing) like (Number) (Adjective) (Something living, plural).

Love, your (Noun),

(My name)

Pen finishes hers and hands it over to Colin with a huge grin on her face. Colin takes a deep breath
and starts reading. After the first words, he knows that this is not going to be what he thought it
would be. But he trudges on.

"Matthew McConaughey", my "flirtatious" "cowboy",

I have a(n) "fuzzy" confession. You are the "buckle" of my life. My "pig" skips a beat
every time I see you. The way you "bravely" "squirt" makes me smile every time. I
didn’t want to tell you like this, but I can’t hold it back anymore: I don't know when it
happened, but I "brought" my eyes on you, and I knew I was in love for "5 minutes".
You have "buttocks" like "purple" "marshmallows", and your goodness is so "slimy".
I know that I’m just a(n) "cold" "dog walker" to you, but I think in "4 years", we could
be happy together, "floating" like "8" "itchy" "cacti".

Love, your "fridge",

" Penelope "

Well, that DID NOT go as planned, Colin thinks, as he is still laughing at her crazy responses.
>>>You have "buttocks" like "purple" "marshmallows" <<< Come on…that's funny!!!

Colin gets really nervous as he hands over his paper to Pen to read. Oh gosh, is he really ready for
this? He stares intensely at her beautiful face as she starts reading aloud. She is smiling as she
starts reading.

"Pen", my "best" "friend",

I have a(n) "heartfelt" confession. You are the "love" of my life. My "heart" skips a
beat every time I see you. The way you "shyly" "giggle" makes me smile every time. I
didn’t want to tell you like this, but I can’t hold it back anymore: I don't know when it
happened, but I "laid" my eyes on you, and I knew I would be in love for "years". You
have "eyes" like "cerulean" "seas", and your "shyness" is so "endearing". I know that
I’m just a(n) "lone" "traveler" to you, but I think in "time", we could be happy
together, "living" like "two" "happy" "peas in a pod".

Love, your "boyfriend?",

" Colin "

Penelope looks at him with her eyes wide and as soon as they lock eyes, he knows she can see the
truth in his eyes. He raises his eyebrows and tilts his head and waits for her to say something…
anything. What actually happens is better than he could have dreamed possible. Pen nods her head
shyly, then literally jumps into his arms and kisses him soundly.

"I thought you'd never ask, Colin. I've loved you for years," she says.

End Notes
Again, thank you so much for taking the time to read my story!

Love Letter Mad Lib adapted from this post.

Kudos and comments are always welcome and appreciated!

Also, thank you to my "idea generator", my daughter, @SailasJocelyn

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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