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Good Luck Colin

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn
Relationship: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington
Character: Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington
Additional Tags: Good Luck Chuck Modern AU, Cressida is a witch, Polin HEA
Language: English
Collections: Polinators Unhinged RomCompalooza
Stats: Published: 2023-02-23 Chapters: 1/? Words: 1921

Good Luck Colin

by Monicapolinstan


Colin Bridgerton has never had a long relationship due to his job as a travel blogger. He has
therefore never been in love. When he realizes that every girl he's been with has married the
next guy they've dated, he doesn't know what to do when he falls for Penelope.


Cursed since childhood, Colin Bridgerton cannot find the right woman. Even worse, he
learns that each of his ex-girlfriends finds true love with the man she meets after her
relationship with him ends. Hearing of Colin's reputation as a good-luck charm, women
from all over line up for a quick tryst. But when Colin meets the woman of his dreams, he
must find a way to break the curse or risk losing her to the next man she meets.
When Colin Bridgerton was 15, he was at one of the fundraisers that his family had organized. He
was enjoying himself until he saw his sister Eloise and her friend Penelope sitting in a corner, and
Pen seemed to be distressed.

He crept towards them to hear what could be the matter when he heard a bit of what El was
whispering, "...can hardly see it, don't let her ruin your night."

The redheaded girl sniffled, saying, "I know. I just–I'm used to her calling me fat or ugly–"

Who called that sweet girl those cruel things?

"None of that's true." Eloise cut in.

Penelope paused to smile gratefully at his sister. "But this is the first dress my mother has let me
wear that isn't yellow. And now that she spilled her punch all over it, it's ruined."

"Cressida is just a dumb jerkface bully."

Oh, of course it was Cressida. He always knew there was something unpleasant about her, he just
couldn't place it before.

He wasn't going to stand for someone bullying his little sister's friends. So he started searching the
hall for her to give her a stern talking to.

Finding her, he asked her to step outside for a moment so he wouldn't cause a scene at the

She obviously thought it was for a different reason cause the moment they were outside, she
launched herself on him. He firmly pushed her off him.

"What's the matter? Don't you want me?" she simpered.

The thought made him want to actually vomit. "No! I asked you out here so I could tell you to stop
bullying my sister's friends."

She laughed, running her hands along his shoulders. "You certainly don't really care about that
little piggy. Is this just your way of playing hard to get?" She tried to kiss him again, but he pushed
her away again.

"Get off me, you bitch!"

Her facial expression became distorted. "I hex you!"

"You what?"

"I hex you. You will never be happy. Around you love will fall like rain. But you won't hold it.
Your heart will pain! Once a girl has been with you, to the next she will be true!"

She stomped away from him. He didn't know what that was about, but it rhymed, so maybe it was
a song or something? At least she had gotten the message that he was not interested. And hopefully
she would stop bullying his family's friends now that she knew other people knew about it.


At 30 years old, Colin was thoroughly enjoying being with his girlfriend Carol, making out on a
somewhat secluded part of the beach. They had met during his last week in Greece and she was
good fun. She had decided to travel back to London with him to see where this would go.

She giggled. "Colin, we could get arrested for public indecency."

He hummed, "I like the way you think."

Laying down on the sand, she moved down his body, licking his balls.
"Oh, my God, Carol!"

Then she took his dick in her mouth, deciding that was the perfect time to talk to him. "I love you,"
she mumbled around his dick. Was she really saying this now? They had only been dating for a

"I love you!" she repeated.

"Oh, that's nice." He wasn't sure what else to say to that.

Slipping him out of her mouth, she looked at him incredulously. "I'm licking the sand off your
balls, and you say, "That's nice"?"

"No, I said, "Oh, my God" very enthusiastically about the ball lick." That was clearly the wrong
thing to say as she got up from the ground, walking quickly away from him.

Standing up and calling out to her to explain himself, he continued, "Hey, listen, I'm sorry. I just
don't think the "L" word should be thrown around casually."

She turned around, filled with fury. "The "L" word? What are you, eight? How about the "F" word
and the "you" word?"

Flipping him off, she sprinted away again.

Well, that's over then.

Later that night, he went to a pub with his brothers to commiserate about the breakup.

Ben took a long drink before putting his arm on his shoulder. "I can't believe you and Carol went
belly-up. She was so into you."

"It's that word, Ben: love. I wanted to say it, but I just- I couldn't. How can I say something if I
don't feel it?"
Anthony nodded. "I get it, but sometimes, a little white lie is important in relationships."

Benedict chimed in. "No, honey, your ass looks great in those jeans."

Anthony joining him, "Honey, I love your parents."

The two of them chuckled a bit. Anthony sobered first when he realized Colin wasn't laughing,
asking "So, who are you taking to Lottie's wedding?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. I'll just go by myself. I don't know that many people here since I've
been traveling on and off for so long."

"It's understandable if you just didn't go. It must be strange; you were dating Lottie a year ago, and
now she's marrying a doctor."

"No, it's alright. I'm happy for her."

It was the truth; he wasn't upset about his ex getting married. If anything, he was upset about the
fact that everyone he knew found falling in love to be so easy. He had still never been able to fall in
love with anyone. To be fair, he had never been with anyone more than a few months. His job as a
travel blogger didn't really allow for long lasting relationships.


At Lottie's wedding, he was at a table near the back of the hall, listening to people he didn't know
sing karaoke, when the bride stood up to begin a toast.

"I just want to thank everybody for coming to share this day with us. I couldn't imagine being any
happier than I am right now." She gave the groom a kiss on the cheek before turning to the crowd
again. "I know it's a little unorthodox, but I'd also like to propose a toast to Colin Bridgerton.
Thank you, Colin, for being my lucky charm. To Colin!"
His ears turned red in embarrassment as everyone in the room turned to him. What the fuck was
that toast about?

The girls at the table turned to him, "So, you're that Colin?"

"What Colin?" He was starting to think that Lottie had spread some rumor about him by the way
people looked at him like he was some kind of a science experiment.

"You know, Colin, the-" She hesitated a bit, "the travel blogger."

Before asking this girl more to find out what Lottie must have said, he saw the most stunning girl
he had ever seen.

This girl had curly red hair flowing down past her shoulders. She was wearing a deep green dress
highlighting her peaches and cream skin. Her eyes sparkled like sapphires and her smile was

Thankfully, she was making her way toward him, looking at place cards.

Looking at the one for the seat right next to his, "Oh, there I am." How did he get so lucky? She sat
down beside him, before facing him asking, "So, what did I miss?"

"Not much. Same old, same old. I do, I do. You may kiss the bride. White cake with raspberry
filling, and the doves being released, but the doves refuse to leave."

She laughed and his stomach filled with butterflies. "So how are you, Colin?"

How did she know his name? The toast? But she wasn't here for the toast. And she did look oddly
familiar, but he couldn't place her.

"I know this sounds like a line, but do I know you from somewhere?"

Her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink. "It has been about 9 or 10 years now; you probably don't
remember me. I'm Penelope." She held out her hand to shake his. "Eloise was my best mate in

Realization dawned on him. "Of course! You were the sweet red headed girl I never understood
being friends with my abrasive mad sister."

Penelope smiled. He was relieved that she wasn't offended. But he felt an emptiness when she
released her hand from his.

Before he could think too much about that, off pitch caterwauling began assaulting his ears from
the direction of the karaoke machine.

"Is this person being dipped in acid?"

Giggling, she responded, "Only one thing to do. You'll have to go up to sing next."

"I'm thinking about doing Queen; 'Somebody to Love'. But you'd have to join me."

She shook her head. "Not on your life, Mister Bridgerton."

He put his hand on his heart, sighing dramatically. "I can't believe you'd abandon me like this."

She shrugged. "I don't sing. Especially not in public."

"Fair, you don't sing. So Pen, what do you do?" He didn't remember being so interested in getting
to know everything about a person before now.

"I write books."

"Seriously?" Was she really a writer like him?

She leaned in. "Seriously?"


She whispered conspiratorially, "I'm a serial killer. My passion is killing people I meet at
weddings." She was definitely surprising.

His eyes narrowed playfully. "MI6. You're under arrest. Your run is over, Miss "Featherington," if
that's your real name."

"You've got me." As she put her hands out as if he were going to put her in handcuffs, which in fact
wasn't a bad idea, she accidentally knocked the candle that had been on the table so that it landed in
his lap.

"Oh, my-my legs!"

"Colin! I'm so sorry!" She grabbed her glass of water and poured it over his pants. This made it
look like he had not only jizzed on his pants but also wet himself.

She seemed to realize this and took her cloth napkin and began vigorously rubbing his pants. "I'll
just get in there and-"

This was not how he was picturing her touching him there for the first time. Moving her hands
away to stop her before she realized how hard she was making him, he murmured "That's all right."

Unfortunately, this seemed to give her the wrong idea that he didn't want her around because she
walked away murmuring, "I'm sorry."

He would have gone after her, but the bride Lottie chose then to make her rounds and speak to

"Hey, Colin."
"Hey. You look great." He gestured to her beautiful wedding dress.

"Thank you. So, how are you and Carol doing?"

"Oh, we broke up."

The girl furrowed her brow. "I worry about you sometimes, Colin."

He had heard this from women before, especially happily coupled women. So he went with a
platitude as a response. "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all."

She scoffed. "I'll buy that when you can honestly tell me that you have loved."

That comment stung more than he was expecting. It was true. He had never been in love.

Speaking gently, she went on, "I just want to see you happy."

The DJ interrupted, "Attention, hot mamas. Can we have all the single ladies out on the terrace for
the tossing of the bride's bouquet?"

Lottie waved goodbye before heading to the terrace to continue the wedding festivities. He could
see Penelope head to the terrace, so at least he now knew she was still single. He decided at that
moment that he'd do his best to win her over.

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