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• Denominación del Programa de Formación: Técnico Laboral en Servicios Comerciales y Financieros.
• Código del Programa de Formación: 133303 v.1
• Nombre del Proyecto: Gestión en la relación con el cliente apoyado de herramientas digitales, como
estrategia para consolidar la lealtad en las entidades financieras.
• Fase del Proyecto: Ejecución
• Actividad de Proyecto: Aplicar procesos de técnica de ventas en las relaciones con el cliente.
• Competencia: 240202501 Interactuar en lengua inglesa de forma oral y escrita dentro de contextos
sociales y laborales según los criterios establecidos por el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para
las Lenguas.
• Resultados de Aprendizaje Alcanzar: RAP 2: Describir a nivel básico, de forma oral y escrita en
inglés personas, situaciones y lugares de acuerdo con sus costumbres y experiencias de vida
• Duración de la Guía: 24 Horas (Trabajo directo: 19, Trabajo autónomo: 5)

This guide attempts to help you understand the different sale techniques and the traits salespeople or sales
representatives should enhance to create a system of analysis, tracking, and improvement in each sales led.
Objective: From the development of these activities, you will be able to propose and execute strategies to
successfully selling a product or service..


WARM UP- Activity

Read the quote below

“The emotions we feel, the events we experience, and our ability to interact with other humans are all
controlled by language. If we want more control, and more agency in our lives we can start with a greater
understanding of the potential power in what we say to ourselves and others”1. Brendan McCaughey.

GFPI-F-135 V01

Retrieved from
Before watching the video, discuss:

• What is a prophecy?
• What do you understand for ‘the words have power’?
• Do you believe that words can shape your success?
• Share your answers.

Search the definition to the expressions below:

• give life: __________________________________________________________________________

• to be mindful: _____________________________________________________________________
• principle of success: ________________________________________________________________
• take over: ________________________________________________________________________
• powerful tool: _____________________________________________________________________
• subconscious mind: _________________________________________________________________
• tell the right thing: __________________________________________________________________

Now watch the video ‘the power of positive words’ at and make notes to
answer the questions below:

1. Make a list of inspiring words related to your personal and professional growth
2. Think of some words that might hurt you, hold you back or stuck you in a negative way. Write them
down and discuss what they mean to you with your classmates.

3. How have you impacted another person’s life with words you said … good or bad? Share your experience.

GFPI-F-135 V01
READING PRACTICE: article of techniques for selling

Before reading the text, discuss:

• What do you know about selling products/services?

• Do you have any experience in selling products/services?
• Do you know any strategies or techniques for selling products/services?
• Share your answers.

5 Killer Sales Techniques Backed by Science2

1. Start with a Bang

Always start with a bang. One study tried to figure out how to increase room service tips for waiters in hotels.
They found there was a super easy thing waiters could do to increase their tips. All they had to do was start
with a positive comment. When hotel guests opened their door, waiters said, “good morning” and gave a
positive weather forecast for the day. Just that one positive comment increased their tips by 27%!

How does this help you? Never start a sales meeting or pitch by talking about bad weather, traffic or being
busy. Always begin with a positive comment or anecdote. Great weather, fun weekend plans or a favorite
sports team winning a game. That gets you off onto the right foot.

2. Don’t Self-Sabotage

The biggest self-sabotage mistake is to speak ill of a competitor. Research has found something called
Spontaneous Trait Transference. They found that whenever you say bad things about someone else people
can’t help but put those same traits on you. The brain can’t help but associate your gossip with you, even if
logically we know you are talking about another person. If you say your competitor is low-quality and
unreliable, your potential client can’t help but associate those traits with you. No matter what, when it comes
to gossip, always say “no comment”.

3. Use Awesome Labels

When you assign someone a positive label, like having high intelligence or being a good person, that actually
cues them up to live up to that label. In one study about fundraising, the researchers told average donors
that they were in fact among the highest donors. Can you guess what happened? Those donors then did in
fact donate above average. We live up to our positive labels. When you are with a client or potential customer
give them genuinely good labels—I never want you to be fake or manipulative. So be sure to stick to positive
truths. You can say, “You are one of our best customers” or “You’re such a pleasure to do business with”. In
GFPI-F-135 V01

Retrieved from and adapted by SENA
that way, they will actually want to be one of your best customers and try even harder to be a pleasure to
do business with.

4. Use Your Body

Study after study shows that you have to use nonverbal communication to be an effective salesperson. In
one study, Salespeople who used power body language increased their sales numbers by 56% after only one

5. End High

Lastly, end on a high note. Ok, let me explain a really gross, but fascinating study involving one of my least
favorite topics: colonoscopies…I’ve only ever heard one thing about colonoscopies. They are super
unpleasant. And doctors know that they have a bad rap. They wanted to do research to find a way to give
colonoscopies a better reputation. A little background: a colonoscopy is only a few minutes long, but they
are pretty uncomfortable. They found that if they added one minute at the end of the procedure that was
pain-free, people remembered the whole experience as more pleasant. In other words, even if it takes a bit
longer, ending on a better note makes someone recall the entire experience better. Before someone leaves
your pitch, end on a high note. Gift a final perk, offer them a mint, pay them a compliment. It will make the
entire time with you even better.

Number (1-5) the description of each sale technique presented above.


Use remarkable tags to refer to your client.

It is important to avoid negative comments about other competitors.

Wrap up your meetings with a nice quote or gift.

Gestures also work well for communication.

To have a right start on a sale, we must bring positive comments to the conversation.

Read the text again and tick the statements below True (T) or False (F)

The purpose of the text is to introduce some selling practices supported by sellers experiences ( )

Anything you say about others can be reflected on yourself as a seller ( )

GFPI-F-135 V01
Praising your clients will make them run to your competitor’s ( )

Starting on your right foot means a positive start ( )

LISTENING PRACTICE: the three boxes strategy

Before watching the video discuss:

• What do you know about contrast pricing?

• How can you describe profit margin?
• When you want to buy something, how many options do you like to have?
• Share your answers.

Search the meaning of the words below and their classification into nouns, verbs or adjectives and set
them accordingly.

Offer, tweak, convince, afford, budget, play, safe, outrageous, wimpy, average, compelling, expensive, cheap,
luxurious, profit, decoy


Watch the video, make notes to complete the activities below

• Describe the 3 boxes strategy presented in the video

Outline an example to recreate the strategy of the three boxes using a real product or serviceGFPI-F-135 V01
and explain
how it works.
WRITING PRACTICE: what makes a good/bad salesperson

According to the following picture and your

own research, prepare a presentation
comparing the qualities of a good
salesperson from a bad one. 3

Follow the examples below:

• A good salesperson cares more

about what customers want.
• A bad salesperson doesn’t take as
much time getting to know
potential customers as a good
salesperson does.

Also mention the benefits of being a good

salesperson for you as a professional and
your company.

Follow the examples below:

• When/if a salesperson starts a sale with a positive mindset, customers feel more likely to listen
to the offer and there are more chances to close a deal.

GFPI-F-135 V01

Image retrieved from
Now create a product or service and make a brochure with all the information needed to sell it. Keep in

• Functionality
• Potential customers
• Problem(s) your product will solve
• Advantages
• Differential aspects from the competitors
• Price
• More…

SPEAKING PRACTICE: roleplay of salespeople representation

Role-play: Bad salesperson vs good salesperson

Instructions: Each pair participant will play the role of the bad salesperson and the good salesperson one
time while the other is the customer.

Use the product /service created in the previous writing task to do this activity. Keep in mind previous
concepts such us:

• Qualities of a good salesperson

• Characteristics of good and bad salespeople
• Sales techniques
• The 3 boxes strategy

You will have 5 minutes to perform your role play. At the end of each round, the instructor will provide some
feedback to the participants before moving onto the next group.

EXTENSION ACTIVITIES: Extension activities will help you improve your performance in the topics. You need
to reach at least five hours of practice on your own.

Visit the following links and do the activities you will find:

• Zero conditional

• Adjectives Adjectives exercises (
GFPI-F-135 V01
• Comparisons Comparisons - Grammar - Academic Guides at Walden University
• Comparison of adjectives with as…as Comparison of adjectives with as ... as (
• Comparisons of adjectives Comparison of adjectives in sentences (

Learn more about the topic:

• 6 Personality Traits of a Good Salesperson Vs. a Bad Salesperson
• 10 New Sales Techniques Every Rep Should Master
10 New Sales Techniques Every Rep Should Master | Highspot
• Sales techniques: five highly effective modern sales methods
Sales techniques: 5 highly effective modern sales methods | Teamleader


Tome como referencia la técnica e instrumentos de evaluación citados en la guía de Desarrollo Curricular

Evidencias de Aprendizaje Criterios de Evaluación Técnicas e

Instrumentos de

Evidencias de Conocimiento Reconoce y describe técnicas de ventas de Lista de chequeo

• Sales techniques acuerdo con la política de ventas exitosas y
• Characteristics of a good and a bad fidelizar al cliente.
Actividades del
Evidencias de Desempeño taller
• Good/Bad salesperson – Client Interactúa de manera oral, empleando
Role-play vocabulario relacionado con las buenas/malas Presentación oral
técnicas de ventas de acuerdo con el
Texto escrito
Evidencias de Producto:
• Good and bad salesperson
• Being a good salesperson outcome Diseña una propuesta de ventas sobre un
• Service/Product’s brochure producto o servicio de acuerdo con las
técnicas de ventas vistas.

GFPI-F-135 V01

Word, power, declare, speak out, give life, become, to be mindful, vibration, abundance, generate, struggle,
lack, forces, take over, law, principle of success, outcome, powerful tool, realize, subconscious mind, truth,
blessed, strong, accomplish, prophecy, prophesy, victory, positive, affirmation, tell the right thing, lift, destroy,
struggle, direction, success, outcome, accept, bless, strong, fantastic, accomplish, impact, speak life, speak
death, Forward, Sabotage, gossip, Unreliable, Traits, Non-verbal communication, Gross, Colonoscopy,
Background, Pain-free, Relentless, Give up, Follow-up, Outcome, Mindset, Master, Sale, pitch, trait,
salesperson, transference, trait, associate, fundraising, average, potential customer, apply, offer, convince,
buy, price, choices, strategy, contrast pricing, outrageous, compelling, marketplace, profit margin, cheap
customer, majority, features, benefits, value, decoy.


26 Habits of Incredibly Successful Salespeople retrieved from 26 Habits of Incredibly Successful Salespeople
The power of words retrieved from The Power of Words. Words are powerful. Spoken, written, or… | by
Brendan McCaughey | Medium
Business Grammar: How to Use the Four English Conditional Tenses in Business. Retrieved from Business
Grammar: How to Use the Four English Conditional Tenses in Business. | English with a Twist
5 Killer Sales Techniques Backed by Science Retrieved from

Good vs Bad salesperson retrieved from



Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha

Autor (es) Liliana Castillo Instructora de Escritorio de Diciembre 21 de 2021

Garzón bilingüismo Idiomas CSF

8. CONTROL DE CAMBIOS (diligenciar únicamente si realiza ajustes a la guía)

Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha Razón del Cambio

Autor (es) Yelitza Yaniver Profesional Escritorio de Enero de Revisión de contenidos y

Parra Guerrero Grado 08 Idiomas CSF 2022 metodología en inglés

GFPI-F-135 V01

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