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n IKS Conference in Management 2024

July 4th- July 6th

Venue: Lecture Hall Complex - 201, Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute

SI NO Theme Title Authors Chair Person

Panel Date Discussant Volunteers Name Class Room
1 JULY 5th, 2024 2:30 PM- 4:00 PM
1. A Study Of Indian Ancient Knowledge System With Special Reference To Dr. H.G. Pradhan July 5
Ancient Texts and 2. Shrimad Bhawat Gita: Tanav Nivarak Margdarshika Meghana Gandhi July 5
Management Science: Vidhi 3. The harmful nature of kāma and the case of Viśvāmitra J. Ajith Kumar July 5
Prof Nikhil Mehta (IIM Mumbai) Prof Kumar Alok, XLRI
and Vidya: Hidden 4. Management lessons from Mahabharat Debasis Satapathy July 5 Akshaya T Jangam CR 1
Management Knowledge from 5. Niti for New Age: Management Principles from Niti Shastras Tilotma, July 5
6. Timeless Wisdom from Tantras of Panchtantra Dr. Priti Hingorani July 5
the Ancient Texts.
7. वतमान प र े के स भ म ाचीन भारतीय ं थों म बं धन व ा: िव ेषणा क अ यन Dr. Alka Agarwal July 5

2 Governance, Morality and 1. Beyond Profit: How Vidura Niti Redefines Corporate Governance Muthulakshmi R, July 5
gender issues: 2. Applying the wisdom of Vidura Niti Dr.Rajshekar Krishnan July 5
3. Integrating Panchatantra's Moral Lessons into Contemporary Indian Dr. Mayur S. Vyas July 5
4.The Confluence of Morality and Rationality and its Economic Implications: Adhwaresh Pandey, July 5 Prof Aparna (Xeviours) Prof Dharam Bhawuk Kritish Sharma CR 2
Svabhava and Satya: Dharmic 5. The Story of Kichaka – A Classic Example of Sexual Harassment at Subbarao V. Jayanti July 5
take on Governance, Morality 6.Exploring Gender, Leadership, and Managerial Strategies: Incorporating Dr. Shreya Malik, July 5
and gender issues 7. Women's Leadership Dharma - An Indic View Prof. Indira J. Parikh, July 5

3 1. Yoga Nidra - A Stress Management Tool Rupal Shah, Mangesh July 5

Stress Management,
2. Enhancing Corporate Wellbeing through the Panchkosha Framework Akhil Anand, Himmat July 5
mindfulness and Well-being: 3. Mindfulness and Decision-Making: Enhancing Management Skills of Aditi Koranne, Dr. July 5
4. The Therapeutic Journey: Blending Cognitive Therapy with Spiritual and Chitra Nitin Kelkar July 5 Prof Naval Garg ( Exter. Evalu.,
Prof Zubin Mulla Priya Bhardwaj CR 3
Sthira-Sukha: Exploring Indian 5. Counseling through the Ages: Integrating Srimad Bhagavad Gita Techniques Tanya Sharma, Dr. July 5 Prof Shiji Lyndon
Pathways to Corporate Well- 6. Development and Validation of Spiritual Well-being Scale: A Yogic Niyama Dr. Naval Garg & Dr. July 5
7. Re-conceptualization of Mindfulness and Consciousness using Samkhya- Anadi Saran Pande, July 5
Being 8. Stress, Creative Appreciation, and Work Environment: Moderation Analysis Madhura Hate, July 5

4 Finance and Economics: 1. An Arthashastra text-based Indic Economic Model "Dharmicism" for Arpit Awasthi, Ayush July 5
2. Redefining Success by Exploring the Dichotomy Between Profit and 'Shubha- Mayank Rammohan July 5
3. Indic Finance: A feasible proposition as Sustainable and Socially Devendra Kumar Jain July 5
Dharmārthashāstra: A Dharmic 4. Today's system of currency vs. Traditional Indian concept of Laxmi Swarupa Bhalerao, July 5
Prof Sudeep Bapat Prof Siddhartha Rastogi Shubham Aanand CR 4
Approach to Economics and 5. Bridging the Past and Present: Extracting Insights from Chanakya Pragya Tripathi July 5
Prosperity. 6. Bharatiya Foundations of Economic Development Dr Satish Deodhar July 5

5 Strategy, Innovation and 1.Ancient India's Greatest Strategic Consultant: A Framework for Modern Sakshi, Narasimha July 5
Entrepreneurship: 2.Integrating Traditional Indian Wisdom into Strategic Management Practices Venkataramanan July 5
4. Chaturopaya as an Execution Strategy Shivakumar G.V. July 5
5. Indian Ingenuity: Exploring the Role of Jugaad Innovation in Knowledge Dr. Sneha Bhat July 5 Prof Momaya Prof Swapnil Garg Shreya Pakhare CR 5
Strategika: Embracing 6. Yajña Bhāva in Teamwork: Whole is Greater Than the Sum of its Parts Suma T.S., Dr. Sunil July 5
Bharatiya Wisdom for Strategy, 7. Kautilya’s Marketing Strategies: Insights from Ancient Indian Wisdom Deepa Singh, Shweta July 5
innovation and entrepreneurship 8. AI and Traditional Wisdom: Bridging Modernity and Tradition in Strategic Pragati Kachhi July 5

6 1. Indigenous Nourishment: Akshaya Patra's Child Hunger Impact through the Dr.Nitin Chandrakant July 5
2.Lessons in Project Management from Squirrel in Ramayana: Mohita Gangwar July 5
3. Economics and Philosophy of temple Economy - Reflections from Indian Dr. Smita Shukla July 5 SOM Conference
Case Study: Track 1 Dr. Boola Choudhary Prof Jitesh Mohnot Sakshi Jain
4. ISHA FOUNDATION: Enabling Social Transformation Prof Ashish Pandey July 5 Room
5. Leading with Spiritual Insight – A Case Study Whole Soul Leadership of Anita P Bobade July 5
6. What is the relationship between goals and self identity? How do you live a Mukta Wankhede

7 1. Contemporary management practices analyzed through the lens of Gouri Desai, Neeraja July 5
2. Synergizing Indigenous Wisdom and Modern Strategies: Empowering Dr. Nikhil Ghag, Dr. July 5
Indigenous and Ancient 3. Consumer Behaviour in India: Insights from Indian Psychology Akankhya Tripathy July 5
Prof Gordhan Saini (TISS) Prof Manish Singhal Vibhuti Yadav SOM Auditoriam
Knowledge in Modern Practices 4. Bridging the Paths: Exploring the Intersection of Karma Yoga and Aman Bhuwania, July 5
5. Roll of Bhagwat Geeta in life management Niharika July 5
6. When Navya nyāya enters a business school Joshua Fernandes, July 5
7. Altruism in Management Education: A Closer Look at Yoga-Based Practices Harshad Sonar, Nikhil July 5

8 1. A Quantitative Study of the Mahabharata War Saiswaroopa Iyer, Dr. July 5

2. “From Mahabharata to Modernity: The Relevance of Vidura Niti in 21st Tilotma, Dasari July 5
3. SAM Mohita Gangwar July 5
Studies and Analyses of
4. Electrical Load Forecasting Using RITHU’S (ऋतु ) of Vedic Calendar for Gururaj S. Punekar, July 5 Dr Nisha Pandey Prof Kirti Trivedi (Reti IDC) Vishwajit Kumar LA 201 (Conf. Venue)
Historical and Epics' Impacts 5. Assiduous and Operose to the negligible existence: The journey of the Dr Avkash Jadhav July 5
6.Organization as a Purusha – towards developing a more cohesive framework Vanaja Kodungallur July 5
7.Contemporary relevance of 64 Kalas in the context of empirical vs theoretical Aditya Trivedi, July 5

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