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DEADLINE: April 30, 2024

Write down the properties and functionalities of the following HTML tags.
(Note: Do it on sheets & only hand-written assignment will be accepted.)

1. Document Structure and Metadata:

• <!DOCTYPE html>: HTML5 document type declaration.
• <html>
• <head>
• <meta charset="UTF-8">: Character encoding.
• <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-
scale=1.0">: Responsive design meta.
• <title>
• <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">: External stylesheet.
• <script src="script.js"></script>: External JavaScript file.
• <base href="">: Base URL for relative URLs.
• <body>
• <header>
• <nav>
• <main>
• <article>
• <section>
• <aside>
• <footer>
• <div>
2. Text Content:
• <h1> to <h6>
• <title>
• <a href=”….”>
• <img src=”…” alt=”…”>
• <p>
• <blockquote>
• <pre>
• <code>
• <ins>
• <abbr>
• <cite>
• <time datetime="YYYY-MM-DD">
3. Hyperlinks and Media:
• <a>
• <iframe>
• <object>
• <canvas>
• <img>
• <figure>
• <figcaption>
• <audio>
• <video>
• <source>
4. Lists:
• <ul>
• <li>
• <ol>
• <li>
• <dl>
• <dt>
• <dd>
• <listing>
5. Tables:
• <table>
• <caption>
• <thead>
• <tbody>
• <tfoot>
• <tr>
• <th>
• <td>
6. Forms:
• <form>
• <fieldset>
• <legend>
• <label>
• <input>
• <textarea>
• <select>
• <optgroup>
• <option>
• <button>
• <datalist>
• <output>
7. Interactive Elements:
• <details>
• <summary>
• <dialog>
8. Embedded Content:
• <iframe>
• <object>
• <embed>
• <canvas>
9. Semantic Markup:
• <mark>
• <strong>
• <font>
• <em>
• <small>
• <big>
• <s>
• <u>
• <cite>
• <q>
• <i>
• <b>
10. Web Components:
• <template>
• <slot>
• <custom-element>
• <script>
• <area>
• <button>
• <style>
• <link rel=”import”
• <shadow-root>
• <content>
• <dom-module>

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