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Choosing Mr Bridgerton

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn
Relationship: Colin Bridgerton/Original Female Character(s), Colin
Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington
Character: Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington, Original Characters, Anthony
Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Daphne Bridgerton, Eloise Bridgerton,
Gregory Bridgerton, Hyacinth Bridgerton, Kate Sheffield, Violet
Bridgerton, Lady Danbury (Bridgerton), Portia Featherington
Additional Tags: Jealous Colin Bridgerton, Jealous Penelope Featherington, Jealous
Original Female Character, Bridgertons Being Bridgertons, Love
Triangle, Lady Whistledown Society Papers, Social Season, 1813,
1824, Leaving Colin Bridgerton, Eventual Smut, Fluff, I don't know who
will end up with who yet, The Ton, Bridgerton House, Bruton Number
Five, Colin Bridgerton Being an Idiot, The duke and I, romancing mr
bridgerton, Original Female Character being a rake, Past, present, Lots
of Angst, Rollercoaster of Emotions
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-01-14 Completed: 2022-02-08 Chapters: 14/14 Words:

Choosing Mr Bridgerton
by LeighAnne_Balsdon


Why did he have to go and get himself in this situation in the first place?

Yes there she was. Beautiful, funny, loving, witty, annoyingly flirting with that Lord
Kingsley. Charlotte Huntington.

Yes there she was. Absolutely breath-taking. Catching his eye as if for the first time
because something had changed in Penelope Featherington and it was something he was
interested in yet there was Charlotte too...
Chapter 1

It has come to this Author’s knowledge, dear reader, that Count Charles Huntington has returned
to the ton with his wife Countess Caroline Huntington and their 31-year-old daughter Charlotte
Huntington. They were seen moving back into their old residence on Bruton Street, a mere five
houses down from where the remaining unmarried Bridgerton family reside. It has always been
thought that Charlotte Huntington, being the only daughter of the Earl, would have at least
married into the Bridgerton family seeing as they are all the greatest of friends but alas, dear
reader, with the Viscount and Benedict married and the most charming Bridgerton brother Collin
seemingly off on his travels again it leaves only the youngest brother Gregory and I do only hope
that Ms Huntington has better morals than that seeing as though he is half her age.

L ady Whistledown’s Society Papers

April 1824

“It seems as though we made Whistledown headlines.” Charlotte Huntington spoke at the breakfast
table that morning after hearing a knock on the door, opening it before the butler did, to reveal a
little delivery boy handing her a piece of paper then proceeding to ask for five pennies, which she
thought absurd and a little bit cheeky of him since it was the first time in a long time that she’d
actually read a Whistledown paper.

“Apparently I’m supposed to marry a Bridgerton, just not Gregory since he’s half my age.”
Charlotte scoffed, a very unlady like scoff, which made Countess Caroline scowl.

Charlotte’s mother’s frown line disappeared as her gaze turned onto the scandal sheet. She picked
it up with her gloved hand and scanned the paragraph.

“And here I was hoping to surprise Violet this evening.” Countess Caroline murmured, picking up
her porcelain teacup with her thumb and forefinger and taking a sip. “That is if they read this
nonsense. Perhaps we could still surprise her.” A little hint of hope flashed in Caroline’s eyes.

“If I do recall, I’m pretty sure the entire ton reads this column and, the delivery boy was very
insistent, one can hardly say no to someone like that.” Charlotte commented, picking up her own
teacup and bringing it to her lips.

“It’s incredible you know.” Caroline mentioned. Scanning the page again. “How we didn’t have
anything like this in Paris.” Charlotte nodded and shrugged.

“I personally feel like the Parisians wouldn’t care for such blasphemy.” Charlotte replied, taking a
biscuit from the tray, and taking a bite. “Almost like they don’t really care for me being a
spinster.” She added, narrowing her eyes at her mother to see her reaction but she was still busy
scanning Lady Whistledown’s newest writings.

Charlotte was what one in the ton would call a spinster. She was 31 years of age and she had never
married. Oh but she had had the offers. Plenty matter of fact but Charlotte’s one flaw, okay she had
a few but, her main flaw was she grew bored easily.

Thinking back to Jacque, to Oliver, to Henry… these were her most recent affairs. She was a
woman after all and once a woman knew how to please herself it was only for chance she’d go in
search of someone who could perhaps do a better job. And did Jacque know how to do just that.
Of course her affairs had been kept her little secret. Her mother would probably have a heart attack
if she found out Charlotte was no longer pure. But once Jacque had touched her in the most
vulnerable places she’d given in almost immediately and didn’t look back.

“Charles.” Caroline called out to Charlotte’s father who had passed the drawing room in which
they were currently eating their breakfast, bringing Charlotte out of her memory montage of her

“Charlotte and I will be stopping by the Bridgerton’s after breakfast. Would you care to join us?”

Charles looked down the hallway then back to his wife and daughter.

“I unfortunately have business to attend too. Perhaps dinner tonight?” He suggested and Caroline
smiled. “I will extend the invitation. Are you nearly ready sweetheart?” Caroline turned to
Charlotte who nodded. Swallowing the last of her biscuit before gulping down the remaining tea.

“In the last letter I received from Lady Bridgerton, she informed me that she had moved to number
five Bruton street and Anthony, and his wife had moved into Bridgerton House.” Caroline advised
Charlotte who was straightening out her dress as they made their way to the front door. Their
butler, Astley, was waiting patiently to bid them farewell.

“Do I need to call for a carriage, Countess Huntington?” The butler asked but Caroline shook her
head, much rather preferring to walk, especially if it was just down the road.

“Thank you, Astley, but I think a walk will do us just fine.” She smiled then before ushering
Charlotte down the stairs.


A few minutes later, precisely 6, they were standing outside Number Five waiting for the door to
open after Caroline had knocked.

Wickham, the Bridgerton butler opened the door with a wide smile.

“Ah, Countess Huntington. Ms Huntington. What a lovely surprise.” Wickham greeted, sending
Caroline and Charlotte a smile and a bow. Charlotte smiled and curtseyed, out of habit,
immediately regretting her actions when she felt her mothers’ eyes shoot in her direction in a glare.

Wickham was a butler, and she was the daughter of an Earl and a Countess. She did not curtsey the

“Uh… lovely weather we’re having, isn’t it?” She asked him, looking upward to the gloomy skies.
Trying to distract everyone from her blunder.

Wickham’s confused expression turned to Caroline who smiled a little too widely.

“Is Lady Bridgerton home?” Caroline asked, ignoring Charlotte’s question completely. The girl
could sometimes be a little ditzy and Caroline sometimes chose to ignore it, and this was one of
those times.

“She is indeed. Must I call her attention for you?” Wickham asked and Caroline nodded.

“Can’t even surprise anyone anymore.” Caroline whispered to Charlotte who had gone quiet and
was twiddling her thumbs, anxiously. Caroline took notice, a twiddling thumb quip Charlotte had
taken up after they’d moved to Paris. Nerves is all. But why was she so nervous?
Charlotte, for the life of her, didn’t want to see the Bridgerton’s, only going along to keep her
mother happy. Or rather, there was one Bridgerton in particular she didn’t want to see. A certain
chestnut haired, green eyed, equipped with the most charming smile that would make any woman
melt, Bridgerton who she hoped was still on his travels as Lady Whistledown had put it in the
column she and mother had read that morning.

She hadn’t seen him in ten years. Ten years since their attraction to each other overboiled. Ten
years since Charlotte nearly became a Bridgerton but at the last minute decided she couldn’t do it
because she was too young. Too inexperienced at life. It had been ten years since she had looked
into those green eyes and realized she didn’t want to marry him. Didn’t want to marry any man
because she was again, too young in her mind. Too selfish.

It had been ten years since she had seen those green eyes shatter when she told him she couldn’t do
it and that her father had been re-positioned in Paris and they would be moving, and she would be
going with because she wanted to experience life.

It had been ten years and she felt herself still not ready to see him.

And of course their families hadn’t known about it because otherwise she would’ve been forced to
marry Colin, instead of living her own version of life she preferred.

Before Caroline could even say anything to Charlotte, who was as she could see, in a world of her
own, Lady Bridgerton floated into the foyer and embraced Caroline in a hug.

“You’re both looking lovely.” Violet Bridgerton complimented the mother and daughter with an
honest smile on her face.

“Paris has been kind I see?” She added and hugged Charlotte too who had still not, for the life of
her, stopped twiddling her thumbs.

Lady Whistledown had said Colin was travelling so perhaps she would get out of seeing him but
knowing her luck Lady Whistledown was wrong and Colin was around here somewhere, and they
were going to see each other sooner rather than later or never which is what Charlotte would have

“Would you be so kind to join us in the formal sitting room for tea and scones and a oh so needed
catch-up?” Violet added.

Caroline nodded to Violet’s request and replied, “It’s so lovely to see you dear friend.” A smile
plastered on her face too.

They had given birth to Daphne and Charlotte on the same day and ever since that day they had
been bonded. The Earl Charles, Caroline’s husband and the late Viscount Edmund, Violet’s
husband had also been great friends.

Charlotte strode into the sitting room and smiled when she saw an eight- and twenty-year-old
Eloise pouring herself some tea.

“Well, well. Look who’s come back from Paris a spinster like me.” Eloise grinned and got up from
her sitting position to embrace Charlotte.

“I do feel like we have chosen the best kind of life… do you not?” Eloise added. Nudging
Charlotte’s shoulder.

Charlotte chuckled. “Still the same as ever darling Eloise. I’m surprised you haven’t found yourself
a husband with that attitude.” Charlotte winked before sitting next to Eloise on the couch.

“There is no man worthy of my attitude.” Eloise quipped back, a mischievous gleam in her eye.

“Ah, hush now Eloise.” Violet scolded her daughter. In all honesty, Eloise was probably going to
be the death of Violet, with her no care attitude and her unwillingness to settle down and start a
family of her own.

Hyacinth, the youngest Bridgerton daughter joined them in the sitting room then. Greeting
Charlotte and Caroline graciously but Charlotte was sure Hyacinth did not remember them much
since she’d been very young.

“I see you’ve managed to marry off three of your children. That must make you feel so proud.”
Caroline smiled, knowing so well that Violet Bridgerton wanted nothing but her children to marry
and start their own families and legacies.

“Yes, Daphne to the duke, Anthony to Kate and Benedict to lovely Sophie. They’re all precious
love matches for my children. I do declare.” Violet smiled, pouring some tea into a cup, and
handing it to Caroline.

Charlotte fidgeted in her seat. Always feeling uncomfortable when her mother brought up marriage.

“Colin’s been away travelling so mother hasn’t been able to get him to settle down. I think he
travels so she can’t get him to settle down so alas she has started on me again. The woman never
gives up but hopefully now that he’s back she’ll start on him again and leave me be.” Eloise
murmured in Charlotte’s ear while the older woman spoke of the grandchildren. 3

Charlotte froze.

“Yes, Colin was supposed to join us a few moments ago actually.” Eloise had obviously not
spoken softly enough because Violet had heard her speak of Colin and was now looking up at the
clock on the wall.

“Charlotte, darling. Are you alright?” Caroline asked of her daughter who had gone exceptionally

Charlotte cleared her throat and managed a small nod. Her ears still ringing with Violet’s voice
saying that Colin was supposed to be there.

She’d put her dark locks into a half up and half down hairstyle this morning and was regretting it
every second because she was starting to sweat at the back of her neck.

She picked up her teacup and took a sip. Hoping it would calm her nerves. She was one and thirty
years old and yet she still couldn’t control her feelings towards a man she hadn’t seen in ten years.

She placed her teacup down quickly when she heard the deep voice approach the sitting room.

“You say they have guests which is why they’re in the formal sitting room?” Colin had been
asking Wickham as Wickham opened the door with a curt nod.

“Is there enough food?” Colin had required and Charlotte heard Wickham advise more was on the

“I’m so sorry I’m late mother.” Colin had started to say as he entered the room but when his eyes
landed on Charlotte, it was the first thing he’d seen when he’d entered, he stopped in his tracks.
Charlotte, to her utter dismay, stood up much too quickly. She didn’t know why she stood but she
did and then she felt her legs buckle and so she was forced to sit down again. Holding her head as it
swam, dizziness getting the better of her.

She felt Eloise staring at her, she felt her mother staring at her and to her embarrassment she felt
Colin still staring and he still hadn’t said a word.

“Colin. No need for apologies. Join us. You do remember Countess Caroline and her daughter
Charlotte, do you?”

“Oh Charlotte. Whatever is the matter?” Caroline asked, getting up from her seat and rushing over
to her daughter’s aid just as Violet was trying the introductions.

Eloise looked from Charlotte to Colin then back to Charlotte and folded her arms across her chest
while leaning back into the couch and frowned.

Colin had also gone pale the exact shade Charlotte had gone when Eloise mentioned Colin earlier.
Something was amiss.

“Headrush.” Charlotte muttered to her mother before advising that she was fine. Catching sight of
Eloise’s face and grimacing before making herself presentable again.

“Perhaps you are hungry.” Violet interjected, apologising to Colin who had taken a step forward to
assess the situation.

“You did only have one biscuit this morning, dear.” Caroline pointed out and Charlotte groaned,
“I’m fine.” Colin just stood attentively.

“Colin, apologies my dear. You are looking just as handsome as I remember. Maybe even more.”
Caroline commented to Colin Bridgerton once she was sure her daughter was fine, and Colin
bowed but Caroline gestured her arms and pulled Colin into a hug.

“Lovely to see you Countess.” He replied and Caroline gestured her hands again and said, “Please
call me Caroline.” Colin smiled at the older woman.

Charlotte couldn’t be in there any longer. She was burning up. She could feel the sweat dripping
down her spine, and she was struggling to breathe, possibly due to the tightness of the corset but
she needed air and she needed it now.

“Could I be excused?” She managed to get out, standing up more carefully this time, staring only at
her mother.

“Yes dear.” Her mother had a look in her eye that Charlotte didn’t like.

“Excuse me, Mr Bridgerton.” Charlotte found herself saying as she walked passed Colin, feeling
the heat coming off him made her even hotter. She didn’t look at him. She couldn’t look at him.
She’d definitely melt to the floor if she looked into those green eyes.


The minute she’d removed herself from the situation she breathed out. Why did she have to
embarrass herself like this? It had been ten years and she still wasn’t ready to see him? She had
turned him down. She had broken his heart. Of course her heart had been broken too, she was no
monster, but it had been her decision. She…

She groaned.

“I can’t.” She shook her head viciously unable to finish her sentence as he walked towards her. She
finally managed to utter, “I didn’t know you would be here.” As he closed in on her she felt herself

“I’m not ready yet…” She started to cry out, closing her eyes as the panic attack heightened,
leaning against the wall trying to rip the corset off because she still couldn’t breathe.

“I can’t breathe.” Charlotte stated, still trying to get the dress off her body but he was so close now
she could smell his freshly spritzed cologne.

“Charlotte.” His voice was softer this time. Less commanding more nurturing.

“You need to breathe, Charlotte.” His voice was the calmest thing she’d ever heard.

“Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing.” He added.

A few seconds went by, and she felt herself doing as she was told. And she was calming down.
Until he placed his hand on her back to rub circles into it.

She jerked away as if he’d burned her which of course he had. Her very candle for him was
flickering brighter than ever before.

“You can’t do that.” She stated bluntly and he cleared his throat and stepped away.

“My apologies.” He responded but he noticed she was finally looking at him again. Looking at him
with those amber eyes that he once yearned for. Maybe even still yearned for? Looking into his
very soul, making him the uncomfortable one this time round.

He shifted on his feet and cleared his throat.

“I think this is a shock for the both of us to be fair.” He spoke words that couldn’t be truer, and
Charlotte felt herself calm down even further.

She wasn’t alone in this.

She never was.

Chapter Two
Chapter Summary

1813 - In the beginning

“It has been said that, “Of all bitches dead or alive, a scribbling woman is the most canine.” If
that should be true, then this author would like to show you her teeth. My name is Lady
Whistledown. You do not know me, and you never shall. But if you are currently reading these
papers of record, then rest assured, I certainly know you.”

Lady Whistledown’s Society Paper’s 1813

Charlotte Huntington and Daphne Bridgerton were trying on dresses together at the modiste for
their seasonal debut which would happen in a few months. Both of their mothers were in
attendance too as was the dress maker Madame Delacroix who was currently lifting the hem of
Charlotte’s gold dress.

“I feel like I’ve been born for this moment.” Daphne admitted, swishing her dress around her
ankles. “To find a husband. To start a family.” She grinned at herself in the mirror.

“Hmmph.” Was the only sound out of Charlotte’s mouth as Madame Delacroix poked her with a

“Keep still Ms Huntington, we don’t want to get any blood on your dress now.” Her French accent
was profound.

“Maybe you’ve been born for this moment, but I surely haven’t. I am only one and twenty years
old I have a whole life to live.” Charlotte moaned, frowning down at Madame Delacroix. Charlotte
felt herself extremely jealous of the woman. She was successful, she was single, and she could do
whatever she wanted to do.

“Come now Charlotte dear, there’s no need for this hostility in such a fun moment.” Caroline cut
in, a slight frown on her face.

“You sound just like my Eloise. She might even be the death of me I tell you.” Violet Bridgerton
exclaimed from where she was standing next to Daphne.

“But I don’t understand why we as women need to wait for someone to ask us to marry them. Why
is it always the men’s prerogative?” Charlotte asked the women around her while staring at herself
in the mirror.

She looked magnificent in gold that she did, but she wanted to look magnificent for herself not for
the gentlemen of the ton.

“You ask very wise questions Ms Huntington.” Madame Delacroix spoke from the floor, a needle
in her mouth so it was a bit muffled. “I myself have been asking that question for many years.” She
added and the other three ladies just stared.

“You must have found the answer Madame Delacroix? You are successful and you don’t really
seem to care what anyone thinks of you?” Charlotte asked of the dressmaker who stood up from
her crouched position and looked at the graceful young lady that was standing before her.

“I have not found the answer my dear.” Madame Delacroix replied, a sad smile on her face.

“I just chose what was best for me.” She smiled at Lady Bridgerton and Countess Caroline.

“We are done.” She gestured to the dress. When Charlotte turned back to the mirror she saw the
upset expression on her face and corrected it to one of surprise. Surprised at how good Madame
Delacroix was at her job.

“Breath-taking.” Violet breathed.

“You are quite the seamstress Madame Delacroix.” Countess Caroline complimented. Getting up
from her seat and standing next to Charlotte, taking in how exquisite her only daughter looked for
her debut.


It was a Friday night, and the ton was a buzz with excitement for Lady Danbury’s annual get
together before the season started.

Charlotte on the other hand wanted nothing more than to stay at home but Caroline had insisted
that she, as a daughter of an Earl, needed to be in attendance so she could get in an early look at the
eligible bachelors.

So here she was, standing on the steps of Lady Danbury’s castle being escorted by her mother and
father into what was supposed to be a pleasant evening.

She had forced her mother to let her wear the gold dress she was meant to debut in because if this
counted as an early debut then she should be allowed to wear it. There were a few protests from
Caroline’s side but eventually Caroline caved so Charlotte was practically glowing in the golden
fabric as she made her way into the castle.

She immediately found Eloise standing with Penelope Featherington and asked if she could be
excused. Sure they were younger than her, but they were far more entertaining than anyone else
who was already in the ballroom.

“Ladies.” She greeted once she had stood beside them.

“You look like an angel, Charlotte.” Penelope had been staring at the brunette beauty and realized
she’d better say something in order to not look like she was being an utter creep.

Charlotte smiled in Penelope’s direction. “As do you. I’m actually a bit jealous of your bright
colours if you must know. Mother always likes to dress me in silver and gold because she says it
makes me look like a diamond.” Charlotte rolled her eyes at the last part and Eloise chuckled.

“Well, the Countess must be doing something right because you’ve clearly attracted your first
suitor, Charlotte.” Eloise advised, gesturing her head in the direction of the oncoming gentleman.

Charlotte looked over her shoulder and turned back to Eloise and Penelope.

“Oh for the love of…” She couldn’t finish her sentence because the gentleman was by her side.

“Ms Huntington. Would you care for a dance?” He was polite he’d give her that, but she wasn’t
interested, and she really didn’t feel like a dance right now, so she was quick about her decision
and turned to him.

“Ah, Lord…” She forgot his name. She squinted and before she could continue Eloise saved her,
“Kingsley.” It was a cough more than a whisper and Charlotte smiled sheepishly back at Eloise
before turning her attention back to the Viscount.

“Lord Kingsley. I must say my friend over here is parched. Would you be a dear and get her a glass
of lemonade?”

Eloise’s eyes grew wide, and Charlotte smiled at them both.

“I must leave you be. I will see you two a little later.” She graciously floated away from the two as
Lord Kingsley nodded quickly and was off to get lemonade for the now gaping girls.

She made her way over to the champagne and looked around to see if her mother or father were
present. Her mother had always disapproved of Charlotte drinking in public. She was a lady after
all and on a few occasions, Charlotte had overindulged so Charlotte needed to make sure she
wasn’t being watched.

“Can’t do anything sneakily when you look like you do, Ms Huntington.” The voice made her
jump, but she calmed immediately recognising it as Colin Bridgerton’s.

“Well Mr Bridgerton, why don’t you be useful and assist me then?” She grinned at him. The
charming Colin Bridgerton smile forming on his face too which made her heart flutter.

That was new she thought, immediately trying to push the flutters far back.

He then shook his head. “I can do no such thing. I am a gentleman Ms. Huntington, and it won’t be
very gentlemanly of me to assist you stealing any sort of item, especially if your mother would

Charlotte groaned and, rolled her eyes and he noticed. His eyebrow arched in amusement.

“Well then, perhaps I shall ask someone else to assist me. Someone like…” She scanned the room
then, feeling Colin’s eyes on her the entire time.

Something tingled on the back of her neck.

“Benedict.” She breathed when her eyes landed on the second eldest Bridgerton brother. She turned
her face back to Colin, a cunning smirk forming on her lips.

“Now that won't be fair. You know he can’t say no to anything you ask.” Colin pointed out and her
smirk grew.

“Especially when you look like that.” He mumbled, hoping that she would hear him but if she did,
she didn’t acknowledge it.

Luckily for Charlotte she didn’t have to holler over the crowded ballroom for Benedict because he
was headed in their general direction.

Benedict bowed. “Ms Huntington.” He greeted, taking her gloved hand, and bringing it to his lips
for a peck.

She beamed at him.

“My favourite Bridgerton.” She chirped with a small curtsey, and she heard Colin grumble
something behind her back, choosing to ignore it because she thought he was being ridiculous.

“You don’t have to curtsey me, Charlotte. You know this. You’re higher ranked than I anyway.”
Benedict joked and Charlotte shook her head.

“I am but an Earl’s mere daughter, nothing special about that.” She grinned at him.

“I am glad to see you though.” She continued. Gesturing to the table behind her back.

“Will you be so kind…” She started to say but Colin cut her off.

“I think Lady Danbury is wanting to speak to you brother.” He lied but she was coming this way
and he didn’t feel like speaking to the old duck so he grabbed two glasses of the champagne before
anyone could notice and nudged Charlotte in the side.

Charlotte had seen Lady Danbury but didn’t realize Colin was using her as a distraction until she
saw the two flutes he had hiding behind his back. She grinned the biggest grin at him and shoved
him so he could walk away.

“Lovely evening Mr. Bridgerton.” She called to a confused looking Benedict before following after
Colin who had already managed to reach the exit of the ballroom.

Across the ballroom Penelope and Eloise had been watching the interaction.

“Now where do you think they’re going?” Penelope asked, a little ache in her heart watching
Charlotte and Colin behave the way they were.

“I have no idea. What even just happened?” Eloise asked, looking back at Pen who shrugged.


Outside in the courtyard many people were dancing and laughing and chatting and drinking but
Colin and Charlotte found a quiet corner off to the side where they could drink their drinks in
peace without Countess Caroline glowering in Charlotte’s direction every time, she took a sip.

Charlotte took hers from Colin, her fingers brushing against his, sending shockwaves through her.

She chose to ignore the feeling.

She then took a large gulp and couldn’t look Colin in the eyes because she was feeling awkward
about the sudden feelings, she was having for him. Trying to shove them down wasn’t really
working because they kept creeping back up in other forms.

Colin also took a sip but frowned afterwards handing the glass over to her, shaking his head
because he didn’t like champagne. He was more of a bourbon, red wine type.

Charlotte still couldn’t look him in the eye, but she gladly took the champagne flute from Colin,
making sure there was no unexpected touches in the process, and so Charlotte did what she did best
in awkward situations. She downed the first glass feeling Colin’s watchful eyes on her the entire
time while she started on the second one.

“Stress is getting the better of me.” Charlotte responded to his unasked question, she could feel him
judging her a tiny amount and before he could actually say anything she wanted the upper hand in
the situation.
“What on earth has you stressed out Charlotte?” He asked, finally using her first name. It always
frustrated her when the brothers would call her Ms. Huntington in public and Charlotte when they
were in private.

She gestured to the party.

“This party is making you stressed?” He asked, an amused expression shaping his face, watching
her take another sip. She groaned and shook her head.

“Everything is making me stressed.” She sighed and looked over at him.

“You wouldn’t understand.”

He laughed understanding where she was headed with her statement because he was feeling the
stress too.

“I think I understand very well. You know how much pressure my mother is putting on her
children to get married. Do you not think we are stressed out too?” He asked, taking the empty
champagne flute from her, and placing it on a nearby ledge poking out from a hedge.

“I try by all means to avoid my mother, but she is my mother and I do love her, and I can’t avoid
her forever so when I do find myself in the unfortunate situation when I am the only one in her line
of focus, she throws women at me. Quite literally. None that have caught my eye obviously but it’s
very tiresome.” He added, sighing at the end because he was just that, tired.

“I’d rather let Daphne take all the attention than have it on myself. She can have it all. I do not
care. Even Cressida Cowper can outshine me, but my mother won’t have it.” Charlotte shook her
head, her voice going a little shrill at the end. Feeling comfortable enough to share her hatred of the
season to Colin since he seemed to dislike it just as much.

“I can’t breathe in these bloody dresses.” Charlotte continued once she realized that Colin was
letting her rant. She pulled at the back of her dress, but it didn’t budge.

If Colin winced at her use of language, he didn’t show it. He just let her continue.

“I can’t do it and it hasn’t even started yet.” Charlotte cried out, plopping down on a stone bench
that was placed beside the hedge.

Colin sat down next to her. Their knees touched slightly.

She looked down at their knees touching and gulped. She felt the urge inside her that she needed

What the hell was Colin Bridgerton doing to her?

Instead of trying to restrain herself, she felt her body edging closer to him and luckily for her he
didn’t budge. His breath hitched but he stayed right where he was, letting her slowly lean her head
on his shoulder.

“We shouldn’t be doing this you know.” He whispered in her ear, smelling vanilla and strawberries
wafting from her hair as she nodded. Shivering at the feeling of his breath on her skin.

“It’s calming me down.” She said and she felt him nod.

“But it could ruin your reputation…” Colin murmured, always the gentleman, never the rake, but
feeling the impulse inside him to pull her into him. To feel her body against his.

“I’ve never been one to worry about the status of my reputation, Colin.” Charlotte responded but
she regretted saying it immediately, knowing it was the wrong thing to say because Colin was a
gentleman, and he did care about the reputations of the ladies he kept in his company.

“But I am no rake.” He responded abruptly, moving his shoulder slightly so Charlotte lifted her

The air suddenly shifted around them. Almost uncomfortably.

Charlotte felt cold at the sudden loss of contact from Colin, but she shook it off because she felt
immensely guilty for making him feel uncomfortable. She did not know what came over her and
Colin was not that type of man at all. She’d known Colin her entire life and knew he had morals
and respect and an ever so charming smile that she wished was on his face now rather than the
frown she was experiencing.

“I think you should head back inside.” Colin advised, not ordered, advised.

“Perhaps we could share a dance later?” Colin added, seeing the look on Charlotte’s face, and
letting her know he wasn’t dismissing her completely, just for now, because his mind was racing.

Charlotte nodded, still not saying anything because she knew she’d say the wrong thing.

She then disappeared into the ballroom and Colin watched her until she was no longer in his line of

He breathed out and sat back down on the bench. Feeling an overwhelming feeling of… he didn’t
exactly know what.
Chapter 3

It has come to this Author’s attention that Charlotte Huntington, daughter of Count Charles
Huntington was seen being escorted out Lady Trowbridge’s ball early on Thursday evening by
Lady Danbury after a seemingly heated argument with a Bridgerton Brother.

Is there something amiss?

Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers May 1824

Charlotte had been back in the ton for a month and a few days, and she was already involved in
something that would be deemed as scandalous.

But when Anthony Bridgerton, of all people, chose to approach her at Lady Trowbridge’s ball
advising her to stay away from Colin because he had moved on from her and if she dare tried to
intervene, she would be answering to him, Charlotte had lost her mind and maybe a little bit of her
dignity when she had yelled that he mind his own business and get back to his wife. Because
sometimes Anthony Bridgerton could be unbearable, and it didn’t help Charlotte that she had been
in a foul mood that evening after she’d seen Colin and Penelope Featherington dancing together.

A lot of people had overheard the confrontation, including Viscountess Kate, Anthony’s wife who
was nothing, but lovely and sure Charlotte felt a little bit guilty for bringing her into the mix, but
Anthony deserved it because who was he to tell her what to do?

She’d then gone on to overindulge in what her mother would call a disrespectful manner but, her
mood had turned even more sour after that encounter till eventually she had to be ushered out by
Lady Danbury who spoke her ear off the entire way home.

She buried her head in her pillow the next morning as these thoughts preoccupied her mind just as
her lady’s maid, Jane, bustled into her bedchamber and opened the curtains to let a stream of light
engulf the room.

Charlotte only buried her head further.

“Charlotte. Your mother would like to have a word.” Jane told her, loudly.

“She said you’ve been in here long enough. Any longer and your body will be indented in the
bedspread.” Jane opened the curtains wider to make her point. “Uh your mothers’ words.” She
added and cleared her throat.

“Yes, and I do feel like I need perhaps a few more hours and then I will be back to my old self
again.” Charlotte murmured from her pillow, but Jane was having none of it. She sat down on the
edge of the bed and sighed.

Charlotte lifted her head slightly to look up at Jane as she felt the mattress cave in where Jane sat

“Jane… just the rest of the day please?” Her eyes pleading with Jane’s stern ones.

“Your mother is concerned with Lady Whistledown’s newest writing.” Jane advised Charlotte who
nodded, looking rather sheepish and a little green.

“She would also like to enquire why Lady Danbury was the one to drop you off last night,
according to Astley. And why you left the ball without so much as a goodbye.” Jane continued and
Charlotte moaned.

“It’s all his fault.” Charlotte complained, trying to hold back a sob. She was feeling terribly sorry
for herself this morning and it had more to do with drinking way too much than her argument with
Anthony Bridgerton, but she found herself nearly blubbering all over Jane’s Lady’s maid's apron
much to Jane’s surprise.

“I always thought we’d…” She held back. She wasn’t going to cry; she was trying so hard not to
cry. She was one and thirty years old for heaven’s sake. She didn’t cry over men whose hearts lay
elsewhere. She just found another one that suited her just fine.

“When I got back, he was so kind and caring and I honestly thought we could possibly…”
Charlotte didn’t continue because she didn’t know whether she could divulge her secret with Colin
to Jane, that they’d been something romantic. Something secret.

“Continue things where you left them?” Jane responded quietly and Charlotte looked up, a bit

“A lady’s maid always knows Ms. Charlotte. I could see it in your eyes when you were younger. I
just didn’t realize it was Mr Bridgerton you held a candle for until Lady Whistledown…” Her
voice faded, she felt like she couldn’t bring it up, it wasn’t her place.

“I didn’t realize I was that transparent.” Charlotte responded, wiping away a tear that had managed
to escape.

Jane just smiled at her.

“And I didn’t even know you and he were anything other than friends when you first debuted.”
Jane advised her and Charlotte smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

“We kept it a secret for a while until he…” Charlotte breathed in and out and then continued,
“Until he ruined it by asking for my hand.”

“He proposed?” Jane was shocked.

“All of them eventually do Jane.” Charlotte said, a bit conceitedly if Jane might add but she didn’t.

“You’ve had more?” Jane’s eyes widened. “I’ve never thought myself marriage material really.”
Charlotte stated honestly.

“And I’ve always thought that women should be treated equal to men. If they’re allowed to sow
their wild oats before they settle down, then so should we.” She added with a curt nod.

Jane looked at her with sudden interest. “And wherever did you hear this nonsense?” She asked,
crossing her arms over her chest in haste.

“Lord Bridgerton.” Charlotte responded, removing herself from her bed while stretching her body,
her dark curls falling over her shoulders.

“In his rake days. Before he married Viscountess Kate.” Charlotte added at Jane’s continued
shocked facial expression.

Charlotte had once overheard a heated conversation between Colin and Anthony just before Colin
had proposed marriage to her. Colin had confided in Anthony, with him being the eldest and the
head of the family, of his and Charlotte’s relationship and wanted Anthony’s approval. Anthony on
the other hand had thought Colin far too young and he rather sow his wild oats before settling
down with just anyone.

Charlotte had been angry at Anthony at the time for telling Colin not to marry her but then as she
thought about what he’d said further she actually started to agree with him, about herself rather
than Colin. Sure Colin could do whatever he had wanted too but Charlotte also wanted that luxury.

So that’s when Charlotte had decided she was too selfish for marriage and had broken Colin’s
heart. Charlotte’s heart was broken too but she was able to flee to Paris. A new city, a new venture,
a new way of life to distract her from her sadness.

Jane cleared her throat bringing Charlotte out of her thoughts while she went through different
shades of silver dresses in her cupboard.

“But I thought…” Jane’s voice faded again, realizing it wasn’t her place, Charlotte was confiding
in her yes, but she shouldn’t pry further.

“Jane?” Charlotte turned around to see Jane looking very confused.

There was a light knock on her door then and Jane got up quickly to open it. Astley stood there
looking rather curious.

“Ms Charlotte, you have a gentleman caller downstairs.” He advised and Charlotte turned around.

“Who is it Astley?” She asked, feeling bile rise in her throat because she was in no mood for
visitors today.

“A Mr Bridgerton.” Astley responded and Jane’s head spun in Charlotte’s direction to see her

Charlotte’s eyebrow rose. “You do know there are four brothers Astley, may you please tell me
which Mr Bridgerton is downstairs before I agree to a meeting?” Fearing that it was Anthony ready
for round two and rather choosing to avoid that encounter before she lost her temper again and if it
was Colin well hell she didn’t know if she could face him either, he’d obviously read Whistledown
and wanted to find out how she was holding up. As if she would actually tell Colin anything now
that he was courting Penelope. That would just be embarrassing.

“It’s Colin Bridgerton, Ms.” Astley added, and Charlotte groaned, a very unlady like groan and
leaned her head against one of her cupboards.

“Should I tell him you’re not here?” Astley asked in haste and Charlotte shook her head.

“Tell him I shall be no less than 15 minutes.” Charlotte advised looking at Jane who nodded
quickly, hurrying over to Charlotte’s dresses and picking one out. Charlotte agreed to the dress Jane
chose and Jane hurriedly put it on her. There was no time for bathing.

It had been longer than 15 minutes, but Charlotte had planned it that way in hopes of Colin getting
annoyed and leaving but alas, when Charlotte made her way down the staircase Colin was waiting
for her patiently in the hallway, sitting down on a chair even.

He stood immediately when he heard her however and gave a small bow in her direction when she
stepped into the foyer.

“Do we have a chaperone?” Colin asked hesitantly, looking at Charlotte as if she was the main
reason, they’d need a chaperone.

“I highly doubt a chaperone is needed Mr Bridgerton.” Charlotte responded, rather sourly too and
Colin noticed and nodded his head in one quick motion.

Silence ensued and Charlotte raised her eyebrow in Colin’s direction.

“Uh…” He started, unsure of what to say.

“I do believe you called upon me Mr Bridgerton so, in all honesty, it would be wise for you to find
your words.” Charlotte informed him and Colin cleared his throat.

“I know I should have informed you about Penelope.” Colin said, not looking at Charlotte as he did
so, he was more staring at his feet.

“Yes.” Was all Charlotte said, staring at Colin, waiting for him to look at her.

“I’m terribly sorry that Anthony got involved.” He added, still not looking at her and it was making
Charlotte frustrated.

“I would believe your apology more Mr Bridgerton, if you looked at me.” Charlotte advised him
and he cleared his throat again and managed to lift his head to look at her.

He was avoiding looking at her because when he did look at her, he would be captivated by her
beauty and he did things, unthinkable things, unchangeable things, and she was worth more than
that in his eyes. She deserved more than him.

His breath hitched in his throat as he took her in, and she was just staring at him, frustratingly
enough he couldn’t fathom what she was thinking.

“I think I deserve an explanation, don’t you?” She asked, rather condescendingly too, making him
feel like the smallest human being on the planet.

“We did spend a night together recently, did we not?” She asked again, remembering his hands, his
strong hands squeezing her thighs as he picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. Kissing
her with such fervour that he could’ve given Jacque a run for his money.

Colin gulped. He should never have taken her back to his lodgings in Bloomsbury after the day
they’d celebrated Kate’s birthday. Penelope had also been there that day, but Colin had selfishly
decided he wanted Charlotte that night. They should never have assumed that things could go back
to the way they had been ten years ago. Even though they were older now, and clearly more
experienced on both sides which had surprised Colin, it should never have happened because he
was courting Penelope and he needed to respect the both of them.

Charlotte was about to dismiss Colin because he was still just standing there looking as if a million
thoughts were running through his mind but, unfortunately before Charlotte could even mutter
anything her mother Caroline entered the foyer at that moment.

Colin stood a little straighter after his body had sagged a little, feeling a little defeated in the
situation with Charlotte.

“Colin. Lovely to see you!” She cooed, giving her daughter a knowing look over her shoulder
before pulling Colin into a hug. Something Colin was still getting used to.

Charlotte took a few breaths while Colin was distracted by her mother and fanned herself a little,
the air suddenly feeling ridiculously hot and stuffy around her.

“Are you here for breakfast?” Caroline asked, beaming up at Colin.

Colin shrugged and looked at Charlotte over Caroline’s shoulder. She was still fanning herself but
immediately stopped when she noticed Colin’s stare.

“Is Colin staying for breakfast, Charlotte?” Caroline turned her question to her daughter who
looked like she wanted to be anywhere else but where she currently was. At least she was looking
at Colin now.

“I have plans. With your sister.” Charlotte lied, her eyes never leaving Colin’s and she felt like she
was melting.

“Well you must eat something.” Caroline urged and Charlotte snapped.

“You are more than welcome to eat breakfast with my mother, Mr Bridgerton but, I will not be
joining. As I said, I have plans, with Eloise.”

Charlotte made her way to the front door, brushing passed Colin, stopping quickly because she felt
like she couldn’t move away from him. Wanting to stay there forever.

Caroline could feel the tension between her daughter and Colin Bridgerton. She could cut the
tension with a knife.

She watched Charlotte halt right next Colin as she tried to flee the situation and she watched
Colin’s eyes dart towards Charlotte.

That’s when Countess Caroline knew that her daughter was in love with Colin Bridgerton, but his
heart was with someone else which was why she was acting so hostile.
Chapter Four

Dear Reader. This author finds herself compelled to share the most curious of news. Charlotte
Huntington and Lord Kingsley danced two dances at the Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens Ball. An
expert in the art of swoon is Lord Kingsley so it is no wonder that Charlotte was seen giggling and
acting like a schoolgirl with the Scotsman.

Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers May 1813

Colin stood on the side lines of the dance floor and watched as Charlotte danced with Lord
Kingsley for a second time that evening.

He didn’t even notice Benedict and Eloise sidle up next to him until Eloise spoke.

“You should ask Benedict to draw a picture for you Colin, perhaps it would last longer.” Eloise
grinned casually when Colin looked at her, realizing that she was in fact there talking to him.

Colin took a sip of his wine and ignored Eloise, feeling a bit embarrassed that he’d been caught
staring for way longer than necessary.

“The light is not very good in here.” Benedict continued with their annoying attempt at a joke,
staring up at the ceiling where a dozen chandeliers hung.

“Or perhaps dear brother Colin could stop being an utter creep and ask someone else to dance. You
do realize she can see you staring?” Eloise asked him and Colin looked at her with a frown on his

“Everyone can see he’s been staring Eloise.” Benedict chimed in, while Colin downed his wine.

The song ended and the next one picked up. Colin knew this dance. He knew you switched
partners and if he had it his way, he would get a dance with Charlotte.

“Dance, sister?” He held out his arm for Eloise who widened her eyes and shook her head.

“Oh please no.” She exclaimed, her head still shaking from side to side.

“But you can help me, and it will stop me from being an utter creep.” Colin added, putting on a
girly voice that was supposed to sound like Eloise. A smirk formed on his face.

Eloise rolled her eyes.

“I do not sound like that.” Eloise grumbled as Benedict chuckled beside her. Ugh, they were so
annoying. Colin’s hand was still outstretched much to Eloise’s annoyance but instead of causing a
scene which Mama would definitely not approve of she agreed to one dance.

“Fine.” She stated and took her brothers arm and joined the dancers in the middle of the room.

As they danced, he switched with a gentleman on his right then on his left and then he found
himself switching with Lord Kingsley and Charlotte was in his grasp.

She looked a bit startled.

“Ms. Huntington. You’re avoiding me.” He needed to be quick if he wanted to speak to her
because they were bound to switch at any moment.
“Mr Bridgerton. I am doing no such thing.” She responded, looking at him with a blank expression
on her face.

“I have not spoken to you once since Lady Danbury’s.” He reminded her and she looked at him as
if just realizing that she was dancing with the person she was indeed avoiding.

But she let out a slight chuckle and shook her head.

“I didn’t want to impose.” Charlotte admitted to him, and he looked at her this time as if she were
insane. They were supposed to switch now but Colin still wasn’t finished. He knew if he didn’t
switch it would ruin the entire dance, but he quite frankly could care less.

“You could never impose. Your presence has been missed at Bridgerton house. I hear it from my
mother constantly.” He informed a little solemnly.

Of course he would use his mother to try get to her.

She just smiled at him.

“Do send my regards to your mother. And our rsvp to her birthday ball.” Charlotte smiled sweetly.

Colin didn’t switch Charlotte out with Lord Kingsley’s partner who was currently Eloise and the
whole dance was thrown out.

“Bridgerton.” Kingsley hissed but all Colin did was smile cockily in his direction.

“May I have a word?” Colin asked Charlotte who arched a brow at him.

“We have been having words.” Charlotte pointed out but Colin just groaned, took her hand, and
pulled her off to the side.

“In private.” Colin whispered and she looked up at him and then looked around her at the groups
of people milling about.

“Are you sure that’s wise?” Charlotte questioned to Colin who groaned again.

Colin nodded and guided Charlotte to another room, a quiet room, a room where they were alone.

“I don’t want to not see you.” Colin advised Charlotte who looked up at him, surprised, her amber
eyes dancing in the light.

“What you said, at Lady Danbury’s has been going through my mind on repeat. You need to
understand that I was just shocked. You’re a beautiful girl Charlotte and I feel like you need to be
treated with the utmost respect.” His words hurried out, one after the other and Charlotte watched
him with interest.

“It’s your first season. You’re you, of course other men are going to try and court you but seeing
you with Kingsley…” Colins’ eyes flashed to a darker shade of green as his jealousy heightened.

Charlotte stepped forward, closing the distance between her and Colin. Her mouth turned upwards
in a rather lovely smile, a small dimple appearing on the left side of her cheek.

“You’re jealous of Lord Kingsley?” She asked, the smile still there, she seemed to be enjoying

“You danced with him, twice. People will start to talk.” Colin pointed out.
“And you don’t want people to talk about Lord Kingsley and I?” She suggested and Colin sighed
and ran a hand down his face, exasperated.

“I don’t think I want to hear that you’re with anyone.” He murmured, so softly that Charlotte took
another step forward, the distance between them diminishing.

She looked up into Colin’s eyes and stared a while.

She then noticed him leaning down, closer to her face. He paused because he didn’t know if he
could cross this boundary. If he should.

“No one has to know.” Charlotte whispered, her breath fanning his face.

He opened his eyes at that statement and realized what she was talking about. Realizing that she
was inciting a secret affair. She wasn’t ready for the social season, he understood that because he
found himself not ready either. But, if they were to be found out, they’d be put in a position where
they’d have to marry because of reputations, mainly Charlotte’s.

But if they could keep it a secret everything could work out for the both of them.

He took a bold step next and pressed his lips onto hers. Softly at first but once he had a taste of her,
he wanted more, and his kiss grew desperate. Hands were exploring every part of each other

Charlotte was the one who broke the kiss, breathing heavily.

“We shouldn’t get too carried away however, people might start to notice we’ve disappeared.” She
told him, rubbing her thumb along his bottom lip. Her smile absolutely trapping him in a haze.

He nodded though, understanding the consequences if they were caught.

“I’ll go first. You wait a bit then leave.” She told him, ending in a sigh because she could’ve really
just stayed in there for the entirety of the evening. All alone, with him.

He nodded again, adjusting his pants in a way that was not obvious to Charlotte. They seemed to
have gotten a little tighter than before.

Once she had left, he plopped down into the desk chair, closed his eyes, and leaned his head back
with a sigh.


Colin had been feeling guilty about his secrets with Charlotte. Sure it was fun and sure when it was
in the heat of the moment, he hadn’t a care in the world but now, at times like these when he had
nothing better to do except sit in the drawing room at Bridgerton house, the guilt surfaced. He
should be marrying Charlotte. The things they had done to each other over the course of three
weeks should have happened on their wedding night in a bedchamber, not all over London,
whenever they had a chance. It shouldn’t have happened in the drawing room and Lady
Trowbridge’s ball; it shouldn’t have happened at the Vauxhall Pleasure gardens and it definitely
shouldn’t have happened in Hyacinth’s closet at his mother’s birthday party, but it had, and he
wasn’t regretting it just regretting the way they were handling the situation.

They hadn’t gone all the way. That was a boundary that neither of them seemed to want to cross
but he’d explored Charlotte’s body immensely and he knew every detail of every crevice.

He was surprised that they’d gotten away with it for so long, but he felt like time was running out
and he desperately wanted some advice regarding the situation and the only person who he thought
would understand was his brother, Anthony.

Colin left the drawing room and walked up the stairs to the first level of the house, he walked
down the passage and over to Anthony’s study, the door was a jar, but he knocked lightly anyway.

“Yes?” Anthony called and Colin entered the study.

“May we have a chat?” Colin asked, sitting down opposite Anthony who looked up from his
account sheet he’d been studying.

“What is this regarding?” Anthony asked, setting down the piece of paper on the table and looking
up at Colin.

“Ms. Huntington.” Colin advised, spiking Anthony’s interest.

Downstairs, Wickham had just opened the door for Charlotte and Eloise who had just come back
from shopping in the ton.

“I do wonder how Daphne is fairing with the duke.” Charlotte had been asking Eloise who had
shrugged once Wickham had taken their coats.

“Thank you, Wickham. Could we possibly have a spot of lunch?” Eloise asked politely and he

“I will ring a for a maid. Sandwiches?” Wickham asked and Eloise nodded.

“Your brother is here too so we will make double the sandwiches.”

“Colin?” Eloise asked and Wickham nodded.

“Upstairs with Lord Bridgerton.” Wickham added before removing himself from the room.

“Excuse me, Eloise.” Charlotte said, pretending to need to use the lady’s room except actually
making her way up to the first floor, standing outside Anthony’s study.

“You cannot be serious.” Anthony bellowed, almost as if they had been having an argument.

“Do you even find yourself in love?” Anthony then asked, in a much calmer manner but she could
still hear the anger.

“I believe I do.” Was Colin’s reply and Charlotte’s heart skipped a beat. She shouldn’t listen but
she couldn’t find it in herself to move away.

Did she love Colin?

“I should have taken you to brothels when you returned back from Eton because if this is the
matter of wetting your wick...” Anthony’s voice had risen again.

Colin scoffed. “You’re an ass, do you know that?” He wouldn’t divulge further into his and
Charlotte’s relationship.

“This is what comes of not sowing your wild oats. Proposing to the first girl you set your cap at. I
do believe you much too young Colin.” Anthony set the record straight and Charlotte held still.
Unable to fathom that Colin was going to propose.
“Enough!” Colin boomed much to Charlotte’s relief because she felt uncomfortable knowing that
they were arguing because of her.

“I merely came here for advice. I do not need your permission to marry Charlotte. I only need your
blessing.” Colin stood up and faced his brother head on.

Anthony was quiet and then he wasn’t.

“I am afraid I must disappoint you.” Anthony finished and Colin sighed.

“Yes, you have… in more ways than one.” Colin responded and before Charlotte even knew what
was happening Colin had stepped out into the hall, muttering to himself. She held her breath in and
kept incredibly still hoping he wouldn’t turn around and notice her standing there.

He did turn his head, but he didn’t register her until he turned again suddenly realizing she was
there and not just an apparition.

“Charlotte?” He whispered, not wanting to anger Anthony anymore by alerting him to Charlotte’s

Charlotte just smiled lazily at him, adding a shrug in the mix.

He took one big stride towards her, cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

Charlotte felt her knees go week and grabbed Colin’s shoulders to steady her balance.

“I want us to marry.” He whispered, after removing his lips from hers.

Charlotte just stared. Wide eyed. Saying nothing.

What could she say?

Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

two chapters in one day! Phew.

But I'm enjoying reading all the comments :) Thank you for interacting with me while
I post, it is enjoyable to see what you all think!

PS. you may need some tissues for this chapter.

Dear Reader, to love or not be loved at all?

That is the question.

Lady Whistledown’s Society Paper’s

June 1824

“Is there something the matter with Charlotte?” Penelope Featherington asked Colin casually that
afternoon while they were having tea with her mother Portia.

Colin nearly spat out his tea but ended up coughing to cover it up.

“What do you mean?” Colin asked, after he recovered from his cough.

Penelope looked up, realizing the change of tone in his voice. His pitch had gone up.

“Eloise informed me that no one has seen Charlotte since Lady Trowbridge’s ball.”

But Colin had seen her, the day after the ball and Charlotte had said she had plans with Eloise. He
found that most intriguing now and wondered where Charlotte had gone if Eloise had not seen her.
But he was obviously not going to divulge that information to Penelope.

“When your Mama asked of her whereabouts Countess Caroline seemingly changed the topic. I
think it’s because she doesn’t know where Charlotte is either.” Penelope shrugged.

“Perhaps Lady Whistledown’s paper shamed her into hiding?” Penelope added, watching Colin
intently, trying to see his reaction.

“Perhaps her own actions shamed her into hiding…” Colin murmured but Penelope heard him and
raised an eyebrow.

“But nevertheless, I will take it upon myself to pay her a visit and see if she is alright.” Colin
decided and Penelope nodded.

“I will come with you.” And Colin stared at Penelope for a few seconds, feeling a little bit irritated
that she wanted to come.

“And I shall come too.” Portia Featherington announced from the other side of the room and Colin
felt himself holding in a groan.

“I need to get out of this house.” Portia added at the look Penelope had given her.

Colin sent a knowing look Penelope’s way and Penelope nodded.

“Mama, Colin and I will go with my lady’s maid.” Penelope informed her and Portia slumped back
down in her seat.

“If Charlotte has taken ill the less visitors the better.” Colin added with a curt nod and Portia

“Very well…” Portia responded, not feeling up for an argument.


Charlotte woke. She felt something heavy on her stomach, looked down and noted that she was
bare. A male arm draped around her midriff.

She groaned softly, not wanting to wake the man next to her. She slightly turned her head to
remind herself who she had spent the night with that time.

A blond head of hair poked out from the blanket, but she couldn’t see his face.

She slowly got up and looked around for her dress. Finding it in a heap on the floor amongst other
clothes. She nearly tripped over something, looking down to find another sleeping couple sprawled
on the floor.

She grabbed her dress but couldn’t find her shoes. She decided then that she would not be coming
back to this place in a while feeling as though she had gone overboard last night. Cocaine? She’d
never touched it in her life but last night she had, and she seemed to have had a marvellous time
after that except she couldn’t remember it.

In her haste she got dressed and left the house. Walking barefoot. Hoping not to be seen by anyone
of importance less this situation get back to her family.

She hurried up the stairs, she hadn’t been home in a while, but she definitely needed to make sure
no one saw her like this otherwise she’d be the talk of the ton.


She froze.

Astley opened the door at that moment too and his eyes went wide.

“Ms Huntington?” He questioned, looking her up and down with distaste. Charlotte figured he was
trying to be discreet about it, but he failed.

She cursed herself, loudly and she heard a female gasp behind her having still not turned around
because she knew it was Colin and now, she also knew that it was Penelope.

She could act like she didn’t hear Colin or Penelope. She could walk straight passed Astley and
into the house without giving anyone any acknowledgment whatsoever. Why she didn’t use the
servants’ entrance she’ll never know.

A few minutes had passed.

“Charlotte?” Came his voice again. Concerned and soft.

She turned around and smiled her sweetest smile. Penelope seemed to hold in another gasp and
took a step back. Jesus, she must have looked a right wreck for pure innocent Penelope to behave
this way.

“You’ve been bleeding.” Colin stated, his worrying eyes raking over Charlotte’s form. He took a
step forward almost out of habit and brushed a finger under Charlotte’s nose. Regretting it almost
immediately when he heard Penelope whisper, “I knew it.” From behind him.

Charlotte looked up, over Colin’s shoulder at Penelope who was staring at them. Charlotte could
feel Penelope’s heart breaking just by looking her in her ice blue eyes.

Colin dropped his hand immediately and turned to face Penelope.

“Penelope.” He started but Penelope shook her head, the tears pooling at the corners of her eyes,
threatening to escape and Charlotte couldn’t stand to see it.

“Whatever it is you think you may know…” Colin added in a panic. He didn’t want to see
Penelope cry. He couldn’t see Penelope cry. He didn’t want to be the reason she was crying.

Colin heard the door slam behind him and turned back around and Charlotte was gone. She had left
him again and now he had to figure out how he could salvage what he and Penelope had.

When he turned around again Penelope was already off, walking back down the street with her
lady’s maid in tow.

“Pen.” Colin called after her, jogging down the stairs to try catch up to her.

“Penelope.” He tried again and she stopped and spun around and shook her head.

“No.” She cried out. There were no longer tears trying to escape, just anger.

“I always wondered about the two of you, you know that?” She continued, her voice shaking.

She then stopped and looked around. Realizing they couldn’t do this here. Not now.

“We cannot do this here.” She said, lowering her voice an octave.

“But Pen I need…” Colin was trying but Penelope shook her head.

“Not now Colin.” Her voice was demanding, and Colin nodded his head once.

“Then when?” He asked but Penelope was silent, studying him, making him feel uncomfortable.

“How long?” She suddenly whispered and for once in Colin’s life he was speechless.


“Ms Huntington?” Astley called after Charlotte who was hurrying up the stairs after closing the
door on Colin and Penelope.

Charlotte turned her head.

“Is everything alright?” He asked in a concerned manner.

“Please inform my mother that I will be moving in with a friend who lives outside of London.” She
advised him. Not having really thought anything through but she was certain that Genevieve De
Lacroix would let her stay with her for a while.

“She will want the address.” Astley told her and Charlotte groaned.

“I am an adult Astley. My mother does not need to know my every move.”

“For the wellbeing of my daughter. I do.” Came Caroline’s voice from around the corner and
Charlotte sighed.

“Good heavens. What has happened to you?” Caroline asked, moving forward to inspect Charlotte.

Charlotte’s lip trembled.

“I can’t stay here.” It came out as a whisper and Caroline knew exactly what her daughter was
talking about.

“You can’t run either my darling.” Caroline assured and Charlotte collapsed on the stairs, her legs
giving up on her.

“I always thought I could do it. Be on my own. Be strong and independent, I told myself I wouldn’t
fall in love.” Charlotte started and Caroline looked up at her daughter. A little shocked that for so
long her daughter had never confided in her but here she was, baring her very soul.

“I was selfish, and I pushed him away. I thought after time apart it would be different, but we fell
into the same pattern until I found out about her…” Charlotte sobbed and buried her head in her
mother’s lap. Caroline had sat down next to Charlotte on the steps.

“Ten years ago he asked me to marry him, and I said no.” Charlotte told her mom, her voice a bit

“I think I’ve regretted that decision everyday since.” Charlotte continued, her mother stroking her
hair softly.

“But since then I think he realized he couldn’t marry me. Since I’m not innocent and pure.”
Charlotte’s voice faded and Caroline sighed.

“Charlotte Marie Huntington, Colin Bridgerton is not worth your tears. You deserve so much more
than that man if this is how he treats you.” Caroline spoke softly and Charlotte sobbed harder.

“It’s my fault, not his.” Charlotte didn’t even wonder how her mother knew that she was talking
about Colin she kind of figured if Jane had known then her mother would know too.

“I chose this life.” Charlotte advised and her mother shook her head and lifted Charlotte’s head and
held her steady by her chin.

Caroline studied her daughter for a while, dry blood under her nose and all. She’d watched her
daughter fall in love with Colin Bridgerton but thought it wise not to get involved because
Charlotte was a firecracker and Charlotte would only do the opposite of what Caroline had advised
but now, she realized she needed to give her daughter some advice.

“Perhaps it is time you moved on then my darling. If he is in love with Penelope Featherington,
and when you come to terms with it maybe it will help you find happiness of your own.” Caroline
stated and Charlotte nodded, wiping at the tears staining her face.
“I’m going to go freshen up.” Charlotte said, looking down at her ruined dress.

Caroline nodded. “So there’s no running away this time?” Caroline asked and Charlotte looked
over her shoulder as she climbed the stairs.

“I don’t think so.” Charlotte agreed and disappeared up the steps.

Chapter Six
Chapter Summary

Charlotte's story

Chapter Notes

Loving all the comments :) Thank you for chatting with me about the story :) This will
be the last chapter for the year 1813 - the rest of the chapters will focus on present day
:) not sure how much longer this will go on for but it's not going to be a story that

This Author has an announcement. The Earl of Westchester, Count Charles Huntington and his
wife Countess Caroline and daughter Charlotte who was just introduced for the first time this
social season, who reside in Number 1 Bruton Street, will be leaving the ton for France.

We do wish them well on their travels. They will be sorely missed amongst the ton’s gossipers.

Lady Whistledown’s Society Paper’s

June 1813

Charlotte found herself outside of the modiste. Colin had proposed marriage, but she was at the

After Colin had proposed in the hallway of Bridgerton house right outside of Anthony’s study
they’d been interrupted by Hyacinth’s lady’s maid who continued on as if she hadn’t seen
anything. She practically acted like Colin and Charlotte were not even there. Which suited Colin
just fine because Charlotte hadn’t agreed to the proposal yet and he wouldn’t want to be found out,
after three weeks of sneaking around, by a lady’s maid.

“I think we should go downstairs.” Charlotte responded, feeling a little paranoid, knowing the
lady’s maid had seen them.

Colin nodded and took her hand and led her down the steps.

Charlotte’s mind was racing. The whole reason why she and Colin were having the secret affair
was so they wouldn’t have to get married. Because they didn’t want to get married but here, he was
proposing to her, and Charlotte had no clue what to say.

He promptly let go of her hand when Violet Bridgerton walked into the foyer and beamed at the
two of them.

“Colin my dear, I do perhaps hope you can help me with something…” She started but Colin
interrupted her.
“Uh Mother I…” But before he could continue Violet Bridgerton quietened him down and asked
for his help again to which he agreed to, sending Charlotte an apologetic look over his shoulder
before leaving the room.

Charlotte stood still for a moment and then she fled. Something she found out later in life that she
was very good at.

Which led to her standing outside the modiste unchaperoned and confused.

Anthony’s words running through her mind.

“This is what comes from not sowing your wild oats!”

Charlotte had understood what Anthony had meant. Colin should’ve explored other women before
settling down with the first one he thought he loved. If only the women and men of the ton could
be treated as equals. Maybe a woman also wanted to ‘sow her wild oats’ maybe a woman didn’t
want to be stuck with one man for the rest of her life. A man who had oh so obviously been with
women before. And how fair was that?

Charlotte had known Colin to be a gentleman so Colin would not have agreed to his brothers
wishes of going to brothels anyway, but Charlotte realized that Anthony Bridgerton did speak wise
words. Colin could do whatever he wanted sure, but Charlotte felt like Anthony’s words were
speaking to her.

Charlotte never felt like she’d wanted to get married. Charlotte had found herself jealous of people
like Madame Delacroix which was maybe why she found herself outside the Modiste in the first

The doorbell tinkled on the top of the modiste’s door as Madame Delacroix popped her head
outside. She had been watching Charlotte standing outside for a good ten minutes already and
thought it best to let the young debutant inside.

“Ms Huntington, do you need any assistance?” She asked carefully and Charlotte brought herself
out of her thoughts, blinking at Madame Delacroix, confused.

Madame Delacroix knitted her brows together in concern.

“Ms. Huntington. Is everything alright?” She asked again and Charlotte finally spoke.

“I’m wondering if you could assist me with some advice?” Charlotte requested, slowly stepping
into the modiste after Madame Delacroix.

“On some fabric?” Madame Delacroix questioned, and Charlotte shook her head hurriedly.

Charlotte found her words and articulated them carefully.

“I do believe I was proposed to today.” She frowned a little and Madame Delacroix noticed.

“One would think that would be cause for celebration, Ms Huntington? But something about your
attitude tells me otherwise?” Genevieve raised an eyebrow and Charlotte looked at her, after
pretending to be mesmerized by the yellow fabric displayed on a mannequin.

“How do you do it?” Charlotte asked, avoiding Madame’s question altogether.

“How do I do what, Ms. Huntington?” Genevieve asked, knowing exactly what Charlotte was
asking but wanting her to be more specific.

“Live the life you live. I’ve heard the whispers. I’ve heard about the secret parties, the ones that
only the rogue’s know about.” Charlotte informed and Genevieve smiled at Charlotte, a sly smile,
a knowing smile.

“You are curious?” Genevieve figured and Charlotte nodded.

“Most curious. I want to decide for myself what life I want to live.” Charlotte’s eyes searched
Madame’s and wondered if she was going to let her in on her little secrets.

“Ms. Huntington, what you are asking of me, if found out, could ruin your reputation as someone
of the upper-class society.” Genevieve warned and Charlotte nodded.

“Then I will be discreet.”

Genevieve could tell Charlotte was only a little desperate. But Genevieve also knew that if she
didn’t help out Charlotte now then Charlotte would just go out and find the answer from someone

“Lord Henry Granville.” Genevieve said and Charlotte looked up in surprise.

“I only go to the best parties Ms. Huntington and his are everything you are looking for.”

“Lord Henry Granville knows my parents.” Charlotte spoke and shook her head hurriedly.

“Lord Granville only invites people of a certain calibre to his parties, and I do feel like you will suit
his requirements. The parties’ secrets stay at the party. Not one word will be uttered of your
presence. That is Lord Henry Granville’s only request.” Genevieve informed and Charlotte felt her
stomach flutter.

“There is one tonight. I will need to inform Lord Granville that I will be bringing a plus one, that is
if you are interested?” Genevieve narrowed her eyes onto Charlotte her who seemed to be thinking.

Colin pushed to the back of her mind.

She nodded.


The party was every bit as glamourous and seductive that Charlotte could have imagined.

Lord Granville was surprised to see a highly ranked Huntington on his doorstep and one so young,
but he welcomed Charlotte with open arms and when Charlotte had entered the house she fell in
love. With the feeling of being free. With the feeling of being herself for the first time in a long

She was handed a glass of champagne and she drank it openly. Chatting with Henry and
Genevieve. Feeling a lot less nervous than when she first arrived.

“Do excuse me.” Henry had said after a while and disappeared into a room with a man.

“And me my dear. If you need me at any time I will be in the other room.” Genevieve informed her
and Charlotte nodded. Being left alone in the sultry air. Something about this place made her feel
beautiful and then she realized why.
A young gentleman, midnight black hair and grey eyes was staring at her from across the room.

His eyes were flirting with her. His smile was flirting with her and Charlotte felt herself drawn to

“You seem lost.” He asked, his Scottish accent strong and endearing.

Charlotte smiled at him, “Just taking everything in.”

“First time?” He asked and Charlotte nodded, her head turning to the side as a couple immersed
themselves in each other. Charlotte found it quite pleasing that it was so open and honest and the
fact that they didn’t seem to care there were other people around.

On the other side of the room Genevieve watched Charlotte speak with the man she knew as
Michael. A merry rake. She wondered if she should stop Charlotte from pursuing anything with
him but then Genevieve thought against it because if Charlotte was here for anything other than
having some fun she would have left already.

Michael watched Charlotte as she watched the couple who were devouring each other.

He then took her by her hand and pulled her closer to him, she looked startled at first but then
relaxed when he whispered.

“They’re not the only ones who can have some fun, you know that right?” His breath tickled her

“We could do that too…” He added in a seductive tone that could’ve brought any woman to their

He brushed his lips along Charlotte’s neck, and she moved her head to give him more room to
move around.

Colin had always started their trysts like this, and Charlotte heard herself moan.

Charlotte shook her head and Michael stopped.

“Are you alright?” He asked and Charlotte nodded and pushed his head back towards his neck. She
was only shaking Colin out of her mind.

“I’m Michael by the way.” He murmured from her neck as he slid her dress off her shoulders and
started kissing her down her collar bone.

“Hmm..” Was all Charlotte could muster as he freed her breasts from her dress and took a rosy
nipple into his mouth.

She felt like they were the only two people in the room yet in the back of her mind she knew they
had an audience.

So Charlotte muttered one word that managed to get out. “Privacy.”

Michael stopped and looked to his side. The couple who Charlotte had been watching were now
watching them and since he didn’t feel like sharing his luck of the draw tonight, he pulled
Charlotte into a nearby room and locked the door.

He had his wicked way with her and that was Charlotte’s deciding that she rather liked this kind of
life. She was free. She was beautiful and she was in control.

The next morning however brought news of their move. The Earl had been requested to do some
other sort of job in France. Charlotte’s mother had seemed devastated but Charlotte on the other
hand felt relieved.

She wouldn’t have to marry Colin.

She wouldn’t have to live her life a Bridgerton.

She could be who she wanted to be and that’s all she wanted.


“COLIN!” Eloise bellowed from the foyer and Colin poked his head down the stairs.

“Delivery.” She added when she noticed him.

“And the new Lady Whistledown column.” Eloise said, delighted.

Colin had hoped Eloise was informing him that Charlotte was at the door but no. It wasn’t

Just a measly envelope with the Huntington stamp on it and his name written on the front.

“The Huntington’s are moving!” Eloise gasped, looking up from Lady Whistledown’s society
paper’s just as Colin opened his envelope and read to himself,

“I’m sorry.”

Colin felt his knees buckle and Eloise grabbed hold of his shoulders before he actually fell to the
Chapter 7
Chapter Notes

So this came out of nowhere - really.

Only because I'm still at a cross road of who I want Colin to choose - hahaha

Hopefully you guys don't mind this :)

All is fair in love and war

Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers

June 1824

To say Penelope was furious was an understatement.

Yet she didn’t know who she was angry with.

Was she angry at Charlotte for interfering with her and Colin’s relationship?

Was she angry at Colin for not telling her the truth about what was happening, making her look
like a fool?

Or was she angry with herself for letting herself get fooled by both? Probably the last one because
since when did people pull the wool over her eyes.

She’d left Colin on the front steps leading up to her house after he tried and tried to explain himself,
but she was too angry to listen. She’d told him she needed to think and closed the door on him.

She kicked the side of the sofa in the living room but, immediately regretted it when the pain
seared through her toe.

“Penelope Featherington!” Portia cried out after seeing Penelope kick the sofa.

“Sorry Mama.” Penelope responded blandly, before sitting down on said sofa and huffing.

“Where is Mr Bridgerton? Did you two not leave together?” Portia asked but, Penelope frowned in
her mother’s direction and Portia’s lips went into a straight line.

“Is something the matter?” Portia queried and Penelope just sighed and then snapped.

“I would like to be left alone!”

Portia could see Penelope was distressed but finding that if she pressed on it would only end badly
so, Portia nodded and left the living room without another word.

Penelope watched her mother leave and then she started to think and then she wanted to cry
because she realized that she was no match to Charlotte Huntington and if Colin was still in love
with her Penelope would once again be left to be a wallflower.
But then she thought again. It depended if Charlotte was actually still in love with Colin too?

But then Penelope realized that if Colin was in love with Charlotte, but Charlotte wasn’t in love
with Colin, Penelope would still be second best.

Maybe Colin wasn’t in love with Charlotte? But she’d seen the intimacy. Seen the gesture. Seen
Colin caring for another human being like she’d never seen in her life.

Colin was a gentleman yes but, he knew how to respect boundaries. But what Penelope had seen
when Colin had reached out to Charlotte was something else completely.

Penelope felt a stabbing like pain in her chest. Took a deep breath and realized that this wasn’t
going to be solved like this.

So, she decided, in haste, that she needed to go back to see Charlotte. To find out what was going
on in her mind before doing anything else.

So Penelope called for her lady’s maid and left the house again, making her way towards Bruton
street on foot because the breeze would clear her thoughts before she made any sort of contact with


There was a light tap on Charlotte’s bedroom door.

“Yes?” She called and Astley poked his head into the room.

“A Ms. Featherington is waiting downstairs for you, Ms. Charlotte.”

Charlotte looked up from the letter she was writing to Colin, staring wide eyed at Astley.

The last thing Charlotte thought was that Penelope would want to talk.

She put down her quill and stood up, brushing her skirts straight.

“Should I call for tea?” Astley asked, watching Charlotte as she made her way to the door.

“I don’t think that would be necessary but thank you, Astley.” And Astley nodded, letting
Charlotte leave the room.

When Charlotte glided down the stairs Penelope noticed she looked a lot better than she had
before, but her eyes were red and puffy, like she’d been crying but still, much to Penelope’s
annoyance, Charlotte looked beautiful.

“Penelope.” Charlotte greeted with a nod and Penelope tried a smile.

“Are you feeling better?” Penelope asked, trying to ease the tension between them.

Charlotte nodded.

A silence followed after that while Penelope pondered how to approach the subject that needed to
be discussed. Instead of beating around the bush Pen then decided that she might as well just come
outright and say it to save them both time.

“Are you in love with him?” It came out as a whisper and Penelope could have kicked herself
because she wanted to be assertive, but it seemed like even she couldn’t control her emotions.
Charlotte had been penning a letter before Penelope had showed up. She was writing to Colin,
baring her very soul to him because she realized she was still very much in love with him. She
wanted to be with him. She wanted every part of him to be hers.

Yet now, when she stood in front of Penelope, she could see it in Penelope’s eyes that she was
scared to lose Colin. And when Charlotte had had Colin, she didn’t think twice about running
away, she didn’t care to think about how he would feel about her abandoning him when he needed
her most.

The old Charlotte would have let Penelope have him, thought Penelope deserved Colin more
because she’d always been there for him but now that Charlotte wasn’t running, and Charlotte was
realizing her true self she felt herself nod and she saw Penelope’s face fall.

Just as quickly as Pen’s face had fallen however, she put on as brave of a face that she could and

“I’ve been running my whole life, Pen.” Charlotte said quietly and Penelope looked at her, unable
to put any words together.

“And I’m willing to fight for him.” Charlotte added, a little louder. This made Penelope laugh. A
shrill laugh as her insecurities got the better of her.

“It’ll hardly be a fair fight.” Penelope whispered and Charlotte’s eyes flashed a darker colour and
she scanned Penelope’s face.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“You’re you. And I am me. You were first and I am second. It’ll always be that way.” Penelope
continued to whisper, trying to control her voice from cracking, trying to control herself from

“Don’t ever talk about yourself that way Penelope.” Charlotte spoke now, her voice pitching

“But it is the truth.”

Charlotte shook her head.

“You have him. I do not.” Charlotte responded and Penelope shook her head, “All you have to do
is tell him you love him, and he’ll run back to you.”

“We do not know that, Penelope. If anything he has given up on me.” Charlotte advised and Pen
watched Charlotte carefully. Studying her intentions.

And then when Penelope couldn’t figure out Charlotte’s intentions Penelope nodded.

“So it’s decided then? A fair fight for the man we both love?” Penelope asked and Charlotte
hesitated before she nodded.

“Well I do wish you the best of luck.” Penelope stated, finally gracing Charlotte with a smile.

“As do I.” Charlotte responded, and Charlotte opened the door for Penelope to leave.

Once Penelope had left Charlotte walked upstairs into her room and crumpled up the letter she had
been writing and threw it in the dustbin.
Perhaps a face-to-face discussion with Colin would be better.
Chapter 8
Chapter Notes

I've always imagined Charlotte to look a certain way and when I was searching for a
risqué Bridgerton style dress this model came up and I had a sort of epiphany realizing
that this is Charlotte.

So everyone meet Charlotte Huntington in the dress she wears to this ball :)

And there's a song I'm associating with this chapter: I don't wanna live forever by
Taylor Swift & Zayn Malik. (Mainly Colin and Charlotte's conversation

When it rains it pours

Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers

30 June 1984

There was a ball tonight that’s what Charlotte knew. She didn’t know which ball or who’s ball and
she didn’t care to find out, she just decided that tonight was her night to win Colin back.

She put on a blush pink gown with off the shoulder sleeves and a bodice that clung to her every
curve. She knew it would be risqué especially for a lady in her calibre but all Charlotte’s life she’d
been a little risqué. It also helped to have one of the best dress makers in town as one of her closest
friends. One who wouldn’t judge her when she’d asked her to create this look for her. Genevieve
had done nothing but praise Charlotte when Charlotte had tried it on.

Caroline had eyed her daughter out when she came down the stairs.

“You do look lovely Charlotte but is it not too revealing?” Caroline had asked but, Charlotte had
just tutted. Gliding past her mother to get her shawl hanging from one of the coat racks.

“Is this better?” Charlotte asked, placing the shawl on her shoulders and Caroline just sighed.

“You’re probably going to give the weak, ambitious mama’s heart attacks dear.” Caroline added.

“Then it’s working.” Charlotte smiled a wide smile and looked around.

“Where is Father?” She asked and Caroline sighed again.

“Something came up that he urgently needed to attend too so he said he would join us at the ball a
little later.” Caroline advised and Charlotte nodded.

“Well then, should we be off?” Charlotte asked and Caroline nodded.


When they arrived in Grosvenor Square is was abuzz.

“Daphne’s ball?” Charlotte asked and Caroline nodded.

“The Duke and Duchess of Hastings.” Caroline corrected and Charlotte rolled her eyes.

“She’ll always be Daphne to me Mother. No matter her title.” Charlotte responded as the carriage
came to a stop right outside the entrance.

A footman helped Charlotte out of the carriage and greeted her pleasantly.
Charlotte smiled kindly at the footman before he assisted her mother out of the carriage too.

They then made their way up the steps into the Duke and Duchess’s palace. She was about to greet
Daphne when she realized that a hushed silence fell upon the room.


Colin was speaking with a gentleman he’d gone to Eton with when they both noticed the room go

Colin followed David’s gaze and his own eyes fell upon Charlotte who was currently being greeted
by Daphne.

Colin’s heart cartwheeled and he felt his breath get caught in his throat. But she’d caught the
attention of the entire party, so it was hardly like she’d notice Colin first, until she’d moved on
from greeting Simon and gazed around the room. Her eyes immediately locking with Colin’s and
Colin felt like he couldn’t move. She smiled that smile at him. A smile that made him weak in the

“Seems like she’s interested, mate.” David spoke to Colin out of the side of his mouth.

He’d nearly gone over to her. Nearly gone and fucked things up even more when Penelope sidled
up to him, nudging him slightly, handing him a glass of bourbon which Colin gladly took and

“Are you alright?” Penelope asked Colin, looking at his paled face.

Of course Penelope had seen Charlotte too. The entire party had been enchanted by her entrance.
Something that irritated Penelope immensely.

“I think I need some air.” Colin managed to get out, apologizing to Penelope and to David before
trying to loosen his cravat and heading for the exit door to the gardens.
When Colin reached the gardens, he felt himself get angry. Then he felt confused.

He had Penelope. Lovely, beautiful downright funny Penelope. She devoted herself to him. She
gave Colin butterflies in a different way Charlotte had. Penelope had forgiven Colin for his
mishaps with Charlotte after Colin had told her everything. Everything. Including the proposal.

Penelope had obviously been upset that Colin and Charlotte’s relationship had progressed much
more than what there’s had currently but when Penelope had realized Charlotte’s words, that she
had Colin now whereas Charlotte figured Colin had given up on her, Penelope decided she needed
to use those words. She had Colin now. Colin was hers not Charlotte’s.

But that could easily change.


Charlotte had been bombarded by Eloise and Hyacinth the minute she was alone.

“Where’ve you been?” Eloise asked.

“You need to tell me how your Mama let you wear that dress out of the house.” Hyacinth had then

“I had to take some time out for myself.” Charlotte lied but it seemed that Eloise was more
interested to hear the answer to Hyacinth’s question than she was to her own.

“And I am an adult, Hyacinth. I make my own decisions on what I wear.” It seemed like Hyacinth
wasn’t going to take that as an answer. She’d narrowed her eyes and looked like she was about to
say more when recently widowed Lord Kingsley made his appearance. Of course he did.

Eloise managed to not roll her eyes in his direction as Hyacinth had nudged Eloise in the ribs and
out the way.

“Good evening, Ms. Huntington.” Charlotte smiled slightly.

“Would you care for a dance this evening?” He asked nicely and the old Charlotte would have
jumped at the chance to make Colin jealous. Their passion afterward would be heightened, and it
would be worth it to her but, the new improved Charlotte figured she’d be a one-man woman
tonight, so she politely declined.

Lord Kingsley grumbled something before walking away looking like a dog who’d just been

“Where is your brother tonight?” Charlotte asked, almost carefree like, like winning Colin back
wasn’t her main goal tonight.

“Which one?” Hyacinth asked and this time Eloise did in fact roll her eyes.

“Why?” Eloise asked. Ever since Colin had received that letter with the Huntington stamp on it,
she’d pressed and pressed him to tell her what was written in it. He never did. He’d locked himself
away in his room for a couple of days before announcing that he would be off on a tour. Eloise had
always wondered what had transpired between Charlotte and Colin, especially when Anthony
seemed to know what was going on and she didn’t. Eloise. Who knew everything? Didn’t know
what was going on with her most favourite brother.

“I desire to talk with him.” Charlotte responded to Eloise’s question, ignoring Hyacinth’s because
obviously Charlotte would not need to know where Benedict or Anthony was and well Gregory…
was Gregory and Charlotte didn’t really know what he was about anyway.

Charlotte started to walk towards the drinks table, Hyacinth and Eloise following closely behind.

“You do know he is courting Penelope?” Eloise asked which spiked Charlotte’s interest. Eloise had
never gotten involved in Charlotte’s business with Colin, so why now? Had Penelope told Eloise
about their fair fight for Colin?

“He is courting Penelope yes. But he is not married to her.” Charlotte responded which made
Eloise raise her eyebrow, it nearly disappeared into her dark hair.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Eloise whispered while Hyacinth’s head turned from
Charlotte to Eloise watching with interest but not understanding what was going on.
“I’m saying I would just like to talk to your brother Eloise.” Charlotte spoke, trying not to snap.


Colin had breathed in enough fresh air to last him a lifetime, but he was still not ready to go back

It looked like rain too. Looked like it was about to pour at any moment, but he didn’t really care.

When he turned to finally drag himself back inside, he saw her again. She was standing at the door
leading back into the ballroom. Her head was tilted up towards the sky. She looked every bit as
gorgeous as he remembered. Something that Colin could never quite get over. She was incredibly
kind, witty, loving, and funny and she looked like that.

But he had Penelope. Penelope who had been there for him his whole life even when he didn’t
need her. Charlotte had run. Penelope, someone who had cared for him deeply, with her whole
heart. Charlotte had left him without even a second thought but there she was. And Colin felt
himself gravitate towards her.

“Charlotte.” His voice was hoarse as he spoke, but her head moved, and she smiled at him again.

“It’s about to rain.” She called out to him, and he nodded but she walked over to him anyway.

“I’ve been looking for you.” She added and he looked at her, a little surprised.

“Why have you been looking for me?” Colin asked her, surprise still in his tone.

“We need to talk.” She informed him and he nodded, a nervous bubble in his stomach as he
wondered what she wanted to talk about.

“Should we go inside?” Colin asked, eyes glancing up at the sky again as thunder rumbled.

She shook her head as she felt a raindrop hit her milky skin.
She took a step closer.

“I was going to write a letter.” She started, eyes locking with his as he listened to her with his entire

“But I realized it may be more personal coming from me.” She added and Colin gulped.

A few more raindrops fell, and Colin took Charlotte by the hand.

“We should go inside.” He added but Charlotte just shook her head again, letting go of his hand
because his skin seared hers.

“I need to tell you this now otherwise I never will.”

Colin looked at her and then up at the sky as the showers opened.

“I love you, Colin Bridgerton.” Charlotte called out over the rain.

“I always have. I always will. I may be too late, but you needed to know. I couldn’t keep it inside
me any longer and I’m sorry I did. I’m sorry I’ve treated us the way I did.” Colin had found
himself taking a step forward, nearly closing the distance between them.

Charlotte was shivering now, and it was no use in giving her his jacket because he was soaked too.

The rain gushed down as he listened to Charlotte. Becoming entranced.

It was everything he’d ever wanted and more. Charlotte could never commit to him and here she
was baring her soul.

As lightening struck Colin grabbed Charlotte’s hand, not letting her finish, pulling her under the
covered patio.

They ran together and once they were covered Colin stared at Charlotte for a moment. Stared at her
with the love in his eyes he had for her ten years ago. She was Charlotte Huntington and she just
told him that she loved him.

She pulled him closer, a beautiful grin on her face which was dripping with rain.

“I love you.” She said again and Colin smiled at her. He leaned down, his lips nearly touching hers
when something caught his eye in the ballroom.

Colin stopped.
Chapter 9
Chapter Notes

Thank you for all the love and appreciation :)

I want to answer something I've seen questioned in the comments:

Why I never explored Pen and Colin's relationship further: this story is Charlotte's
story. Colin and Penelope would have overshadowed Charlotte's character. I do
apologize for not exploring it a little more though. It could have avoided the

Another query in the comments I read was about the carriage scene in Romancing Mr
Bridgerton and if it's happened already. No it hasn't happened yet - it may happen it
may not stick around to find out ;) hahaha

And one last thing: Colin and Penelope are my favourite couple. Their love story is
beautiful and I never wanted to take that away from them I just thought this would be
an interesting fan fic. hahaha

Dear Reader, This Author, has come to find that the ones we love have the power to inflict the
greatest of scars, for what thing is more fragile that than the human heart. I ask you; can the ends
ever justify such wretched means?

Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers

30 June 1824

The minute Charlotte felt Colin hesitate she pulled away. He never hesitated.

“Colin?” She whispered, almost knowing exactly what he was going to say when she looked up at
him and saw him gazing into the ballroom.

She followed his gaze and the only person that seemed to have caught Colin’s eye was Penelope
laughing with Eloise. And Penelope looked radiant.

Charlotte took a step back from him, shivering.

Colin cursed and ran a hand through his dark hair. A little frustrated but more so confused with

“I am sorry.” He murmured and Charlotte shook her head.

“You don’t have to be sorry. If anything I am sorry.” She replied and Colin sighed.

“I can’t do this to her again.” He said after a moment of silence. Charlotte nodded. Feeling a little
bit of jealousy poke at her heart because it was Penelope and not her. She could feel the tears
gathering in the corners of her eyes.
She could have seduced him. Could have but, decided against it because they’d said it would be a
fair fight and that would not have been fair at all.

“I think I was just a little bit taken aback by your confession. I got swept up in the fantasy of you
saying you love me, something I’ve wished to happen for so long.” Colin added, and Charlotte
nodded again. Unable to find her words. Taking another step away from him because it hurt to be
around him.

“Penelope is…” He started but Charlotte shook her head. She didn’t want to know if anything, she
knew what he was about to say and couldn’t bear to listen.

“You should go to her.” Her voice cracked as she said it and it gave her away because Colin
looked at her, startled.

Charlotte had never been sad around Colin. She never once cried. And seeing her breaking down
like this in front of him because of him made him feel like the smallest human being on the planet
but he needed to say what he was about to say because she’d hurt him too and he’d never got
proper closure from it.

“If this was ten years ago Charlotte, it would have been different.” Colin said quietly, as Charlotte
swiped at a tear that had fallen without permission.

“Am I sorry that we happened? Never. But I am sorry that you never were true to yourself and your
feelings.” He continued, it was like a knife, ripping through her chest. She didn’t say anything. She
turned away instead because she never was one who liked to hear the truth.

“I’m sorry…” He ended before leaving Charlotte alone.

And then the floodgates really opened, and she couldn’t stop.


Colin’s heart felt like it had been ripped open but when he saw Penelope, he felt a little better.

“Mr Bridgerton. Heavens, you’re all wet.” Lady Danbury called to Colin as he passed her on his
way to talk to Penelope.

“Sorry Lady D.” He called out while taking big strides to try and get to the woman he should have
known was for him all along. Something he should have realized but instead was so wrapped up in
another woman who was too afraid to commit to anything. Colin understood now that Charlotte
had been a fantasy. He’d dreamed of her saying those words to him and her saying those words to
him perhaps broke the spell he’d been under because who takes ten bloody years to tell someone
they loved them? To finally realize their true feelings and expect the other person to feel the same?
Colin had thought he would feel the same, but things change. He’d definitely once loved Charlotte.
That, he was certain but, now he finally understood where his heart belonged.

“Penelope.” Colin called as soon as he was a few feet away from her.

Penelope looked from her conversation with Eloise and her eyes went wide.

“Colin… You’re soaking.” Penelope pointed out, eyes widening at how dishevelled he looked.

He nodded but took her hand.

“I need to speak with you.” His voice was urgent, that, Penelope noticed.
Eloise cleared her throat and removed herself from the conversation, smiling knowingly at Colin.

“What is this about?” Penelope questioned, seeing Colin looking the way he did made her nervous.
He was anxious. She could see that. And Colin Bridgerton, for how long she’d known him, never
suffered from nerves.

His mouth had gone dry. Good God why did he have to be so nervous all of a sudden?


Across the ballroom Eloise spotted Charlotte coming in from outside. She was sopping wet too.
She looked a mess. She’d been crying that much was obvious.

“Charlotte?” Eloise called out to her, but Charlotte didn’t hear her, or Eloise thought, she was
probably ignoring her.

Eloise pushed herself through the crowd quickly so she could get to Charlotte. She grabbed at
Charlotte’s arm before she disappeared.

Charlotte’s eyes flashed angrily at Eloise. She’d been trying to make a hasty exit without being
noticed by anyone and Eloise was ruining that plan.

Charlotte yanked her arm out of Eloise’s grip.

"What is going on between you and Colin?” Eloise hissed quickly, gaining Charlotte’s attention.

“It doesn’t matter.” Charlotte replied, turning away again but Eloise shook her head even though
Charlotte couldn’t see and grabbed Charlotte’s arm again.

“If he’s going to hurt Penelope, I swear to god I’ll…” Eloise was a lady, she didn’t curse but she’d
crossed that line, being in the unknown will do that to you, if you’re a person that knew

Charlotte hung her head and sighed.

“He chose her Eloise.” It came out as a whisper. Eloise strained her ears to listen but when she
heard it, she let go of Charlotte’s arm.


Penelope was waiting for Colin to speak when she saw Eloise and Charlotte together on the other
side of the ballroom. Charlotte was just as soaking as Colin was. And Penelope put two and two
together. She was smart she’d give herself that and she was not about to let Colin make her a fool
again. No matter how much she loved him. Which was with all of her heart.

She pulled her hand away and Colin’s facial expression changed to surprise.

“You were with her.” Penelope whispered and Colin’s eyes widened and looked in the direction
where Penelope was looking and saw Charlotte with Eloise.

“We had things to sort out, Penelope.” Colin spoke, his words tumbling out because this did look
bad and if anyone else noticed they would suspect something unruly had happened between them
and Colin and Charlotte would be forced to marry. Even at their age.

Being caught by a god damn thunderstorm was not how this was supposed to end.
“You couldn’t have chosen a less public setting?” Penelope ground out at Colin who looked back
over his shoulder and then back at Penelope.

“Nothing happened.” Desperation was in his voice. He’d finally done the right thing but now she
didn’t believe him.

Penelope stared at Colin. She was too soft for him. She would always choose him. She wanted to
believe him. She really did but, after he’d told her about their impulsive relationship, she didn’t
know what to believe anymore.

“I think you should leave.” Penelope advised him and he looked down at her, shock on his face.

“Change out of those clothes, you might catch influenza.” She added, but in all honesty, she was
trying to save herself.

“People are already staring.” Penelope warned through a smile because Colin wasn’t budging.

“We’ll talk tomorrow.” She ended, turning her back on him to walk away. Because he was still
refusing to leave.


Charlotte stared at Eloise for a second before deciding that this conversation was done.

“Can I leave now?” Charlotte asked, pleaded actually because people were starting to stare at her
and the people of the Ton loved to gossip and she and Colin would be first on the list, that was

Eloise, only now, noticed the heartbreak in Charlotte’s features and ended their conversation with a
swift nod.

Charlotte made a dash through the crowd and out the doors before anyone else took notice of the
state she was in. Hopefully something else more scandalous would happen that night so the people
who had noticed her forgot what they saw.


Colin tossed and turned. He couldn’t sleep. His mind was racing. His heart was thudding against
his chest.

He’d screwed up again. Even though he screwed up by doing the right thing well what he thought
was the right thing it was still a screw up because Penelope was angry with him.

And he needed to figure out a way to make things right before it was too late.
Chapter 10
Chapter Notes

I've extended the story -_- I hope no one minds :)

Thank you so much to @tuesdaysrose & @Pao_writes for the story tips I have decided
to go through with it :)

Charlotte can also possibly get a happy ending now instead of being a miserable rake

Penelope once again found herself in a position deemed troublesome.

Colin and Charlotte had been together the night before, that she was certain. What had transpired
between them however was only running rampant through her mind because she had not let Colin
explain. He had said that nothing had happened, but she hardly believed him what with his
infidelities with Charlotte before.

She had let him off of the previous scandals because he was Colin, and she was in love with him,
and he had informed her it was when their courtship had just begun, as if that was an excuse but
she let him continue. He’d elaborated further by telling her he’d been confused seeing Charlotte
back in the ton. He’d told her of their relationship ten years ago. How it was inappropriate
behaviour on both of their parts but, he couldn’t seem to stop it because she was Charlotte. Putting
her on some sort of glorified pedestal just because she was Charlotte. That’s what Penelope didn’t
understand but, she had thought more of it and realized she had done the same with Colin. Yet
Charlotte had been brave enough to go through with her intentions unlike Penelope had. So, she
couldn’t blame Charlotte for being impulsive because if Penelope had been like her all those years
ago, she probably would have done the same thing as well, because he was Colin and she’d held
him on his own pedestal.

So Penelope had forgiven him and let their courtship continue. Because Penelope had held a secret
of her own which she’d never divulged further to Colin. A secret that if people had found out,
would ruin her.

But after last night Penelope didn’t know if she could forgive him. She would not be taken
advantage of because of who she used to be. She may still be a little bit timid, a little bit quiet, but
she was also more than those things.

In her haste she realized that some people needed to be taught a lesson.

Even if it ruined her chances of ever having her own happy ending.

So, she dipped her quill in the ink pot and put the quill to paper.


Charlotte was besides herself. She’d finally put herself out there, something she refused to do all
her life because well, she hadn’t known then but now she knew it was because she didn’t want to
get hurt.
And here she was, hurting like never before.

She’d lain in bed all morning, willing herself not to cry anymore. Surely the tears would’ve run out
by now, dry up? Surely her emotions would seize to exist after this because she felt like she’d cried
all the water out of her body. But no she still had all of her emotions except she was now

But alas, the tears were still pouring, her face was all puffy and red and tissues littered her

Jane had tried to come in and wake her, but Charlotte had locked the door from the inside.
Something that was always frowned upon in the Huntington household, but right then Charlotte
didn’t care.

Jane had knocked frantically, calling out for Charlotte who made no move to even leave the bed
than open the door.

She found she felt pathetic and useless, crying over a man who didn’t want her. She was more than
that. More than Colin Bridgerton but right then she let herself cry.

After a while, when she felt like she couldn’t lie down anymore, she got up and walked around her
room. Pacing, trying not think about the night before.

By noon another knock at the door came and Charlotte heard her mother’s voice.

“Charlotte, whatever is happening, it needs to stop. Right now.” Caroline’s tone was laced with
worry, that’s what Charlotte could hear.

“Please open this door.” Caroline pleaded. She knew her daughter. Her daughter wasn’t like this. If
her daughter had sunk into a depression, she would never get out of it alone.

Charlotte stared at the door. Waited a bit to see if Caroline would leave her be. But unfortunately
for Charlotte, her mother’s persistence started to annoy her, and she relented by unlocking it.

Caroline stopped knocking on the other side of the room and stared at the door too. Feeling a little
relieved to know Charlotte was alive after hearing the little click.

She wanted to enter, wanted to barge in and ask Charlotte what the meaning of all of this was but,
Caroline refrained. She just leaned against the wall, body slouching down until she was sitting on
the floor.

Caroline didn’t ask if Charlotte was alright because she clearly wasn’t. She didn’t press further for
any information because Charlotte wouldn’t give it to her. She clearly wanted to be left alone. So
Caroline said what she thought would be the right thing.

“Everything will be okay my darling.”

Charlotte stopped pacing and stared at the door. Stared at her mother beyond the door. Praying that
those words would turn out to be true.


Colin hadn’t slept a wink.

When he deemed it a respectable time, he walked over to Violet Bridgerton’s study and knocked,
the door was a jar but he wanted to waste sometime instead of just barging in. He didn’t know what
to say.

“Yes?” His mother’s calm voice floated to the door and Colin pushed the door open.

“May I have a word?” Colin asked and Violet looked up and nodded. She noticed that he looked a
little, alright, a lot dishevelled. He was usually so pristine and handsome. This morning he just
looked rugged but still handsome.

Colin sat opposite his Mother and put his head in his hands. Looking defeated.

“I messed up.” He murmured and Violet nodded even though he wasn’t looking at her.

“What you’ve been doing with both ladies, I find, very disrespectful.” She said, which made Colin
look up because apparently, he’d not been the best at keeping secrets.

“Eloise told me what has happened. Or what she thinks has happened. I do not need to hear it from
you if you don’t want to, but I have put two and two together and come up with my own version.”

Colin nodded but, also made a mental note to find and kill his sister when he got the chance.

“You made a choice though which I find well and truly ridiculous that it has taken you this long,
but I respect that you have decided.”

“Penelope. She’s the one.” He choked out and Violet beamed.

“Whoever you chose would have been accepted as one of our own. I am just glad you are no longer
messing anyone around.”

Colin swallowed and nodded.

“I need help though.” Colin added after a moment of silence and Violet nodded.

“How do I get Penelope to trust me again?” It came out as a whisper, and he hated how weak he
sounded and that at the age of thirty-three he still needed to come to his mother for help with things
like this, but she knew best.

Violet studied her third eldest son and rapped her fingers on the table.

“Have you told her how you feel yet?” Violet questioned and Colin shook his head.

“I was going to last night, but she wouldn’t let me. She thought something had happened with
Charlotte and I…” Violet’s eyebrow rose.

“Nothing happened.” He interjected quickly before his mother suspected him a rake. Which he
probably was at this stage, and he hated himself for it.

“You need to tell her. She will come around. Tell her everything you love about her, and you need
to make sure you reassure her everyday you will not be the man you have been these past couple of
week ever again.” Violet advised and Colin nodded.

“Don’t waste any time Colin. Go tell her.” Violet said, dismissing her son with a motherly hug that
was warm and comforting.
“I expect you never to be that man again, Colin.” Violet warned and Colin nodded and vowed to
himself he’d make things right.


A few minutes later he was in the Bridgerton carriage on his way to the Featherington home. On
his way to declare his love for Penelope because it’s what she needed to hear.

When he got there however, he noticed Penelope leaving the house alone, unchaperoned. A coat
draped over her head. In a rented hack. Looking extremely suspicious.

Colin tapped on the roof of his carriage and asked the driver to stop. Colin watched as Penelope
got into her rented hack and ordered his driver to follow it.

And they did.

Chapter 11
Chapter Summary

They're all just angry and confused with each other at this moment in time <3

Chapter Notes

A little canon-ish from Romancing Mr Bridgerton and then suddenly it's not :)

I hope you all like the new Chapter. This story is definitely going to be longer than 12
chapters now but I have a feeling you all won't mind :)

Colin’s curiosity had gotten the better of him most of his life which was why he enjoyed travelling
so much. Of course his heartbreak over Charlotte was something of a push for him to go on a tour
but once he was out their he’d grown to love it and couldn’t get enough of it.

So now, he blamed his curiosity for why he was following Penelope into Oxford Street. He knew it
was wrong but, what he also knew was that Penelope was alone. She would never go anywhere
alone usually. She would be accompanied by her sisters or a maid or even his sisters. But here she
was alone, and Colin noted that they passed through Oxford Street and now they were heading for
Soho Street which meant they were…

Colin stared out the window of the carriage as they rolled passed his lodgings in Bloomsbury.

Where in the devil was Penelope going?

He’d thought for a minute that maybe just maybe she was visiting him but then he remembered
telling her about taking Charlotte back to his lodgings after Kate’s birthday party and she’d been
less than pleased. Rather disgusted actually. She’d pulled a face and everything. Because Penelope
didn’t do things like that. It’s not that she’d been judging Charlotte on her behaviour, okay perhaps
she had but then again Colin hadn’t even started telling her about their tumultuous relationship and
then when he had Penelope had just looked sad. Which had irked Colin almost to breaking point
because he didn’t want to make Penelope sad.

Colin frowned a little. Judging himself too because here he was again, thinking about Charlotte
Huntington. Was he ever actually going to let go of her?

He needed to. He really, really needed to because Charlotte didn’t seem to make him the man he
wanted to be.

Colin attempted to shake his head of Charlotte just as his driver came to a stop. He’d nearly
forgotten what he’d been doing and when he poked his head out the window again, he gasped
when he noticed they were in the city.

When they rounded another corner and crossed Fleet Street the carriages came to a halt.
Colin craned his neck in search of Penelope, and he saw her. Heading towards a building that
looked like a church.

Colin frowned to himself.

“What in the bloody hell are you up to?” He growled before taking a step out of the carriage when
he noticed she was far enough away to not notice him.

Colin bounded up the church steps once he’d made sure Penelope was inside. He stood at the back,
in the shadows, really not wanting her to see him, only when he thought it would be the right time
because seriously, what in heavens name was Penelope Featherington doing out here by herself?

This is what made Colin most angry. The fact that she had no regard for her safety. London wasn’t
safe for a well-bred lady like her.

He watched as Penelope walked up the aisle. Almost as if she was trying to choose the correct pew
to sit at. He watched as she moved into the pew and he watched as she moved her head from left to
right as if checking she was alone, before digging into her coat and pulling out a white envelope
and sliding it carefully in a back pocket of the pew in front of her.

Colin was afraid she’d turn around and his cover would be blown but she seemed pretty committed
to what she was currently doing that he figured he’d be safe.

Until she was satisfied with her work and edged out into the aisle again.

That’s when Colin made his move.

Colin ventured out of the shadows slowly and calculatedly. Like he was stalking prey.

Penelope heard him and looked up. She was startled and maybe a little bit scared which Colin felt
himself grow angrier at her.

“Col...” She started just as he stopped right in front of her.

“I… uh…” She was stammering and looking everywhere but at him and the pew she’d just placed
something in.

Colin felt a sick satisfaction within himself seeing her looking so startled.

“What are you doing here?” She finally managed to get out. He looked at her with little empathy
hearing the tone of her voice, something between choked and high pitched.

“Surprised?” He drawled out, his facial expression was blank, and Penelope was seemingly
unaware of the fury that was bubbling inside him.

“Only because I’ve never seen you here before?” Penelope managed and Colin smiled a smile that
never reached his eyes.

“I’ve never been, but by the sounds of it you come here often?”

Penelope couldn’t decide whether to be afraid of Colin or to just go with the conversation so since
she decided to not let Colin know he was getting to her; she chose the latter.

And she prayed and prayed that he hadn’t seen her place the envelope in the pew. They were in a
church after all, it seemed fitting.
Penelope had been quiet for too long she realized as Colin’s brow arched.

She swallowed before she continued to speak. Saying something about how it was a writer’s
church, and she loved the serenity about it. Babbling on and on until Colin couldn’t take it

“Maybe…” Colin interrupted her, and she looked at him with wide eyes.

“We should pray right now.” Colin stated, looking right at Penelope who swallowed again.

“We should?” She questioned. A little confused but still going with the conversation because there
was no way in hell this was how her secret will be found out.

“You know I haven’t been the best of person these past few weeks, it could maybe help me out,
but it could also probably help you out for lying as well.” He said it so nonchalantly Penelope
gasped and then let out a squeak as he strode passed her.

“I haven’t been lying. You’re the one who’s been lying Colin.” Penelope stated matter of fact,
although she was definitely lying right then. She was surprised neither of them had combusted the
minute they entered the church.

He turned around and was now walking backwards, facing her, taunting her.

“Which seat should I take?” He pondered out loud momentarily before pointing to the exact one
Penelope had placed her envelope in.

“Perhaps this one?” He questioned, still facing her, edging his way between the pews, his hand
digging into the pocket of the pew opposite it and bringing out the envelope.

“Colin, wait!” She shrieked frantically. Running up to him to try and grab the column she’d written
about him and Charlotte. Exposing their secret affairs. She’d been angry when she’d written it.
Written scornful things about the both of them. He’d never forgive her if he found out who she was
and what she’d written.

Colin placed the envelope out of her reach and shook his head.

“You know what I think I’m most angry about, Penelope?” He asked her but she didn’t say a thing,
she didn’t move. She just stared at the envelope that was out of her reach.

“I’m angrier that you made me tell you all of my secrets, yet you seem to have your own.” His
voice was even and low.

“In all honesty, if this is ever going to work out between us, we need to be open with each other.”

And with that he ripped the envelope open, and Penelope ran out of the church, tears spilling out of
her eyes because she knew she’d been caught.
Chapter 12
Chapter Summary

If you recall, Colin doesn't know Charlotte is a rake. He thinks she just didn't want to
get married when they were younger. That is all :)

Chapter Notes

I am having too much fun with this rollercoaster of a story.

I apologise if its not the carriage scene everyone was hoping for. I think it would be
too rushed if he had to kiss her then, especially with all the angst!! :)

That evening Charlotte Huntington decided she was no longer going to be sad. She’d put herself out
there and she’d been shut down but onwards and upwards and what better way than to go upwards?
A party with Genevieve Delacroix. But not the one she went to after she found out about Colin
courting Penelope Featherington. No. she wouldn’t stoop so low again. This one would be a more
sophisticated soiree.


Colin’s eyes tore through the writings on the paper he’d retrieved from the envelope.

“Oh my god.” He stated, falling to his knees as he continued to read. Finishing the paragraph and
feeling utterly sick to his stomach at what he’d just read.

And who he’d just read it written by.

Lady Whistledown? Penelope Featherington was Lady Whistledown?

No. He shook his head but found himself re-reading the paragraph again. And his stomach churned

“When one comes to terms with one’s life it can be extremely satisfactory. This Author, for one has
decided it’s time for some secrets to be spilled. The ton is hiding a few of them in itself. If you’re
wondering why the third eldest Bridgerton son has never been married? I have the answer. If
you’re wondering why the only daughter of Count Charles Huntington has never been married? I
have the answer. If you haven’t put two and two together yet then I must say, dear reader, you are
not as smart as This Author deemed you to be. Secret affairs, rendezvous’, lies, and betrayals lay in
the relationship between Mr Bridgerton and Ms Huntington. They’ve been fooling you all. And
This Author feels that both parties have made their beds so they should lay in it.”

Lady Whistledown Society Paper’s 31 June 1824

He couldn’t quite believe it. He didn’t want to believe it but there it was in black ink. Signed at the
bottom of the paper.
And then he registered what she was about to publish.

She was about to blow the whistle on him and Charlotte’s relationship. She was that angry.

She was that angry that she was going to ruin everything. Ruin Charlotte, ruin Colin and most of all
ruin herself because Charlotte and Colin would be forced to marry if this came out. Colin of course
would marry Charlotte to save her reputation, but would he be happy?

Would they be happy?

Colin thought for a moment before looking up and realizing that Penelope had left.

Colin got up off the floor and straightened out his breachers. He held the Lady Whistledown
scandal sheet tightly in his grip, nearly crumpling it, as he made his way out of the church. He
looked around but, Penelope and her rented hack were not there. He crumpled the sheet harder.

He looked up and down the street before spotting a red head running much further down the road
than he’d expected.

He frowned and groaned because he was in no mood to chase anybody. But he knew he couldn’t
just leave her there, so he climbed into his carriage and ordered the driver to catch up to her.

Once they were near her, he saw her look back while running and she tried to speed up.

“Penelope.” He called out and if she had heard him, she made out like she hadn’t. Continuing with
her run. She eventually stopped, trying to catch her breath and that’s when Colin tapped on the
roof of the carriage bringing it to a stop and ordered Penelope to get into it.

“I am in no mood to chase you down, but I will do it even though it will only make me angrier.” He
warned her and Penelope looked like she was deciding whether or not it was safe to get into the
carriage with Colin or continue with her run. She was tired. She knew she’d never be able to run all
the way back to Mayfair, but this was a start.

She also knew Colin would never physically hurt her no matter how angry he was so; she made the
decision that running back to Mayfair was ridiculous.

Penelope assisted herself up into the carriage, ignoring Colin’s outstretched hand, the one that
wasn’t crumpling the scandal sheet. She sat on the opposite side, looking out the window with her
arms crossed around her chest.

After a while of only hearing the clip clop of the horse’s hooves Colin broke the silence.

“So you really have nothing to say?” He asked, pretty sure that if he crumpled the scandal sheet
anymore there’d be nothing left so he released it and handed it over to her.

“Well I believe this is yours.”

She only moved her eyes, narrowing them onto the scandal sheet and snatching the crumpled mess
from Colin’s fingers.

Colin scoffed and they both fell into an uncomfortable silence again. Every so often Penelope’s
eyes darted over to Colin without him realizing. She studied him. His reaction. She knew he’d read
it. Knew that he was obviously just trying to digest the information he had found out. The
revelation that she was Lady Whistledown was definitely something to digest.
And by the way the sheet had been crumpled she also knew he was furious.

Colin eventually spoke again after they’d driven along a few gravelly roads.

“What I find hard to believe is that you’d publicly humiliate me like that? Without having spoken
to me first.” His voice was soft, but Penelope could sense the anger underneath.

“I thought you’d be more adult about it.” He added and with that Penelope snapped.

“You’re telling me to act the adult?” She cried out and Colin’s eyes widened a little, surprised at
her outburst.

“I’m not the one running around in the rain with someone I’ve proposed marriage to before. I’m
not the one taking that same person back to their lodgings for a secret rendezvous. Just think Colin.
How do you think I’m feeling about this? You’ve lied constantly and you’re just expecting me to
be fine with everything you’ve done because you’re you?” Her eyes pierced his, her tone had gone
high pitched, but he wasn’t about to back down because she was also in the wrong here.

“Exposing what Charlotte and I did to the Ton is not the way to go Penelope.” He responded
quietly to her outburst.

“You don’t think I know that? I realized it but then I also realized that it’s the only way for you
two to actually admit your feelings for one another and stop hurting other people. You’re both
hiding under the façade that your relationship isn’t real if people don’t know about it. If you just
communicated properly with one another, we wouldn’t be in this mess. If Charlotte…”

“That’s rich.” Colin interrupted her and her eyes turned fiery.

"I beg your pardon?" She spat out.

“You wouldn’t speak to me last night when I was trying to explain what was happening, you
actually would’ve known that Charlotte and I did speak.” Penelope’s features softened, as if she
was feeling a tiny bit of remorse for writing the column.

The carriage then came to a stop and Colin looked out the window. They were outside of the
Featherington house.

Penelope felt like she needed to know what Colin and Charlotte had spoken about but then again,
she also didn’t want to know because if Colin and Charlotte were running off together, they could
do it without telling her. The way their entire relationship had played out. In secret.

“I think I should go.” Penelope said quietly and Colin just looked at her.

“I understand if you don’t want to see me again.” She added and Colin still just looked at her.

He wanted to shake her shoulders. Wanted to yell at her for her actions but then again, he had put
her in that corner with his own actions. He didn’t know how they could come back from this. He
desperately wanted to but so far it seemed like they were drowning with no one to rescue either of
them. Revenge and betrayals pushing them further apart from one another.

“I need time to think.” Colin said out loud to himself more than to her, but she nodded anyway.
Desperately trying not to cry in front of him. Because was this him letting her go? Was this her
letting him go? It sure felt like it.

Penelope walked up the steps into the Featherington home after climbing out of the carriage. She
took one last glance at Colin before she entered the house. He looked… she couldn’t quite point it
out, but it did seem like he was thinking.

And what Colin was thinking was that he needed a drink. A drink to calm his bloody nerves. A
drink to think. A drink to make this all make sense.


“You brought me to a gentleman’s club?” Charlotte hissed at Genevieve who looked back at
Charlotte with a I’m-sorry-I-didn’t-tell-you-else-you-wouldn’t-have-come look on her face.

And all Charlotte could do was laugh. Because this is what her life had come to.

“I should’ve known this was your idea of a sophisticated soiree.” She added, rather sarcastically too
and Genevieve rolled her eyes.

“The best way to get over a man My dear Charlotte, is to get under another one and what better
place to find a gentleman than a gentleman’s club?” Genevieve asked with a raised brow.

“I was hoping for some dancing, maybe some light banter, maybe one of those underground clubs
in the city not this.” Charlotte looked around as the big bodyguard outside ushered them in.

The light was minimal, and the air was thick with cigar smoke.

“I made sure this was a club that only out of town aristocrats venture to. Not many people will
know you here and if they do it’s from that Lady Whistledown’s gossip.” Genevieve advised
Charlotte, this didn’t seem to calm Charlotte down though.

Charlotte’s eyes were darting to every corner of the room. Like she was looking for somebody.

“The Bridgerton men frequent gentleman clubs.” Charlotte whispered and Genevieve nodded.

“I know this. But I assure you. There will be none of them here my dear.”

But that turned out to be a lie.

Because far off, in the corner, downing his what was it, third brandy? Sat Colin Bridgerton and
Charlotte’s eyes immediately found his form. She froze on the spot.

He looked a sorry sort.

And Charlotte knew he was not going to be happy seeing her there.

She’d always managed to keep her rakish ways out of the Ton’s grip, out of Colin's grip. He didn't
need to know about that life but, she felt that slipping through her fingers.

And it was too late to run because he had looked up and their eyes locked.
Chapter 13
Chapter Summary

This could be the end for Colin and Charlotte

When Colin had left the Featherington home he decided a brandy or five would make him feel
better. He did not want to go to his normal gentleman’s club. He did not want company. He would
know men there and right now he wanted to be alone.

He’d heard of the exclusive club for out-of-town aristocrats just outside of Mayfair and decided
that’s where he would spend his evening.

He’d just learned that the lady that he’d been courting for the last couple of weeks, the lady that he
thought he may have a future with the lady that he’d known his whole life was none other than the
notorious Lady Whistledown. Clearly, he didn’t know Penelope at all.

He finished his drink and raised his hand for another, and one was brought over to him. He
thanked the server and went back to pondering what he was going to do with the information he’d
uncovered. If he was going to do anything at all? And if Penelope and him could come back from
all of this because right now it seemed unlikely.

He was pondering another thought when he heard commotion towards the front of room. And
when he looked up and his eyes met with those amber eyes, he couldn’t quite believe it either. He
looked at her for a while, stared really, trying to imagine if he was just seeing things. But when she
eventually moved, grabbing her friend’s arm, her eyes never leaving his, he knew it to be true.

What in the devil’s name was Charlotte doing at a gentleman’s club?


Charlotte’s heart dropped into her stomach, and she grabbed Genevieve by the arm, hurling her
back in a very unsophisticated manner.

“Charlotte.” Genevieve hissed and stared back at the girl who’s eyes were fixated on something
else. Genevieve followed her gaze and let out a low whistle.

“Well, now that’s not good.” Was all she said, and Charlotte finally removed her gaze off of Colin
and stared at Genevieve in shock.

“He’s the very man I am trying to get over and that’s all you have to say?” Charlotte responded,
dumbstruck. Genevieve grimaced.

“I don’t know what you expect me to do?” Genevieve asked which made Charlotte groan and put
her head in her hands, the stress taking over.

She didn’t have too much time to stress however because it felt like a split second had gone passed
when Colin was standing between, she and Genevieve, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her
into a room adjacent to the one they currently resided in.
“Mr Bridgerton!” Genevieve cried out, shocked that Colin even had the audacity to come up to
Charlotte let alone handle her the way he did. She banged on the door that was now locked with
the two of them on the other side.

“Have all the women in the Ton lost their goddamn minds?” Colin cursed, asking no one in
particular, the words coming out in a flurry of anger because he was still reeling from Penelope’s
bloody secret.

Charlotte yanked her arm out of his grip and scowled at him.

“What the hell are you doing here, Charlotte?” His eyes, a violent shade of green, turned to her as
he asked the question.

“I don’t think that’s any of your business.” Charlotte responded coolly which only seemed to anger
Colin more.

He took two quick strides towards her.

“This is a gentleman’s club.” He spoke the words to her as if he were scolding a child after they’d
done something wrong. Trying to make them understand what they did was wrong.

“I am well aware.” Charlotte replied much to Colin’s growing annoyance.

“For gods sake Charlotte.” Colin ran a hand through his already dishevelled hair and sighed.

She needed to act in a way that Colin wouldn’t think that these trips were a frequent thing. Maybe
he’d just think that she was besides herself with grief from him turning her down and that this was
the only resort. He’d go on to assume it was Genevieve’s idea and ban Charlotte from hanging out
with her again but obviously Charlotte wouldn’t listen to him because he didn’t have a say in things
regarding her life.

And even though she desperately wanted to kiss him right then and make him feel better because
he was clearly upset before he saw her enter the club, she told herself to stop. They weren’t there
anymore. He’d chosen Penelope Featherington but what Charlotte couldn’t help but wonder was
why he’d chosen Penelope.

And Charlotte couldn’t help but wonder why he was at a gentleman’s club anyway? Surely, he
should be at home with his dearest Penelope planning a wedding or something. He couldn’t court
her forever.

So she turned the question on him. Also hoping that it would distract him from his question
towards her.

“What are you doing here?” She asked him. Looking at him with a hint of curiosity on her face.
Like she knew that something had happened.

“A bit far out of town for a Bridgerton, don’t you think?” She added and Colin frowned in her

He knew what she was doing. She was trying to turn the situation around on him but, she had
started to twiddle her thumbs together which only meant she was anxious and why would she be
anxious? One would only be anxious in a gentleman’s club if one didn’t belong there. If one was
up to no good.

Colin’s frown faded as he raised an eyebrow.

“Bit out of character for a well-bred lady such as yourself, don’t you think?” He quipped back,
gesturing around the room as if to make his point.

“I do not need this from you.” Charlotte could only respond and tried to push passed him to try to
leave but he just grabbed her upper arm again.

“Lady Whistledown knows about us.” Was all he said to keep Charlotte from going any further.
She frowned, confused.

“What?” She whispered, shocked, surprised, wondering if she’d heard him correctly.

“How do you know she knows about us?” Charlotte questioned, rearing back, looking Colin
directly in the eyes to see if she could find the answer faster.

“I’ve tried to put a stop to it.” Colin continued as if Charlotte hadn’t spoken.

“How do you know, Colin?” Charlotte asked again, more sternly.

“Do you know who she is?” Charlotte added, her voice a whisper again.

“I’m sure she will keep our secret what it needs to be. Well I hope she does.” Colin carried on and
Charlotte grew irritated because he wasn’t listening to her.

“But you, coming out to places like this is not a good look for you. And if she knows about us
imagine what else she knows about.” Colin’s eyebrow rose and he looked at Charlotte.

“You don’t get to tell me how to live, Colin.” Charlotte responded softly and Colin continued to
look at her.

“You gave up that right when you chose Penelope.” She added, noticing his eye twitch at the
mention of Penelope.

“You’re going to ruin yourself, Charlotte.” He added, more softly this time.

“Oh but I’m already ruined, Colin.” She responded with finality in her voice because she was angry
at the way things had turned out, and Colin let go of her arm as if she’d burned him.

“As for Lady Whistledown…” She thought to add, Colin’s eyes piercing her own with such
intensity it made her heart ache.

“If I’m already ruined, she can’t ruin me further.” Charlotte ended and Colin didn’t say anything,
instead he just felt a pang of guilt in his chest, as if it had been him that ruined her.
Chapter 14
Chapter Summary

The End

Chapter Notes

Thank you to everyone who has read this story.

Thanks for all the comments and Kudos. Thanks for the story tips - without them I
don't think I would've been able to finish it :)

I had a lot of fun writing this story but onto new things. I have a new story in mind so
keep an eye out for it :)

Before Charlotte left the room, she felt an inkling to ask Colin one more time. To see if he would
tell her who Lady Whistledown was.

“Who is she, Colin? If she knows our secret, do you not think it wise, I know who it is?”

Colin gave her an exhausted look and sighed.

“I’d rather have you not know. You seem to have your hands full already.” His quip regarding her
venture to the gentleman’s club did not go unnoticed. Charlotte decided to not go forth with a quip
back about why he was there and not with his dearest Penelope, she chose to rather ask another
question instead.

“What did the article entail?”

“Everything.” He responded quietly and Charlotte nodded, and Colin saw a look of worry flash
across her face.

“But I have it handled. Just keep a low-profile a while.” He advised further and Charlotte nodded,
rather hearing him telling her to stop doing what she was doing if she didn’t want to get caught.

“What is that supposed to mean?” She asked, her voice sounding irritated, because it was the
second time he said something, making her read between the lines and she wanted him to just say it
to her. Instead of being so coy about it.

“You know what it means Charlotte. Why else are you at a gentleman’s club?” He queried.

Charlotte pursed her lips together and stared at him for a while.

“You don’t get to judge me.” She said quietly and Colin raised his eyebrow at her.

“I’m not judging you. I’m surprised is all, and as you can see, I have a lot to deal with right now, so
I hardly have time to deal with this news too.” He informed her and Charlotte, who was too tired to
argue let it go with a sigh.

And she knew Colin would sort out whatever mess this was going to cause. She knew that he
would never let his family name be tarnished, let alone hers. What they’d done was foolish she
knew it now and, what she also knew was that they would never be again.

So she chanced one last glance at Colin before she took her leave. Bidding him goodbye and him
sending her a nod.

She then decided to leave the club altogether because she felt defeated. Renting a hack because
she’d come with Genevieve.

She thought about her conversation with Colin regarding Lady Whistledown. Colin knew who
Lady Whistledown was yet, he was not jumping at the opportunity to expose her after all the
horrible things the woman had had to say about Colin’s friends, Colin’s family. This got Charlotte
thinking. Lady Whistledown must be someone Colin knows.

Charlotte stared out into the darkness while the hack bounded up the gravel round.

She wondered how much influence Colin had over this Lady Whistledown if he managed to stop
her from publishing an incriminating article about the both of them. Did he perhaps have
something on her?


Colin let Charlotte go without another word.

Of course he hadn’t a clue if Penelope would actually publish the article or not. If he’d managed at
all to make her think about her actions. If he had any persuasion on her at all anymore after the
pain he’d caused her. But he hoped he did, and he hoped Penelope could forgive him one last time.

Because seeing Charlotte there tonight, at the gentleman’s club, opened his eyes a little. He’d
always known that Charlotte was not an innocent, that’s where he felt guilt after she’d told him she
was already ruined. But he hadn’t realized it was to this extent. To a rakish extent. To an extent
where she’d been with other men other than himself. Because why else would she be at a
gentleman’s club?

And Colin realized that she would probably never change. Not even for him. So he let her go. Let
her go for real this time.

He then turned his attention back to Penelope after Charlotte left. Penelope who had managed to
fool the entire ton as Lady Whistledown. Penelope, who he had known his entire life. Penelope
who was about to ruin their relationship because she was angry with him. And Colin couldn’t
blame her.

He was angry at himself too.

God, why did he have to wait so long to realize what he had in front of him all along was what he
yearned for in life? And now it might have been too late because he had been selfish and had made
bad choices.

He ran a hand down his face in frustration and left the club too. Not even looking back to see if
Charlotte had remained. He knew now that that chapter was closed.

Penelope stared at the article that was placed on her desk in her bedchamber.

She stared at it for such a long time she was surprised a hole didn’t burn straight through it.

She confessed to herself that it may have been a foolish decision to publish the article. It would
have not only ruined Colin and Charlotte’s lives but also perhaps her own and their families too.
Something she hadn’t exactly thought through clearly.

But in her defence how could she trust Colin again after all of this?

Daphne’s ball had been the last straw. It was so public, almost cruel, something she thought Colin
could never be, but he had said that nothing had happened, and she was quick to refuse him
because she was embarrassed.

She knew her heart couldn’t take it if she had to give him up. She’d spent too long pining over him
to do that, but he needed to learn that his actions hurt her, and she figured Lady Whistledown could
be the way to go, even though he, at the time, hadn’t known it was her. It almost felt relieving to
know he knew now, and he knew how she felt about his affairs with Charlotte.

But seeing his reaction in the carriage on the way back from the church was almost unbearable for
her. She needed to get away from him because she knew in her heart of hearts that it would always
be Colin and even if he screwed up a hundred times over, she’d take him back because he was

And she felt stupid.

And she wanted to cry.

But she also wanted to tear up the article. So, she did even though she had memorized every word
in her head. She made the choice that she didn’t want to be cruel.

After that she cried.


Colin found himself on the steps of the Featherington home.

He’d found himself outside of Penelope’s house with only one thought on his mind, okay he may
have had a few thoughts, but his main thought was that in all his haste to be angry at her regarding
the column he realized that he hadn’t once thought to be amazed and that he was. He was amazed
at her because for years she’d been the talk of the ton and not once had she let slip at any time and
believe him, he’d been thinking about it hard. Not at any time had she made an error. For people to
figure her out. It was only Colin who had been able to find out because he’d followed her.

He was proud and he needed to tell her that. He didn’t care that it was at a god-awful hour. He
needed to see her and tell her that he was proud of her. Of her accomplishments. And if she really
needed to publish the article she could. He didn’t want to be the one who stopped her from being
Lady Whistledown. She should though for her own safety, but he would help her keep the secret if
need be because he was proud of her. Something he realized when he was sitting in the
gentleman’s club.

He took a deep breath in before knocking. Breathing out only once the door had opened and the
Featherington butler was standing before him.
He had no time for questions, no time for butler antics he just pushed his way past into the house.

“Penelope!” Colin called out loud enough to wake up the entire household.

“Mr Bridgerton!” The butler cried out. Very shocked at Colin’s outburst.

“Miss Featherington has retired for the evening.” Their butler advised Colin in an almost scolding

Colin stared at the butler then back up at the staircase and raised his voice again.

“PEN?” He yelled louder this time much to the butler’s annoyance.

There was a small scuffle between Colin and the butler as Colin tried to make his way up the
staircase but then he heard her small voice.

“Colin?” She asked, from up the staircase, standing in her dressing gown. Colin looked up at her.

“I’m sorry.” He called out and Penelope made her way down the stairs, jogging a little because she
needed to remove Brixton’s hand from Colin’s bicep.

“Brixton please.” Penelope muttered and he let go not before narrowing his eyes dangerously at

Colin fixed himself as much as he could before he stared at Penelope again.

“I’m sorry.” He stated, taking her hand in his and tugging her closer.

Penelope gasped.

“I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry I was a prick. I know that now. I’m sorry for the way things
happened but I just wanted to say I’m proud of you and if you really want to do it you can.”

“Mr Bridgerton…” Brixton warned.

Penelope’s eyes widened as she took in what Colin was saying.

She hadn’t seen him like this in years. Almost desperate.

“Colin I…” She started but then he got down on one knee, still grasping onto Penelope’s hand.

If Penelope’s eyes widened even more, they’d surely pop out of her head.

“Penelope Featherington. Will you do me the honour of marrying me?” He asked. He knew it
wasn’t the most romantic setting, but he worried that if he didn’t do it now and did something
stupid again, he’d lose her forever.

Penelope smiled. The widest smile that had graced her face in days.

And she nodded. No hesitating at all.

And Colin got up and kissed her so passionately that Brixton had to turn away. And Penelope’s
knees nearly buckled until Colin held her tightly around her waist.

“Penelope Featherington!” Portia cried out from the top of the stairs after having witnessed her
daughter be compromised by Colin Bridgerton.
“What in heavens are you doing?” Portia cried out again, walking briskly down the stairs so she
could get Colin’s hands off of her daughter.

“We’re getting married!” Penelope stated, excitement clear in her voice. “

"I beg your pardon?” Portia questioned, looking from Colin to Penelope and then back again.

“I do apologise that I never came to you first, Lady Featherington.” Colin started but Portia
continued to stare at the two, almost gobsmacked.

“But I couldn’t wait any more.” He added.

Portia’s head turned from Colin’s face to Penelope’s face then she smiled.

“Well this is just lovely!”


Two Weeks Later

There was a wedding.

The Huntington’s had been invited but Charlotte thought it best not to attend. Caroline had however
come back with all the details.

Colin and Penelope were married in a fortnight and Charlotte well, she was surprised when she
didn’t feel a damned thing.


No sadness, no hurt, no anger. Just absolute nothingness.

That’s what happened when you turned off your emotions she supposed.

She had however gone down a rabbit hole. Trying to figure out who Lady Whistledown was. She’d
come up with two things. It was either Eloise Bridgerton or Penelope Featherington, she just
couldn’t bring herself to believe that it was either of the two.

Until the morning of 16th July 1824 when Lady Whistledown published her last column.

Dear Reader.

This Author once said that she would retire if Penelope Featherington married a Bridgerton and I
do believe that day has come. Much to the Ton’s surprise.

This will be my last column because things just don’t make sense anymore.

Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers

16th July 1824

Charlotte smiled to herself after reading the column because suddenly everything did make sense.

She’d read enough Lady Whistledown columns in the last forty-eight hours to understand the
woman a little bit more than reading a column once a week.

She placed Lady Whistledown’s last column in the drawer next to her bed and turned over to the
suitor lying next to her.

“What has you smiling?” He asked her, his almost golden eyes gleaming in the sunlight streaming
through the window. His finger tracing delicate circles on her bare stomach.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” She responded, a little sly smirk gracing her face as she leaned in
and kissed him.

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