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How did you choose your proposed course and institution*?

My study, research and work experiences related to linguistics and language pedagogy
overwhelmingly become a strong consideration to choose a course and institution. As an
English education student at Institute of Teacher Training and Education Mataram (IKIP
Mataram), I have learnt teaching English and linguistics theoretically and practically. Apart
from my study, I work in a community education institution called Sekolah Perjumpaan
involving in language and character education in Mataram, Indonesia. In this organization, I
obtain valuable skills and experiences and unfortunately identify problem related to
inappropriate language teaching strategy where it only implements a similar approach for
different student’s comprehension level.
Moreover, I also involve as a co-author in conducting an academic journal entitled Sasak,
Meno-Mene Dialect that has been published by Cambridge University Press in 2018
concerning on local dialect sound produced by certain people in Lombok island. I found a
sustainable issue to address on such the extinction of certain use of words and sounds.
For overcoming aforementioned problems, I decide to pursue master of General and Applied
Linguistics in the Australian National University (ANU). Generally, this course offers deep
discourse in linguistics and its application. Specifically, the knowledge of language and social
interaction, semantics and language teaching will form the basis expertise that I will gain.
Owing to this, I expect to be a good researcher who are able to describe the effect of social
culture between language and its teaching strategy. Moreover, ANU is recognized as a
world class university which not only provides reputable lectures and good academic
atmosphere, but it is also a suitable place in gaining global network. For these reasons, I
believe that these can encourage my knowledge and expand my career to contribute in
How will the proposed study contribute to your career*?

Studying in Master of General and Applied Linguistics in the Australian National University
is a gateway to reach my career expectation in the next 5 years as a linguistics researcher and
educational practicioner. Conducting a research that concerns on language structures,
typology, and sounds is a way to give my contribution in solving language problem, such the
word extinction, occurring in Indonesia. Furthermore, this study will also broaden my
knowledge in understanding the correlation between languages, human, social, geographic
and cultural heritage deeply so I can develop fruitful result of language research in Lombok.
This research demand a deep understanding towards language studies research method as
well as applied linguistics research design knowledge.

In addition, holding a Master certificate of General and Applied Linguistics in the Australian
National University as the world class university, I will be able to make an innovative
language teaching approach that can be used in 50 different communities under the Sekolah
Perjumpaan guidance as my current workplace. Moreover, this course will give me a better
comprehension of the rule in training and education as an effective mean of social
educational transformation. Importantly, it will become my milestone to be a lecturer in
certain universities in Mataram.

The two prominent careers will obviously bring the positive developments either in my
institution, Sekolah Perjumpaan, or my region, West Nusa Tenggara Province. Based on all
of mentioned demanding knowledge, I believe that pursuing a study in Master of General and
Applied Linguistics in The Australian National University which offers a comprehensive
structure of linguistics subject in term of theory, praxis, and research will undoubtedly
encourage my career as a linguistic researcher and educational practicioner.

How have you contributed to solving a challenge and to implementing change or reform? (be
specific and include: what aspect/s of your leadership knowledge, skills and practice you
consider to be well established and effective; which people and organizations you worked
with to solve the problem; and what creative method were used)

In 2015, I involved in the establishment of Sekolah Perjumpaan, a community school project

in Karang Bongkot, West Lombok, Indonesia, that is aimed to build the character education
through language uses and community. As a long-term project, it needs a complete
participation of all stakeholders in the village. However, in the beginning, this program was
rejected by the village chief because the predominant society was uneducated and the chief
village was afraid that the villagers would not enthusiastically involve in this education

Importantly, the first step that had to be conducted was strengthening the relationship with
society. With the village chief’s permission, my team determined to conduct various pilot
projects that were involved the villagers and those projects organized by three groups of my
team. The first group concerned in entrepreneurship issue conducted Mushroom cultivation
training. Concerning in educational activities, the second team taught English lesson to the
children, while the last team focused on environmental issue by picking and recycling rubbish
in the village. Imperatively, all of teams always tried to engage societies in all activities by
directly inviting them as a direct campaign of Sekolah Perjumpaan’s program. Furthermore,
in order to run the programs effectively, I arranged teams based on their expertise and
passion. I also asked the teams to make a progress reports and evaluate them in regular
meeting. After 2 months, the society started to realize the positive impact of our project
programs and decided to more involve in our program. It is the basic foundation to run
Sekolah Perjumpaan.

I successfully establish Sekolah Perjumpaan that still run in nowadays as a sustainable

program, it has been developed in other 50 villages within 3 years. In order to more increase
social empowerment, West Nusa Tenggara authority makes this project as a government
priority program by providing office building, library, and computer.

Please:- a) give up to three practical examples of how you intend to use the knowledge,
skills and connections you will gain from your scholarship. Possible tasks can be
personal and/or professional; and b) list any possible constraints you think may prevent
you from achieving these tasks.*:

Predictably, I will find several obstacles dealing with the implementation of knowledge and
skills as well as the utilization of my global connections. Firstly, funding for social and
research programs is still difficult to be found because the Indonesian government only
allocates a little amount of finance in social and research program, particularly linguistic
subject. Secondly, lack of research and teaching language facility is becoming the obstacle to
implement an innovative language research and teaching and also the vital facilities, such as
computers, projector, and even internet connection are rare in Lombok villages. However, I
will struggle to gain a fund for encouraging my social and research programs by proposing in
various aid or funding programs like Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

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