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UNIT 3 :
Primary 3
Subject English

A. Cross out (X) the correct answer!

1. A fennec fox lives in Sahara desert.
……… sleeps underground during the day.
What is the correct subject pronoun to complete the sentence?
a. They b. Them c. It d. He
2. Kangaroos have pouches on their body.
…………. carry their babies in their pouches.
What is the correct subject pronoun to complete the sentence?
a. They b. Them c. It d. He
3. Come on, Jim! Let’s fly our kites! It’s...............outside.
a. rainy b. cloudy c. cold d. windy
4. The sun shines. The children are playing soccer. It’s … outside.
a. rainy b. snowy c. cloudy d. sunny
5. Deserts are very … places.
a. rainy b. dry c. cloudy d. wet
6. A plant with thick, waxy skin and sharp spines and can live with very little water is …
a. rose b. sunflower c. cactus d. water lily
7. Did your sister … for a swim yesterday? No, she didn’t.
a. went b. go c. goes d. going
8. Ibrahim … upset and hurt because Hassan yelled at him.
a. felt b. feel c. is feel d. feeling
9. The Antarctic blue whale is the … animal on the planet.
a. biggest b. bigger c. more big d. most big
10. Sahara is the … desert in the world.
a. large b. most large c. larger d. largest
11. Did Ben swim yesterday? …
a. Yes, he didn’t c. Yes, he did
b. No, he did d. No, he isn’t
12. I need food to eat. I am …. Now.
a. sleepy b. thirsty c. hungry d. happy

13. My little sister is angry. Someone broke her doll.
The underlined word means the same as …
a. happy b. sad c. excited d. upset
14. My mom didn’t … dinner last night.
a. cooked b. cooks c. cook d. cooking
15. The snake cannot get out of the hole. It is …
a. wise b. kind c. trapped d. excited
16. Where did the boys walk to? They … to the oasis.
a. walked b. walk c. walks d. walking
17. What did you buy on Shopee 10.10 shopping day last month?
I...............some t-shirts.
a. buy b. bought c. buys d. buying
18. The mouse ran quickly to escape from the rattlesnake.
The opposite of the bold word is ………
a. kindly b. wisely c. loudly d. slowly
19. Did your brother … you to do the homework last night?
a. help b. helping c. helps d. helped
20. This animal lives in desert. It has hump on its back. It is a…
a. jerboa b. fennec fox c. camel d. rattlesnake

B. Fill in the blanks using the correct answer from the box!
1. What’s the temperature? It’s cold It’s minus eight degrees. A. Unkind
2. The coyote was wise. It helped the mouse.
B. Confused
The opposite of the underlined word is stupid
3. Did he come last Sunday? Yes, he did C. Cold

4. She doesn’t understand about the lesson she’s just learned. D. He did
She is confused
E. stupid
5. What’s the temperature? It’s hot. It’s 35 degrees.
6. Everybody says that it is the most delicious food. F. Most delicious

We all like it. G. Explains

7. The police man tells us about the directions. He explains it clearly.
H. He didn’t
8. I think I am the happiest person because I got many presents
on my birthday party. I. Happiest

9. Did he jump into the deep water? No, he didn’t J. Hot

10. Paula is kind. She loves helping her friends.
The opposite of the underlined word is


C. Answer correctly!
1. Read the text to answer the following questions.

a. Why is desert hot and dry?

Because it gets almost no rainfall
b. How is the land in the desert?
the land can be rocky or sandy
c. What do the desert animals do during the day?
They stay in the shade or sleep underground
d. Why do very few people live in deserts?
It is difficult to live in a hot and dry place
e. Where does the water in the oasis come from?
From deep wells under the sand

2. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the superlative adjectives.
a. The Atacama Desert is the driest place on earth. (dry)
b. I think Hawaii is the most beautiful on Earth. (beautiful)
c. I think home is the most comfortable place in the world.(comfortable)
d. My mum has just bought the nicest dress for me. (nice)
e. She is the smartest among her classmates. (smart)

3. Change the form of the sentences.
a. Affirmative form : Ibrahim felt upset and hurt.
Negative form : Ibrahim didn’t feel upset and hurt
Question form : Did Ibrahim feel upset and hurt ?
b. Affirmative form : Kim came to my birthday party last night. .
Negative form : Kim didn’t come to my birthday party last night.
Question form : Did Kim come to my birthday party last night ?
c. Affirmative form : You studied Science yesterday morning .
Negative form : You didn’t study yesterday morning ?
Question form : Did you study Science yesterday morning?

4. Fill in the blanks!

No Base form of verb Verb 2
1 eat ate
2 jump jumped
3 think thought
4 forget forgot
5 ……say said
6 yell yelled
7 run ran
8 come came
9 watch watched
10 drink drank


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