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Muscle strength Parents of children with cerebral palsy (CP) often ask about

and focus on their child’s ability to walk. Population-based

studies show that about 69% of children with CP are classi-
training to improve fied as walking with or without aids1,2 according to the Gross
Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), and that age
gait function in at first walking is often delayed.3 A Canadian study of gross
motor development showed improvement of motor function

children with cerebral at early ages until around 5 years, when an average of 90% of
motor development potential has been reached, and that
there is a plateau in gross motor development at about 7
palsy years of age.4 Bell et al. and Johnson et al. demonstrated a
decrease in gait function and pattern through adolescence
and adulthood expressed as a decrease in gait velocity, stride
length, and sagittal joint excursions over time.5,6 Surveys of
Meta Nyström Eek* PT MSc, Department of Clinical adults with CP show decreased walking ability with age.3,7
Sciences; Possible factors interfering with normal gait pattern in CP
Roy Tranberg CPO BSc, include spasticity, muscle contractures, bony deformities,
Roland Zügner PT MSc, Lundberg Laboratory for loss of selective motor control, and muscle weakness.8
Orthopaedic Research, Department of Orthopaedics, Recent research has focused on muscle weakness. Wiley and
Sahlgrenska University Hospital; Damiano,9 and Ross and Engsberg10 described muscle weak-
Kristina Alkema PT, Disability Administration, Habilitation ness as more pronounced distally and found an imbalance
Centre; across joints. Several studies of different methods for
Eva Beckung PT, PhD, Department of Physiotherapy, muscle strength training show that it is possible to increase
Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology at the muscle strength in children with CP.11–15 The influence
Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. of muscle strength training on walking ability has been
reported as an increase in the Gross Motor Function Measure
*Correspondence to first author at Regionala barn-och scores (GMFM).12–17
ungdomshabiliteringen, Box 21 062, SE 418 04 Göteborg, Gait can be measured with three-dimensional (3D) gait
Sweden analysis, which provides a description of gait pattern geome-
E-mail: try (kinematics) and forces (kinetics). Variables such as gait
velocity, cadence, and stride length have been reported to
DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.2008.03045.x increase with training11,14 as well as improved kinematics in
the sagittal plane.17 Only one report on kinetics has been
The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of identified, which showed no change in ankle plantar
muscle strength training on gait outcomes in children with moment after training of dorsiflexors and plantarflexors.17
cerebral palsy. Sixteen children (two females, 14 males, Gross Gait can also be measured in terms of efficiency, energy
Motor Function Classification System levels I–II, mean age expenditure index, or physical cost index. One study
12y 6mo, range 9y 4mo–15y 4mo) underwent muscle strength reported better efficiency after training15 and two others saw
measurement using a handheld device, Gross Motor Function no change.11,13
Measure (GMFM) assessment, three-dimensional gait Muscle strength in children with CP can be measured reli-
analysis, joint range of motion assessment, and grading of ably with handheld devices.18,19 Damiano et al. demon-
spasticity before and after 8 weeks of training. All strated that data should be reported as torque (force · lever
participants had a diagnosis of spastic diplegia and could walk arm) to enable comparisons between individuals and over
without aids. Training consisted of exercises for lower time.20 A recent study reported normative data obtained with
extremity muscles with free weights, rubber bands, and body a handheld device and calculations of torque, and based on
weight for resistance, three times a week. Values for muscle this presented equations for predicted values for each muscle
strength below normal were identified in all children; this was group based on age, body weight, and sex.21 This makes
most pronounced at the ankle, followed by the hip muscles. comparison possible both over time in one individual and
After training, muscle strength and GMFM scores increased, between individuals of different age and weight.
velocity was unchanged, stride length increased, and cadence The aim of this study was to investigate whether muscle
was reduced. There was an increase in hip extensor moment strength training could influence gait function (as measured
and power generated at push off. Eight weeks of muscle by the GMFM) and gait pattern (kinematics and kinetics)
strength training can increase muscle strength and improve in children with CP between the ages of 9 and 15 years.
gait function. The aim was also to use torque and normative values in the

Potential participants were identified from the medical
records of habilitation centres around Göteborg. Inclusion
criteria were bilateral spastic CP, age 10 to 15 years, and

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2008, 50: 759–764 759

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GMFCS levels I and II (walking without aids). Children had ROM; and 4=difficult to move passively. Examination was
to be able to follow instructions and participate in a group. done with children lying in a relaxed supine position for hip
Exclusion criteria were orthopaedic surgery or botulinum adductors, hamstrings, and plantarflexors, and in a prone
toxin injections in the past 12 months. The Ethics Committee position for rectus femoris. Scores for each child were
at the Medical Faculty at the University of Göteborg approved totalled and divided by number of muscles tested, a method
this study. Written informed consent was obtained from described by Ostensjø et al.29 The summary index was then
parents of each participant. categorized: no increase (£1), mild (>1 to £2), or moderate
PROCEDURE Muscle strength measurements, GMFM, ROM, and spas-
Examination before and after a period of muscle strength ticity were tested by two of the authors (MNE, KA who are
training consisted of: muscle strength measurement, GMFM, physiotherapists and gait analysis was carried out by the
3D gait analysis, joint range of motion (ROM) measurement, gait laboratory staff). Testing was performed the week
and grading of spasticity. In terms of the International Classi- before training started and a week after training. Muscle
fication of Functioning, Disability and Health,22 these meth- strength was also tested 2 weeks before training and 2
ods measure ‘body function’ (muscle strength, 3D gait weeks after training. Mean muscle strength measurements
analysis, ROM, and spasticity) and ‘activity’ (GMFM). in Nm before, were compared with mean measurements
Muscle strength was measured with a handheld device: a after training.
myometer (adapted Chatillon dynamometer; Axel Ericson Before training started there was an individual analysis of
Medical AB, Göteborg, Sweden) using the ‘make’ technique, each child based on muscle strength measurements and 3D
where the child gradually builds up force against the myome- gait analysis, identifying muscles with the most pronounced
ter for about 5 seconds. Three attempts were made for each muscle weakness and most important gait pattern abnormali-
muscle group and the maximum-recorded force value was ties (like a small abducting moment in the hip, too much
used for data analysis. Lever arm was measured with a tape knee flexion during stance, or no power generation in the
measure, and torque (Nm) was calculated by multiplying ankle at push off). This resulted in an individual training pro-
force by the length of each lever arm. Data were also com- gramme for each child, containing specific training instruc-
pared to a normative predicted value based on an equation tions for four different muscle groups.
with parameters for age, body weight, and sex.21 Measure- The training period lasted for 8 weeks, three times a week:
ments were divided by the predicted value giving a percent- twice a week at home with parental assistance and once a
age for every muscle group in each child. This made it week in a small group with a physiotherapist at the physio-
possible to compare muscle groups and to compare children therapy department after school. Children were divided into
with different ages and weights. Eight muscle groups were small training groups based on age. At home they carried out
tested (hip extensors, flexors, abductors and adductors; knee the individual programme with three sets of 10 repetitions
extensors and flexors; and ankle dorsiflexors and plantarflex- for each muscle group: first set easy, second medium, and
ors) with the same testing positions as in the normative third with a heavy load – 10 Repetition Maximum (10RM).
study.21 For ankle plantarflexors no normative predicted Resistance was provided by adjustable weight cuffs for the
value was available for children over the age of 9 years. medium and heavy sets. Rubber bands and body weight were
Gross motor function was tested with GMFM domains D: used for the easy set and when it was not possible to use
standing, and E: walking, running, and jumping. The Gross weight cuffs. Weight resistance was increased during the
Motor Ability Estimator software which was included in the training period when the children could do more than 10
GMFM-66 version23 was used to calculate a score. repetitions with the 10RM weight.
3D gait analysis was carried out with a motion capture sys- The group session consisted of a low intensity short
tem consisting of six infrared cameras (ProReflex Qualisys warm-up session with a cycle ergometer, rowing machine, or
AB, Göteborg, Sweden) and two Kistler force plates (Kistler step-up. After initial warm-up, children carried out their indi-
9281C, Kistler Instruments AG, Winterthur, Switzerland) vidual programmes with strength training exercises. Stretch-
working synchronically at 240Hz. Recordings of motion and ing of hamstrings, rectus femoris, and plantarflexor muscles
calculations were made with the software QtracC version followed the training session. All meetings ended with a
2.51, QtracV version 2.60, and QGait 2.0 (Qualisys Medical group activity chosen by the children (different games). The
AB, Göteborg, Sweden).24 At least three acceptable trials for sessions lasted for one hour and a half in total. Each child
each child were collected. Parents confirmed that the perfor- had a training diary, indicating dates and resistance. Group
mance was representative of their children’s regular gait pat- training sessions and decisions on increasing resistance were
tern. 3D gait data were compared with the laboratory carried out by two physiotherapists.
reference database for children between 10 and 15 years of
age (27 children, mean age 12y 11mo). Gait velocity, stride STATISTICAL ANALYSES
length, and cadence were compared with age norms.25 Non parametric tests were used as the group was small
ROM was measured in the lower extremities using a regu- and data could not be proved to be normally distributed.
lar plastic goniometer (hip extension, hip abduction, knee Gait data for the CP group and laboratory reference data-
flexion, popliteal angle, and ankle dorsiflexion). Deviations base were analyzed with the Mann–Whitney U test. All
outside 2 standard deviations from normal values were differences before and after training were analyzed with
noted.26,27 the Wilcoxon signed rank test except for spasticity grad-
Spasticity was tested in four muscle groups with the Ash- ing where the paired sign test was used. Significance
worth scale:28 0=hypotonus; 1=normal; 2=resistance level was set at p<0.05. Statistical tests were performed
through less than half ROM; 3=resistance through most of using StatView software (SAS Institute Inc).

760 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2008, 50: 759–764

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Results (Table II). When results were divided into groups of targeted
Twenty-four children met inclusion criteria, and of these or non-targeted muscle groups, there was a visible increase
eight chose not to participate. Of the 16 participating chil- in hip extensors and flexors in all children. Stronger hip
dren there were 14 males and two females with a mean age abductors, adductors, and ankle plantarflexors were found in
of 12 years and 6 months (range 9y 4mo–15y 4mo). Accord- those who had targeted these muscle groups. Knee flexors
ing to the GMFCS, 10 children were classified at Level I and and ankle dorsiflexors were stronger in those who did not
six at Level II (Table I). Two training diaries were not avail- target these muscle groups.
able. Of a possible 24 training sessions, 14 children per-
formed a mean of 18 sessions (range 11–23y; 76%). There GMFM
was no report of negative events caused by the training dur- Three of the children scored 100% before training. For the
ing the period. There was no change in children’s regular other children there was a statistically significant increase
therapy and no one was using orthoses. after training (Table III). This increase was mostly attribut-
able to the ability to stand on one leg (seven children had a
MUSCLE STRENGTH higher item score than before training) and to hop on one
All children could lift their legs against gravity with resistance. foot (four had a higher item score).
Values below normative predicted were identified in all chil-
dren (Table II). Weakness was most pronounced at the ankle, GAIT
followed by hip muscles. Muscles around the knee were Gait velocity, stride length, and cadence were within age
strongest, with values within normative predicted ranges for norms except in two cases where stride length was short for
knee extensors in 12 children. Torque values for plantarflex- age. Velocity did not change after the training period,
ors were below normative values (for 9-year-old children cadence was reduced, and there was a tendency to increased
40.2 Nm).21 Most of the children undertook training exer- stride length (Table III).
cises for ankle dorsiflexors (n=12) and plantarflexors
(n=12), hip abductors (n=12), and hip extensors (n=10),
based on the pre-testing examination. Table III: Results from Gross Motor Function Measure
After the training period there was a significant increase in (GMFM) and time–distance gait parameters (n= 16)
muscle strength in all hip muscle groups and in knee flexors
Before training, After training, Wilcoxon
median (range) median (range) signed rank
Table I: Mean (SD) age, weight, and height of participants p
according to Gross Motor Function Classification System
(GMFCS) level GMFM 84.8 (66.7–100) 90 (67.4–100) 0.003
Velocity, 1.2 (1–1.5) 1.25 (0.9–1.6) 0.859
GMFCS level Age, y Weight, kg Height, cm m ⁄ sec
Stride, m 1.1 (0.9–1.4) 1.15 (0.9–1.5) 0.059
I, n=10 12.2 (1.8) 36 (7.1) 146 (12) Cadence, 132 (108–151) 130.5 (104–149) 0.016
II, n=6 13 (2) 43.9 (8.9) 150 (10) steps ⁄ min

Table II: Muscle strength before and after traininga

Muscle group Before training period, After training period, Comparison before and after training, p-value
median (range) and % of median (range) All n=32 Targeted Non-targeted
predicted normal value muscle group muscle group

Hip extensors, Nm 49.8 (22.2–106.5) 55.2 (26.7–161.5) <0.001 0.001, n=20 0.049, n=12
61.6 (34.9–104.6)
Hip flexors, Nm 44.5 (16.9–97) 49 (20.9–121.3) <0.001 0.025, n=8 <0.001, n=24
67.1 (30–110.1)
Hip abductors, Nm 38.8 (19.3–89.7) 42.5 (23–109.3) <0.001 <0.001, n=24 0.263, n=8
62.8 (37–113.4)
Hip adductors, Nm 39.7 (21.8–94.3) 45.4 (24.7–105.5) 0.001 0.002, n=12 0.117, n=20
66.4 (41.9–109.4)
Knee extensors, Nm 51.1 (24.2–106.4) 57.7 (22.1–98.6) 0.955 0.917, n=6 0.869, n=26
84.6 (52.1–113.5)
Knee flexors, Nm 44 (23.2–97.1) 46.3 (27.6–107.9) 0.001 0.075, n=6 0.006, n=26
83.8 (51.3–124.9)
Ankle dorsiflexors, Nm 10.9 (0.6–20.5) 11.5 (0–25.7) 0.057 0.339, n=25 0.018, n=7
46 (2–68.8)
Ankle plantarflexors, Nm 30.4 (13–65.3) 33 (14.1–73.8) 0.132 0.014, n=25 0.311, n=7
Results are presented as torque (Nm) and as a percentage of predicted normal value21 (except for ankle plantarflexors which is only
torque). n=number of legs. Wilcoxon signed rank p-values based on Nm data.

Strength Training and Gait in CP Meta Nyström Eek et al. 761

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Kinematic and kinetic gait pattern parameters were tested, Gait analysis showed increased stride length and plantar-
and children with CP differed significantly from normal for flexor generating power at push off after training. This could
sixteen of these variables which were chosen for statistical be explained by better stability around both hip and knee
testing (Table IV). There was a significant increase in hip that increases stability in stance and which makes it easier for
extensor moment and plantarflexor generating power at the ankle plantarflexors to push off actively. The increased
push-off after the training period (see example Fig. 1). stride length and push off corresponds well with the increase
in muscle strength around the hips and with the increase in
CONTRACTURES AND SPASTICITY balance on one leg visible in the GMFM.
Decreased ROM outside 2SDs from normal was present in all There is a need for further analysis of the relationship
children. After the training period there was a statistically between muscle strength and gait pattern to augment under-
significant increase in hamstring length, with a median standing of gait deviations in CP, and for planning effective
(range) of 135 (120–165) before, and 136 (125–155) after treatment and training. Some earlier studies of the effects of
(p=0.002) but no change in other muscle groups. strength training on gait have shown increased velocity with
Increased muscle tone was graded as no increase in two training.11,14 This was not found in the current study. Some
of the children, mild in 12, and moderate in two. There was children varied in velocity during the same session but there
no statistical difference in spasticity grading after the training was no pattern of systematic change after the training period.
period. Children in the current study all walked without assistive
devices and their gait velocity was already within normal age
Discussion variation. Studies with increased velocity after training
This study shows an increase in muscle strength, and measur- included children walking with assistive devices, who proba-
able positive changes in gait function and pattern with train- bly had a low walking velocity before training.
ing. This is comparable with the findings from earlier studies,
which also showed some significant changes and trends in
both muscle strength and gait function.12,14 W/Kg
GMFM scores increased at group level, which was slightly 3
unexpected as three children had already scored 100 (full)
before training. Items that showed changes were most often
standing on one leg and hopping on one foot, which require 1
stability and strength at hip and ankle. The ability to balance
on one leg is very important for many tasks in everyday life, 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
such as negotiating obstacles and climbing stairs. Several
studies on the natural history of gross motor development in –1
children with CP shows that there is not much increase in
the GMFM after 7 years of age.4,30,31
This study shows that an intervention can make a change –3
in the GMFM even after these ages. Wang and Yang report a
change of 3.71 on the GMFM-66 to be a clinically visible Figure 1: Ankle generating power. Grey band, lab reference,
improvement.32 dotted line, mean before, solid line, mean after.

Table IV: Gait analysis data for 16 children (both legs)

Gait variable Before training, After training, pc

median (range) median (range)

Kinematics, Hip Extension in stance )2.9 ()19.8 to 12.5) )3.8 ()19.5 to 18.4) 0.135
Flexion in stance 45.4 (17.4 to 71.4) 46.7 (16.9 to 76.1) 0.155
Knee Initial contact 17.9 (5.7 to 43.7) 19.5 (3 to 46.9) 0.421
Extension in stance 6.1 ()18.5 to 28.1) 6 ()20 to 25.6) 0.231
Ankle Initial contact )4.3 ()22.1 to 5.8) )5.9 ()17.5 to 3.9) 0.940
Dorsiflexion in stance 8.9 ()8.6 to 17.5) 7.1 ()4.1 to 19.5) 0.903
Dorsiflexion in swing )0.4 ()17 to 30) )1.1 ()17.1 to 14.8) 0.184
Kineticsa Hip Extension moment 0.66 ()0.1 to 1.38) 0.78 (0.11 to 1.30) 0.015
Flexion moment 0.59 (0.33 to 1.30) 0.71 (0.37 to 1.30) 0.067
Abduction moment 1 0.52 (0.12 to 1.25) 0.51 (0.23 to 1.28) 0.860
Abduction moment 2 0.44 (0.12 to 0.86) 0.48 (0.16 to 0.91) 0.088
Knee Extension moment 0.76 (0.19 to 1.69) 0.67 (0.26 to 2.32) 0.899
Flexion momentb )0.41 ()0.93 to 0.10) )0.38 ()0.99 to 0.14) 0.318
Ankle Plantarflexion moment 1.08 (0.70 to 1.60) 1.11 (0.75 to 1.71) 0.193
Generating power 1.59 (0.64 to 3.17) 1.91 (0.35 to 3.75) 0.046
Absorbing power 1.22 (0.44 to 7.52) 1.18 (0.52 to 4.34) 0.772
Nm ⁄ kg body weight for moment, and W ⁄ kg for power; bKnee flexion moments reported as negative values (in italic) reflects an exten-
sion moment of the knee; cWilcoxon signed-ranks test p<0.05.

762 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2008, 50: 759–764

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