Autobiography Ricky

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My name is Claudio Ricky Adhitya. Lots of people call me Ricky. I’m 17 years old this year.
I’m a firstborn of my parents Daniel Adhitya and Inda Susanti. I have a brother. He is
Christopher Devon Adhitya. He is 14 years old. My brother and I used to fight a lot because we
were boys. I live in Cluster Water Point, Citra Raya, Tangerang, Banten. I study in Charisma
Global School as a 12th grader, meanwhile my brother as a 9 th grader. I was a 9th grader when I
first got my bike accident. I crashed my bike and left some big scars that I don’t like. In my first
year of Senior High School, I got my first letter of warning because I bullied my friend back in
the days in UPH College. Not longer after that, I got expelled form UPH College then continued
my study in Charisma Global School. At first, I thought my life was a mess because I made
problems. But then I realized that if I didn’t get expelled from UPH College, I would’ve stayed
as a 10th grader. As the time flies, I’m grateful because I can study better in Charisma Global
School. Talking about achievement, I got my fist achievement when I was an elementary student.
I joined a piano competition for elementary students and won a medal. I got another achievement
for winning another music competition as a guitarist and also won a medal. As a grown up
student, I just want to make my parents proud of my achievement. I want to be a successful
person so I can make my parents proud. This is my autobiography.

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