B.tech ECE 2023 24 & SS Syllabus

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GITAM (Deemed to be University) GITAM School of Technology

2 1 0 0 0 3
Pre-requisite None
Co-requisite None
Preferable MATLAB, Transform Techniques

Course Description:

Signals contain information about the behaviour or nature of some phenomenon and are
functions of one or more independent variables. A system processes the signal for producing
desired behaviour. Signal processing plays an extremely important and continually growing role
in areas of science and technology such as communications, aeronautics and astronautics,
acoustics, seismology, biomedical engineering and speech processing. This course introduces
the basic concepts and mathematical tools required for signal processing..
Course Educational Objectives:

● To explain the mathematical representation /classification of continuous-time and

discrete-time signals and systems
● To provide an understanding of characterization of linear-time invariant systems
using impulse response and convolution function
● To familiarize the application of Fourier series, Fourier transform and their
properties to continuous-time and discrete time signals and systems
● To impart the knowledge of Laplace and Z-transform and their properties to analyse
continuous-time and discrete-time signals respectively.

UNIT 1 Signals and Systems 8 hours

Signals and Systems: continuous-time and discrete-time signals, transformations of the

independent variable, exponential and sinusoidal signals, the unit impulse and unit step
functions, continuous-time and discrete-time systems, basic system properties

UNIT 2 Linear Time Invariant Systems 7 hours

Discrete-time LTI systems: the convolution sum, continuous time LTI systems: the
convolution integral, properties of linear time-invariant systems

B Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering w.e.f. 2023-24 admitted batch

GITAM (Deemed to be University) GITAM School of Technology

UNIT 3 Fourier analysis of Continuous Time Signals and Systems 9 hours

Fourier series representation of continuoustime periodic signals, convergence of the Fourier

series, properties of continuous-time Fourier series (CTFS).Representation of Aperiodic
signals: the continuous-time Fourier transform (CTFT), the Fourier transform for periodic
signals. properties of the continuous-time Fourier transform, systems characterized by linear
constant-coefficient differential equations.

UNIT 4 Fourier analysis of Discrete Time Signals and Systems 9 hours

Representation of aperiodic signals: the discrete-time Fourier transform, properties of the

discrete-time Fourier transform, the Fourier transform for periodic signals, systems
characterized by linear constant-coefficient difference equations.

UNIT 5 Analysis of CT and DT signals using Laplace/Z-Transform 7 hours

The Laplace Transform: the region of convergence (roc) for Laplace transforms, the inverse
Laplace transform, properties of the Laplace transform.The Z-Transform: The region of
convergence for the z-transform, the inverse-z transform, properties of the z-transform.

Simulation Assignments
This course shall involve at least 5 simulation assignments based on (but not limited to)

● Basics of MATLAB
● Generation of Continuous Time signals and Discrete Time Sequences
● Implementation of Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Systems
● Reconstruction of Continuous Time Periodic Signals from their Fourier Series
● Filtering and Fourier Transform Analysis of Continuous Time Signals


1. Alan V. Oppenheim, S. Willsky with S.Hamid Nawab, Signals and Systems, 2/e, Pearson
Education, 1997.


1. Bhagawandas P. Lathi, Linear Signals and Systems, Oxford University Press, 2009

2. Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems, 2/e, Wiley Student Edition, 2007

B Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering w.e.f. 2023-24 admitted batch

GITAM (Deemed to be University) GITAM School of Technology

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to

1. Describe the mathematical model of continuous - time/discrete - time signals and

systems and perform mathematical operations on signals (L2)
2. Determine the output response of continuous time/ discrete time LTI system using
convolution integral and convolution sum (L2).
3. Analyse the characteristics of linear – time invariant systems(L4).

4. Derive the frequency domain representation of signals and systems using transform
5. Determine the output response of LTI systems using CTFT and DTFT(L2).
CO-PO Mapping:


CO1 2 1 1 1

CO2 3 2 1 2

CO3 2 2 1 1

CO4 2 1 2 1

CO5 3 2 1 1

Note: 1 - Low Correlation 2 - Medium Correlation 3 - High Correlation


BOS :24-12-21 ACADEMIC COUNCIL: 01-04-22

SDG No. & Statement:

SDG Justification:

B Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering w.e.f. 2023-24 admitted batch

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