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การแข่ งขันทักษะภาษาอังกฤษระดับภาคใต้ ครังที 2

ประจําปี การศึกษา 2561

วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ (ระดับประถมศึกษาตอนปลาย, ป.4–ป.6)
สอบวันอาทิตย์ ที 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2561 เวลา 10.00 - 12.00 น.
ชือ – นามสกุล _______________________________ เลขทีนังสอบ _______________________________
สถานทีสอบ _______________________________ ห้องสอบ _______________________________

กรุ ณาอ่ านคําอธิบาย ก่ อนลงมือทําข้ อสอบ

1. ข้อสอบชุดนี มีทงหมด
ั 18 หน้า จํานวน 100 ข้อ (ข้อ 1–100) คะแนนเต็ม 100 คะแนน
2. ก่อนลงมือทําข้อสอบ ให้เขียนชือ – นามสกุล เลขทีนังสอบ สถานทีสอบและห้องสอบ ลงในกระดาษ
แผ่นนีด้วยปากกา พร้อมกับระบาย รหัสประจําตัว ลงในกระดาษคําตอบให้ถูกต้อง ด้วยดินสอดําเบอร์
2B (หากไม่ระบายหรื อระบายผิด กระดาษคําตอบของท่านจะไม่ได้รับการตรวจให้คะแนน)
3. การตอบคําถามให้เลือกคําตอบทีถูกต้องเหมาะสมเพียงคําตอบเดียวเท่านัน โดยใช้ดินสอดําเบอร์ 2B
ระบายวงกลมตัวเลือกในกระดาษคําตอบให้เต็มวงและเข้ มทึบ
ตัวอย่ าง ถ้าตัวเลือก ถูกต้อง ให้ระบายดังนี

4. ในกรณีต้องการเปลียนตัวเลือกใหม่ ต้องลบรอยระบายในวงกลมตัวเลือกเดิมให้สะอาดหมดรอยดํา
เสี ยก่อน แล้วจึงระบายวงกลมตัวเลือกใหม่
5. เมือหมดเวลาสอบ ให้ส่งเฉพาะกระดาษคําตอบเท่านัน ส่ วนข้อสอบให้ผเู ้ ข้าสอบนํากลับไปได้
6. ให้นกั เรี ยนตังใจทําข้อสอบด้วยความรู ้ความสามารถ เพราะเพียงคะแนนรวมได้ ร้อยละ 50 ขึนไป จะ
ได้รับใบประกาศเกียรติคุณ ท่านอภิสิทธิ= เวชชาชีวะ
7. ไม่ อนุญาตให้ผเู ้ ข้าสอบออกจากห้องสอบก่อนเวลาสอบผ่านไป 1 ชัวโมง 30 นาที

Southern English Contest

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PART I: Speaking (Items 1-25)

Situational Dialogues (Items 1-10)

Directions: Read the situations and choose the most appropriate answer for each

1. You borrowed your friend’s pencil, but you accidentally broke it. What should you say
to him?
1. I’m sorry. 2. Excuse me.
3. That’s right. 4. Never mind.
5. No problem.

2. You need to wash your hands. What should you ask?

1. Where is it? 2. What is that?
3. How clean are they? 4. I’m sorry, who is in the bathroom?
5. Excuse me, where is the bathroom?

3. Your sister tripped and hit her arm against a table. What should you say to her?
1. Are you okay? 2. Is that a problem?
3. What is happening? 4. Where are you going?
5. Why are you doing that?

4. Barry is a new student in your class. He sits in the seat next to you.
What should you say to greet Bary?
1. Do you know me? 2. Don’t worry.
3. Nice to meet you. 4. I’ve got friends.
5. That’s very kind of you.

5. You walk into a room with your friend. It is very dark in the room.
What should you say?
1. Please help me. 2. Please be ready.
3. Please walk quickly. 4. Please turn on the light.
5. Please open the window.

6. Your brother is carrying two heavy boxes. What should you ask him?
1. What are you doing? 2. May I borrow a box?
3. Are they heavy? 4. Could you pass me a box?
5. Would you like some help?

7. You call your friend Eli on the telephone. His mother answers the telephone. What
should you ask her?
1. Is Eli speaking? 2. Hello, who is that?
3. Do you know Eli? 4. Can I speak to Eli, please?
5. Can you call Eli for me?

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8. You forgot your eraser at home, but your friend Alice has one.
What should you ask her?
1. Can you help me? 2. Can I borrow that?
3. Have you seen my eraser? 4. Why do you have erasers?
5. What kind of eraser do you have?

9. You want to go to the train station. You want to know where it is.
What should you ask?
1. Where is the train? 2. Where does this train go?
3. What time is the next train? 4. Excuse me, where is the train station?
5. I’m sorry, can I go to the train station?

10. Your friend Jenny has a cute dog. You want to take its photo.
What should you ask her?
1. Can I see your dog? 2. May I take a photo?
3. Do you have a camera? 4. Can I look at its photo?
5. May I borrow your camera?

Conversation (Items 11-18)

Directions: Complete each dialogue with the most appropriate answer.

11. A: Can I borrow 10 baht?

B: __________
1. Yes, it is hers. 2. Yes, I forgot it.
3. Yes, is that okay? 4. Yes, here you are.
5. Yes, do you want it?

12. A: __________
B: Yes, I like playing that too, but I also enjoy basketball.
1. I love tennis. 2. I like reading.
3. I do not play sports. 4. My hobbies are skiing and painting.
5. My favorite colors are blue and green.

13. A: I have three sisters. __________

B: I don’t have any brothers or sisters.
1. How about you? 2. Do you like them?
3. Do you have a family? 4. What should you do?
5. What do you think about my family?

14. A: This is my new dress. __________

B: It’s beautiful! I like it.
1. Where did I see it? 2. What am I wearing?
3. Where can I get one? 4. Where did you buy it?
5. What do you think of it?

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15. A: What is your favorite drink?

B: I like orange juice.
A: __________
B: Because it is sweet and sour.
1. How is it? 2. How much is it?
3. Why do you like it? 4. Can you give it to me?
5. What is your favorite food?

16. A: Why are you crying?

B: My brother had an accident and hurt his legs.
A: __________
1. Please forgive me. 2. Yeah, you’re right.
3. It’s my pleasure. 4. I’m sorry to hear that.
5. What are they going to do?

17. A: I’m very hungry.

B: __________
A: Yes, please!
1. Can I have a banana? 2. Can I buy some candy for you?
3. Would you like a sandwich? 4. Would you like to go to the park?
5. Would you like some cold water?

18. A: The floor here is wet. __________

B: Thank you. I will.
1. Be calm. 2. Be ready.
3. Be patient. 4. Be serious.
5. Be careful.

Conversation (Items 19-25)

Directions: Read the following conversations and answer the questions.

A: I’m thirsty. I want some pineapple juice.

B: We shouldn’t talk. We should listen to the teacher.

19. Where are they?

1. In a library 2. In a cinema
3. In a canteen 4. In a restaurant
5. In a classroom

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Sam: Good morning. Are you feeling better today?

Grace: No, I’m not. I still have a fever.
Sam: Don’t worry. The doctor is ready for you.

20. What does Sam most likely do?

1. He is a nurse. 2. He is a doctor.
3. He is a teacher. 4. He is a policeman.
5. He is a shopkeeper.

A: Karakade has 25 baht. A banana is five baht. How many bananas can she buy? I do
not know the answer.
B: I know the answer. It is five bananas.

21. What subject are they studying?

1. Thai 2. History
3. English 4. Science
5. Mathematics

A: Did you tell Dad to buy some oranges?

B: No, but I told Mom. She will buy them for us.

22. Who are they?

1. Sister and brother 2. Mother and father
3. Aunt and nephew 4. Teacher and student
5. Shopkeeper and customer

A: My new racket is great.

B: Yes, it is. You hit more balls than me today.

23. What are they doing?

1. Playing tennis 2. Going to the gym
3. Going to the park 4. Playing volleyball
5. Going to the cinema

Ron: Did you watch that new movie?

Jack: I did. It was too long. I was sleepy.

24. How does Jack feel about the movie?

1. Tired 2. Bored
3. Afraid 4. Scared
5. Stressed

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Bee: Excuse me, where’s the museum?

Elsa: Just turn left on Green Street. It’s on your right.
Bee: I’m sorry, I don’t know Green Street. I don’t live here.

25. Who is most likely Bee?

1. A driver 2. A tourist
3. A student 4. A customer
5. A policeman

PART II: Grammar and Structure (Items 26-50)

Sentence Completion
Directions: Choose the correct answer for each item.

26. The apples in the basket __________ good.

1. look 2. looks
3. looking 4. is looking
5. are looking

27. Mandy was cutting some chicken __________ she cut herself.
1. so 2. but
3. after 4. when
5. until

28. He is watching TV. He is __________ the TV.

1. at 2. with
3. from 4. beside
5. in front of

29. I am very tired. I __________ to go to bed early.

1. can 2. may
3. might 4. should
5. would like

30. They will go shopping __________ they have time.

1. if 2. so
3. but 4. and
5. while

31. Sujittra’s birthday is __________ June, 12th.

1. in 2. of
3. at 4. on
5. from

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32. An elephant is __________ a tiger.

1. bigger 2. big than
3. bigger than 4. the biggest
5. biggest than

33. ‘What are those?’ ‘__________ are my bicycles.’

1. Our 2. They
3. Their 4. These
5. Here

34. I found a pen __________ a book and a bag.

1. at 2. from
3. above 4. within
5. between

35. It is starting to rain __________ the boys are playing football.

1. so 2. after
3. while 4. before
5. because

36. My sister and I are twins. We look __________ to each other.

1. alike 2. same
3. like 4. the same
5. similar

37. You can do your homework here _________ at home.

1. if 2. or
3. but 4. when
5. after

38. They __________ for a math test last night.

1. studied 2. studyed
3. studying 4. did studied
5. were studying

39. It is 6:30 in the evening. It __________ dark.

1. get 2. gets
3. is get 4. getting
5. is getting

40. She has a headache, __________ she’s taking this medicine.

1. so 2. until
3. after 4. when
5. because

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41. Anna wants to buy a present for her mother, but she does not have enough money.
What __________ she do?
1. does 2. may
3. shall 4. should
5. must

42. Take out all the __________ and __________.

1. knifes … forks 2. knifes … fork
3. knives … forks 4. knifes … forkes
5. knives … forkes

43. ‘_________ do you study so hard?’ ‘I want to pass the test.’

1. How 2. Why
3. What 4. When
5. How long

44. They cannot play basketball today. They have __________ homework to finish.
1. the 2. any
3. a lot 4. some
5. many

45. I don’t know. Susan and her husband __________ move to Lampang next month.
1. will 2. shall
3. might 4. should
5. would like

46. Suwat is a farmer. He has five __________ and three __________.

1. geese … sheep 2. geese … sheeps
3. goose … sheep 4. goose … sheeps
5. gooses … sheep

47. The cook put a lot of fish sauce in this soup. It __________.
1. salty taste 2. tastes salt
3. tastes salty 4. is taste salt
5. is taste salty

48. My parents __________ dinner when I __________ home.

1. have … arrived 2. had … arriving
3. having … arriving 4. were having … arrived
5. were having … arriving

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49. ‘__________ have you lived here?’ ‘Ten years.’

1. When 2. How often
3. How long 4. How far
5. much further

50. This watch is __________ that watch.

1. cheaper than 2. cheap more than
3. more cheap than 4. more cheaper than
5. more than cheaper

PART III: Vocabulary (Items 51-70)

Odd one out (Items 51-60)

Directions: Choose the odd one out.

51. 1. force 2. power

3. energy 4. battery
5. feature

52. 1. nasty 2. terrible

3. awful 4. marvelous
5. disgusting

53. 1. mostly 2. roughly

3. definitely 4. generally
5. apparently

54. 1. exist 2. occur

3. create 4. happen
5. develop

55. 1. argue 2. debate

3. express 4. remark
5. approach

56. 1. engine 2. factory

3. patient 4. industry
5. machine

57. 1. need 2. want

3. afford 4. require
5. demand

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58. 1. mess 2. waste

3. rubbish 4. produce
5. garbage

59. 1. class 2. ward

3. college 4. school
5. university

60. 1. fun 2. great

3. horrible 4. attractive
5. interesting

Sentence Completion (Items 61-70)

Directions: Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

61. Do you __________ this song? What song is it?

1. meet 2. mind
3. regard 4. recognize
5. remember

62. Oh! That’s a __________ bag. I can only put a few thin and small things inside.
1. tidy 2. tiny
3. slight 4. minor
5. slender

63. Don’t stand in front of me. You’re blocking my __________ of the stage.
1. eye 2. view
3. look 4. seeing
5. sight

64. They slowly walked __________ the forest.

1. at 2. pass
3. over 4. upon
5. through

65. It’s too complex. Please make it _________.

1. sure 2. pretty
3. decent 4. simple
5. perfect

66. Did you __________ my letter?

1. grab 2. look
3. catch 4. appear
5. receive

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67. They will finally __________ the coast after four weeks sailing.
1. get 2. assess
3. reach 4. address
5. arrive

68. The government closed the road in an __________ to reduce traffic in the city.
1. alarm 2. attack
3. appeal 4. attempt
5. account

69. The rules are rather __________ to follow.

1. blind 2. bored
3. hardly 4. valuable
5. complicated

70. Tennis balls and oranges are __________.

1. cube 2. oval
3. round 4. circle
5. empty

PART IV: Reading (Items 71-100)

Signs, Pictures and Notices (Items 71-76)

Directions: Choose the best answer for each question.

71. What should drivers do when they see this sign?

1. They should drive slowly and carefully.

2. They should follow children on bicycles.
3. They should avoid driving near this area.
4. They should let children on bicycles go first.
5. They should stay away from the bicycle lane.

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72. Which of the following is correct about the sign?

1. Students cannot bring dogs to school at all times.

2. Dogs can be on school grounds after class hours.
3. Dogs without leads cannot stay in the school yard.
4. Dogs without leads cannot be in school buildings during school hours.
5. Students can bring dogs to school but keep them away from school buildings.

73. What is true about the sign?

1. Students can play at school after 10 p.m.

2. Visitors should leave the area before 10 a.m.
3. Students cannot stay in the buildings after 10 a.m.
4. Parents can leave their cars after 10 o’clock at night.
5. Students should leave the school by 10 o’clock at night.

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74. How long is the holiday?

Letter No. 0001801 Date: 02/04/2018

Dear Parents,

This school will remain closed from 12/04/2018 on an account of

the “Songkran Holidays” and reopen on 17/04/2018.


1. 4 days 2. 5 days
3. 6 days 4. 7 days
5. 8 days

75. Which sentence is true about the picture?

1. A circle is under a triangle and a square.

2. A triangle is in the middle of the picture.
3. A square is next to a triangle and a circle.
4. A rectangle is above a square and a circle.
5. A circle is between a triangle and a rectangle.

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76. Which of the following is true?

1. The lost items could belong to students.

2. The library is giving away used textbooks and pencils.
3. Textbooks and pencil cases can be left with a librarian.
4. Someone posted about his or her lost items on Monday.
5. A librarian needs help with the extra work every Monday.

Short Passage (Items 77-94)

Directions: Read the texts and answer the following questions that follow.

Text 1

Looking for fun this summer break?

Visit us at Potter’s Pottery!
Pottery is a perfect hobby for children. It doesn’t need complicated or
expensive equipment. It only needs a small working space, clay, sand, soil,
water and some paint. Making pottery is a good way to spend a school break.
You can explore your creative side. At Potter’s Pottery, you can design your
own art piece and paint them the way you want. And you can gift-wrap your
proudest piece! Even better, you can enter our monthly competition to win a
gift set for making pottery at home! You can visit website to support our
collections by local artists at special prices or check out our store at Central Hat
Yai. We also offer a free pottery class – please call for a booking.

77. What can children make from joining the activity in the post?
1. A cotton doll 2. A coffee mug
3. A wooden toy 4. A plastic flower
5. A painted T-shirt

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78. What is true about the pottery?

1. People who want to make pottery need special training.
2. Pottery is an excellent activity for students during a break.
3. Pottery is an expensive and dangerous activity for children.
4. People who are interested in pottery can book a class online.
5. People cannot make pottery at home because it is too difficult.

79. Children can do all of the following at the Potter’s Pottery EXCEPT _________.
1. compete with others 2. sell their best art pieces
3. practice some useful skills 4. express their imagination
5. make a precious pottery gift

80. What is NOT necessary in making a pottery gift?

1. A bag of soil and sand 2. A bucket of clean water
3. A table and a short stool 4. A keyboard and a mouse
5. A cloth and a can of paint

81. What can you do on the website?

1. Book a pottery class 2. Give money to charity
3. Collect privilege points 4. Buy some of the products
5. Join a pottery competition

82. Who might be interested in the post?

1. Adults who want a part-time job
2. Students who have some free time
3. Parents who need a working station
4. Teenagers who enjoy extreme sports
5. Students who want to learn a language

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Text 2

“Frog soup”, named after its color, may not sound delicious, but its
benefit is huge and it is so tasty that my kids always ask for more. Here
are its cooking steps:
1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan.
5 2. Add some onion, celery, and potato. Then, fry them over a medium
heat for 5-7 minutes until softened.
3. Pour water or stock over them and turn to a boiling heat.
4. Once boiled, cover the pan and boil the soup at a medium heat for 15
10 5. Add some green peas and cook for a further 5 minutes until the potato
is tender.
6. Use a food processor to blend the soup until smooth.
7. Serve the soup with green peas or grated cheddar cheese on top,
whichever you prefer.

83. Why is it called “frog soup”?

1. Because frog meat is one of the ingredients
2. Because it helps make kids to be as strong as leaping frogs
3. Because the cooker serves the soup in a frog bowl for the kids
4. Because the soup looks green from the vegetables used in the soup
5. Because the cooker would like to make the name sound interesting for kids

84. What does “huge” (line 2) mean?

1. Great 2. Little
3. More 4. Same
5. Popular

85. What does “them” (line 7) refer to?

1. The saucepans 2. The vegetables
3. The green peas 4. The water and stock
5. The time of 5-7 minutes

86. What is the last cooking step of “frog soup”?

1. Heat the oil
2. Fry onion, celery and potato
3. Add green peas and boil a bit more
4. Blend the soup with a food processor
5. Boil at a medium heat for 15 minutes

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87. What may happen if we do not boil the soup long enough?
1. The vegetables may be burnt.
2. The soup may not be delicious.
3. The remaining water in the soup may not be left.
4. The potato in the soup may still be too hard to blend.
5. The cheddar cheese may not be able to be grated and put in the soup.

88. Based on the recipe, how should the soup be served?

1. With potato 2. With some bread
3. With black pepper 4. With anything you like
5. With green peas on top

Text 3

In serious headaches such as migraines, a standard aspirin does not

usually work well or patients may need to wait for a while before the pill
works its magic. However, scientists have found a new technology
called electronic aspirin that can immediately reduce the pain. How can
5 it do so? Scientists believe that SPG is a facial nerve that is directly
related to the pain. The electronic aspirin is a very small machine that
will be put under the skin in a patient’s mouth on the side of the head
that the patient is most affected by the headache. When the headache
occurs, the patient can push a button on the remote, then, the signal from
10 the machine will be sent to the SPG nerve and reduce the pain.

89. What is the text about?

1. A new technology to prevent migraines
2. A new technology to produce aspirin tablets
3. A new technology in facial nerve operations
4. A new technology to make aspirin pills work faster
5. A new technology to reduce the pain from bad headaches

90. What does “works its magic” (line 3) mean?

1. Reduces the pain 2. Increases the pain
3. Makes the facial nerves 4. Shows something special
5. Works as an electric aspirin

91. What does “it” (line 5) refer to?

1. The pain 2. The problem
3. Aspirin tablet 4. Serious headache
5. Electronic aspirin

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92. What is SPG?

1. Type of aspirin tablets
2. Signal from the machine
3. Type of nerves related to the pain
4. Type of nerves that block the pain
5. Type of medical advancement technology

93. Why is the electronic aspirin better than aspirin tablets?

1. It works faster. 2. It is easier to use.
3. It is much cheaper. 4. It can stop the pain.
5. It makes SPG better.

94. Which of the choices would be the last step to do if a patient wanted to use the
electronic aspirin?
1. See the doctor
2. Take aspirin tablets
3. Have an SPG operation
4. Test the electronic aspirin in the lab
5. Put the electronic aspirin under the skin

Cloze Test (Item 95-100)

Directions: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to fill in the

Elon Musk is one of the most famous inventors, engineers, businessmen, and
explorers in the 95.________ day. He spent his early childhood with his brother and sister
in South Africa. He developed a/an 96.________ in computers when he was 10 and taught
himself how to program. When he was 12, he 97.________ his first game software called
Blaster. He got his degrees 98.________ economics and physics. Now, he is the CEO of
SpaceX and Tesla Motors. He founded SpaceX in 2012 and has made history with
successful rocket innovations so far. SpaceX hopes that it 99.________ the first cargo
missions to Mars in 2022. For Tesla Motors, it 100.________ to be the most valuable U.S.
car maker in April 2017.

95. 1. final 2. early

3. normal 4. present
5. current

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96. 1. chance 2. interest

3. practice 4. question
5. knowledge

97. 1. sell 2. sold

3. to sell 4. selling
5. has sold

98. 1. in 2. on
3. at 4. for
5. with

99. 1. make 2. made

3. to make 4. has made
5. will make

100. 1. announces 2. announced

3. is announced 4. was announced
5. has been announced

“Make sure that you have already filled your NAME - SURNAME and your APPLICATION NUMBER”

Southern English Contest

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