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S t.

Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5700


Subject: English Grade Level: 7

Week No. 2 Dates Covered: March 6, 2023

I. Learning Competencies
CS: The learner demonstrates an understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period
of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to and
viewing of informative and short narrative texts; word relationships and
associations; informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech,
passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and sentence
PS: The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s identity;
comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and
appropriate listening and viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and
feelings through various formats; and enriching written and spoken
communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past
and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.
1. EN7G-III-a-1: Link sentences using logical connectors that signal
chronological and logical sequence and summation.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Connectors (Sequential and Logical)
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation

III. Learning Activities

A. Review
The teacher will ask the students about the topic that was been discussed last
 What was our lesson all about last week?
 What have you learned from the story?
S t. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5700

B. Motivation
The teacher will show different pictures of bridges and ask a question to
 Why do you think we build bridges?

C. Statement of Objectives
1. The students can be able to link sentences using logical connectors that
signal chronological and logical sequence and summation.

A. Discussion
The teacher will discuss what are connectors as well as their usage and
Logical connectors are used to join or connect two ideas that have a particular
relationship. These relationships can be: Chronological (Sequential),
Additional Information, Beginning, Summative/Closure, Adversative.
S t. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5700

Chronological – sequential;
first, then, after that, next,
lastly, when,
since, once, whenever, as soon
as, as long as, by the time,
after, before, since, until, upon,
then, next, after that,
2.) Additional Information – in
addition to, as well as, the same
3.) Beginning – first of all,
primarily, in the beginning, to
start with
S t. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5700

4.) Summative/Closure –
finally, eventually, to top it all,
in conclusion
5.) Adversative – even though,
although, though, in spite of the
while, whereas, where, despite,
in spite of, however,
nevertheless, on the other hand,
in contrast, on the contrary,
Chronological – sequential;
first, then, after that, next,
lastly, when,
S t. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5700

since, once, whenever, as soon

as, as long as, by the time,
after, before, since, until, upon,
then, next, after that,
2.) Additional Information – in
addition to, as well as, the same
3.) Beginning – first of all,
primarily, in the beginning, to
start with
4.) Summative/Closure –
finally, eventually, to top it all,
in conclusion
S t. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5700

5.) Adversative – even though,

although, though, in spite of the
while, whereas, where, despite,
in spite of, however,
nevertheless, on the other hand,
in contrast, on the contrary,
Chronological – sequential;
first, then, after that, next,
lastly, when,
since, once, whenever, as soon
as, as long as, by the time,
S t. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5700

after, before, since, until, upon,

then, next, after that,
2.) Additional Information – in
addition to, as well as, the same
3.) Beginning – first of all,
primarily, in the beginning, to
start with
4.) Summative/Closure –
finally, eventually, to top it all,
in conclusion
5.) Adversative – even though,
although, though, in spite of the
S t. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5700

while, whereas, where, despite,

in spite of, however,
nevertheless, on the other hand,
in contrast, on the contrary,
 Chronological (Sequential): first, then, after that, next, lastly, when,
since, once, whenever, as soon as, as long as, by the time, during, after
before, since, until, upon.
 Additional Information: in addition to, as well as, the same with
 Beginning: first of all, primarily, in the beginning, to start with
 Summative/ Closure: Finally, eventually, to top it all, in conclusion
 Adversative: even though, although, though, in spite of the fact, while,
whereas, where, despite, in spite of, however, nonetheless,
nevertheless, on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary.

Importance of logical connectors:

 Clarify relationships
 Create cohesion
 Convey sequence
 Signal shifts in time or setting
 Show relationships
 Link the major sections of a text

B. Guided Activity
Group It!

For this activity, the students will choose a word connector/ phrase in the table
and classify if it’s Chronological or Summative.

Finally To sum up
First Then
Briefly To top it all
S t. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5700

Next During
Eventually After
Lastly In Conclusion

Answer Key:

Chronological (Sequential) Summative (Closure)

First Finally
Next To sum up
Lastly To top it all
Then In conclusion
During Eventually
After Briefly

A. Individual/ Group Activity
The teacher will give an individual activity to the students. They will
identify and fill in the blanks with word connectors to complete the sentence
of the paragraph. They will choose their answer in the box provided below.

______________, we met at Chapultepec subway and _________ we went to the

museum. It’s a huge place, so ___________ some of us were visiting the Mayan room,
some others were visiting the Aztec one.
_____________ we finished our homework; we all were starving so we went to
have a snack. __________ we all had our homework and had a good time.

First while then When In the end

S t. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5700

B. Abstraction/ Generalization
The teacher will review the topic and ask these questions:
 What are logical connectors?
 What are the importance of logical connectors?

Direction: Identify the word connector/ phrase. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Get the right form first. ______, fill up the form meticulously.
a. Finally
b. However
c. Meanwhile
d. Then
2. We checked all the rooms. _____, we could not find the object.
a. Besides
b. Finally
c. However
d. Moreover
3. Mabel will welcome the guests at the entrance. ______, Siti will help to
lay the food on the table.
a. Besides
b. Eventually
c. Meanwhile
d. Similarly
4. ________ the invention of television, people probably spent more of
their leisure time reading.
a. After
b. Because
c. Before
d. Nevertheless
5. _________ I’m very allergic to flowers, my boyfriend bought a bouquet
of roses.
a. Because
b. Even though
c. Meanwhile
d. Until
6. We didn’t do well in the test ____ it was easy.
a. Although
b. However
c. In spite of
d. Therefore
7. You will do well _____ you study hard.
a. But
b. If
c. Or
S t. Anthony’s College
San Jose de Buenavista, Antique 5700

d. Unless
8. The boys wanted pizza, _______ they looked up the number of Pizza hut.
a. And
b. But
c. For
d. So
9. Students should be quiet during the play, _______ applause at the end is
a. And
b. But
c. For
d. Since
10. Jack wasn’t tired, _______ he took a nap.
a. And
b. for
c. so
d. yet

DIRECTIONS: Now read the same paragraph. As you read, circle any logical connectors that you
While some students would like to choose their own clothes, there are many reasons why students in
public schools should wear a school uniform. First, uniforms save time in the morning. Choosing an outfit can take
time, but putting on a uniform is easy and fast. In addition, uniforms are also less expensive than regular clothing.
An outfit for a student can cost more than sixty dollars, and shoes or accessories can add cost. On the other hand,
the uniforms sold at area stores cost thirty dollars or less. Furthermore, uniforms would reduce the competition in
dress among students. Lastly, some students might not be able to afford popular clothes, and wearing uniforms
would save these students from being embarrassed. Given all of these facts, it is clear that students enrolled in
public schools should be required to wear a school uniform.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Maria Eugenie A. Altar ____________________________

Name and Signature of Teacher Name and Signature of
Principal/ Assistant Principal

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